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File: 372 KB, 720x788, 1506785066756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10804009 No.10804009[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I browse it all the time and I also hold sime monero. If you don't browse pol explain why. I'm just curious why so many people hang out here when there's literally never anything new to talk about in cryptos and only subhumans and shitskins post here.

>> No.10804023

because it's too fast and full of shit posting retards and bots spamming copy pasta?

>> No.10804025

>If you don't browse pol explain why.
Because it's full of brown men, edgy zoomers, legitimate schizophrenics, and actual boomers who came here from reddit.

>> No.10804046

>what is the catalog

>> No.10804064

catalog is no fun
I like to see the last few posts of a thread to see the direction it's taken and what's actually being discussed at the time

>> No.10804088
File: 38 KB, 418x467, cat_comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after we memed Trump into office....many came here to try and bet money with our memes......

>> No.10804099

This with the edgelords and statistic posters you can smell the lack of self awareness and virginity from a mile away

>> No.10804107

I know I'm a giant pussy but /pol/ depresses me a lot and makes me feel so hopeless. It's just unrelenting dread constantly, got me really interested in researching about human/child trafficking. Been on that subject obsessively for years now. Anytime I browse there I get filled with constant negative thoughts. Now I need to justify ignoring all the bad things that happen in order to be happy, but because I know it goes on and I'm purposely keeping myself in the dark it's impossible to be happy.

>> No.10804110
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>If you don't browse pol explain why.

>> No.10804115

I can smell your anger about Trump winning from here

>> No.10804118

Because /pol/ is a containment board.

>> No.10804120

it's a dark hole to dive down anon and very few people make it through to the other side with their sanity still intact
best or luck my friend

>> No.10804127

/pol/ is the shittiest board there is. Bunch of retards calling themselves redpilled because they yell at niggers and Jews in low effort threads.

>> No.10804135
File: 1.94 MB, 3470x2306, Reagan copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a boomer

>> No.10804136

This. But it does really bad job at it. /pol/tards are seeping everywhere, especially on my beloved /v/. Can't I discuss video games in silence? I hate you as much as SJWs.

>> No.10804140

why do newfags keeps dissing /pol/? Its obvious you dont know shit about 4chan history
why do you think anyone is falling for your false flags?

>> No.10804143

Because its literally the worst board

Go back and stay there

>> No.10804144

I would rip my fingers off before arguing with those brainlets, both nazis and commies should be buried alive together, authoritarians are all the same.

>> No.10804154

pol has no part of 4chan history... well kinda, it's the point where everything went downhill
moot should have kept news deleted and never created pol for the screeching reverse sjw faggots

>> No.10804155

>muh everything is a false flag

Is it really that hard to imagine that most people can't stand your cancer? Do you also believe women are out to get you when they reject your advances?

>> No.10804160

seems more like tumblrfags cant handle the word kike and nigger so they screech about /pol/ on other boards

>> No.10804164

stay mad :) remember that trump won and he will win a second term

>> No.10804179


>> No.10804185

more like people on other boards don't like you refugees shitting up places you don't belong
polfags and 4chan are literal Muslims sneaking into europe. you can't deny it.

>> No.10804189

no one cares about kike or nigger, you fags are legit annoying, literally eyesores on an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.10804193

Make a thread to discus something and everyone who hates it will join in. Thats just how things work who cares.
People hate /pol/ either because what it is (they are leftwing) or what it has become (shitposts boomertier loving Israel).
It doesn't even matter though since nearly every board besides /co/ are of a majority /pol/ opinion now. Or at least what /pol/ used to be.

>> No.10804206

For the record, I dont use pol, I only am speaking the truth from what I notice on other boards

People that complain about pol are newfaggot retards, probably from leftypol themselves. This isnt your safespace and never has been, if you didnt notice nigger

>> No.10804243

People are tired of you losers spamming nigger everywhere. Can't have a halfway decent conversation anymore. Don't pretend it's "4chan history".

>> No.10804266

Man, eff all these JIDF and commies. I used to spout "poltard! poltard! get out!" too. Then I looked at the truth. It must be known, if we don't we are continuing our path towards destruction.

