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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10776229 No.10776229[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which ones do you pick? Why?

>> No.10776236

time travel, travel back to 2 minutes ago, take more pills, repeat

>> No.10776257

4 and 7 because I crave knowledge and the unknown. Could get a lot of other things with those 2

>> No.10776265

Money and soulmate ez

>> No.10776272

time travel and speak more languages.

>> No.10776281

Master of any 3 skills and Soulmate

>> No.10776292

does time traveling negate the 10 years younger

>> No.10776317

speak 5 languages > travel

anyone who doesn't understand this is a pleb

>> No.10776324

1. I have no desire for popularity
2. A million bucks would be nice
3. Dunno who I would bring back
4. I could travel back to beginning of high school and experience it differently
5. 10 years younger. I'd be more active instead of waiting til my mid 20s.
6. English trumps all but more knowing languages could be fun
7. At least one of the skills I learn could earn me tons of money
8. I have no desire to be famous
9. What if my soulmate turns out to be Rosie O'donell?

I'd pick 5 and 7. I'd be back to prime youth and have the skills to get whatever or whoever I want.

>> No.10776329


>> No.10776330

time travel and a million dollars. anything else is retarded.

>> No.10776334


7. Become a master of any 3 skills
I choose
- Ability to heal anything(even death)
- Time Travel
- Invulnerability(only I can kill myself)

That's all I'd need I guess lol. With those skills I'd become rich, famous and have all the other pills basically.

>> No.10776337

4 and 5 obviously, anyone saying otherwise is a brainlet

>> No.10776364

4 and 2. The most obvious choice. You would be able to turn that 1 million into billions by buying BTC when it was 6 cents.

>> No.10776370
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Seven and nine

>> No.10776382

the only correct answer well done anon

>> No.10776396


>> No.10776399

Create a large, detailed account of your entire life.
Pinpoint every major event, pop culture phenomenon, stocks, etc.
Take the $1M pill.
Take the time travel pill.
Go back in time.
Create an empire.
Hire your younger self to be your protégé.

>> No.10776404

Fucking this. Every other pill on the list is completely worthless in comparison. Heck 4 alone is worth more than all others combined.

>> No.10776425

These are very unbalanced. Time Travel = effectively all the others when used correctly except for maybe "soulmate" (because how would you know)

With time travel you could bring someone back from the dead if travel is unrestricted back and forwards and none of the others compare.
>millions of followers
unless you mean an army of religious cult followers that will murder on your behalf. Then I could see how that could be useful

>> No.10776442
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2, 5.


>> No.10776447

irrelevant, and offtopic

>> No.10776472

I meant 6...ironically as both can be accomplished with time travel.

6...you can just fucking learn languages and probably enjoy the journey.

>> No.10776474

1M dollars so I don't have to work ever again
Meet my soulmate because life is much more meaningful with a partner

>> No.10776505

time travel and one millon dollars, and i would buy any shitcoin that did 100x

>> No.10776509

Just 7, thx.
Three skills: omnipotence, omnipresence, omniscience

>> No.10776520


>> No.10776533

5 and 7, master music, flirting, and investing

>> No.10776535

Why take the million? Time travel with the knowledge of future lotto/sports/crypto results would make the million irrelevant.

>> No.10776584

If you're creative you can turn any of these into wealth and power. For instance
>millions of followers
>form a cult
>get all the benefits that come with being a cult leader
>cash donations from life savings of every member
>sex whenever you want with whoever you want
>isolated community where law doesn't apply to you
>live in large mansion with servants and all that
Combine this with any other pills and you're unstoppable

>> No.10776601

7 & 1

>> No.10776626

No one else thinking 1 & 3? Bring back Hitler combined with millions of followers, give him another shot. Although obviously the non brainlet response would be time travel and 3 skills

>> No.10776642

4 and 5 clearly.

More time on the clock and an edge in the markets.

