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10777526 No.10777526 [Reply] [Original]

Not mentioning that VeChain is more than supply chain, as it is also an ICO and Smart Contract platform.

Even Palm Beach Confidential does not understand the full potential of VET



>> No.10778402


perfect example

>> No.10778417

>1500 transactions a day
a big thing!!

>> No.10778613

That's old info, anon. Activity is picking up.

>> No.10778635
File: 33 KB, 554x282, vet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I stand corrected, close to 30K today..any reason for this surge?

>> No.10778658

Consortium chains are in the process of migration.

>> No.10778674

thanks, so it's basically fake volume..

>> No.10778683

Yes everyone's sending VET to the exchange to dump

>> No.10778756

You know what I thought about lately? It's easy for ven to control supply / demand of vtho, they could simply install a feedback loop sending vet back and forth to burn vtho at certain rates..actually it's a good way of keeping it stable.

>> No.10778769

the chinks paid a pajeet to pump their scam coin wow what a suprise

if you want to make real money buy AMB - team is full white and nodes can earn up to 1k+ per day, right now its super cheap you can get a great deal

>> No.10778782

Yeah good luck with that gypsy ceo.

>> No.10778796

Wouldn't call it fake volume as it is burning actual VTHO. The more transactions the better.

>> No.10778817
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Probably paid for by VEN... yet again...

>> No.10778842

Foxy what are you going to do when vet hits 1$? When you realize you wasted 8+ hours a day fudding the best coin on the market for a year straight on an image board and made literally zero

What are you going to use to off yourself?

>> No.10778863

Probably sell his other shitcoins because if vet is $1 then we're in an alt szn.

>> No.10778875

They can create VTHO out of thin air and burn as much as necessary to fake volume. It does not cost shit.

This one address burning VTHO is probably vechain team.

>> No.10778912

What if you were in a room by yourself and decided to press a button over and over again 8+ hours a day every day for over a year under the impression you were curing world hunger and at the end of it all you realize it was for jack shit and you just wasted a good chunk of your life for nothing

Even though he’s autistic it’s still pathetic and he really needs a new hobby

>> No.10778986

Kek. Nice cope, fudfag.

>> No.10778992


Best coin on the market... you are brainwashed hahaha, $1 means approximately $80T MC right... you have a lot of shilling to do before that happens... but maybe the authorities will catch up with sunny and cream before this happens and your precious PoA network will just get taken offline as your network is still 100% centralised and a pile of dog shit haha

>> No.10779016


Projection... your shilling will all be for nothing when ven gets shown to be the scam it really is haha... your vaccine programme statements have already been called out in china for being fraudulent haha, can ven ever tell the truth, or can they only ever live off of hype

>> No.10779022

Sounds a bit thin. Running out of fud?

>> No.10779062


Saying VEN won't hit $80T unless you idiots keep shilling it? Thats not FUD you fucking spastic lulz, thats the truth...

and china calling out VEN's vaccine claims... the article has been posted on 4chan, its still active, so go and look for it dip-shit

>> No.10779080
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 354deaa3770912621bb816da070346ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell your VeChain coins. Sell all shit supply chain solution coins. All china supply chain shits are not globally competitive. Even with current solutions and shipping company's. HAHAHAHAH. I am a freight forwarder so this is where we are heading to :D
Please read whole article:


>> No.10779089

Can you read Chinese? Didn't think so.
How can they disprove a solution that is still being developed?

Also, wasn't talking about price. 5 cents would already be plenty.

>> No.10779138
File: 22 KB, 621x702, EA78D505-18D1-4D18-8147-6D4FE43B6EA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$80T MC

>> No.10779196

Imagine being this much of a brainlet that you can't see the use cases for private and public chains lmaooooo. Kys, you're staying poor anyway.

>> No.10779234

Tf is stansberry

>> No.10779287


First of all, google translate is a marvellous tool, you might want to consider coming out from your cave one day to use it, and secondly, yes, my Chinese is pretty good... seems as I now live in china rofl, you fucking spastic.

We were talking about ven at $1, so don't move the goal posts because you have been shown to be a complete retard lulz

>> No.10779328

Since you made the same mistake twice:
VET at $1 isn't $80T MC.

VeChain market cap now at $0.0145: 800 million.
VeChain market cap at $1: About 54 billion.

Ethereum's all-time-high market cap was about 130 billion. Fucking Ripple's ATH market cap was close to 150 billion.

>> No.10779395

You are also a marvelous tool, anon.

OK then, 1 USD EOY. Happy?
Crazier things have happened in this timeline.

>> No.10779401
File: 32 KB, 598x328, beanven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Excuse me for not giving a fuck about the current price of VEN lulz,

I kind of lost track of the price when they reset the decimal point, to make their coin appear "cheaper", just like all the other Chinese scam coins out there rofl.

either way, being precise, A 69x increase in price for that pile of dog shit will take a lot more mindless shilling from the VEN'tards such as yourself, so my original point still stands

>> No.10779414


Thank you, your mum loves using my marvellous tool, so it seems appreciation runs in your family.

>> No.10779417

lots of salty walties in this thread

>> No.10779430

fuck your scam shitcoin

>> No.10779437

>mentions Vechain’s price over and over

I don’t give a fuck about the price!!!

>> No.10779452
File: 26 KB, 645x729, 28ft3w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That you can't do grade school math or you actually believed for one moment that a cryptocurrency could feasibly reach a market cap of 80 trillion if us "idiots keep shilling it" when the total amount of money on the entire planet is about 75 trillion means that your opinion is pretty much worthless.

>> No.10779496

PBC also called COLX to $3.
Why anyone listens to these retards is amazing.

>> No.10779513


Are you serious? Baldie called COLX? I don't believe you.