>> No.10804268

go back to India tumblr bitch :) nobody cares about you

I DO NOT see excessive pol propaganda, I only see infinitychan propaganda on biz and elsewhere

>> No.10804282

election trash fags who came here in 2016 from reddit and Facebook think they are actually welcome

>> No.10804294

This. Pisses me off that poltards think 4chan was always an alt-right board and they have some sort of legitimation to post their crap elsewheread well. Stay in your shithole.

>> No.10804322

Let me quote one of the signs at the White House protests for you: TICK TOCK MOTHERFUCKER

>> No.10804402


>> No.10804436

because /pol/ is fucking pleb tier and now you start shitting up this board as well with this useless thread.

>> No.10804441

>he doesn't realize that most anons scan 4chan for useful information and /pol/ is legit garbage useless data

>> No.10804456
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>4chan history

>> No.10804598

I'm not American you dunce

>> No.10804697
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As if socialist-cucks the world over arent mad.

>> No.10804750

Remember when athiest fags were all the rage on 4chan? /pol/ is the 2018 equivalent.

>> No.10804755

Think of the future world without trafficking and let that be your happiness.

>> No.10804761
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>> No.10804772

Because I find any ideology that is framed around accepting no personal responsibility for anything, and externalising every problem onto other groups, to be mundane and completely lacking in insight. It's exactly the same as shrieking SJWs who blame everything on muh patriarchy. It is ideologically moribund.

>> No.10804799

Old/pol/ here.
/pol/ was never good but it's way worse >>10804009
since 2016, it's flooded by shills, shitskins (especially from canada/us) and zoomers with ADD, the moderation has been completely compromised and threads like lit/pol/ and /sig/ are moved to /bant/ while BBC thread remain for 200+ post. OP with more than 2 lines never get any reply while the most obvious and unoriginal baits are fed to the top.

The biggest sign of /pol/ decline however comes from the content, it used to be a fertile place in memes but everything is stale now, 90% of posters never post a pic so I'm not surprised there isn't any good OC.
/pol/ is the new new/b/.

>> No.10804869
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I speak the saddest words of tongue and pen, now I know /pol/ was right again.

>> No.10804933

>only subhumans and shitskins post here.
nucoiners (you) overuse the pajeet meme. shilling was an integral part of /biz/ before they actually showed up.

not every shill post about a coin you don't own is by a paid discord pajeet. USE FILTERS.

>> No.10805267

Because politics have a direct influence on business

>> No.10805314

pol is literally r_thedonald

>> No.10805339

I stopped browsing Pol because once you know some things it gets boring to have to argue and reargue the same tired points to the constant inflow of newfags that refuse to read books.

>> No.10805380
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>there see people who actually believe that

>> No.10805396

THIS, they ruined /pol/. /pol/ needs kneepads ffs

>> No.10805398

/pol/ is literally the new /b/, if you didn't outgrow that shit in 2017 than you are lost. Going on /pol/ a lot is not good for your mental health and you will develop a jaded world view and people will look down on you. If you wanna be right wing, keep that shit to yourself. Nobody cares if you hate niggers.

>> No.10805433
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I overdosed on redpills.

>> No.10805455
File: 81 KB, 1023x513, 1529165827002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I dont use pol
all that concern

>I only am speaking the truth
have you considered that you don't know the truth?
it's an objective fact /pol/ is a containment board just like /mlp/ and /s4s/.
oddly enough, you could make the exact same "safe space" argument to "justify" why we should be inundated with pictures of ponies and spiderman on every board at all times.

>newfaggot retards
you showed up to 4chan with the rest of your magapedes in late 2015 and now you're an oldfag amirite?

>> No.10805459

Fuck off newfag. /pol/ ruined 4chan. The incel problem has just gotten worse and worse over the years.

>> No.10805503
File: 1002 KB, 250x251, 1534307207598.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is the catalog
>What is sorting by Bump order
Go back to Facebook grandpa.

>> No.10805574
File: 70 KB, 1024x797, 3CD437D5-F184-49D0-9724-943D360A63F3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stopped browsing /pol/ in early 2017, after the great memewar it seemed like my duty was done and that I had to move on because there was nothing new to learn there (after spending every day there since it got created), I seen how deep the rabbit hole goes.
I found my new home here at /biz/ when I followed the signs that kek showed me.

