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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10776966 No.10776966 [Reply] [Original]

who here absolutely justed

>> No.10777138

Me but idc because it's going to come back hard when the market does.

I bought 200k and am down 50% oh well

>> No.10777195

this exact same mindset caused me to lose a shitload of money hodling altcoins, sell now anon.

>> No.10777264

I've lost nothing faggot. Playing with my profits and I can tell you that this project is sound.

>> No.10777301

>down 50%
>I've lost nothing

if that's how you want to rationalize it, I guess you'll be totally ok if that investment goes down to zero, because you haven't ""lost anything""

>> No.10778480

A piece of shit project that leached money from naive investors by playing the 'muh silicon valley team' card

>> No.10778509

lost a shit load holding alts

however i just bought a 1m of DAGs yesterday havent lost a sat. all you pajeets will fomo in 10x from now hahahahaha

>> No.10778628

stfu deluded daggot
there hasnt even been 1 million dag volume all day yesterday

>> No.10778715

code and dev interviews look solid af, so I put in some money

Let's see where that goes, oh well

>> No.10778733
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>> No.10778960

atleast you now got hello kitty ceo as key advisor, whatever that means.

>> No.10779009

OTC you retarded faggot. also welcome to crypto newfag. grow a dick

>> No.10779014

Why it dumped?


Japanese adviser given 20 million
asshole dumps 18 million.

4chan = justed, kek, pajeet, 0 research.

do your research, if one of the best projects going dumps to a 5 million cap from 1 seller, it's time to buy