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File: 286 KB, 1200x960, weed-marijuana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10804709 No.10804709 [Reply] [Original]

Would you keep employing someone who goes out to smoke weed on his break twice a day but still gets his work done well? One of my employees is the biggest pot head I have ever encountered, but also a good worker. A few days ago I got a complaint from the building manager because this dude was hotboxing in his car at 11am. Not sure what to do.

>> No.10804715

Tell him to keep it at home

>> No.10804718

Stab the building manager to death and then turn his skull into a bong.

>> No.10804727
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weekly, supervised piss tests

>> No.10804728

Tell him to find more discreet ways if he has to do it, there are smarter ways to go about the habit.

>> No.10804730

If he can't control his habit at work he's a liability. Atleast fucking make it inconspicuous.

>> No.10804731

Kiss another man and then throw your cellphone into a lake

>> No.10804734

If he does his job and doesn't negatively impact anyone else leave him be. Just tell him to be more discreet with consumption

>> No.10804735

Tell him to quit weed and get on the monster zero ultras

>> No.10804743
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>> No.10804751

bad idea. if he is a stoner and you make him cut back you're gonna have a pissed off worker who performs poorly for at least a month. level with him and tell him to be more discreet, go further away, use a dab pen or something etc. if he doesn't appreciate your honesty and being chill with his habit, then you have a problem

>> No.10804752

If it is legal to drink coffe which is a kind of soft metha-amphetamine..
If people smoke cigs 5-8 a day times 5 minutes and its totally unproducitive?
There is a movement that say u should be even able to drink sodabeer low on %..
I guess, if he is getting his shit done?
I have few engineering friends: it networks, automotive and they r really good from what ive heared..smoking.om daily basics..

>> No.10804754

Of course.
But in most cases smoking weed can disrupt work and lead to severe disasters.

>> No.10804775

This. It's nice he "gets his work done well" but it's obvious he's a liability. Not sure what company you're with but imagine a client coming and seeing him in his car, then walking into the office and being able to smell the weed on him.

I say talk to him about it. Have a little meeting and be straightfoward. Tell him you're sorry but you receieved a report (don't say who) explaining that he was smoking marijuanna in his car and it's jist not acceptable here. Tell him not to it again. Don't threaten him or anything. Jist tell him not to do it again. If he does it again start the consequences and eventual firing for behavior.

>> No.10804785

Tell him to get a Mighty vaporiser. Those things are fucking amazing.

>> No.10804791

>then you have a pissed off worker
Not OP's problem. If the guy can't follow simple instructions without resentment then he shouldn't be working there. It's ridiculous to make OP walk on eggshells for this guy and unfortunate that OP will probably have to use more time and resources finding someone new but if the guy can't follow simple instructions regarding a complaint then OP won't have any other choice.

>> No.10804805

if it's legal where you are and he isn't putting himself or anyone in any danger, and is completing his work effectively, and isn't breaking any company policy, then I don't see why you'd fire him

I've had guys work for me in the past who had little quirks or some undesirable habits - one guy showed up habitually late by like 2-5 minutes a day (nothing extreme) and for awhile I had other employees constantly complaining "so-and-so has been late every day this week!!!!" but the thing is, the guy was the best employee I had, he'd also stay late and work through breaks, so it's not like he was last in, first out or something, for whatever reason he just sucked at showing up right on time. I kept him there for about 5 years before I sold the company and he remained one of the best employees I've ever known.

People can get too hung up on their gut feeling towards something, or become a stickler for unnecessay rules and regulations.

>> No.10804808

look at this fucking faggot
why does fucking weed make you a liability
legit my brain is legit more fucking productive being high than being sober.
I remember being high as shit at work and I would finish shit in a breeze

>> No.10804816

tell him to be more discreet because of complaints. escalate if he can't be discreet. if he isn't doing anything wrong or dangerous, there's need to seriously interrupt his brain chemistry to appease some random boomer

>> No.10804818

Depends on the work, if he can endanger others then yes fire. If it isn't a dangerous profession but he gets his job done with quality then I'd personally let it slide. I imagine i'm one in few who would.