>> No.10779531


$1/$0.0145 = 68.9, hence 69 x $0.0145 = $1

You chosen lord and savour VEN, is a pile of shit, it uses PoA, has dog shit ICO's and the main team are constantly lying, scamming and hyping to drain as much money from their investors pockets as they possibly can by insider trading etc etc, so thats why your coin is worth shit, amongst many more reasons lmao

>> No.10779544


these spastics keep bringing it up, don't blame me, I'm just responding to their stupidity.

>> No.10779551

Translation: I sold the bottom

>> No.10779557

he never recommended COLOX you fucking inbred half a nigger

>> No.10779584
File: 94 KB, 800x777, funnySunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You wish, retard.

>> No.10779586

What if you learned to realise that one guy on here probably isn't the vet mm or the guys deciding if it pumps or not? You defend your bag too strongly, it's just another shitcoin that might make you rich or not.

>> No.10779612

Oh Pajeet, nice try but transactions today alone are at over 40,000

>Load up on the butter chicken Rakesh because you ain't makin' it

>> No.10779621

>t. retarded ven holder who thinks hes hilarious while a 3 year old can see through their shitty fud

>> No.10779622

>typing like a 14 year old while using a normie tier meme image
Whoever hired these pajeets to spam the Singaporean goat herding imageboards got scammed hard

>> No.10779635

is this a pathetic attempt at fud (gotta at least make it funny) or are you really that much of a dumbass kek

>> No.10779651

>tries to fud transaction count
>over 100,000 transactions and enterprise migration has barely started

>> No.10779679

damn even pbc cant pump this bitch

>> No.10779686
File: 60 KB, 599x630, cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All thanks to a Chinese valentines day promotion, specifically designed to increase transactions for a day, to which you and your spastic friends all spammed transactions.... you had to resort to this to up the transaction count as VEN is just a load of shit, again its all smoke, mirrors and hot air with your guys

>> No.10779699

That already happened lmao, this is new volume
>brainlet confirmed
>if you actually have a mental disability now is the time top tell us so we can go easy on you

>> No.10779701

>I kind of lost track of the price
>knows about the Chinese valentines day promotion
Are you diagnosed with a mental disorder?

>> No.10779706


its not made for keks, its made in sympathy as that face is the face of a typical ven holder... a brainless fucking spastic that loves trinkets and shiny objects.

>> No.10779732


If I did have a mental disorder then its obvious I would have purchased some VEN by now hehehe

>> No.10779776

>onions boy with below average testosterone
>incel confirmed
>stay poor

>> No.10779876

Shhh. I'm accumulating.

>> No.10780013

Fudders about to be BTFO

>> No.10780113

amb $50 eoy

>> No.10780366
File: 651 KB, 1200x799, XSDLKIW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Transaction count KEK

A lot of people predicted that VeChain would pump the transaction count to pump prices. Please point to any evidence that there are enterprises using VeChain and lining up to buy VTHO.

>> No.10780408
File: 1.62 MB, 1024x1024, 1527803236793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of this is irrelevant because VET has by far the most annoying and shilly/scammy sounding community in all of crypto and anyone who doesn't already own VET won't touch it with a 10 foot pole for this reason.

All the shilling has brought attention to is the scammy marketing tactics and many contradictions within the project, I don't care what the price goes to, there will be a bitconnect moment and I don't want to be holding the bags when that goes down.


Watch this and tell me that this is not a coin targeted at delusional children.

>> No.10780642
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>> No.10780649

chink scam.china hustled
when will this end? if all you bandwagoners fags stop shilling and buying this.
check ICO in Malaysia with real biz in decentralized data. OMNI!

>> No.10781113

50k transactions done so far today. Just getting started.

>> No.10781211


Foxy you are in absolute overdrive in this thread. Unbelievable

Ever thought about using different pictures thread to thread? Maybe not make it so obvious ? Ha nvm you aren’t capable of critical thinking

>> No.10781395

this place is infested with underage b&
high school starts back pretty soon, right?

>> No.10781701

Every one looking at VET not many people looking at VTHOR, it has started, here we go

>> No.10782302

you mean the coin that has no limit and can be printed out of thin air?

>> No.10782879

>look mom i blamed (((him))) again
because nobody can just look at the obvious scam and call a duck a duck, no, it's a conspiracy to suppress the godtoken that'll totally make me a millionaire any day now! just look at <loaned legitimacy> and <shillpost with vechain as the only source>, big chinese industries i know jack shit about are going to buy my bags real soon, REAL SOON!

>> No.10782935

This so much.There are so many shit projects that I don't care comment on but Vechain is blatant scam and their bagholders are both dumb and relentless.

>cringe nodes
>gay hype videos
>overpromising and underdelivering on partnerships
>CCK fiasco
>muh DNVGL

I don't care if these fucking retards lose thier money I just legit hate this project.

>> No.10783024

LMAO lemme guess, ur faggot ass bought this at ath and sold at 0.006. Now u crying scam because ur dumbass has severe autism

>> No.10783058

Its economically sound read the white paper

>> No.10783066

kys, nobody is buying your fisher price tokens

>> No.10783085

DESU I sold around the time of the WTC tweet.

Look at the big picture anon. This shit is as big a scam as Walton is. I really don't believe Vechain has a working product and the whole thing is only to designed to take money from retards. I fully admit you may make money in the short term but I don't think Vechain will exist in a few years.

>> No.10783110

>anyone criticizing is just losing money
>hahaa stay poor faggot
how venlets retort when pushed, SAD

>> No.10783120
File: 82 KB, 500x319, GodDoesntGiveAFuckLOL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa wasa


>> No.10783139

hmmm market says otherwise faggot

>> No.10783167

LMAO not my fault u lack brain cells to know when to enter/exit trades, foh with ur retard ass