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File: 35 KB, 463x496, vechain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10785975 No.10785975 [Reply] [Original]

Why does it need a blockchain?
I did a little research finally, but from a cryptographic perspective it doesnt make much sense to me, their token economics or especially their choice of referring to it as a blockchain when it is seemingly not based on PoW or PoS, or even public at all.

Why are there so many nodes? what do the tiers of nodes DO for the network? what is their relevance?

>> No.10786006

its breaking out right now, broke meme lines,

>> No.10786036

ENough with this FUD. You're just COPING OP. Would DNVGL be balls deep in this if it wasn't legit? Buy in now or stay poor.

>> No.10786039


thats why i am asking, not gonna fucking buy unless it makes sense.
why are there like 12 different node types? what does each do for the network?

>> No.10786065

Lol stop crying please

>> No.10786085

am i really going to have to ask this question on reddit?

>> No.10786095

lol question can't be real... nodes are clearly based on quantity of coins held... easy stuff to understand

>> No.10786110

yes fuck off faggot saged

>> No.10786158


no i mean, why is there a node for it? as i understand it, you generate thor per VET.

the authority nodes secure netowrk transactions, but im not sure what each tier of node does for the network itself? usually in every other project i have seen the nodes have some sort of role in the network itself

>> No.10786171
File: 60 KB, 599x630, cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VEN uses PoA with 101 authentication nodes, this is essentially a distributed blockchain, i.e. no different to a giant server. You have to trust VEN and their authority node holders, which are mostly held by VEN, their shit ICO partners and friends, so you are completely placing your trust in them.

The "12 different nodes" you are talking about, do nothing in practise for the ecosystem, they just generate a never ending supply of tokens for "node" holders so there is a lot of fiat locked up in their network.

The whole thing is a pile of shit, if you want to "trust" a blockchain provider that uses PoA, try using IBM or Microsoft instead, VEN is just a pump and dump scam that cannot be trusted.

The whole idea of blockchain, and its subsequent trust and security is to create a decentralised network. VEN is not decentralised, it is the complete opposite and COMPLETELY unregulated, so you have the WORST of two worlds combined. So I would avoid this steaming scam coin at all costs. This isn't FUD, everything I have said can be found in their non-white paper, apart from the PoA node holders.... sunny outright refused to reveal who these are, coincidence?

>> No.10786261


the FUD for XRP about it not being a blockchain was well thought out at first but i realised it in fact is a blockchain.

For vechain im finding it a little harder. i will do some more research thanks. i think the hand picked 101 nodes can be worked on sure, but the existence of these other nodes atm seems pointless and i dont know why they bothered with it, especailly the "X" version. why? what benefit is this to the ecosystem at all?

>> No.10786361

The only nodes needed are the 101 authority nodes. All other nodes are investor incentives. $0.50 EOY.

>> No.10786383

they dont do anything lmao. they are literally just there as a ponzi scheme to keep retards hodling

>> No.10786393

just because its a blockchain doesnt mean its decentralised.

Vechain is a blockchain. Its just not decentralised... at all

>> No.10786398


The other "node" holders provide no benefit to the VEN ecosystem whatsoever. The only thing this affects is token price as people will lock up their tokens, and not sell them.

The same question can be asked about them moving the decimal place of their token during main net launch. Why did they do that exactly? The only reason they did this was to make the token appear "cheaper" so more noobs would buy the token.

What these two thing have in common is they seem solely focused on affecting the price of the coin, and not focused on providing a good product for their investors or end users.

This is a clear demonstration that VEN I solely focused on hype, price action and making as much money as possible.

Oh yeah, sunny and his team have openly admitted to insider trading... coincidence?

>> No.10786413


yikes. why is it pumping then? i will be honest i was thinking it was something like that just wanted some anons to play devils advocate still waiting.

>> No.10786423

focus marketing on noobs and average joe investors, yet the blockchain is apparently for big enterprises..yea okay, I'l trust the communists with my money said no one ever.

>> No.10786438

are you one of those "I'm in it for the tech" guys? yawn. literally every project in crypto is a ponzi. you know it. I know it. stop being a faggot.

>> No.10786513


It pumps because VEN focus on selling the crypto dream to crypto noobs. They make big promises and bold statements, yet rarely have anything to back it up with. This is why they never had a white paper until months after the ICO. This meant they could promise investors the world for months on end, pump the price, dump their VEN on the market (which they admitted to), and then eventually come around to writing a white paper when they made a stupid amount of money from investors.

The x node lock up, decimal place switch and shit ICO's were just more ways for them to make money as the team are exceptionally greedy.

People have been sold a pipe dream on hype and nothing else. Look how well Bitconnect was doing before it was outed as a scam. Just because enough crypto noobs are fooled into buying a project, it doesn't mean it is a good one.

VEN have produce very little so far, only a PoA blockchain which is 90% based off of Ethereum, its a complete joke.

>> No.10786540


An argument of a true intellect /s

>> No.10786563


Stop deflecting, you know this isn't the case and as you have just admitted, VEN is a complete scam.

