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10763125 No.10763125 [Reply] [Original]

>hit 31
>peepee barely gets hard at all now
>lucky if I feel the need to jerk off more than twice a week
>1/10 of hair is always white
>so this is it then

>> No.10763131


Start using steroids. You'll thank me later

>> No.10763155
File: 65 KB, 540x540, 1465353911071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my biggest fear. That one day I'll wake up in my 30s with finally enough money for a condo or something, MAYBE even super early retirement, but then look in the mirror and see a bald head and fat gut, and a dick that doesn't even work anymore, and then just walk onto an active highway well aware that I have just wasted a perfectly good life trying to be smart & "think ahead" by slaving away throughout my 20's

Oh oh oh you know what would be even worse? If I finally saved up a good amount of money to chill, and then got diagnosed with fucking stage 3-4 stomach cancer or something.

Holy shit why even bother living I'm literally seething bros

>> No.10763159

I'm 31 too, still horny as fuck tho, but i feel you on the white/greying hair. Feels bad man.

>> No.10763188

34 here, if you guys think the hair thing is a detriment, think again. I've been told by plenty of women they find my gray hairs sexy - I have very few of them, honestly, but the point is there are plenty of women who get off on that. 31 is pretty young to not be getting erections easily, though. I'm still hard like 50% of the day. Sometimes I need to jerk off like 3x in a day to keep it down. Might wanna see a doc on that.

>> No.10763207


The scariest thing that you perception of time slows down as you age. You perceive time at twice the speed in your 40s as your 20s, so from a perception basis, you have lived through half of your life by 25

>> No.10763209
File: 79 KB, 768x1024, 1521681743503m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure you can't get hard anon?

>> No.10763213
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Welcome brother.

>> No.10763232

probably an out of shape fatass

>> No.10763233

32 is not that old as u may think anon

>> No.10763234

Why? 33 yr old boomer here that's always been curious

>> No.10763241
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life well spent... browsing 4chan and wanking into a flannel instead of learning valuable skills & making lasting connections and relationships. I guess I've only myself to blame.

>> No.10763247

32 here and i feel i got libido of 15 yo. Also been bold for a good year now. I've been bolding for several years and finally chose to shave everyrhing off. Never got so much female attensions before.

>> No.10763273


You'll feel like you're 19 again, except now you have wealth and experience. Testosterone makes you feel like a fucking greek god

>> No.10763284
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>eating off an ass.

Think about all the diarrhea and piss that splashes back on that ass.

>> No.10763310

Where to shop?

>> No.10763318

We you reach an age you can surprise yourself how filthy can you become. Oh young one you have much to learn.

>> No.10763323

I'm 29 and the erection thing rings home. I try to force myself to jack off every 2/3 days.

>> No.10763334

>hit 31
>peepee barely gets hard at all now
>lucky if I feel the need to jerk off more than twice a week
This is me if I go long periods of time without doing cardio. I don't understand people that don't take care of themselves and wonder why they have problems.

>> No.10763379

So you are a guy then

>> No.10763402

At what age do grey hair start appearing?
I'm 26 and scared as fuck, not a single grey hair yet but I fear I'm on my last years of youth.

>> No.10763417

You are a full grown adult

>> No.10763419


I've been getting gray since I was 17, I'm 31 now and it's starting to show up prominently in my beard. I don't think anyone including girls gives much of a shit about it, appearing as youthful as possible isn't really paramount for dudes as long as your face doesn't look like a ballsack.

>> No.10763438


Had white hairs since 16. Some of us hit boomer status early.

>> No.10763457

Ur a dumb fuck
Start working out and eating right, u still have test

>> No.10763497

My dude, you need to train your dick. The wheel that never turns grows moss. I fap twice a day, on the weekends I edge for 4 hours or so, and a few times a month, maybe every other week I have a marathon fap session, 12 hours of edging, 14 hours sometimes. I can get hard by just willing myself to get hard, I regularly output 2 oz per orgasm. No fap is a trick, a ruse, you must punish your body to tame it.

