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File: 34 KB, 630x630, NANO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10757413 No.10757413 [Reply] [Original]

>Instant transactions
>Decentralised, both in design, and in operation
>Environmentally Friendly
>Scaleable - to possibly 7000tps. (300tps has been seen on mainnet)
>Simple - a User eXperience that even your granny could understand
>Working today (not future vapourware)
>Android, IOS, desktop and browser wallets
>Securable on Ledger Nano S & Jolt hardware wallets
>Easy for merchants to integrate into Point of Sale via BrainBlocks and Kite
>Works even if you're offline, even with paper wallets
>Can securely reuse Addresses
>Not classifiable as a Security
>On Binance and eight other exchanges
>p2p exchanges coming - LocalNanos.com due on Aug 21st and PayFair
>Would cost at least one third of its market cap to breach its security with a 51% attack
>Awesomely-supportive community has contributed many of the above
>Can be used as an arbitrage coin once on all exchanges
>Lack of fees makes it usable globally e.g. in Venezuela where some coins' fees exceed the local daily wage
>No inflation - All coins in circulation
>Easy to run a node with cheap hardware - A single-board computer is enough like the Brainblocks Pod
>No mining required that mess with graphic cards market
>Several block explorers to choose from like Nanode or MeltingIce
>Promising Roadmap with many points already solved
>Driven by intelligent people with a clear vision and awesome Dev team
>Transparent development where anybody can jump in and contribute
>Protocol and many wallets are open sourced like Nano wallet company, Canoe, Nano Blocks and Nanovault
>Being considered for Coinbase Custody
>Near instant and zero fees makes Nano to maybe THE best currency to be used for micro transactions like gambling, betting and other online services

>> No.10757603

>0 demand
>another dead currency shitcoin in a sea of hundreds
>nobody cares
>not even if it does a blowjob for free
>are you still stealin at these prices mate?

>> No.10757622

i bought 4.4k xrb exactly 14 months ago and sold in december 2017. Maybe Nano is the future, but youre in the past. Link it in bruh

>> No.10757807

i cannot wait for all the salt when NANO takes off. buying now is like getting BTC in 2011

>> No.10757827

No getting it for free from the faucet is like getting in btc early. You are a bag holder. Crypto adoption isn’t coming soon. Thruput doesn’t matter right now. By the time it does, someone else will do it better. Nano is gonna have a back full of arrows

>> No.10757832

Decent coin. I'd keep an eye on it.

>> No.10757833
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>> No.10757877

It was an airdropped currency. That's enough to stay away if you're intelligent.

>> No.10757936

i have yuuuge bags. who do you think has been buying all the NANO that was panic sold the last few weeks. feelsgoodman

>> No.10757948

not airdropped. it was distributed through captcha solving. it's more distributed than BTC and especially shit like ETH and EOS (which NANO doesn't compete)

>> No.10757966

If it's free and permissionless how do you stop spam attacks?

>> No.10757972

>the future

yeah, until better tech comes along, which it already has. where's the incentive to use this alt instead of another alt? none of them have any real users, just speculaors.

when the speculators move on to the next hottest thing, what staying power do you think a now outdated nano really has?

altcoins are always being deprecated, and are never the future of anything.

>> No.10757978

There are 2 camps, those who bought and those who got it for free, freeloaders won

>> No.10757990

oh, you mean all the pajeets that bought a few thousand captchas for a few dollars? the distribution is the reason why it will never be taken seriously as a currency.

>> No.10757993


>> No.10758005

t. miners whose business model isn't required with NANO

>> No.10758013

But you can do all the proof of work beforehand and then unleash massive numbers of transactions, right? I thought that's how they stress tested the network. If not, it's no longer "instant".

>> No.10758041

I have just over 4K nano left. I didn’t pay a dime for it. That’s by no means a whale. But just a few years ago it was free. Now it’s lost like 95% from ath. Why is that going to be used as a payment system ?

>> No.10758072

they do. and it increases the throughput. DAG's are different from blockchain in that spam doesn't slow the network, in some cases, it speeds them up.

>> No.10758084

you're assuming it's the end right now. like all assets ever made, the more they are distributed the less volatile they become.

>> No.10758126

And i am here refusing to but it for more than $1

Should i really buy it now or wait a few days/weeks?