>> No.10776676

those aren't skills you retard

>> No.10776678

How would you bring your money back with you to invest? Or how would you even have money in the past? If you time traveled back in time there would be a duplicate 'you'. You're not thinking this through

>> No.10776684

>so how did you meet?
>i made a wish for a soulmate

>> No.10776686

1. Could be obtained by 3, 4, 5, 7, or 8 so pass
2. Could also be obtained by 3, 4, 5, 7, or 8 so pass again
3. Maybe but time travel might be better
4. Pretty top tier
5. Also top tier
6. Why would I want to know another language than English when you plebs are forced to learn my language and speak on my terms?
7. top tier also
8. Kek, fame that is not a byproduct of your own work is pathetic
9. This is a trap. Just b/c meet your soul mate doesn't mean they want to meet you.

I think I'd do 4 & 5 because 4 let's me do all of the other pills and 5 gives me 10 extra years to do it.

>> No.10776690

Time travel back to 2007 or so. Master programming and two other things. Create Minecraft. Put Minecraft bux into crypto starting in 2010, and also become an early angel investor for Uber and some other companies I can't think of off-hand. Could easily end up among the 500 wealthiest men that way.

>> No.10776692


Why not? What are they then if not skills lol?

>> No.10776725

Bringing someone back from the dead is a useless wish
They're still going to be 6 feet deep in a box and will now re-die an unbearable death suffocating underground

>> No.10776732

They're attributes. You can't learn any of those b/c life isn't an rpg

>> No.10776776

Time travel and the million dollars
>Go back in time 10 years with money and life experience
>The money grants you followers automatically
>Have now traveled to before someone has died and can now prevent their death or learn from them before death
>Cruise by life with wealth and knowledge and use extra time to master skills and learn to speak languages
>Settle down successful and happy, can now find soulmate

>> No.10776798

>4 and 5 obviously, anyone saying otherwise is a brainlet
Not all of us are boomers anon.

>> No.10776819

>there would be a duplicate you
So what? Just live elsewhere and work under the table.

>> No.10776832


How are time travel and healing attributes instead of skills retard? It says "any skills" retard. You were just too stupid to see the cheat code because of your low IQ. Basically you just mad cos you bad.

>> No.10776850

time travel and master of any 3 skills. skills = music, investing, basketball

>> No.10776866

The ability to travel through time, the ability to heal any ailment

Since those are not things you can learn how to do naturally they must be attributes in the same way I can reach tall shelves because of my height attribute.

>> No.10776880

you're pretty dumb anon

>> No.10776910

4 and 9
4 lets you gain knowledge and money and power.
9 because you probably would never find them otherwise.

>> No.10776917

Healing isn't a skill, you dumb slag.

>> No.10776924

2 and 7 is the master combo
Master any 3 skills of your choice along with the starting capital to create businesses with that knowledge. If you’re a true /biz/realite this is the only answer you’d consider.

>> No.10776931

4 and 5, time travel and 10 extra years to use it

>> No.10776935

Imagine being too brainlet and emotionally feeble to know that #9 is god tier. You literally have to be autistic not to choose it.

Anyways, 7 & 9.

>> No.10776937

With time travel you can make tons of money though.

>> No.10776947
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>> No.10776959


Are you retarded or something? In what fucking world is healing not a skill? Do you even speak english?

>> No.10776961

Depends. One could argue that by time traveling to a specific place at a specific time in the past could alter the future. Assuming that’s the case, it wouldn’t be very helpful in predicting market changes/lottery numbers.

>> No.10776962

I love how some people here are so angry like "Choosing anything else makes you a fucking retard." Such assholes.

>> No.10776971

But if that is the case, couldn't you just travel to the future then and find out the outcome of events?

