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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10786223 No.10786223 [Reply] [Original]

Calling ALL LINK Marines


Welcoming MARINES. I have the ultimate idea for EOY $4,500

When marines go on plebbit and post fud and downvote. The post gets downvoteed and doesn't appear from the front page. Good job

But all of those threads and post still exist. If you Google then ChainLINK Reddit.

Now here comes Eoy $4,500

Since those posts are now disappeared from the front page and no longer a risk.

GO BACK and now edit all your replies from FUD to shills.

Those posts won't appear on the front page and when the bull run comes and People start to look more info Link. Rather than seeing stupid fud. They will see shills and positive news and start to FOMO in.

>> No.10786250


Stealth is also key.

Thank you Marines who helped a few days ago downvote on cc

Don't always fud. Downvote and move on.

>> No.10786276

don't have a reddit account, doubt this would make a difference, but this would be hilarious

>> No.10786289

+definitely would represent a true /biz spirit

>> No.10786313

Can't do it, some poor pajeet needs Link to stay low so he can accumulate another 2 per month once he gets his rupees. Therefore everyone needs to keep fudding it for the next 35 years until this poor pajeet has a 1k stack.

>> No.10786317

OP i suspect you are that desperate pajeet obsessed with shilling on reddit. What trick are you trying to play on us?

>> No.10786320

Many marines created one to fight the cause. I salute them.

Would be good for people to see poof

Something's along the lines of

" Yes oracle do make sense thanks op"

"Smart contract need offline data and it makes sense for Oracle". Buying 1000 link it may be the next Eth


>> No.10786331

This is fucking genius

>> No.10786335
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Good thinking marine

>> No.10786342

bumping a sound idea

>> No.10786343



Are you both this stupid. I'm saying FUD new posts

But old posts WHICH have ALREADY been fudded

Change and edit them to shills

THINK pajeet and learn to read...it's written English.

>> No.10786352

Thanks Annons and REAL marines! :)

>> No.10786362

That makes no sense. If you thought something was a sure thing there's no such thing as 'finished accumulating'. Only the pajeets need reddit's pocket money to not starve in the next few weeks.

>> No.10786376

Yep, definitely the same pajeet. Inb4 40 posts by this ID, and the same 3, old screenshots.

>> No.10786378

Hit enter less

>> No.10786386

fuckin mint idea mate big up OP

>> No.10786404

Some people are dumb are fuck.

.....I can't be explaining to stupid.

Yes sir please continue accumulating...10 link a month

>> No.10786454

I understood what you said, i just don't trust you.
>What trick are you trying to play on us?
I suspect as soon as we change the posts to shills you and your entire call center will upvote them to the front page.

>> No.10786501

OP, this is a good idea.

We should wait till mainnet, but probably try not to wait until too long after mainnet to start, since it can take search engines WEEKS to notice old pages have changed and update their indexes. For now, cataloging old fud posts and marking them for updates (ESPECIALLY anything reachable through Google, Bing, etc. searches) when the time is right seems immediately actionable.

Also, once mainnet happens, we should see if we can advertise link on sites like stack overflow and similar sites or at least, ask and answer lots of questions about it.

Shit becomes a standard deviation tool in part because it's super fucking easy to 1. Get something built with it in a weekend and 2. Get your questions answered if you run into some random problem

I'm a software engineer at a fang+m company and I honestly count "is anyone else using this? will it be easy to get my questions answered it if I run into a problem setting it up?" as a major factor in my decisions on what tech to use.

This can be the difference between having startups choose between chain link self-service or using centralized shit like oraclize where they probably let you pay for premium support.

Also, the big cloud providers actually have engineers dedicate time to answering questions about their product on stack overflow. This shit is important.

Other possibilities:
1. Medium articles/tutorials explaining how someone built something in a weekend. E.g., something that relied on a weather oracle in your city, a news feed oracle, an oracle for a standard api, etc.

2. Early in, just howtos for setting up oracles for different kinds of data and apis mentioned in 1. will be helpful, as those may not immediately be available, plus there will likely always be companies interested in offering oracle services, and some lf those will be the ones that need to buy link to offer as collateral if we really want to see a moon after main net

>> No.10786529

Dude, do you understand how plebbit works? You can't just magically vote up old posts and make them appear on the front page.

FFS I give up.

Here I come up with a idea, think, write it up, explain it and share a idea of Eoy$4,500
Bro I FUCKING hate wagecucking.
The last thing I want is to Link to rise. Some dumb fagot to see all these old FUD posts and create real fud and I end up wagecucking for my entire life.

What's the risk?

Do you want to see my crappy wallet ?

>> No.10786561

Don't change yet, just bookmark stuff.

This is me btw:

>> No.10786597

Bro we understand. It's a good idea.
Once again, LINK filters out the brainlets.

>> No.10786605

I have one AMAZING chance to make 350k. I already lost alot and other things. I'm not going to let anything stupid happen.

See if u think I'm larpping


>> No.10786620

kek I wish I didn’t call a plebbit mod a nigger last week. Hope this works

>> No.10786627

Ok, maybe you aren't the same guy. No, i don't know exactly how reddit works, i've never had an acc.
No amount of old reddit fud will harm LINK if it is what we all hope.

>> No.10786638

It could backfire if we do it too early.

Remember, normies are going to fomo at whatever price. The higher the better as it "proves" to them that the price can go up if they just pay whatever it takes to get some now and then hodl (without realizing they'll be the first ones to panic sell as the price dips...).

If you think the price is going to 10x then you are not going to mind paying $100 per link

>> No.10786681

Hahaha we've all done that and are banned from r Bitcoin


No problem, yeah hope you understand now.

But always remember leave no stone unturned

>> No.10786713
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>> No.10786740
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>But always remember leave no stone unturned

>> No.10786772

>No amount of old reddit fud will harm LINK if it is what we all hope.
Ekiden fuckers may steal some of the wind from Link's sales as it has backing from silicon valley types, giving it instant credibility for smart contracts with the type of dev that is making sure to stay aware of new tools and tech.

If nothing else, we need to hardcore shill to devs once mainnet comes.

It's not just api oracles we want. We should have the whole pie- smart contract-executing oracles included. Ekiden aims to do that part and there's no reason it can't be extended to try to be Facebook and attempt to turn link into Myspace.

Rather than allow that can risk to go unmitigated, I think its important to have more articles prior to mainnent like Thomas Hodge's, that are purely helpful but not shilling. These give the impression of an active, helpful, enthusiastic dev community which is like catnip to the kind of developer that will use smart contracts outside companies with shitty dev cultures- these ones don't have the only say in what gets adopted but they do still have a surprising influence gets adopted in wider industry.

Subtle articles that explain in detail how to accomplish a specific task using chainlink- basically tutorials- are likely the best shilling pre-mainnet. Get devs to know it's a useful tool without blaring the alarm on partnerships and moon potential. Make it seem like any other dev tool that let's devs get work done, just one of many.

>> No.10786784

No idea who that is sorry, not me, another larp.

Just came up with this idea and thought it was great and Marines will like.

Now EOY $4,500

>> No.10786819

>more articles prior to mainnent like Thomas Hodge's,

Do you mind sharing his article? So other marines can start thinking and preparing writing articles. Thanks

>> No.10786845

OP here, night biz. Wage cuck tomorrow.

I will be PM ing a few marines posts tomorrow or on the weekend. Some posts defiinitly need editing.

>> No.10787014

Bumping the ultimate idea!