>> No.10758140
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The amount of (cope) is off the charts with this guy.

>> No.10758162

I get in places that have bad inflation. It seems pretty good. But what’s to stop another coin that is faster from taking this position? Since it would come along later we can assume more people would be in crypto and tf have a better distribution

>> No.10758168

I understand why spam would increase throughput in IOTA given each transaction must confirm two previous transactions (although this is theoretical and spam has still proven to be an issue in practice), but I don't see how it could help Nano. Even if it did, at some point a high number of transactions will cause nodes to start de-syncing.

>> No.10758184

That's literally an airdrop.
Sorry but you need to expend energy to create value.
This is exactly correct, the distribution method is incredibly important.

>> No.10758212

I ll buy in sub 30cent.

>> No.10758285

>spam doesn't slow the network, in some cases, it speeds them up
>the price decrease us actually bullish

>> No.10758343

IOTA doesn't work. NANO does, the stress test showed that.
>Sorry but you need to expend energy to create value.
NANO uses PoW, it's just more efficient than BTC. the amount of energy doesn't have to correlate to value
the entire crypto market is down and NANO has a lot of weak hands for which i am grateful. otherwise, i couldn't have loaded up so much recently

>> No.10758462

Lightning network makes NANO irrelevant.
Inb4 muh bcash.

>> No.10758523

You going to miss the boat. DCA.
If this is like BTC at $10, then you only need 100 to be a millionaire in a few years. Most people can afford that.

>> No.10758843

in theory, you are correct. however, LN isn't accessible for most and doesn't work yet. also, there are still fees. NANO works right now and is feeless.

>> No.10758880

nano is a shitcoin, muh "scalable", the transaction has no real cost except very small pow, if the network gets popular it will be easy as fuck for a hateful richfag to ruin it, let alone a company or government that wants to kill it off

>> No.10758904
File: 27 KB, 336x437, nanosell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try buying half the supply in order to "ruin" it. Everyone holding tokens would take profits and get rich as fuck during the super bull runup when an entity trys to get 70 million Nanos

>muh this is a bad thing

KYS Faggot

>> No.10758980
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i like your style, dude

>> No.10759360

There are dozens of coins out there validating transactions in less than a minute..
In the meantime Nano has:
>no privacy
>dogshit UX
>no interactions possible with smart-contracts

Nano is just fast, which isn't that a big of a deal deal because pure payment protocol can easily scale on-chain anyway (if BTC augmented its blocksize to 32 MB none of the fiasco of the last year would have happened).

>>Near instant and zero fees makes Nano to maybe THE best currency to be used for micro transactions like gambling, betting and other online services
LMAOing at people thinking being feeless is a good thing for a decentralized network, it's a recipe for centralization.

>> No.10759423

cool, bro. you have it all figured out. are you retired yet?

>> No.10759436


>> No.10759469
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>> No.10759497

I really really really don’t believe it’s the future OP. I don’t think the internet of money should be “free” I don’t think transactions should be “free” I don’t think the government should give out handouts either. I really think nano is an SJW coin it appeals right into their ballpark of fantasies.

>> No.10759512
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>If x coin does y then nano would be shit.

Nano is here right now , constantly improving and functioning at a scale other coins can claim but have not proven. TPS is not as important for currency as how quickly you can verify the transaction. Old chains will still have block timings anything outside of this has not been developed. You gonna stand around for 30 minutes to pay for your coffee in the morning.

The only other hope in this field was IOTA and the tangle is an unscaleable clusterfuck right now.

I would say steralize yourself but you only go for dudes fucking you in the ass, so no risk of spreading your inferior genetics any further.

>> No.10759513

it's not free. it's feeless. learn the difference

>> No.10759531

Feeless isnt an advantage. Fees are for spam prevention and incentivising nodes, both of which nano has trouble with

>> No.10759532
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Have fun with your payment only coin lol

>> No.10759544

>that webm
holy kek, that was hilarious

>> No.10759550

All of you are so deluded, it's like peaking at a psychiatrist ward

>> No.10759556

Are you saying i won't make anything for setting up a Nano node?

>> No.10759557

it actually doesn't.
> Fees are for spam prevention and incentivising nodes
PoW is for spam prevention, not fees. you should lean about DAG data structures. there are links in the thread.

