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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10756536 No.10756536 [Reply] [Original]

Link has a Max Target price of $13USD based on a conservative market cap. 1k eoy or 2500 eoy is malarkey, eoy will be between .80 and 1.30 which is still a 3x-6x gain. Anywhere else we'd be dancing in the streets for gains like these.

>> No.10756601

The whole 1000 and 2500eoy thing is a fucking meme. I don't understand why you idiots think it's a real thing

>> No.10756621

Is that Antarctica?

>> No.10756679

nobody does, i think this will eventually go to a ATH of $30 though

>> No.10756688
File: 59 KB, 636x321, luckylinky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun to dream I suppose

Yes, was from a /x/ thread a while back

>> No.10756696

Fucking pyramids?

>> No.10756740

It's not a meme, people are depending on the majority of tokens being illiquid due to being tied up in nodes, the assumption being the passive income will be a better bet than just selling your stack. People are stupid, though. Even though it's not a meme, it's still a fucking dumb assumption.

>> No.10756748

Snow drift and shadow on hillside. Looks like it to me though, if it was I'm sure we'd of heard about it by know.

>> No.10756754

Law of Attraction. The delusion will manifest because we will it into existence.

>> No.10756767

Would MC ignore the staked tokens?

>> No.10756778

Got a link for that thread?

>> No.10756841

Tons of them. Pop this in your fav search box
>Antarctica pyramids site:archive.4plebs.org

>> No.10756912

so whats inside these gay ass pyramids?

>> No.10756961
File: 24 KB, 320x320, 1529223632039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some small pyramids