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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 144 KB, 1200x673, pac-man-256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10767720 No.10767720 [Reply] [Original]

>be developer
>want to make pacman on the blockchain
>persistent world map on the blockchain that procedurally grows as user activity increases
>massively multiplayer as players switch between roles of pacmen and ghosts
>pellets generate on the map randomly in fixed time intervals
>look at making on Ethereum
>what the fug, $5 per tx during heavy traffic
>look at making on EOS
>looks like I can sell my kidney for two weeks of ram, piss off
>look at making on Skycoin Fiber
>feeless tx, pacman game gets its own dedicated blockchain, game is fast on dedicated hardware

The future of distributed gaming is bright, boys. Can't wait to chill with you fags on stream and play poker over Fiber with no latency or fees.

Tell me about the other games you want to see on a blockchain.

>> No.10767738


>> No.10767754
File: 30 KB, 406x452, 09754502957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pac-man on the blockchain

>> No.10767762


>> No.10767767
File: 140 KB, 1059x600, Final Fantasy Tactics (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PVP tactical RPGs on blockchain.

>persistent world
>fungible assets
>in-game economy
>recorded world history of battles, armies, conquests, and countries
>game of thrones tier-politics, alliances, and actions

>> No.10767779

You are fucking cancer, there is 0 point for your shitty game to be on a blockchain. Just use a traditional server or kys

>> No.10767830
File: 178 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, getting players and servers to sync modpack assets is a pain in the ass. Distributed asset lists for certain minecraft modpacks would make things quite a bit easier since the problem now is client/server mismatch if you just want to play on different servers.

>> No.10767860

but anon, traditioinal servers are slow as fuck and are expensive to operate for thousands of players

I as one man, can deploy an app on CX, which hooks into a blockchain on Fiber and I end up paying much less in operational costs. It's the user spending their coinhours to play the game and me making bank on in-game economy shit.

>> No.10767863

>What is innovation?

>> No.10767898

They are using a server lol. The entire skycoin "blockchain" is a database on one server.

>> No.10767906

Mmmh yes blockchain have shown to be very fast and scalable.
>Paying per hour to play pacman

>look at this innovative product
>it works much worse than the original product, but its innovation !

Blockchain has thousands of usecases, gaming is not one of them

>> No.10767935

Oh, coinhours are generated by the hour by holding skycoin, but you don't necessarily spend them as a unit of time.

"Sky-Man" might be more like an arcade game, where you pay 25 coinhours to start another life.

>> No.10767944

I have it downloaded on my computer tho.

>> No.10767951

>Blockchain has thousands of usecases, gaming is not one of them
You're literally retarded, old MMO rares like Party Hats in Runescape are the original digital scarcity.

>> No.10767985

If you are talking about trading digital game assets on the blockchain, sure that works.

Trading shitty weapon skins is not gaming for me though, and in this case the blockchain is used only for the ownership of the items, not the actual game.

>> No.10767996

No you dont. You have a program that communicates with the server, the same way the gmail app communicates with a google server.

>> No.10768000

Not to mention there isn't really a problem having those items on a centralised database

>> No.10768060 [DELETED] 

nah, look, right here, blockchain on my computer

>> No.10768068

> Be me
> Learn about CX
> Decide to try it out by writing a simple game
> The language is still incomplete what makes the code confusing and hard to read
> Post some incomplete version on the CX telegram group
> Open 4chan 2 days later
> There are literally 2 shill threads mentioning my game on /biz rn
> The threads are full of lies

>> No.10768098
File: 37 KB, 377x368, Screen Shot 2018-08-20 at 11.08.08 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


second time's a charm, look, right here, blockchain on my computer

>> No.10768126

>5 years of "blockchain"

>> No.10768132
File: 723 KB, 2576x1910, man cave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gaming on blockchain is pointless and gimmicky. i was about to make a game on Bitcoin Cash but i quickly realized that you'd just have bots gaming against each other if money are involved.

you can use a blockchain to publish proof of stuff but game logic should still be off-chain.

>> No.10768138

Time for the truth:
There is currently no way for the CX language to interact with the blockchain and whoever tells you the opposite is straight up lying.
The development team behind it is working day and night in order to improve the language.
If you want to help the project test the language find bugs and tell the team about them instead of spreading misleading information.

>> No.10768148
File: 219 KB, 1167x778, 1366583846385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold on, are you saying there's hypercritical dunning-kruger acolytes that constantly lurk biz and github, responding like Skycoin is an ex girlfriend that left them?

>> No.10768163

>real blockchains are bulky as fuck and not optimized at all and require TB hard drives to download

Coin Join ain't just for privacy, son.

>> No.10768167


>> No.10768181

Agreed, most of this is in CX, not a blockchain on Fiber. In my example blockchain just stores the map and probably player data.

>> No.10768208

kys pageet

>> No.10768309


oh that actually looks fun, how do i play this?

>> No.10768353

Yeah, but we're talking about planned concepts here anon. It's part of the planned features.

Nice work on the pacman demonstration, by the way.

>> No.10768407

Still in development anon, keep an eye on CX/Fiber/Skycoin

>> No.10768736
File: 286 KB, 1386x2048, reality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's literally already out on android/ios:


the screenshot is at 0:15

>> No.10768982

huh, I just grabbed a random image from google, that actually does look fun