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10758211 No.10758211[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What places are always hiring?

I need a job bad, anything.


Should I go to uni?

>> No.10758222


compsci major, 100k starting

>> No.10758232

Stop being a fucking lazy retard and find a job yourself holy fucking shit

>> No.10758241

Uni. Good luck getting anything which isn't manual crap that destroys your body or min wage without it. Make sure to do internships while you're there for the experience meme

>> No.10758249

God white girls are disgusting.

>> No.10758275
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>Tfw 1v1 strip beer pong with 7/10
>tfw both down to underwear with 1 cup left
>tfw the girl squeals when you ace it

>> No.10758295

Did she strip?

>> No.10758320

warehouse jobs are really really easy to get
they're really tiring and really really boring and dont pay well at all
i once stood on a conveyor belt for 10 hours a day with a 30 minute break inbetween. I left that job after a week because it was so damn boring and noone spoke english or was smart enough to hold even basic small talk

>> No.10758345

She probably takes massive shits. Imagine it spewing out of her asshole

>> No.10758365

If you're in the US just go to university and take out a fat loan and buy BTC with the extra

>> No.10758436

She squealed, ran to me, and then banged

>> No.10758437

universities are little more than daycare brainwashing centers here. The amount of propaganda you'll have to wade through will boggle your mind. Go to technical college, learn something to do with automation ai or robotics like EE or Compsci. If you cant hack that sort of thing you shouldnt go to post secondary. Get a manual skill that cant be automated like repairing robots.

>> No.10758457
File: 106 KB, 1738x1190, alexjoneslaughing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>> No.10758465

temp agencies

it's not glamorous or dignifying work by any stretch, but they are always hiring. always.

>> No.10758469


fuck off normie

>> No.10758476

>complains about brainwashing
>falls for the latest STEM /automation meme

>> No.10758588

In front of everyone or were you two alone?

>> No.10758595

Yeah but I'm 19 and I wanna have a fun I'm still a kid

>> No.10758669

stop posting aids ridden sluts

>> No.10758699

That only arouses me further

>> No.10758724

Look at all the sex bruises on her leg

>> No.10758727

enjoy your life crippling debt for a few years of fun. college whores will always be there when you make it, and are much better when you are older and they stay the same age.

>> No.10758737

If you're a little adventurous and don't mind being away from home, get a truck driving job. I work for a mega carrier, which isn't known for having the highest pay per mile. But they treat me very well and there are tons of opportunities like training or working in house with the company.

>> No.10758778
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Imagine the smell

>> No.10758803
File: 8 KB, 234x215, 30boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go Uni young anon. People don't just go to uni for the future job potential, but for the social experience as well. It will be the best 4 years of your life. GWU Class of 2010.

>*crack* sip.

>> No.10758805
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>> No.10758833

>Should've gotten a gf during hs.

Damn it.

>> No.10758836

Only worth it if you actually get out in 4 years and get a degree in something in demand.

>> No.10758863

trucking companies. you'll make $35-40K your first year and $65-80K your 2nd year, then you can specialize or train after that an easily pull in 6 figures if you're not a brainlet and are somewhat self-motivated

>> No.10758907

I've been a company driver for 2.5 years now. Looking to be an owner op soon.

>> No.10759028

nice. i did it for 18 months, waiting for my shitcoins to go up in value, now i'm retired. but if crypto dies tomorrow, i'd go back in a heartbeat. most fun i've ever had "working". as the guy that hired me said, "trucking is the closest thing you can get to being self-employed while still working for someone else". i did my job well and they left me alone. i met interesting people all over the country, saw cool places i hadn't seen before and learned a lot of much-need patience. would recommend it to anyone

>> No.10759053

Exactly! Driving a truck is fun. I see new places and things every day. The pay is so much better than anything else in my area. I love it.

>> No.10759077

hell yeah, bro. good luck on the owner op excursion!

>> No.10759082

>Go to technical college, learn something to do with automation ai or robotics like EE or Compsci
What college are you going too that doesn't have at least one of those majors?
Where you are, are they called technical colleges just because they have a heavy science department.
Technical college/school normally means a school for trades. And EE/CompSci isn't exactly a trade (Even if colleges are making them that way)

Anyway for most STEM majors it's pay to play
Unless you have some other talent or job that will get you to higher pay. I doubt you can make it big without it.

>Math Major
>300k starting
>70k undergrad debt
>80k grad debt
>40% taxes/yr

Good luck Mr. Mathman

>> No.10759282

This. As a boomer entrepreneur college was a big mistake.

>> No.10759368

Is it true that trucking is perfect for antisocial people

>> No.10759397

yes. i used to work in a cube job with normies and i hated it. i made good money, but they were so annoying. with trucking, i listened to music all day, and didn't have to talk to anyone unless i felt like it. it was glorious. my "commute" each morning was 3 ft to my captain's chair. i would watch movies on my laptop in my spare time and when i did feel like talking with people, there are plenty of truckers around who understand most normies are retarded, so that was cool.

>> No.10759404

I really wish I could get laid. Fuck. Well at least I have an OK job in public accounting.

>> No.10759425

I heard it wrecks you're body in the long run though due to lack of sleep and unhealthy diet.

>> No.10759440


>> No.10759459

it can, but i am meticulous about my health. i had a plug-in cooler so i bought my own food and made sandwiches. also, i made sure to get plenty of sleep and didn't drink energy drinks. it can definitely be bad for you, but with a little effort it can be healthy. for me, the lack of stress of having to deal with morons more than made up for the weird sleep cycles. it's up to you how you handle it.

>> No.10759508

i still can't believe how much money you guys need to spend just to go to college

around here it's free ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.10759524


Don't lissen to this. It is complete crap. Go uni if you want to learn something, so you can be useful for society, Fuck all the so called fun. Only a select few get all the whores and fun, and you will probably not be one of them.

>> No.10759605

>but they were so annoying
how so?