>> No.10759565

additionally, no one makes money with BTC nodes, yet people still host them.

>> No.10759579

literally the best digital money ever created
those stubborn to see the truth will eventually buy higher
btw, we are about to breakout
if you have any love for your grandkids, accumulate this coin

>> No.10759582

Nano was the embodiment of the 2017 bubble. Something that went from nearly 0 to $30 because people yelled, "get in faggot". It skyrocketed on an exchange most sensible traders wouldn't touch. They knew it was an artificial pump but waited on the sidelines and jumped in anyway when it hit a more renowned exchange. This should have been a clear signal to take profit from all market positions as Nano was basically in a state of, "we know this situation is irrational, fuck you buy it anyway you faggot". That shouldn't be enough for anything but a small cap signal group.

>> No.10759594

The rebrand was beyond shit. I’ll take the NANO code fork it add some z-snarks and have a DAG privacy coin. What an awful name..raiblocks was great and they blew it.

>> No.10759608

simple formula being added to the protocol will render spams useless
transaction priority = (least recently used account) * (amount) * (PoW difficulty)


>> No.10759609

I won’t be surprised when this coin reaches zero.

>> No.10759623
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Doesn't matter, everything you know has changed. Speculation is over and now it is time for coins that are releasing functioning products to gain adoption.
It went from 30 to 1 and just flagged a clear reversal.
During the phase you are talking about the biggest whales relentlessly dumped millions of tokens on the market.
As for the point about the team not speaking up about how insane the speculation was getting well I cannot comment on that just the technology .

>> No.10759628

the weakest of FUD. trying too hard, bro
thanks for the recap. what is the point of this drivel?

>> No.10759665

do not own nano. i was lucky to get out before bitgrail exit scammed. Nano has been exploited so many times and people keep buying. blows my mind

>> No.10759675

not to mention it's a payment coin. bitcoin is way better money than nano. if you dont think so i dont have time to teach you. youll have to study the history of money yourself

>> No.10759679

I am going ALL IN on Nano, but i will wait a while, it's going down again, probably to 80 cents

>> No.10759688

the exchange was exploited, not the NANO protocol
i'm invested in both. i believe BTC is a superior store of value and NANO is a superior payment coin. both will be used for different reasons.

>> No.10759689

I give zero fucks about that, people are gonna buy nano and i can make at least 100% in the next weeks, so i will buy it as soon as it dumps again and sell when it makes me at least 100% profit

>> No.10759714
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This guy fucks

>> No.10759719

He buts benis in bagina :-DDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.10759738

Inflationary - Deflationary (All coins mined)
Slow as fuck - Instant
Expensive af - Feeless
Consumes a fuckton of energy - nope
Created by NSA and jews - nope

Plus, BTC mining creates a system where miners eventually suck out all the coins from simples hodlers and users

NANO is BTC 2.0 - it is what crypto was meant to be

>> No.10759766

What? Fees are the primary method of spam prevention in BTC, how else would you stop someone sending themselves a million transactions? POW is NANO's workaround solution. Maybe open a book yourself once in a while.

>> No.10759771

i wouldnt be caught dead mining anything this late into the game

it works right now but who's using it? who's going to use it over any other random altcoin? tech doesn't matter for alts when there's always a new one with better tech.

>> No.10759783

He doesnt fuck and neither do you

>> No.10759788

>in BTC
this is a NANO thread, you mong
BTC uses PoW as well, but it has to have fees because miners. NANO's workaround is not needing miners, so no fees

>> No.10759806

proof of work is just another word for a fee. attacking it is trivial, it just costs money for compute power, and in order to protect against that you have to increase the amount of work you have to do, which in turn makes it impossible to send transactions on phones, requiring somebody else to do that work for you, which they will charge a fee for.

nano isn't feeless.

>> No.10759808

>tech doesn't matter for alts when there's always a new one with better tech.
which alt that competes with NANO has better tech?
networks do not grow over time, adoption takes time. those with the foresight to understand this are rewarded by buying while something is cheap, not waiting for confirmation once everyone is using it. learn about investing

>> No.10759812
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Literally posted earlier


>> No.10759818

you should really look into why fees exist, and it's not because of miners.

>> No.10759821

>*networks grow over time

>> No.10759843

>which alt that competes with NANO has better tech?
somebody can fork any altcoin and create another.