>> No.10805618

>new to learn there
>great meme war
Its funny because you think you did anything other than post frogs on a website full of fat people and kikes.
Get saved, tomorrow is not promised

>> No.10805672

Careful now with your words or else meme magic will make you a cripple or just simply kill you.
Either praise him or die.

>> No.10805756

muh false flag

holy shit kys you filthy newfag

>> No.10805836
File: 129 KB, 512x720, jewnited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We /pol/acks are on most boards.

>> No.10805842
File: 162 KB, 1199x776, lolbertardianism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, it was a lolbertardian site until we saved it.

>> No.10805927

Their 'redpills', for the most part, are common knowledge to most normies anyway. Normies just want an easy life and don't sperg out over it all.

>> No.10805985

>browsing /pol/ unironically
Lmfao @ your stupid ass

>> No.10806013

You're all philistine trash.

>> No.10806023

/pol/ is filled with too many Low-IQ boomers now. I know people who get emails from their grandma about Qanon and 8/pol/ (I'm not fucking joking). Anyone born before 1970 has a decent chance of having a sub-85 IQ due to lead levels in the atmosphere and children's toys. Do your own research on this. Crime levels dropped significantly as lead levels dropped.

Boomers are literally retarded due to lead poisoning and they've fucking flooded /pol/. I only go on it for very specific threads now. That being said, I try to visit /pol/ a decent amount just to stay informed. The International Jew moves quickly and any bizraeli should keep track of the nose.

>> No.10806029

I forgot to mention as much as I love you guys, everyone on /pol/ is tech illiterate. Just try going in 1 crypto thread. It makes /biz/ look like Richard Stallman.

>> No.10806067

>hurr false flag durr

Literal edgy 16yo who killed the board. You really need to fuck off for good.

>> No.10806079

They told me the same thing about DMT

>> No.10806108

yep, use this...


inb4 malware. its not malware.

>> No.10806202


I didn't got back to this chan /pol/ for a long time. Then I got bored, realised that every shitpost means it's now acting as a tarbaby for whichever Shareblue or Hasbara (etc) scum to expend millions of dollars and man hours on. So I just went back to shitposting there again as every minute they spend is a minute their cancer isn't somewhere else. Hey, they want to actively feed the trolls, only too happy to oblige and REEEEEEEEE about "gas the kikes, race war now" just to piss em off.

>> No.10806231

>If you don't browse pol explain why.
Because I fucking hate """"discussing"""" politics. Even in places other than /pol/ people immediately get assblasted and start insulting you if you don't immediately agree with them, on /pol/ you get that, along with a side of NIGGERNIGGERJEWSKEKS. Shit is fucking obnoxious.

>> No.10806245
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Yeah, this is irritating. /Nu-pol/ is mostly terrible with tech, pic related is a large part of it. /oldpol/ mostly migrated of course. 4/biz/ didn't though, not sure why since 8/biz/ is blissfully free of pajeets and general shills. Sadly empty of threads too.

>> No.10806280
File: 923 KB, 740x900, 719574F6-4983-4CAC-9E6F-EA827A2826C2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I browsed /Pol/ for years after you learn and research about the JQ and all that it entails what good does it serve to sit there and constantly be exposed to articles about kikes, niggers, shitty women, anti white bullshit, the elite and other areas you can’t do anything about? It just makes you pissed off everyday. Maybe once a month there would be a good thread about some abstract theories or esoteric stuff but it’s mostly the same nigger, Jew or woman hate threads day after day. It takes a toll on your psyche and honestly I’m noticing 4chan and social media in general is negatively effecting my thought patterns by constantly reminding me how shitty women are and that unless you have 10 million dollars, fuck models daily and are over 6’ 3” you are destined to be a lame loser that will get cucked no matter what. I need a break from the internet I think this shit put me in a serious funk
The last month.

>> No.10806310


Because I fucking hate /pol/ and I hate all /pol/acks and their dumbass faggot ideas.