>> No.10804825

no need*

>> No.10804828

i bet you have a stick up your ass all the time you fucking faggot. you should probably smoke a joint you uptight faggot

>> No.10804832

On the other side, anything weed attracts cops (dealing and possession is #1 cause for incarceration). I would issue a last warning. But I'm not american, maybe, things are different now.

>> No.10804833

The obvious Q. - What type of business and what is his job.

>> No.10804836

Wonderful and I agree people blow things all of proportion, but in the working world client perception is all that matters. If there's even the slightest chance that this guy's habits will significantly impact the company then he is, by definition, a liability.

Whether or not the guy is actually impaired while working is irrelevent. I agree with you he's probably a great worker and maybe even better when stoned.

>> No.10804841

Not my fault that's the way rich people in suits view the world. If nobody cared I'd say let him smoke all he wants.

>> No.10804842

yes. I knew a guy who used to drink a 40 and smoke two joints in his morning break. he worked in a high risk enviroment and was one of the best employees.

>> No.10804848

Why when you already know he smokes?>>10804709
I would not care as long as he does during break and off premise (depending on the law). If he gets the job done I don't see a reason to change that and risk having to fill the position with someone that can't.

>> No.10804850

Imagine a workplace where literally everyone is stoned and is "getting their work done". You'd have to be dreaming to think that no one is going to fuck things up.

>> No.10804851

Yeah, if he earns a profit for my company and does a good job i don't care. I'm here to make money not to babysit

>> No.10804852

hell yeah

>> No.10804856

I employ a girl who is on paper the worst fucking employee you could ask for .
>on benefits
>single mom
>massive pothead
>health issues

But she works well, in fact not only well she does a damb good job and performs tasks more meticulously and with more attention to detail than me. She also works fast and most important of all she is somewhat flexible when i ask her to come in and do shit.

If i started being a dickhead of a boss just because that's what i think a boss should be, I'm just going to get an employee that won't give a shit about the work.

Tell your employee that you know that he smokes and that you accept it because they work well (use it as a chance to give positive feedback, you also come across as understanding) but that they have to be more discreet about their habit because it would affect the company badly (don't make it about you).

On a sidenote, keeping a pothead as an employee will keep their aspirations nice and low and so they are less likely to leave.
>my job sucks sometimes but my boss is pretty chill and i can blaze as much as i like as long as i get the work done so i won't leave them

>> No.10804855

also tell him to buy a dry herb vape if you dont want some guy downstairs smoking the place up.

>> No.10804864

the only not gay option

>> No.10804871

well im not a fucking retard.
there's certain people who are braindead as shit when they get high
one of of my close friends gets super fucking slow when he's high
but for me, It just sort of relaxes me and just makes me focused

>> No.10804872

Lol just email him this thread with a smiley emoji or something and post results. This isn't /adv/ or fucking reddit you know what we're here for OP.

>> No.10804880


What's the issue?

I don't take it myself, but I also don't smoke cigarettes. If employees are entitled to smoke breaks why can't he be? If it was a cigarette would that be okay?

If it doesn't impact job performance among anyone including himself, keep him happy... because doing the opposite will impact job performance guaranteed

>> No.10804881

also all my coworkers were normie faggots so I legit just smoke wax from my dab pen and just do work and not talk.

>> No.10804890

Weed smells worse than ciggarrettes. That's my only reasoning here. If a client sees a worker smoking weed, he's more likely to form a negative impression than if he sees a worker smoking cigs. That's it.

>> No.10804896


>> No.10804903


If he really is your best employee then it's important to talk to him like a human being. Tell him that perception of hotboxing in the car no matter how awesome they looks like shit.

Get a dab pen.

>> No.10804909

Thanks. Works for me every single time. Protip: Use extra tongue

>> No.10804919

He is a functioning addict-it’ll fall apart eventually.