>adoption takes time
time altcoins like nano just don't have, before they get rendered obsolete, or forgotten in the passage of time. alts don't have the luxury of waiting for adoption, they either bring something huge to the table like ethereum, or they slowly fall away to be replaced by something else only used by speculators.

nano just isn't enough to attract that critical mass of non-speculative users.

>> No.10759861

How does Bitcoin mining work?

Anybody can become a Bitcoin miner by running software with specialized hardware. Mining software listens for transactions broadcast through the peer-to-peer network and performs appropriate tasks to process and confirm these transactions. Bitcoin miners perform this work because they can earn transaction fees paid by users for faster transaction processing, and newly created bitcoins issued into existence according to a fixed formula.

>> No.10759864

>it has to have fees because miners.
Can you guys please do some research on why BTC has the features it has and what the reasoning is behind them before you spend any more money or post any more threads.

>> No.10759875

>something huge to the table like ethereum,
HAHAHAHAHA, ETH is the biggest shitcoin of all. you fell for the platform coin meme.
the rest of your post is baseless opinion with which i disagree.

>> No.10759888

you keep saying this, yet you don't tell us why you think this. i posted links from bitcoin.org explaining my position. let's hear what you have to say about it

>> No.10759919

Think what? What exactly are you asking? BTC uses fees to prevent spam. If you dont understand this idk what to say, you need to watch some videos on Bitcoin basics or something

>> No.10759959

right, i never said it didn't. BTC is an older protocol, NANO doesn't require fees to prevent spam because no mining. how is this hard to grasp?

>> No.10760039

I dont know what point you think you're making. I am clearly aware of everything you said, which would be obvious if you read the thread.

>> No.10760147

>Because no mining
Is an incomplete sentence, could you try again. I'll start nano needs no fees to prevent spam because...

>> No.10760149

ok, let's recap: i said BTC has fees because mining. >>10759788
you said to do some research on BTCs features >>10759864 and didn't refute my point. so i clarified my position here >>10759861 and here >>10759959 and you still haven't said anything that proves my position to be wrong. just more vague crap. good bye, newfag

>> No.10760167

>'ll start nano needs no fees to prevent spam because...
read the thread retard

>> No.10760235

>Is an incomplete sentence, could you try again
next time, try to copy the whole sentence you literal brainlet. i'll show you how
BTC is an older protocol, NANO doesn't require fees to prevent spam because no mining
and if you cannot extrapolate the meaning from that, you should probably go back

>> No.10760424

No. No it's not. You have an insecure shitcoin I'm afraid. DAGs aren't safe. Bitcoin is almost 10 years in and unless you live in a 3rd world country, it has virtually no use. There's a reason why NANO is down 95%. It's worthless. Don't kill yourselves after falling for the currency coin meme. If BTC couldn't do it, you literally have zero chance.

>> No.10760508

It's really the other way around. LN doesn't work, Nano does. If you need instant/feeless, Nano is the way to go.

>> No.10760517
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Around 3 billion people inhabit those 3rd world countries

>> No.10760557

>currency coin meme
what's the matter? does it threaten your usury business model?

>> No.10760574

>I'm afraid
you teed this one up. HAHAHA

>> No.10760698
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Well we found the kike in here.
You tricks won't work here.

>> No.10760750

>30 posts by this ID

You are obviously scared you fucked up or you wouldn't be in here trying to convince people NANO isn't a complete joke. Newsflash: It is.

>> No.10760763

>Well we found the kike in here.
>666 to start ID

>> No.10760775

i love defeating you troll faggots and educating newfriends. this is fun for me.
you're the one who is defensive, typical.

>> No.10760820

Why is noone talking about nimiq?

>> No.10760867

I like their wallet system. The avatar generation was a cool use of recognizable addresses.

>> No.10761184

This shows how little 4chan morons actually know about crypto. This way of ordering a chain has been debunked years ago on bitcointalk. Its not a secure way to hold a serious currency.

You guys know before raiblocks he called it another name and deleted all of it from bitcointalk right?

>> No.10761187

None of those factors make nano good money. You’re a lost cause. Never even mentioned fungibility.