>> No.10763539

I'm turning 41 soon and have low test and I still get annoying night time boners.
I've also taken testosterone and steroids in the past and didn't really get the massive increase in sex drive, except trenbolone, that shit crazy.

>> No.10763853

>14 hours fapping

I don't have time for this shit

>> No.10763864

thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-7c4VNGOgU

>> No.10763950

Ahahahahahahhahaa this cracked me the fuck up, good job anon

>> No.10763961

pathetic, life starts at 30, MILFs and 18 year old sluts on your cock

>> No.10763997

This. 30 here. About to fuck a 48 year old, and a 19 year old. Aww yeah.

>> No.10763998

Fucking zoomers

>> No.10764048

Tfw 27 yrs old and ppl think I have 18~20
I don't know how to feel about this

>> No.10764073

I've just started noticing grey on the top of my head this year (34). There have been random appearances of them in my beard for some time but my beard is blonde and the occasional white hair in the forest is easy to miss unless i'm really looking closely trying to find them.

Also, as long as you stay in shape, the meme about women liking older men is true. Women actually give me flirtatiois looks on the street now. When i hit on them they most often say yes. It's fucking bizarre. That shit never happened in my 20's. I keep looking over my shoulder thinking they're giving the fuck me eyes to some Chad behind me.

>> No.10764094

>Hit 32
>Cock still hard as a diamond when it needs to be
>Could jerk off, multiple times a day if I wanted
>My hair is black and hasn't receded at all
>Still feel like im 21

How does it feel to have shit genetics OP?

>> No.10764096
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this. i'm 33 and just now really starting to feel this. it's terrifying.

>> No.10764202


>Tfw 26
>Tfw realised this already
>Tfw the past year feels like 4 months
>Tfw my parents weren't crazy when they used to say time flies

>> No.10764247

"Time flies on wings that just get stronger" _Dio

>> No.10764270

stop wasting it all wagies

>> No.10764314

vitamin C

>> No.10764317

(((They))) made a system where even if you win you lose.
Gotta admire (((them))) desu, then prepare the ovens

>> No.10764329
File: 73 KB, 500x495, 1D0DE6FB-870E-4909-8BB3-E0AE3E92E8F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 18 with a full head of hair
Laughing @ur lives, baldcucks

>> No.10764336
File: 300 KB, 480x459, 1530800886874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you okay anon ?

>> No.10764369

1/10 I'm here is always white? As opposed to sometimes? At least you're not going bald. Stop complaining and take some Viagra

>> No.10764407

Start drinking Monster. You'll thank me later.

>> No.10764425

a forced meme by a marketing company for a shit product becomes reposted by spastics

monster energy drink = 4chan is dead

>> No.10764455

>also hit 31
>all the hair on the top of my head is like thin peach fuzz that cant even grow an inch
>no energy or stamina to do anything
>erectile dysfunction
>dont get horny so who cares
>lots of health problems
>but no white hair

im not even larping. idc about the hair, i actually look good shaved bald but im too lazy to do that daily because my head shaving routine takes over an hour. i just go weeks wearing a hat until i get around to it.

>hit 28
>get hit by a large truck
>unconscious and straight to ICU
>spend months in hospital bed
>lose all my muscle
>wtf im fat now?
>can never run, jump, leg press 20lbs with fucked up leg
>dont even get a settlement

but you know what? im happy. im content. and i lost 70lbs my first year walking. i really thought id never walk again. but here my bald ass is walking around everyday.

i come from a low income working family. ive spent time not being able to take a shit on my own, not being able to bath, and a couple years in jail and prison. going through all of that has really allowed me to enjoy being a bald limpdicked 31 year old boomer.

life is what you make of it. enjoy it while you still have it.

>> No.10764822

>that 16 year old boomer

>> No.10764864

>tfw 25
>Not low test, all hormone results fine
>Still weak libido and erections, haven't fapped in 2 weeks
Thanks dutasteride

>> No.10765390

>look 20