>> No.10804926

tell him to buy vaporizer

>> No.10804948
File: 178 KB, 500x337, A824DD20-3C25-4DF6-BFF7-5D1D173EEE57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join him and make car hotbox a daily thing

>> No.10805001

On weed? This is what makes right-wing brainlets look retarded for the rest of us.

>> No.10805029

You realize that OP is making the thread because they don't want to lose the particular worker? Otherwise he would've sent him home already

>> No.10805089

there is not a single municipality where consumption of marijuana in is legal outside of a private residence/designated area, and certainly not in a vehicle.

>> No.10805119

>can't go 4 hours without a smoke
>not an addict
i live in a legal state and smoke every single day but this is the dumbest stoner shit, "muh weed isn't addictive hurr durr" i've been addicted to xan, coke, tramadol, nicotine and weed - while the withdrawals from weed aren't as physically intense as opiates or benzos doesn't mean it's not addictive. Personally I've been able to kick every habit except weed, and whenever I take a break I can't eat without getting nausea.

Say it with me:
you can be a weed addict

>> No.10805124

Regardless of his job performance, he’s doing his job while impaired. They’re called workplace “accidents” for a reason, it only takes one slip up to expose yourself to a ton of liability, especially if you are aware of him being impaired at work. MAYBE he could spin some bullshit about needing it medically and that would be ok, but even then it would depend on the job (driving or operating machinery is a big no no)

It’s shitty but it’s the same thing with alcoholics and drinking on the job. Functioning alcoholics can definitely be more productive while drunk, but it only takes one slip up to fuck everyone.

>> No.10805242
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what is this the fucking stone ages? get over yourself. what he does on his own time is his own business.

>> No.10805319

tell him to be more discreet about it

>> No.10805434

Best answer

>> No.10805481

under influence of weed you usually drive safer.

>> No.10805482

Can't believe it took this long to get asked. If it's an office job it doesn't fucking matter. If it involves heavy equipment or heights or other dangerous shit, the guy needs to fucking go.

>> No.10805488
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>but still gets his work done well?
Answered your own question.

>> No.10805521

I second this, then hotbox with him in a car.

>> No.10805537

If hes such a pothead, then he is used to it, and it doesnt really get him high for long neither is it so strong if someone smoked who is not used to weed as much as him. Im a pothead aswell and after some time it doesnt get you so high that you cant do nothing or are to high to be effective. Leave him be a pothead, he needs money for weed, and he needs your job therefore will be more efffective at it so he doesnt get fired.

>> No.10805703

lol what
cig smoke makes me wanna puke but idc about the smell of weed

>> No.10805837

Fire his ass, degenerates are a time bomb

>> No.10805880

This is the only reasonable answer.

>> No.10805921

depends on state, he can get oil and use it in a vape pen, it is essentially undetectable

>> No.10805943

Certainly not. I run my own company and I only hire the most inept workers I can find. So long as they get to work on time and follow the dress code, I'm happy. Of course I also utilize compulsory weekly drug tests and penis inspection. It can get expensive and it interrupts work, but it's still worth it.

>> No.10805978

No, im not going to get my place of business raided by the authorities to look for drugs.

If he smokes at home, idc as long as there are no hazards at work. If i had heavy machinery id fire him as soon as i found out he smokes regularly. Same if i found out an employee was an alcoholic.

>> No.10806051

Just talk with him. Tell him that he has been seen hotboxing in his car.

You don't want him to do this here.
The others employees arent drinking alcohol at work either.

He will understand the comparsion and leave his weed at home.

>> No.10806102

This. Also be sure to stare, without flinching, directly at his penis the whole time.

>> No.10806199

Im going on 12 years strong as a high functioning addict. Might get promoted again. I keep usage in check for the most part. Being sober is so fucking boring that I think I'd off myself in a world devoid from mind altering substances. I have brain cells to spare and aside from biznessmen, this world's pretty much rejected me. I recently got an invite to chad and stacey's housewarming party though, so theres that.