>> No.10761357

NANO works right now. what are you on about?
>because he didn't mention fungibity it means NANO isn't

>> No.10761364

phone posting

>> No.10761653

I wouldn't say it's useless at that point. It would just force all the honest users to compute much more than a 5 second proof of work if they ever want their transaction validated. IMO they should just implement a dynamic fee that rises locally when a node starts spamming.

>> No.10761746
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All wallets pre-compute their next transaction hash. So unless you are making many transactions withing milliseconds I do not think this will hit any normal user.

If you are a solutions provider doing batch payment processing you will come up with your own solution.

>> No.10761789

None of you retards understand that LINK is NOT A FUCKING CURRENCY!!!! Never was never will be. Stop shilling it anytime a currency thread comes up. It makes you and the project look stupid.

>> No.10761803

nano about to breakout rn

>> No.10762133
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>You are here

>> No.10762921

I'd like to know about how being a feeless cryptocurrency will lead to centralization

>> No.10764144

Because there is no hard economic incentive to maintain the network like with mining therefore people running have two choices:
1) running them at loss for purely altruistic reason (lol, good luck with that)
2) proposing to run nodes for merchants (who don't want to have to deal with this shit anyway) against a comission

If 1 then then the network will be spammed to death by an attack at one point or another because it would just be too easy to not do it.
If 2 you will end up with a bunch of VISA and Mastercard controlling most of the network.

>> No.10764246
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> but muh people need incentive

Like Linux you will participate in the network because it helps your business, check those emails in the main kernel mailing lists, those are all redhat/Google/ibm employees paid to participate in open source contribution to the mainline kernel.

It's not like the main reps are gonna be some neet with a rasberry pi in his basement.

Look at bitcoins node network for distributing the blockchain . There is zero incentive there , but people do it to support all the ancillary services related to the platform.

Also you are obviously a massive faggot, I hope your dad does not beat you too badly when you come out of the closet.

>> No.10764254

1000x worse than EOS? no thanks.

>> No.10764433

>Like Linux you will participate in the network because it helps your business, check those emails in the main kernel mailing lists, those are all redhat/Google/ibm employees paid to participate in open source contribution to the mainline kernel.
Linux isn't a network you brainlet, apples and oranges.

>Look at bitcoins node network for distributing the blockchain . There is zero incentive there , but people do it to support all the ancillary services related to the platform.
Non-mining nodes are completely useless, they could be here or not it would have 0 impact on the network, the only reason you would want to run one is to not have to go through a SPV but the benefits are basically non-existent unless you are a company handling a lot of transactions.

>Also you are obviously a massive faggot, I hope your dad does not beat you too badly when you come out of the closet.
When something this salty is posted you know there is a massive bagholder behind, tell me by how much you are down redditfaggot (your spacing betrayed you), 90%? 96%? You realize you will never make your money back right?

>> No.10764550

It's the bit after the word because you need to expand on. Because no mining. Because no mining. Means nothing.

>> No.10764652
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>Like Linux you will participate in the network
top kek. brainlet detected.

>> No.10764658

"zero fee" is a meme imho.

>> No.10765415


i am starting to believe goyim.
its not going down at all

>> No.10766363

why would I use nano with zero fees when I can use Metalpay that will actually pay me when I do transactions?

>> No.10766667


>> No.10766698


It is about being the first mover in the space with the largest community.

>> No.10766828

>no one runs nodes on the BTC network

>> No.10766910

i'm going to play golf NANObros. keep up the good work destroying shills. i'll check back later

>> No.10767890

I really don’t believe Nano is the future. Horrible investment. Smart contracts are the future.

>> No.10768047
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Ok what about all the infrastructure related to keeping a Linux distro up and running? Rhel and Debian based distros cannot exist without the massive network of mirrors that get no incentive to run one.

If you run a BTC mining operation you have your own nodes , just an example of a business running public nodes even though they could just use someone else's because it supports their business. For nano this would be shit like exchanges and payment services.

Reddit does not own the concept of separating thoughts with a line break. If you ever took a break from the train of Grindr dudes using your mouth as a cumdumpster you might know this.

>> No.10768089

You literally killed the bagholder bingo.

>> No.10769187

just bought

>> No.10769210

>he fell for the LINK meme

>> No.10769713
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>> No.10769739

uncalledfor the best president eva

>> No.10769767

Bought in at $10 thinking it was the dip