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10761734 No.10761734 [Reply] [Original]

Literally everyone in my school is invested in some crypto. People here tend to think kids aren’t into crypto well that can’t be farther from the truth. Teachers and students talk about crypto non stop. I don’t know much people not invested in ethereum bitcoin or an alt coin if they want to show there true racism or edginess. Do old people buy crypto? Like people over 25? Just wondering. I’m 18 by the way. But yeah, sucks that old people get into shit so late .

>> No.10761757

So your saying the market is still saturated? Thanks just sold everything.

>> No.10761765
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>But yeah, sucks that old people get into shit so late .
KEK I'm 34, I've been in since before GOX kiddo. Fags like you are buying my bags and making me rich.

>> No.10761775

Thats why bitmex trollbox have the biggest retards in crypto

>> No.10761781

If this is a larp I’ll bite. If you just got into crypto in 2017 you’re late and I doubt a high schoolers $500 from mommy and daddy will help them make it in any way

>> No.10761804

OP is larping. My brother goes to HS and no one owns any crypto.

Just go on the street and you will never find anyone that owns even 0.01 BTC, let alone 0.1, let alone 1 fucking BTC

>> No.10761836

U guys serious dudes r selling crypto stickers and half the SoundCloud rappers in my school has lyrics about crypto you boomers r going to fail

>> No.10761853

We are unironically in the late adopter stage

Only bagholders and larpers disagree

>> No.10761860

>But yeah, sucks that old people get into shit so late .
You think you and your zoomer friends at school are the early adopters? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.10761868

How can it be late adopter stage if nothing has been adopted yet?

>> No.10761880

We are still in innovation stage because the idea of smart contracts is still in infancy and nothing has been adopted, the use-cases are still being explored. ETH only came out 2 years ago

>> No.10761900


>> No.10761975

Its stale FUD, moon soon

>> No.10761991


There are lots of coins at different stages. I think we are all within innovator stage desu.

>> No.10761999

There are more kids in high school than there are bitcoins.

They don't own shit, not even remotely close to one a piece. They will all want one though, it is the future and we already got them hooked.

>> No.10762018

>we are all within innovator stage
Agreed, the use cases of blockchain are still being explored, ETH only came out 2 years ago and dapps are still in embryonic stage.

>> No.10762030

Nah ships sailed. Not here in 2010 you missed the biggest boat to ever sail. Oh well look for the next one this time around buddy.

>> No.10762061

i got drunk and went to my local university to shill chainlink

all guys i talked to knew about bitcoin and how itw was so expensive.

none invested because all were poor fags

one liar told me he bought XVG on ameritrade. which is not even possible.

people know about it.

they just dont know where or what to invest in.or money

>> No.10762156

U guys are larping and barely go outside everyone knows about crypto I see people downtown wearing ethereum shirts shit is cringey

>> No.10762546
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Crypto is a scheme by the jews to enrich zoomers. Zoomers will adopt the new tech and their parents will literally be buying their bags. Zoomers become rich and are able to spend much more money on Mr. Goldstein's products, instead of the boomer parents donating all their money to africa/india.

>> No.10762559


>> No.10762574


>Literally everyone in my school is invested in some crypto.


Bad larp 1/5

>> No.10762594

made up bollocks.

>> No.10762605

Unless you go to school in the MIT sex dungeons, I think you are exaggerating a bit

>> No.10762653

>zoomer cope
Sorry kid, looks like you missed early days of Apple/Microsoft, the dotcom, and now crypto. Eternally justed

>> No.10762670

high school zoomers don't have money to invest lmao

>> No.10762967

fellow 18 yo here as well. at least half of my class owns bitcoin. and a third own le shitcoins and altcoins. almost none of the girls hold any though

>> No.10763007

Can confirm that ""Soundcloud"" producers do shamelessly meme on crypto in their songs

>> No.10763015

>U guys
>Is cringey
He sounds about 18, all right.

>> No.10763035


28 year old boomer here. Was trading crypto before you had your first hair on your nuts. This thread tells me the market still has a long way down to go before the next big bull run.

>> No.10763545

>What is the show Delocated?

>> No.10763552

>MIT sex dungeons

>> No.10763617

Can't believe there are people falling for this bait. Why would highschoolers own crypto when they need the new supreme box logo and/or off-white nikes? Crypto's main audience is 25-35

>> No.10764067

High schoolers are smart sometimes. Remember what it was like before alcohol?