>> No.10806223

I'm a daily heavy smoker but
I understand that my actions can have a negative impact on shit.

It dosent matter if me or my boss or employees think it's cool and alright for me to smoke weed. But when I fuck up and crash a company vehicle they are gonna be damned sure to check my blood for any impurities.
And that could mean the difference in your insurance paying out or not.

We think it's fine, but some of the services we need for our business could be cut off and there you have a liability issue.

Fuck you for being an ignorant pot head.
You or one of your friends is going to learn a VERY expensive lesson if your not careful.

>> No.10806299

Tell him to use a vaporizer/smoke discreetly and use Clear eyes to stop the tell tale red eyes infront of customers

>> No.10806305

Drugs at work = instant fire. Simply no reason to take on that risk when there are plenty of people who could do the same job without it.

>> No.10806312

Imagine not being able to enjoy life without fucking with your brain's wiring. I really don't envy you my dude.

>> No.10806320


>> No.10806345

Yeah, I would trade being a normalfag some days. Others, not so much. I've done the fit thing, the travel thing and all the other things that are supposed to get you jazzed about being alive, but in the end, the best way to find a reason to go on seems to be at the bottom of a bottle or inside a cloud of vapor.

>> No.10806349

REALLY depends on the work your doing.
If this is programming or a dead end job I am fine with people using because weed can be helpful in some cases for different reasons but shouldn't be used if the situation could severely harm others

>> No.10806360


>> No.10806409


You know that it's really hard to have a business mostly because of the employes, right? You really have to walk on eggshells. It's really hard to find A GOOD employe who does things well.

>> No.10806411

Have you tried searching beyond hedonistic/material pleasures? Not trying to be a self-righteous douchebag here because I'm far from perfect myself, but God, family, and ambitions to explore/create are what have driven civilization forward since the beginning of time.

>> No.10806463


What you should realize it's that being sober after 2 weeks without using drugs it's not what being sober really feels like. You would have to stay without weed at least three months to fully clean it of your system.

I know it's hard cos i used to be just like you and now i'm trying to get rid of it and IT'S HARD. Some times i'm really sad but i know that i will be glad for this choice in the future. I occupy my mind with studies and working hard to get what i want in my life. Surfing helps me a lot.

>> No.10806504

since he's black, you should obviously keep him employed.

>> No.10806527

>why does fucking weed make you a liability
This is bait.

>> No.10806532

Ignore the retards; this is how it needs to be addressed.
t. management boomer who smokes dope, but not at work

>> No.10806540

maybe suggest a vape so he doesn't reek of weed all day

>> No.10806546

/thread and inec

>> No.10806558

seriously though op some people are very high level functioning potheads. just do a cost benefit analysis on him and if hes producing why does it matter.

>> No.10806573
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>> No.10806618

My pursuit of non hedonistic ventures have contributed to my uptick in usage.
I don't get to see em. See current divorce outcomes for men
>wifey/life partner
she was too insufferable to live with. I picked the wrong one granted, but being single has taught me that the right ones are so rare and so highly sought after that why try.
Life's a big shit sandwich, I'd rather laugh at it all and get fucked up.

>> No.10806630

Woodworking and general >>>/out shit is about the only thing that has always worked for the sober times.

>> No.10806670


>> No.10806701

>what he does on his own time
this has to be a meme right

>> No.10806702

I work in a .net development setting where, not myself, but I know frequently that multiple of our higher ranking coders and some team leads smoke the reefer during smoke breaks.
I know that they have been reported by building management once, and the CEO (rather small company of 45, not too uncommon for CEO to get involved with simple issues) rather than fire them, just told them that this is the last he wants to hear about it, and they need to be more discrete at work to smoke. I'd say that this makes sense more than telling to stop, but with that being said, being stoned probably helps at this job and I'm not sure what field you're in

>> No.10806712

I know we have cokeheads and potheads at my workplace but we are just an office

>> No.10806727

Damn anon you might just be my spirit animal

>> No.10806735

I personally don’t give a fuck if people are high as long as they get their job done adequately and aren’t blatantly obvious about it, but as management you need to at least address it (and document that you have) to cover your own ass. This is the reality of the situation.