I was a regular /pol/ user from 2011-2017 and I was so glad I quit the board last year. My life and mood has improved massively since I stopped going to /pol/. The IQ of the board dropped massively in 2016 and the board never recovered. It's literally no different to any normie news network at this point just edgier. But it always had problems with negative fuckwits and people who take racism way too seriously. In the beginning of this decade when it seemed like SJW's/feminists and political correctness were going out of control and taking over, I could look past that as it was needed, but Trump being elected proved that it was all just a media meme and a ruse and that normal people are still the majority. The world now knows that SJW's are a dumb meme so I feel no need to discuss them on /pol/ anymore, I just don't even think about those retards anymore, they will go the way of the hippy, extinct by next decade. And I fucking hope Alt Right faggots go extinct as well, you reactionary culture war faggots are just as bad, you are just a right wing version of politically correct leftists.

>> No.10806319

/pol/ is probably full of bommers, the worst generation.
/pol/ loves Reagan, loves the GOP, loves to suck corporate dick, loves Reaganomics, loves Trump who loves Reaganomics and sucking corporate dick, thinks we're still in a cold war era, and now loves Israel (because Trump loves Israel)

>> No.10806325

Poltards are low iq perma virgins who are bitter because their lives are absolutely pathetic

Fuck off you mouthbreathing dumb fucks

>> No.10806328

I've been browsing pol for the last 6 years friend. Unfortunately I spend the majority of my time here. The news sites that pol read I'm all over anyway.

>> No.10806331


Dude you are me last year. Just learn some self control and stop going to /pol/. Delete it from your bookmarks/favorites so that you can't click there by habit. Spend a day browsing other boards or even other websites and try to find a replacement for /pol/ where you can socialize, because a lot of people just go there to socialize and shitpost with like minded anons. You need to find a place that wont get you in such a low mood.

Contrary to what others say, there is absolutely no benefit to staying informed about the news unless it's finance shit, almost all news is bad and all of it just makes you feel bad. /pol/ is actually a useless board.

>> No.10806334

Also this there are unironic stormfags on there now. It used to be hilarious to edit Ben Garrison cartoons and troll people pretending to be a nazi and saying nigger but there are people there now that take the stormfront shit way too seriously now. Sure I don’t like race mixing but if you can’t learn to judge a man based on his character and passed deeds and present situation and outlook and instead just instantly categorize them you are not very smart.

>> No.10806341



But yeah, I remember how it happened. /b/ kept getting raided by both stormfags and tankies. Most of /b/ really gave no fucks & would troll em of course. Somewhere though it became apparent that the stormfags were uncomfortably correct about a lot of things, and the Left just kept getting creepier and normalising more extreme shit, and blatantly ignore anything contradicting their assumptions. Then the SJW faggotry with gamergate happened, /g/ got kinda militarised and it went from there. Newfag zoomers forget that all this shit with the Left being pro-globalisation, pro-cheap labor, pro-Islam, pro-corporate statist plutocracy-socialism hybridism, denial of science (biology) and buying into the most batshit-insane aspects of identity politics only really happened in the last 10 years, less mainly. Know how many /pol/ anons were at Occupy for example? How times change. All this shit is NOT normal and it happened overnight. Power of propaganda I guess.

>> No.10806348

>only 2012
Go back to sheddit you cancerous newfag fuck.

>> No.10806351


/pol/ itself was a libertarian board initially faggot, that's why I started going there and decided to stay. We supported Ron Paul back in 2012 just as much as we supported Trump in 2016.

The rise of the alt right and all these fascist dickheads and neo nazi reactionary idiots and right wing SJW's coming to this website and completely taking over and ruining /pol/ is what killed that fucking board. /pol/ circa 2011 is fucking indistinguishable than it's current form. Sure you had the odd stormfag back then but a sizable portion of the board back then would debunk their shitty arguments and tell them to fuck off. It was a libertarian stronghold back then and so was most of the website.

>> No.10806352

I haven’t browsed /pol/ in over a year man my two boards these days are /biz/ and /fit/ once In a blue moon /x/. This entire site has a propensity to try and bring others down to make individuals feel better about their shitty situation. It and my life experience has drastically shaped my thoughts on women and society in general. I suppose it’s better than being blue pillded and divorce raped but after you have a few chicks cheat on you and others just ghost for no reason despite your successes and constantly see TFW no GF threads it starts to get to you.

