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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10762202 No.10762202 [Reply] [Original]



Wheres my cute little wagie?


Who's a hungry boy? WAGIE!!!!


Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy? YOU'RE A GOOD BOY!!

Who wants the money? Who wants the money?

You want it boy?

C'mon boy jump!

You almost got it that time wagie, jump one more time!

Jump higher wagie higher!

Ohhhh ok, you did good, here you go boy.

Go have a nap and we can play later.

>> No.10762208
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lol, absolutely neat that some other based neet did my work already. redpilled to the bone.

>> No.10762218

Somebody post those two autistic Vocaroos pls

>> No.10762226

Kek those are good

>> No.10762240


Oof. Muh mortality.

>> No.10762848
File: 47 KB, 500x465, 25745_1328794014385_651770_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10763023


>> No.10763073


>tfw still work even though I've already "made it"

Wtf do you do all week while normal, functioning adults are being productive?

>> No.10763091

this is my favorite wagie pasta
you have no imagination, anon.

>> No.10763108


I imagine a crusty maladjusted slob beating it to trap porn in between binge sessions of vidya

>> No.10763128

na, i mean with your life if you're still working when you don't have to. you stil have slave mentality.

>> No.10763145
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This is fucking cruel. Why does /biz/ treat it wagies so bad?

Remember they work, I collect. ;)

>> No.10763152


I'm not sure why people conflate work with slavery. Most billionaires continue working despite not having to. Why wouldn't I want to remain productive and continue to further myself?

>> No.10763242


>be neet
>compare people with careers to pets
>not see the irony in the fact that neets literally live like pets, totally dependent on someone productive to house and feed them

>> No.10763270
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Are you sure that's how you see it? ;)

>> No.10763327


Yes, I'm sure. Survival has always required some sort of effort. Survival is not slavery. Collecting a welfare check is much closer to it. You're literally dependent on the hand that feeds you. You have the autonomy of a shiztzu, and are even less useful to society than one. I doubt you're even housebroken, go empty out your pissbottles NEETboi

>> No.10763350


For me it's about where the things I do in my life come from.

>> No.10763360

What if I'm a neet who lives of rental property? I don't have anyone paying my bills.

>> No.10763393



Absolutely nailed it. Love my pissbottle. The tyranny of the toilet bowl is forever vanquished in my house

>> No.10763396


I don't even know what this means

>> No.10763410

Jokes on you, I work weekends too

>> No.10763571


Like what spirit drives you. If it's a spirit of creativity then you have to listen to it, not others.

I'm high as shit tho

>> No.10763619


How do you even become a neet?

Drug dealing?

>> No.10763656
File: 796 B, 20x20, 1532794794746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy being a leech on society and never having a job because you were unemployed over a decade of your potential working career and starving when the U.S. economy collapses and you can no longer rely on government handouts.

>> No.10763662
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But I like my job and I make a lot of money...

>> No.10763692
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>implying I don't have a stash of crypto.

>> No.10763742

Well in that case, never mind. I just hate people who brag about leeching off the taxpayer by feigning some illness or disorder. If you actually made money off crypto and live on that, more power to you. If you're a welfare leech you're scum.

>> No.10763793

Same, ‘tis the life ain’t it anon?