>> No.10806752

I used to do that when i was working for ebay the first month everyday. But then i stopped for some reason and my job started going down. I was performing so well when i used to smoke especially in the mornings that ppl were assigned to ask me about how shit works and for permission for certain stuff.
Then everything went downhill.
It was also very comfy smoking dope and working late so i can work less the upcoming days. Almost empty office with a few potheads around , chill ,talk , smoke weed and eat junkfood while doing the job and then taking the friday off.

>> No.10806784

Can I just crack a beer open and drink it at my desk while I work? I get my job done

Beer is perfectly legal

>> No.10806843

It depends on what sort of business you run.
Is he easily replaceable?
Does it impact your ability to attract customers?
Is he better than the average person?

Usually I look past personal preferences when it comes to my business, but all my workers exept for 2 work behind door which means my clients are never In contact with them.
I have fired drug users who turn up late for work or can’t perform because they’re high, and I have people who I have caught high while at work which in this line of work is unacceptable.
I have a guy who smokes weed on his way out from work, which idgf about, despite getting a complaint from the company that manages the industrial lot, then I just talked to him and told him to smoke after he is out of the property and that was it.

Ask urself these questions, if you can replace him and he is not any better than the rest then there is no point in keeping a possible liability specially if he could impact your business, it’s a no brained if clients are in contact with ur workers/him, doesn’t matter how open you are or how open you think ur clients might be, drug use in the workplace reeks of unprofessionalism

>> No.10807024

You have a pschological dependence problem aka addictive personallity.

>> No.10807033

If he does it during work hours, no I would not employ him. Outside of work, that’s his own time and I don’t care.

>> No.10807114

just read the op, cant be fucked reading any of the thread
tell him hes a solid worker but he will lose his job regardless if he cant keep it more discreet. Tell him to get a sploof or a vape or some such shit and not hot box his car at work lmao

>> No.10807117

You are addicted to weed in the same way a person who always watches tv while he eats can’t enjoy food without watching tv.

I smoked weed for 3 years every single day, when I woke up, and before I went to bed, before every meal, living neet life to its fullest when I had to quit cold turkey I lost weight and struggled to sleep but with busy days and a routine I was fine a couple weeks after.
Your body is used to the “benefits” of weed but not addicted to the substances in it.

>> No.10807208

based and bloodpilled

>> No.10807464

the mental gymnastics of normies, JUST

>> No.10807643

Go up to him, address the "Suspicious smoke", as if you don't know what it is. Tell him that he needs to smoke more secretively.

>> No.10808041

Let him smoke you puritan piece of shit

>> No.10808052
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pretty much this. tell him to use an oil vape pen during the day and he can smoke his grass at night.

>> No.10808544
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>Exchange capital for labor.
>Laborer labors well.
>Punish laborer for labor coping escapism.
>Laborer no longer labors well.

Gee that was such a tough decision.

>> No.10808563

I don't smoke regularly but I've done some of my best work high, and I have a colleague who is high every day and fully functional. He smokes bc of IBS but at this point he's definitely just addicted. Doesn't seem to affect his productivity negatively at all.

>> No.10808761

You can add alcohol to that list.

>> No.10808790

Just tell him to keep it low key, that's all.

However, if you're a sociopath/psychopath, which you're probably not otherwise you wouldn't be asking here, the you can use this opportunity as an edge over your guy. You can manipulate him with this.

I think you're just asking us permission for you to run your business how you want to run it. Just fucking do what you want faggot. Jesus christ you s 0 y c u c k

>> No.10808805

lmfao how the fuck do you get addicted to tramadol or nicotine hahaha you literally can't

>> No.10808810

Tell him to get a vape and smoke that instead.

>> No.10808823

Look at all these posters living in cuck land. Weed is legal here man do whatever you want...it’s all goods.........

>> No.10808836

Well would you rather lose an employee or a client?

