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File: 75 KB, 500x500, ENTJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10775653 No.10775653 [Reply] [Original]

What's your optimal mental state?
For me, it goes like this:

18MG Concerta
Tall Americano (iced + black)
Bottle of water

Followed in 2 hours by another Tall Americano

>> No.10775673

literally what

>> No.10775679


>> No.10775683

low dose concerta is pretty sweet. i used to take 14mgs and i felt really great. focused, alert, and even more outgoing.

>> No.10775685
File: 543 KB, 2121x1414, F10DF3D9-5690-4B71-8C72-0805070AA9DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, except with a £50 note

>> No.10775696


I don't get what you guys don't get?


Nice desu, didn't even know they had smaller than 18MG

>> No.10775705

>ADD cuck
just kys OP

>> No.10775723

I hope that Myers Briggs stuff is all false because mine means I'll never be successful in anything. I just stick with water too.

>> No.10775750
File: 106 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180725-220438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im going to die alone too anon

>> No.10775774



>> No.10775797

It may have been 18 actually. I knew this guy who took 72 mgs... in two pills but rarely took the small ones which he gave to me. I think the big one was 54mg and the small one 18mg.

Either way I really enjoyed the feeling of it.

>> No.10775804


Yeah it's nice, though it makes me almost too analytical and cold sometimes. My buddy has 80MG of Adderall or something like it and he takes it in one go, he's so fucked.

>> No.10775859
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Hit the nail on the head...

>> No.10775924
File: 25 KB, 330x495, intj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10mg adderall
1 hour in, large cold brew
Light lunch 4 hours later, with another cold brew
2 hours later, start doing lines

At home, weed

INTJ here, pic related, fuck you ENTJs

>> No.10775974


To be fair I think I'm a mix of E and I, and the older I get the more I seem to be like an INTJ...which is probably not good

>> No.10776060

Where’s the part of the ENTJ brain that tells them to receive their orders from the actual genius INTJ running the show?

>> No.10776452

I take about a gram of mushrooms and a small bump of 3-meo-PCP

>> No.10776813

Lol, INTJs are such insecure bitches.

>> No.10776877


intps make up the majority of this site brother

>> No.10776896

>10mg adderall
How does that compare to speed anon?

>> No.10776907

start the day right with
4 cups of kefir
2 teaspoons of matcha powder
fish oil capsules x15
turmeric + blackpepper capsules x5
enjoy your clear sharp brain and big pharma free life

>> No.10776988

Heh... haahahahaha
I'm losing my fuckin mind over here man. I need some real friends.

>> No.10777040

You Fucks gotta live a little, your very nature holds you back from innovation.
6-8gm Piracetam daily
30mg Adderall XR(fuck mornings)
200mg Caffine+L-Theanine
1.2gm Alpha GPC
2gm Milk Thistle
Metric Fuck Ton of B-Complex

You cunts are too concered with shitposting, the frescoe meme, and your shekels to actually enjoy life. Really, to think your dumb enough to believe a test about your personality. Whats ironic is that you embody the traits of the test once you take it. Enjoy your limited ability to think beyond what a test has told you to think basedboys. You faggots are worse than /b and /r9k combined.

>> No.10777056

where is this information?

>> No.10777096

>takes meme noot stack
>says other people are too constrained by their concepts
kys bandwagoner

>> No.10777180

>turmeric + blackpepper capsules x5
Be careful with this. blackpepper seems to block critical Phase 2 Liver detox processes.

Use SLCP for effective curcumin delivery.

>> No.10777188

I need 54 mg concerta to feel remotely awake

>> No.10777204

Great argument, your direct personal attack is truely original. The conversation will now most likely turn to the pilars of argument and we will not move beyond them. Which is sad really when you consider it.

>> No.10777207


That's rough, are you depressed?
Try taking some vitamins too.

I take fish oil pills, vitamin B12, zinc, calcium, L-arginine and vitamin D daily as well. The zinc helps a lot I think.

>> No.10777221

Yeah, depressed as fuck. My parents died in a car accident 9 months ago and I can’t get over it. I need 54 mg to even ve able to function, I take 80 mg of fluoxetine too.

Life is pain

>> No.10777224

I just popped a molly now I'm tryna fuck miley cyrus

>> No.10777247


Sorry to hear that brother, no words I or anyone else say can make up for your loss as I am sure you are aware.

If I could try to offer some advice (though I have no personal experience with this), I would just try to remember and focus on leading a life your parents would have wanted for you. I know it sounds cliche, but if they're up there watching over you I'm sure they would want the best for you and though it's natural to feel depressed, ultimately maybe you could find some inspiration in living your best life possible for them.

I wish you all the best brother, invest in some LINK unironically if you haven't already.

>> No.10777265

Thank you bro, your words are pretty valuable to me. And that’s exactly what I’ve been trying to do all these months and the only reason I haven’t killed myself yet, to honor them.

I invested some in btc, eth, link and jnt. Thank you for your advice brother

>> No.10777309
File: 11 KB, 400x400, entp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morning: Two French Presses, lots of water, yogurt seems to make me feel better so I try to have a little bit before work.
Evening: Been smoking more weed since it's currently than drinking and drinking makes me feel like shit.

but previously...
Morning: 30mg adderall, coffee, cigarettes.
Afternoon: 30 mg adderall, coffee, cigarettes-maybe 2mg lorazepam depending on how I felt.
Evening: Moaks, maybe a beer or two, and a 20mg Remeron before bed.

Also, is an ENTP basically just an asshole?

>> No.10777313
File: 430 KB, 1512x1512, happysun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I admire your courage man, and I'm glad what little I could offer might help you.

Time might make it easier, though I can't be sure of that. I wish I could help you further somehow.

All I can add is in my life I was a bit depressed and stuck in a rut, and what helped me was traveling overseas for work, and finding a woman I love, which of course isn't easy. Asia opened my eyes a bit to the world, maybe some more life experiences could take your mind off everything.

I hope you can find some solace in your friends group or any other family you have left, having a support system in any way could be helpful I'm sure. There's people like you out there, keep being a good person, your new journey and struggle has begun and if you can hold on you'll find gain strength and confidence in your struggle.

Coming to this place is a bit cathartic for me as well, I guess anything beats stagnation. Hang in there though man, don't kill yourself, there's so much more for you out there.

I wish you all the best man, you'll definitely make it.

>> No.10777317

ENTP here, what should I take?