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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10789423 No.10789423 [Reply] [Original]

>boss's boss forced her to change the schedule at work for arbitrary reason
>reversed our opening/closing shifts
>didn't tell me
>store opened an hour late because I had no idea I was supposed to be there

Probably going to get fired. What's a good way to generate income without crypto as a NEET?

>> No.10789490

Get another fucking job. Or, if you are so inclined, rat out your boss to the higher up for not informing you and then take her job.

>> No.10789708

She actually owned up to it - But that doesn't mean I'm not going to be fired as well. From the DM's perspective it was still me missing a shift I was scheduled for (due to his unnecessary micromanaging)

I actually have some interviews scheduled already, but I don't know how those will go. I want to start setting something up so I can still get something during times like these. Even just $200 a month would be invaluable.

>> No.10789756

theyre not gonna fire you for their own incompetence

>> No.10789778


>> No.10789784
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>this is what NEETs actually believe

>> No.10789789

tell them to fuck off and die

>> No.10789792

If you are in America the unemployment rate is literally 0% so getting another job should be EASY

>> No.10789800

>sorry anon, upper management made me do it
Literally the oldest trick in the book for bosses to fuck over their underlings without looking like the bad guy. He just wanted a reason to fire you.

>> No.10789814

I got fired for taking a scheduled day off. My senile boomer boss forgot then convinced himself i was a lazy millenial who just decided to give myself a day off

>> No.10789817

If you have all the time in the world, teach yourself programming and make bots. Instabots are my personal favorite

>> No.10789875
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i had that happen once and i got fired for it
>work at dunkin donuts
>pretty good at job
>know all the regulars orders by heart
>new manager takes over and brings in his own people
>manlet with lisp and fat mexican bitch asst manager
>doesn't like me from the get-go
>forgets to put in a custom order for some mom's kid's birthday party
>give her a colorful assortment
>make special donut for her kid with ingredients in the back
>she loves my work and tells me i should be promoted to manager
>text manager and tell him i fixed his fuck up
>"don't EVER alter company property like that again"
>2 days later
>i start at 4
>he changes the schedule to 2
>show up at my normal time
>my register login is already out of the system
>threatens to call the cops on me if i dont leave immediately
>fires the vast majority of the employees for "theft"
>calls them back 2 weeks later and offers to hire them back "if they paid off their debt"
>all unwittingly comply
>pulls same trick on this one kid with asperger's who had a golden work ethic and came in 30 minutes early everyday
>ASD kid doesn't take it for a second
>gets lawyer involved somehow
he got caught embezzling money along with a pajeet who owned half of the franchise 2 months later. he tried to flee when the authorities showed up and then went to jail for it

sometimes, these things have happy endings