>> No.10777009

1: Good source of income, but only if you actively use it. Kinda meh.
2: The uncreative option. Easy, instant money. Decent.
3: Virtually worthless unless you gamed the system really hard (like saying you'll bring back sir isaac newton for 1 trillion dollars or some ridiculous thing like that). Really shit overall because you cannot guarantee it'll work as expected.
4: Potentially the best pill by far, although it depends on the use. If it only works once, then it's decent, but if you can endlessly time travel then it's extremely good.
5: You essentially add 10 years of life expectancy, and you can relive your youth and become famous for many reasons. Excellent choice overall.
6: Useful, but not as powerful as the other pills. Decent choice.
7: Assuming the time travel pill works only once, this is the best pill period. If you choose your skills correctly you could be extremely rich and live a very satisfying and easy life.
8: Virtually identical to 1, except with no promise that you'll have millions of followers. Very meh.
9: Only a pathetic neckbeard would pick this. Worst pill by far.

From best to worst (imo):
>4 (Endless Time Travel)
>7 (Master Three Skills)
>4 (One-Time Time Travel)
>5 (10 Years Younger)
>6 (Speak Languages)
>2 (Million Bucks)
>1 (Millions of Followers)
>8 (Famous)
>3 (Ressurection)
>9 (Soulmate)

>> No.10777015

5 and 8
I become a child star and get to fuck all the hot prepubescent child stars too

>> No.10777020


was half-heartedly considering the soul mate one, but given a world with enough liberty, it'd be pretty easy to find someone who you'd get along with more than splendidly
plus, really, the odds are that you've got numerous "soul mates", i think
i cry

what if you had alien soul mates, even if you weren't a complete degenerate and the stipulation that you would have to be able to *successfully* reproduce with them (and the children wouldn't suffer from any of the problems caused by mixing very different genetics) applied?

>take pill 7
>one of your three mastered skills is linguistics
>master all languages—even alien ones—on-the-fly

>> No.10777028
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they're actually not attributes or skills, they're "superpowers" or "magical abilities".

>> No.10777031

Mastering linguistics means you master the theory of language. Chomsky is considering the master of linguistics, but he only speaks one language.
Skills are learned, superpowers aren't.

>> No.10777042

you'd still want to be as young as possible if you can time travel and keep your current knowledge, provided you still age as usual

>> No.10777062

aaaah i mean mastering whatever skill would allow you to pick up on and assemble an understanding of a language from the pieces that you gather of it in short order
then again, that might just fit under "being intelligent"
i am so, so sorry; i'm broken, put me to sleep

>> No.10777148

>- Ability to heal anything(even death)
Please direct me to where I can learn to heal death. If it's not something that can be learned, it's not a skill.

>> No.10777149

1. What kind of followers? Will they do my every bidding with no ethical boundaries? Or is this just social media followers? ugh
2. Can't you at least offer an amount larger than my portfolio geez
3. No thanks.
4. Now we're getting somewhere. Needs more details though. Is this a one time use or infinitely reusable? Quantum leap i.e. into my past self, or a separate body?
5. Just 10?
6. No thanks. I can learn that myself.
7. Eh... I have quite a few skills I'm already pretty good at... can you be a master of time travel? :p
8. Fame dies pretty quickly. If you don't do anything special, you're gonna be washed up by tomorrow.
9. I'm redpilled, so I don't believe in that junk, no thanks. Unless I can see the future to convince me otherwise, no, I don't need more drama in my life, eating up more of my time.

4 is the only real good pick here.

For my second choice, assuming the shittiest possibilities (e.g. 1 is social media followers), I'm torn between 5 and 7. Eh, I'll take 7.

4 & 7

>> No.10777156

I'd meet my waifu and bring Hitler back.

>> No.10777181


You can't do it naturally but you learn it from taking the fucking pill.

>Please direct me to where I can learn to heal death

Take the fucking magical pill the OP offers and put it in your mouth and swallow it.

Simple enough for you?

>> No.10777189

Will your soulmate love you back?

