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10787370 No.10787370 [Reply] [Original]

How the FUCK do Canadians cash out? (Am Canadian)

>> No.10787402


>> No.10787414

If you cash out, (((they))) win

>> No.10787450
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But I wanna try to time the market via cash like a massive autist.

>> No.10787925

Use Payfair if you dont want to pay your (((tribute))) to (((them)))).

>> No.10788685
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Bitcoin ATM to cash. Fuck the banking cartel jew-canadians.

>> No.10788703

You don't sell for cash you convince others to accept your crypto as payment.

>> No.10788758


>> No.10788943
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These exchanges have horrible reviews

>> No.10789952

Used them a year ago, really high fees. I've been using shakepay for some small cashouts(50-100) here and there and haven't had issues. It's all on phone though.

>> No.10789961

You call up Justin and tell him his socks are cute then you let him pound your boi pussy

>> No.10790021


Kraken, you idiot.

>> No.10790085

This is what I use too.

>> No.10790323

those exchanges have really long withdraw times like they say 7-14 business days but it can be like 25-35 business days. they do eventually pay though, i think its just crazy backlog and the fact that they need to try and obfuscate their banking a bit (changing banks every so often) because big Canadian Banks are really anti-crypto, you can even get your bank account frozen for sending or receiving crypto funds if you're with one of the big ones like TD, BMO, RBC, etc.

whatever you do, don't use your primary bank account to deal with crypto. completely fucked a friend of mine who used his primary chequing and they froze it for months, his automatic payments wouldn't go through, his payroll wouldn't go through, fucked him real bad

>> No.10790449

Your crypto is legal property of refugees in quebec, only they are allowed to spend it

>> No.10790468

You're a funny guy, anon.

>> No.10790479

coinsquare gets me money within 2 weeks to my bank account, just has bad prices to sell at

>> No.10790526

>call RBC
>you guys care if I buy crypto
>"Hi anon we don't advise it because it's unregulated but it's up to you. We just block coinbase because of fraud"

Tbh didn't ask them about cashing out

>> No.10790567

Wait until RBC feels more threatened about crypto. They've already terminated sending money to Quadrigacx via online e-transfer.

>> No.10790586

go dig around on google or plebbit, plenty of people who basically heard their bank say exactly what you did, but still had their account locked for weeks/months

most banks try to play it chill on the phone but obviously that's not any sort of obligation, then they lock you and say tough shit. Some people have zero problem though, I know guys who have cashed out ~$75k-150k through big canadian banks and never had any locks, they didn't do it in one lump sum but over the course of months... whereas others have had accounts locked or even closed after the first ~$5k, all depends

RBC certainly isn't "crypto friendly" though in any way whatsoever

>> No.10790659
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Wasn't really planning on cashing out in the near future anyways, but I guess that means we're all fucked until the US annexes us