>> No.10806402


I agree 100% with what you said, and ironically enough I was in the thread where the first Ben Garrison edit was ever posted (on the Ch0n). Then a few weeks later the guy making them all told us he was actually ethnically Jewish. I bet most of nu-/pol/ doesn't even know those Ben Garrison edits were a Jew trolling some stormfags who took it seriously. Still was a funny meme at the time though. Now Ben actually makes unironic cringe pepe comics for his nu-/pol/ audience.

>> No.10806469
File: 424 KB, 1000x679, D966838D-6CD5-47B6-91EC-BC5F7684E757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I first saw pic related I laughed so hard I cried. Some of the heartiest keks I’ve had in my life were from Ben Garrison edits and the fact a Jew was behind most of them was just the fucking icing on the cake. Can you blame Ben tho? 4chan pretty much ruined his career he didn’t really have another option.

>> No.10806481

the og 4chan users aren't even around anymore

>> No.10806512

>/pol/ circa 2011 is fucking indistinguishable than it's current form.

A bit late, but I meant to type unrecognizable.

>> No.10806513


explain how your libertarianism will work in a society thats full of ethnic group consciousness. How will and can whites prevail with such passivity when it's confronted with hardcore ethnic tribalism amongst blacks, jews, hispanics, etc.

Libertarianism can ONLY work within homegneous nations. It can be considered collective suicide if not.

>> No.10806526

>what is slavery?

>> No.10806539

I browse pol from time to time just to take a shit on the degenerate retards who post there. It’s a pretty low IQ forum so it’s easy to put people in their place and get them seething. I love how there’s a place on the Internet with one of the smallest and least liked
minority groups and all they do all day is complain about other minority groups. Such a fine example of what happens when intellect drops below a certain level and you become oblivious to the reality around you.

>> No.10806541

Because pol is the low IQ board.

>> No.10806550

>if you aren't a Trumpfag you are necessarily X
the state

>> No.10806559

I've been around long enough to know that pol hit its apex like /b/ long ago. Time to move on to other things, and it seems like /biz/ has the fire now.

>> No.10806565

(((Lolbertadians))) get the bullet too.

>> No.10806568

>How will and can whites prevail with such >passivity when it's confronted with hardcore ethnic tribalism amongst blacks, jews, hispanics

jesus christ, stop being a beta cuck faggot.

>> No.10806579

You're a Jordan Peterstein fan aren't you?

>> No.10806580


If the white race can't survive a little freedom and competition it doesn't deserve to be called the masterrace.

I am an individualist, a libertarian and a capitalist. I don't take "but how will muh race deal with it" into account when forming my opinions on things. I have and always will judge people on an individual basis and I would care more about a skilled and intelligent black girl than I would a white guy who is an annoying dumb faggot. I realized that considering your race as your team like /pol/ does was just plain retarded and I stopped doing it when I stopped going to /pol/.

Also I find that a lot of retards on /pol/ who aren't libertarians, especually dumbass fascists think libertarians are proposing some wonderland solution in which there are no problems and the NAP saves everything, and you think if you can find one tiny hiccup the entire thing is null and void.

Just buy a fucking gun and shoot any black that comes onto your property. Holy fuck I don't care what you do. Homeschool your fucking kids and move to some country town you faggot. Don't make everyone else live in your fascist race based fantasy world though.

>> No.10806585

Used to, but it got old real fast. Same shit all the time.

>> No.10806586


Why are libfags so obsessed about the IQ of other people? Is it to mask the fact that you yourselves are, in fact, low-IQ idiots who do nothing but regurgitate the bullshit that the media and your (((professors))) fed you? A synthetic construct, upheld by superficial association and emotion that collapses as soon as someone applies actual logic and reason.

Fuck off with your intellect signalling hypocrites. Everyone is waking up to it.

>> No.10806599


It's called realpolitics

>> No.10806607


Day of the rope memes is why no one liked stormfags on old-/pol/, day of the rope memes is why no one likes nu-/pol/ at all.

On the day of the rope, stormfags will be the first, and only ones to go.