>> No.10808844

What kind of job does he do, think about liability. I know it's gay as fuck, but if there ever happen an accident by him. And they know you allowed his drug use during the job you will be reliable.

In this case confront him about the complaint. Tell him he can't smoke weed during the job. Let him take a piss test a few weeks from now where he scored clean. Then tell him he just should vape and do oils.

>> No.10808856

I would be quite a hypocrite if I didn't considering that I blaze st work quite regularly. Also udosing LSD every now and then

>> No.10808858

from business perspective you should give him promotion

>> No.10808891

depends on where you work anon

>> No.10808900

I laughed really fucking hard

>> No.10808944

Tramadol is so trash

>> No.10808954

I literally vape oil all day and get all my work done. Come at me faggot

>> No.10808958

This nigga got dub dubs and doesn't know what reliable means

>> No.10809007

> you cannot trust a junkie.
where did I heard this?

>> No.10809155
File: 80 KB, 750x597, AE890C67-7592-40C6-BD51-D2F525F24A21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this happen everytime? Where does this defensiveness come from and why is it so instant?

>> No.10809244

weed = higher estrogen levels (thats why girls get horny when they smoke), it turns you into a woman, thats why (((they))) are pushing it.
you become an emotional little bitch.

>> No.10809327

So long as the job wasn't dangerous I'd tell him to get a vape or the big boss would have him fired. Just be frank with the guy. He might get depressed and quit if he straight up can't smoke at work. If it's a joe job who could blame him desu

>> No.10809356

IIRC, "never trust a junkie" came from the 70s and dealed more with heroin than weed.

OP, as far as weed. If office job, ask him to get a vape pen (best option) or at least true a smoke buddy. Still some smell, but less.

Alternatively, edibles are a good option for those who tolerate them well.

The person above who mentioned to make it about the company, and not oneself, while being understanding is a good approach.

Just like the guy above, I used to be 5-15 minutes late to my job every day, but worked through most breaks and stayed late. My being late was an annoyance, but I more than repaid it IMO.

>> No.10809366

Doesn't happen to me when people say no to me. I enjoy it and understand there are good and bad parts to it.

>> No.10809387

What line of work OP? If the guy is a programmer and does efficient work, let him be.

If you work in construction, health care, or any situation where you may be liable, then he needs to go.

>> No.10809429

How much weed did you smoke before writing this post?

>> No.10809502

Whoever made this graphic has no idea what weed is.

>> No.10809544

Why can't you just wait until you are off work to smoke weed?

>> No.10809551
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this? isnt it more enjoyable to smoke after a long day of wagekekking than actually smoking on the job?

>> No.10809719

Kek the irony of people being whiny little girls over weed talking about weed turning people into whiny little girls.

No thanks you faggot, I’ll fuck with anyone in person to their face and stand my ground and I smile weed every ducking day. Own my own business and starting a couple others.

Lazy people and faggots will always be lazy and faggot, was always in them. Weed didn’t do shit.

>> No.10810484

How the hell can you work while high? I can barely comprehend what's going on around me when I am high. I can only get my hands on Hasch, is it much different from weed?

>> No.10810513

I think people that work high are either daily tokers (high tolerance) or work jobs doing menial tasks.

>> No.10810618
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No, YOU can be a weed addict.

Only the weakest of weak would claim this.

>> No.10810636

If the guy would keep that shit under wraps and not be so fucking obvious to the building manager, then no problem. Maybe he can get a vape pen, be a little more discreet.

>> No.10810651

It depends on how you enjoy or use weed.
When smoking recreationally, yes of course it's better to smoke after work, and you will be impaired if you smoke while working.
But when you start to smoke joints like cigarettes, the impairment isn't really noticable. You do get into a different mindset, I'm not saying you're sober, and might get high from the first smoke in the morning for half an hour, but then it's just business as usual, and it usually won't matter if you go smoke 2 or 3 more times than usual, the "high" won't change.