Just because your baby VEN is a scam, it doesn't mean all other projects are, thats just a silly argument.

>> No.10786564

enjoy those bags. I'm sure you'll be able to wait in a breadline with your vechain thor mobile wallet soon enough.

>> No.10786594


i saw a lot of transactions start on their chain today though, obviously something is happening? i dont really understand the details though. is it all enterprises doing them? or are blocks every x number of seconds regardless of any transactions? what requires a transaction??

>> No.10786606

Bitocean just minted it's coin on there. How are you morons capable of investing in something, yet can't even check twitter?

>> No.10786611


I provided facts, you provided nothing but absolute nonsense. You have become so brainwashed by the VEN marketing, even if Sunny said, "this is a scam, I have scammed you", you still wouldn't believe it.

>> No.10786622

>obviously something is happening
yes. the chinks are spamming the network to make it seem legit

>> No.10786631

same team bro lmfao

>> No.10786678


bitocean is that no name who company that people creamed themselves oer in january isnt it? so they are minting tokens today, these transactions are onyl fromthat and will stop soon?

>> No.10786683


They minted tokens for an ICO, OceanEX, which is supposedly ALREADY a successful bitcoin ATM business, yet the only OceanEX ATM's that have been spotted in the world are in pictures posted by VEN lmfao.

Wouldn't surprise me is they are spamming transactions themselves, as at ICO they were preparing for billions of transactions and weeks after main net launch they only had 33 ROFL.

>> No.10786687

Shhhh I'm accumulating.

>> No.10786703


Sorry I thought that original comment was sarcasm, but I should have realised, VEN holders don't have the mental capacity to understand sarcasm haha ;)

>> No.10786706

Yeah, I'm sure BMW is tomorrow, next day will be Apple. Eventually the US military will join vechain too.

>> No.10786748


Didn't you hear? BMW made a massive, world changing announcement about VECHAIN a few weeks back... owh wait, that never came to fruition.. so sunny lied... again hahah

So thats BMW, Oxford University, NASDAQ articles and their Vaccine solutions... All lies... I think sunny is just a compulsive liar ROFL

>> No.10786754

Imagine being so mentally handicapped that you miss out on the easiest 10x of 2018 because you hate chinks lmaaaao

>> No.10786775


Regardless if it was a 10x, 100x or eve a 1000x... its still a complete scam.

>> No.10786787

their pink wojacks will be glorious.

>> No.10786820

Anyone know an exchange that would let me short this?

>> No.10786824
File: 87 KB, 892x500, 1534887435556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sunny will go to jail, CREAM & Co will go with him kek

>> No.10786841

Don’t expect an answer from ventards, they really are the retarded kids of crypto. Couldn’t rub 2 braincells together if they tried.
Essentially crayon eaters.

>> No.10786844

I hope you’re resolve to not put your money on a “scam” comforts you at night you fucking troll after you watch this 50x. Stay poor and lonely like always biz.

>> No.10786850
File: 4 KB, 250x175, 1524794053535s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are posting so much it is straight up retarded. what do you think you will achieve exactly? or is this your one outlet in your pathetic excuse for a life. stay poor or kys faggot.

>> No.10786856

This dumb ventard doesn’t even realise VeShit isn’t chinese

>> No.10786873


I know right, they are happy to invest in a scam coin because it will give them gains, but all they are capable of spending that money on is crayons... I might just buy some crayola shares, as the value of the company will go through the roof when these VEN'tards cash out (if cream and sunny don't reck them beforehand) kek.

>> No.10786887


Haha, you can't deal with my facts, end of story.

Get scammed, VEN'tard.

>> No.10786963


>> No.10786982

Didn't you hear? Vechain was the 'next AOL' of crypto. Theres only one way from here as businesses realise they have no real technical ability - aside from creating a centralised version of something much more complex, and don't have the ability to launch with their fabled 10,000TPS. 'max of 50tps is all that is needed right now' is sales talk for 'our blockchain is not fully developed to even sustain 50tps'.

>> No.10787040
File: 1.22 MB, 779x960, 7189F4D0-8434-40EF-AE99-8FD0700E8DE8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They said neo was shit because it was centralized... 2 months later... 100 nodes... yeah centralized is good ...Kekekekeke

>> No.10787172

sunny and his cronie cream have comitted securities fraud. those daft fucks think they are immune from the law but its gonna catch up with them real soon.

>> No.10787243

It's truly amazing to see the mental gymnastics some cucks will use to stay poor, ride this shit to $1 or stay poor.

>> No.10787453
File: 3.38 MB, 644x472, 1485314453562.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT : mad waltonchain cucks

>> No.10787487



>> No.10787490

"Buy now or be left behind!.. "
Is that you Trevon James??

>> No.10787531

deadass facts bro, why these stupid niggers complaining just join the fkn ride and dump it later, i hopped on a few days ago and im lovin it

>> No.10787554

bruh u deadass have autism

>> No.10787687


vechain will displace ethereum