>> No.10806610

It makes me chuckle that they bring up IQ but then choose to ignore IQ by race stats

>> No.10806631

>If the white race can't survive a little freedom and competition it doesn't deserve to be called the masterrace
If you're applying that analogy, then we're not speaking about a free market that allows for honest competition either.
>Holy fuck I don't care what you do. Homeschool your fucking kids and move to some country town you faggot.
Yes, we've been doing that... it's called white flight. Look where that brought us.

>> No.10806637

>he thinks the hordes of niggers and spic won't flay him alive because he is an "individual"

It's like you want to kill yourself but lacking the balls to do it directly you need to outsource it to the third world.

>> No.10806644

So you admit you are a newfag then
>coming to 4chins for “decent discussion”
Kill yourself dumb nigger

>> No.10806692


>3rd worlders ruining Western countries isn't relevant information

Stay mad my non white friend.

>> No.10806706

>believes 3rd worlders ruining western countries
lmfao, stay blue pilled goy

>> No.10806724


Alright if you really want to go into racialism and try to dupe me into thinking that I have to compete against other races. I will stoop down to your dumbass level and bring up ethnicity, not that I give a fuck about it.

Why should I abandon my ethnic identity as an anglo, to help my sworm enemies, the French, the Germans, the Slavs, the poles, the Nordcucks, greasy wops, the irrelevant ethnicity. Why should I join together as one ethnicity the white ethnicity, with people who's grandparents hated my grandparents, with people that my grandparents sacrificed their lives to keep the fuck out of the UK and the commonwealth. My ancestors fought tooth and nail to make sure every Frenchman he saw was a deadman, that every German became a fucking corpse. Why throw that history in the garbage and join up now? How many wars did we ever have against non whites? A fucking handful at most, and all of them in the last century, the boer war, pacific front in WW2, Vietnam and Korea, and the modern insurgencies. All very recent and it makes you think it's been whites vs non whites. But you are forgetting, that for the other 2000+ years of recorded European history, it was white ethnicity fighting, raping, killing, pillaging and conquering other white ethnicities. I sitll kek when I hear about how nordics got fucking raped and had their religion banned by christfags and they were forced into worshipping the god of the Romans. You /pol/acks think there is some white solidarity, you think that every white guy out there is just a potential best mate. But it's not true. I see another white guy and most of the time, I see competition that I just want to knock the fuck out.


All the black people I know and work with look up to me and treat me extremely respectfully and are very friendly with me. I don't know a single spic, never met one in my life. I dunno where /pol/acks meet their non whites but to be honest non whites on average are nicer than white people.

>> No.10806796

>smallest and least liked minority groups

You wish Jew. America is becoming /pol/ at a pace you can't false flag quick enough at.

>> No.10806815
File: 198 KB, 1200x842, 86574432354678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Why should I abandon my ethnic identity as an anglo, to help my sworm enemies, the French, the Germans, the Slavs, the poles, the Nordcucks, greasy wops, the irrelevant ethnicity. Why should I join together as one ethnicity the white ethnicity....
Because those who would destroy us don't give a shit about whether we're dutch, french, nords, etc.. What do you think they mean when they talk about "whiteness"? Why dou you think they use such a general and broad term in the first place? They see us as one and they'll destroy us as one

That's the reason brainlet. Intentionally vvercomplicating things doesn't make your smarter, it just makes you a pretentious little asshole who's wages will be collective death.

wake. the. fuck. up.

>> No.10806853

>America is becoming /pol/
Pretty sure it's already 56%.

>> No.10806864

>Why dou you think they use such a general and broad term in the first place?

Because you burgers call yourselvs "whites" because you were a melting pot.

For the same reasons that you claim all asians "rook same", to a black guy most white ethnicities probably seem pretty indistinguishable. So they just call us white, like you call yourself. I mean you just call them all black don't you. And I saw tons of threads on /pol/ talking about wanting to lynch all the blacks. Calling them black is no different to them calling you white. They have their african ethnicities too. I know you burgers got a lot of West Africans. Where I am we get a lot of East and North Africans, maybe that explains the difference in behavior from the blacks I encounter and the blacks you Americans encounter. You are meeting the Irishmen of black people while I am meeting the Englishmen of black people.