>> No.10810659

also, yes. Addiction basically always begins psychologically and not with a bodily addiction

>> No.10811208

And lick your lips while doing it.

>> No.10811236

regardless of if you think weed addiction is real i doubt he can concentrate without it so yeah talk to him buy him a vape or some shit to calm the builder manager down and be glad you have a good worker.

>> No.10811691

This reads like something a kid in highschool would say. Go back to stocking shelves potboy.

>muh disgruntled worker

He can either suck it up or get fired.

>> No.10812512


tell him to keep it more discreet

end of story.

>> No.10812538


I've never had a pot head react like this whenever I refused to take a hit of a joint or bong

overdramatic much?

>> No.10812611

Used to be you could have a drink at lunch, now it's frowned upon, even in upper management.

The only important consideration is what your supervisor expects you to do. If you don't know, pass it along to them, expecting the employee to be fired. Or, pretend you're unaware of it, and cover your ass, because if their drug use causes issues down the line, your ass is on the line.

Welcome to management. Most people toe the company line with issues like this, to CYA.

What I would do: take employee to lunch, off the company grounds. "Dude, you're fucking me up here. I don't care if you take a toke at breaks, but building management is up my ass. Be smart. i have to fire you, you know that, right? You're putting me in a bad position here."

This employee will now take a bullet for you, if they're any good. If they spit in your face over it, you know what to do now.

>> No.10812767

You faggots would make terrible managers. My way or the highway only works when the worker is expendable. If you read OPs post he is clearly not.

>> No.10812796

Stoners are chill when you refuse a hit, Drunks will get pissed at you if you don't drink. It's dumb af

>> No.10812833

Tell him to be discrete but let him smoke if he's productive, you take away the smoke and he'll be miserable and loose morale

>> No.10812916

smoking a cigarette on break is equivalent to smkoing a joint on brake prove me wrong

>> No.10812981
File: 27 KB, 600x600, 0e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek do this one op

>> No.10813007
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holy shit are you retarded?

>> No.10813020

I've never met anyone that actually acts anything like this

>> No.10813051

I smoke hella weed but I would not make that equivalence. Cigarette smoke so go out to scratch an itch, and nicotine barely makes me feel any different compared to getting high. Going out for weed breaks is like going out for alcohol breaks: only on casual Friday.

>> No.10813315

Blackmail free weed of him

>> No.10813325

this edible it up or vape pen
smoking grass leaves a scent on you that can be off putting to people who aren't into it

>> No.10813363

I woke up to my bong tipped over right next to laptop, blanket soaked up most of the water fucking bitch

>> No.10813458

Lol no. Marijuana is a sheduel 1 narcotic According to the dealership so you wouldn't want that in your place of business plus anyone who has that poor self control or disregard for the rules, marijuana just the top of the iceberg. To be honest

>> No.10813661

Functional stoners are just pussys, anyone smoking during breaks would be twice as productive if they quit that so nah I wouldn't allow it.

>> No.10813716

If it's your decision, then it's your call. If he's a stoner and good worker, then you have a rare breed on your hands. Just ask him to be more discreet, and tell him why. He'll be reasonable about it, and probably drive far enough away so it isn't a problem, or figure it out some other way.

I'm sure he wants to keep the perks of being high at work and feel like a valuable member of the team. I'm sure he'll work with you.

>> No.10813797

>Tell your employee that you know that he smokes and that you accept it because they work well (use it as a chance to give positive feedback, you also come across as understanding) but that they have to be more discreet about their habit because it would affect the company badly (don't make it about you).
this is good desu

>> No.10813855
File: 34 KB, 630x555, know_your_rights.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell him someone spotted a homeless guy smoking weed in his car, and that he should lock it.

bonus points if their are no homeless where you live

>> No.10813945

yep, this guy knows the deal. recognize in his proposed solution he took the employee off company grounds, talk to him over a disarming lunch and let him know the consequences he could/can face if youre not having this meeting right now. the employee will take a bullet for you much like the poster said.

>> No.10814572


Unironically this.