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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 146 KB, 1698x785, oracle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10788711 No.10788711 [Reply] [Original]

z sorry

to loyal shh cult

oracle prophecy

much delayed

z still v bullish nul

z believe one


fake break below

5500 to shake


before catch macro


z very sorry

z love biz

>> No.10788722
File: 310 KB, 2456x1096, what will happen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

original z


many days go

>> No.10788761

thank you based oracle

>> No.10788774
File: 56 KB, 836x600, pajeetwithsprinkles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are a fucking cockroach and need to be permabanned

>> No.10788786

not hate type

>> No.10788849

oh hey it's the guy that shows up only when we're close to an important support then says we're going up

then deletes his threads when he's wrong and we're not

nice to see you back buddy haha shh shh skimpletstongs

>> No.10788878

ATL is that you?

>> No.10788910

Renkobro alt personality

>> No.10788928

Where are you Oracle nigger !!??
C'm'ere so I give you the real pump !!!
I will pump yo' ass to 20k nigger !!
Where are you nigger !!??

>> No.10788931

never delete

z been wrong


just give opinion

usually v good

to those

who listen

not an ATL


not Jenkembro


>> No.10788961

>saying youre not jenkembro
>ID is literally POO

skimpletongs get out

>> No.10788967
File: 121 KB, 312x450, english bloke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oi! fuck me! A pump!
>Better get me old faggot hat on and stroll down to the lads in biz
>bunch a wankas hahaha
>"oooo biz frens ssss gentle non z help ssss"

>> No.10788972

shut the fuck up
no one likes you and you're wrong constantly

eat shit

>> No.10788996

>Has a track record on par with Marius amd CNBC
>Deletes post and dissapears again
Le simpletongs

>> No.10789033


see you too

ja ja

>> No.10789058

ja ja

if chart not perfect

z retire

skimpletongs never learn

>> No.10789076

ja ja

make z breathe

so ha ha :,)

>> No.10789093

Fuck off.

>> No.10789106






sweet prince

>> No.10789211

Its not going below 6k man. This shits pumping to 7k and you fucking know it!

>> No.10789224


>> No.10789230
File: 79 KB, 1680x950, muphlonsprojections3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10789334


Before real pomp.

First they jaja

Then skimpletongs hate type

Then they shhh

Then they learn

Then they brathe

Then shhh win

>> No.10789354

So dump to shake out weak hands then the real pump? Or are you just jerking my dick with sand paper

>> No.10789374
File: 56 KB, 650x650, 1508323109580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Q predicted this.

>> No.10789383
File: 10 KB, 222x222, HOjbEaOZ_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Z you told us to buy IOTX at 4 cents. I have watched this shit bleed for two months since you predicted it going parabolic in August. Fuck you you pajeet fuck

>> No.10789385
File: 126 KB, 402x398, XI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last time Oracle was here he told us all that the price was not going below 9k and that if it did then we should shhhh and breathe...

>> No.10789408

Fucking sandpaper on the dick it is then god damn z telling everyone to shhh like it’s a library or something

>> No.10789493



Z see

Z see hate fingers




5 day

Hate finger stop

What this

What the

What the

What this

Hate fingers



Then ahhh finger



See z

Say this


This okay

Pomp come

Come after

Ahhh finger


Shhh finger


>> No.10789547

Lol this faggot AGAIN, literally hasnt been right ever LMAO

>> No.10789586

Z, much love, but this is not having a small rally upwards just yet, there's an etf rejection coming this thursday (Pro Shares, look it up) which will likely send us back to low 6000's. Not to mention that we just had a bitmex orchestrated pump to 7100 for them to get a insider early scoop. This could very well just go to 57xx too for a double bottom. My point being, i think we're reaching the point you bookmarked as low now-ish rather than us going upwards now and revisiting the lows again later.

>> No.10789694

Z love this

Shine example

Of shhh

This non

Not skimpletong


This non sophistitong

We see

Z believe rally

Meet perfect storm

Leverage macro uptrend

For weaktong shaker


>> No.10789752

100% fuck you dude.
No fucking shit we are going up, its tested 5.8k to 6.5k and bounced between it 10 times in the last few months.

If not going any farther down no shit its going up ya fucking fag.

>also fuck NULS scamcoin.
Your the worst fucking TAfag
Dont fall for this shit newfags

>> No.10789793

Bitfcoin hurt

This non

Too far gone

V sad

>> No.10789942
File: 118 KB, 900x728, god bless you oracle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10790010

There's certain things that i see which COULD result in a small rally upwards like you say, that big ass HNS for example which would move us to a minimum of 7200, potentially 7500, or, the amount of shorts (literally at an ATH) which creates an infinite liquidity pool for the whales, but at the same time i feel like these things are too easy to find and are well too known for the people in the market, i just dont see them not getting punished by this, your chart makes sense, but im personally in a short with a tight stop loss simply because i feel like there's a chance we'll see barely to no action for the next 48 hours, and if that does indeed happen, the ETF rejection should techinically send us flying back down to 6050-6180$. Either way, i entertain both theories, yours and mine, because whether it moves up slightly first or not doesnt matter as our bottom is around the same area which will hit inevitably, and then we're good to go. Speaking of bottoms, im sure you've considered a dooms day scenario, what IF this continues to break down? Does Z have an exit plan? below 4,6k?