>> No.10777248

Buy 1 million fiat worth of btc

>> No.10777268

This, time travel is OP in almost any case, as all the other pills are bound by three dimensions whereas time travel allows you to circumvent the other conditions through the fourth

>> No.10777287
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Lol, you find your soulmate by magic pill and they're just out of your league

>> No.10777295

What if you fuck up the market by pumping it before it's meant to be? Or giving it too early exposure?

>> No.10777302

#2 & #5.

Sub-penny Bitcoin, here I come!

>> No.10777311

2, 5 Let's go baby

>> No.10777314

Oops, I took "10 years younger" as going back 10 years (2008).

>> No.10777378

>pill lets you master 3 skills
>a skill is something that can be learned
>healing death cannot be learned
>therefore healing death is not a skill

>> No.10778297
File: 43 KB, 682x891, satoshi-2009-bitcoin-first-post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>return 10 years in time
>back to 2008
>wait one more year until Satoshi reveals Bitcoin in P2P forum
>mine thousands of it
>sell at least half in the end of 2017

>> No.10778327

6(if I learn 5 additional languages)

>> No.10778541

i would bring back hitler for shits and giggles
not even a nazi or anything just for entertainment value
i could be his manager he could do his own talk show...

>> No.10778633

6. german

>> No.10778643

i just want my dad back

>> No.10778653

>selling before btc is 1mil usd
Never going to make it

>> No.10778774

time travel means you travel through time.
so you cant do anything you like unless the future has that technology

>> No.10778805 [DELETED] 

master 3 skills, and learn the languages.

coding, network security, cooking.

5 spoken languages, Irish, Polish, German, Russian, Italian. Python, java, C#,c++

>> No.10778830

master 3 skills, and learn the languages.

coding, network security, cooking.

Polish Irish, python, c++ , java

>> No.10778839

>time travel

buy tons of amazon, apple, google and some bitcoins

>> No.10778864
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7 9 (Unless you can do the time travel dicking where you get infinte pills)
Just master making money, being good at sex and a third thing you find interresting.
Then dick your soulmate for the rest of your life while you make mad bank.
If you disagree then you are a cuck

>> No.10778879

Time travel and ten years younger are from an objective standpoint the best.
Unclear about what the followers are (social media or real life?)
If you travel ten years back, you can simply make smart investments and make tens of millions
The only person I would consider bringing back will return by Himself and bring millions with him
Too many benefits to list
Also an extreme amount of benefits
Depending on your level of skill, you can also do this in the ten years you get back on an even higher level (considering you have a fully developed mind)
This would seem good, but IMHO skills are something that must be gained through hard work and over a long period of time; mastering three skills instantly would take all the fun out of the journey.
Fame is not something that is really all that useful.
Soulmates do not exist.

>> No.10778889

time travel allows you to pretty much do all of this. it would be cool to hangout with 15 different copies of myself.

>> No.10778899
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time travel (back 10 years), and 10 years younger.
Bonus win mega-lottery and bring back all people who died within last 10 years (+health interventions).

>> No.10778926

>Soulmates dont exist but Timetravel is ok
Stop being a retard

>> No.10778953

Time travel and meet your soulmate.

I already know 4 languages and I'm not even 30, bet you're an amerimutt.

>> No.10778964

The entire concept of soulmate is that you are 100% compatible anon in every aspect anon.

>> No.10778965
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>take the mastery pill
>become a master of oratory, finance and something fun for the third one because the first two will be enough to make it, maybe painting
>take the time travel pill
>travel to a period of your choice
>let's say 100 years ago
>rise to power very quickly due to my oratory skills
>I can literally say anything and they'll believe me
>my country has a great economy due to my financing skills
>forget about my third skill because I don't have much free time
>some years later
>shoot myself in the head because I tried to conquer Europe and failed

>> No.10778980

>just creating Minecraft when you could create Microsoft, Google and Bitcoin.

>> No.10779008

I'll just stick to good old modafinil thanks