>> No.10806881

Dude don't take seriously those empty threat tweets. I doubt these kids have experience the true horror of war and violence. I doubt if they have the balls to carry and shoot guns.

>> No.10806891


Now you're just playing a game of semantics, without any real substance. Just fuck off (((anon))).

>> No.10806902


No you should just fuck off, back to /pol/ and never come back.

>> No.10806972

globalism will never work as long as we have a shitskin problem.

they need to hurry up with their virus that only targets africans/middle easterns and get that show on the road if they expect globalism to arrive in the next few decades.

>> No.10806991

I doubt if they have the balls to carry and shoot guns

Tell that to the countless victims of their rape, murder and theft.

You wish. The goyim knows and you can't shut it down.

>> No.10807063

not related to white genocide. but i hope they will go to jail for their rape murder and theft.

>> No.10807109

I used to be like you, until I realized two things:

Firstly, rampant individualism/capitalism makes for a cold, depressing society without some form of social cohesion. Multi-ethnic and multicultural societies destroy that social cohesion. I still believe in libertarianism, but you need local communities if you actually care about having a pleasant life.

Secondly, the IQ gap and other biological differences between blacks and other races are too big to allow them to live in our societies successfully on a large scale.

>> No.10807145

pol is undiluted bullshit literally a bunch of low iq posters circle jerking infowars memes

>> No.10807148

I think it would be for the best if they just deleted /pol/ and maybe 4chan could get back to the way it used to be but I'm just a 30 y/o boomer

>> No.10807164

Thanks for making this, now its beyond evident that biz is not full of 4channers but rather sheltered leftist spammers from reddit

>> No.10807182

biology chemistry physics mathematics philosophy art

nah, I'll just believe in pol memes in my basement

>> No.10807190

>rampant individualism/capitalism makes for a cold, depressing society without some form of social cohesion
[citation needed]

>> No.10807197

Yes. The 300 post limit just about kills fast boards for me.

>> No.10807207

Yeah sure NIGGER whatever you say black piece of SHIT

>> No.10807216

Hey guys Over here, I’ve Found the faggot

>> No.10807255
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>> No.10807264
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Replacing "fellow white people" with "30 year old boomer" because you're on /biz/, thinking you can still mislead them.

We see right through it all. Same meme, different environment.

>> No.10807315

I love pol but god damn that place is bridgaded so hard every damn day.

>> No.10807325

>legitimate schizophrenics

I can confirm this.

>> No.10807349


>> No.10807427


>we see right through it all

I'm white and not jewish, so you're wrong in your analysis, and probably wrong about the rest of your moronic meme based identity politics as well

>> No.10807454

Come on man like half of these tweets look like some /pol/tard on a troll account. Sure I am not going to relax around blacks and understand they don’t like us but fuck you cant think that’s reality.

>> No.10807536

I'm very high IQ, and it's your overlord who decided IQ was the measure to judge people by, not us. We're just pointing out that most of you happen to be low IQ. I wouldn't expect you to understand this, given the obvious.

>There are no dumb white people
There are low IQs and high IQs in every race. Plenty of things can affect your IQ which you have no control over. For example, if you were watching TV before the age of 2, your IQ will permanently be lower than it should have been. It has much less to do with race, though obviously since several races are oppressed from an economic and education standpoint, it's more likely they'll raise lower IQ children. Yet, all the low IQ whites gather in /pol/. Interesting :)

America is becoming easily triggered whiny oblivious bitches, huh? It's not that you live in a bubble on 4chan? So fucking triggered and I wasn't even being that aggressive, you kids are honestly laughable.

>> No.10807595


Ask white South Africans if they still think it isnt real. Keep it up, and that'll be your future. You'll twist your mind in all sorts of ways to escape that conclusing... but it's the cold hard truth of it.

Not one single generation in the history of mankind went by without hardships of the most difficult kind. Are you really naive enough to think you would be the exception? Do you really think that the eternal struggle for survival simply vanished into thin air? That our completely misplaced altruism would not be exploited by those who seek to gain power?

Give me a break.

>> No.10807660
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Fools professing themselves to be wise. You might fool a few, but you're not fooling me you braindead retard.

>> No.10807664