>> No.10764088

Shoeshine boy into cryptos. Oh no, historical precedence.

>> No.10764104

In the winter of 1928, Joe Kennedy decided to stop to have his shoes shined before he started his day's work at the office. When the boy finished, he offered Kennedy a stock tip: "Buy Hindenburg." Kennedy soon sold off his stocks, thinking:

“”You know it's time to sell when shoeshine boys give you stock tips. This bull market is over.[1]
A timely move considering that the stock market would soon resemble the fate of the airship Hindenburg itself.

>> No.10764454

this desu
we're looking at a 10x at best in the coming years, on the bluechips they're holding at least
and you weakhanded children will sell at the whiff of a 2x
so you're making 500$
whoopty doo

>> No.10764466
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what would you say the average stack is worth? in BTC

pls respond

>> No.10764541
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>> No.10765530

I simply refuse to believe this. I am 25 and none, literally no one I know owns any crypto. No, wait there is one guy but I bought for him. I do not know of any women owning crypto but then again what else is new

""""late stage""""
Such a late stage if there hasnt been any adoption yet, literally none. Jesus christ the whole late stage comment is absolutely ridiculous

>> No.10765569

Seriously ? Anon go into more details. God I fucking hate that shit. Is it like that everywhere or just your specific school?

>> No.10765625

Dude go to a library see all the kids in the teenage and up centers stem classes all that everyone just talks about crypto. Everyone I know buys weed on the darknet. Everyone’s knows about crypto thanks to soundcloud and Facebook. You think high schoolers aren’t investing in the internet coins you boomer fags are retarded. My little brother owns 3500 in ripple and he’s 12 years old.

>> No.10765676


Crypto was invented to ensure the future of the stock market. Kids have a supercharged version of the market with massive volitility they play with small money and learn the fundamentals of investing. This will stay with them for life and once they are older with a stable income they will invest inmore stable things such as stocks and real estate.

>> No.10765716

I'm 33, been in since 2011. We're only just getting started.

>> No.10765749

Stock market will be run using crypto.

>> No.10765791

no crypto is fast enough for that crap.

>> No.10765825

It will be. When BTC first came out, it was quite difficult to use.. It has evolved and strengthened over that time and will continue to do so. Software can constantly improve. To the point where BTC can serve as a backbone for markets, running them on top of it. BTC enables very smooth trade.

It's going to be much bigger than most people realize today.

>> No.10765832

you lack of knowledge is as disturbing as your naivety.

>> No.10765873

depends of the country
in francistan the crypto investing population is either 30 years old boomers running ICO scams or teenagers buying alts and shitposting on their version of 4chan

>> No.10765917

you don't understand the technology, so why pretend? this isn't reddit or twitter, there's a fair amount of people with a decent grasp on it

>> No.10765931

aren't you a clever cookie
but anyone actually smart would have thought that in mid-2017, when the BCH fork was imminent and the tether fraud was exposed
and they would have sold BTC at around $2k
being smart makes you lose money in crypto, follow sentiment not logic

>> No.10766073

dumbo you're not in a position to advocate anything with that level of reading comprehension

>> No.10766090

hope these high schoolers are buying the real bitcoin (BCH) and not bcore scamcoin

>> No.10766948

i personally know a 9 year old that is friends with my 12 yo brother who is all in on potcoin

>> No.10766965

Around $100-$5000.
I live in a well-off area which probably skews the numbers slightly but still. Most hold around $500-$1000.

>> No.10766981

EOS is already fast enough to run it.

>> No.10766998

My neighbors son is 7 years old and owns 700 GIOTA. Y’all should off yourselves

>> No.10767429

My 5 year old neice is in monero, she holds ~ 300 more than me. Her dad, my non blood uncle, works at Bitfinex.

>> No.10767474

so if every male highschooler in the US owns 500$ of crypto
that's under 4B
dogshit amount (in the big picture)
Is no company targeting you? you guys are gullible as hell, you look like easy money

>> No.10768818

why don't your post some pics than you LARPing faggot

>> No.10768881
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>actually believing any of this

>> No.10768905

I don't know a single person besides me who owns crypto

>> No.10769099

I told my wife's son that he should learn how to make on the internet and buy REQ. He lost all his $300 and then my wife beat me up. FML

>> No.10769243
File: 119 KB, 768x1024, ( you ).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im 33 and have both BTC and BCH. mostly BCH because it looks like it has the most usage.