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10751052 No.10751052 [Reply] [Original]


i have 14k total usd. i already sank 3,000 into 10 eth yesterday. should I sell the 10 eth for half a btc (almost) and then make up the difference and get a whole btc?

>> No.10751074

When its all said and done platform tokens like Eth, ADA, EOS, ex... are going to be like a $1-2 to use the blockchain.

>> No.10751102

i dont understand?

>> No.10751115

you are calling eth/ada/eos platform tokens when theyre all projects that have their own chain

>> No.10751193

I like to look at those tokens as fuel for the chain. People think betting on fuel getting exorbitantly expensive is somehow good. Remember when everyone bought H3s in early 2000 and gas went to like $4 and everyone was trying to sell them. If the fuel cost can be maintained cheap the blockchain will price people out. A decentralized blockchain will exist. Things are priced in eth not $ so running games back in January costed way too much dinero to actually be useful. Especially if you are moving to POS or something might as well just premine all the tokens have your nodes and have an inflationary amount every month to keep the price in check. You dont want an expensive ethereum that is counterproductive for what it is trying to solve.

>> No.10751235

so youre saying as an investment and store of value, bitcoin is better?

>> No.10751293

As of right now. Over 50% dominance possible ETF.

>> No.10751354

thats a good point. i may convert my 10 eth into btc. not sure if i want to get a whole btc but it could be a good play in the coming months

>> No.10751376

75% BTC
25% ETH

>> No.10751383


Yes; ETH is much more speculative and has higher potential gains, but no one really knows how this is going down. Ether is inflationary, the monetary policy is up in the air, it still hasn't switched to PoS yet and no one knows how that will affect the price, etc. If you buy Ether I would grab a few 0xBTC to go with it, since that's a hard-capped store of value on the chain and may absorb some of Ether's marketcap in the future. But no one knows what's going to happen with Ethereum. It could subsume the entire crypto space, it could just run parallel with Bitcoin, or it could crash and burn and another smart contract platform could take its place.

I'm betting on its success myself, but Bitcoin is certainly the "safer" investment, inasmuch as crypto can be "safe" at all.

>> No.10751390

All in link dipshit where have you been.

>> No.10751525

thanks for the thoughts. may keep my money in eth for a while longer and see where it goes. my eth is being held hostage on coinbase for 5 more days so i can only trade there for that time period so converting to btc right now would result in a net loss anyhow.
i dont invest in biz memes

>> No.10751544

14s block times
has functionality
infinite horizontal scaling coming


corporate devs with no p2p scaling coming
had a rollback like eth google it
10m blocks
no developer interest, losing adoption
becoming wall street scam

>> No.10751639

If i wanted to dump $200 ETH into BTC and LINK how much should I put where?Or should I hold it?

>> No.10751647

If you are dev go eth or bch,
if you are a normie I don't give a shit.

>> No.10751663

>biz memes.
wow. they really believe it. lol. good luck with your minimal gains

>> No.10751710

You haven’t even tried to dyor.

>> No.10751844


ive done my research. the mainnet is going to be dropping soon but why is that going to be any good at all? chainlink has a partner but nobody has heard of them. funfair has a partner too but it hasnt resulted in any price change.

not to mention once chainlink hits $1 every mong who holds bags is going to dump it right fucking away, further crashing the price each and every time a mong dumps.

why the fuck would i invest in chainlink with all these negatives against it? i like the project and its ideas but theres too many greedy mongs that hold it

>> No.10751897

Nobody has heard of link because of our talented /biz/raeli agents purposefully fudding from reddit to fucking myspace this past year kek

>> No.10751942

i meant nobody has heard of chainlinks partner you mong

>> No.10751945

how fucking new are you? you don't get to counter good advice that shouldn't be given to you in the first place. i'm mostly bumping to see if you ask how to store your internet money when you want to get it off coinbase. but honestly, fuck off.

>> No.10751973
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how is saying "buy chainlink lol" good advice? salty chainlink bagholder detected. i only use coinbase because i have huge buy/sell limits because gemini wasnt available in AZ until like yesterday. doesnt mean that im a normie though. so fuck off. i came up with a well constructed rebuttal to the idiotic advice to buy chainlink and youre telling me im the mong and you havent even come up with anything supporting why buying chainlink is a good thing

>> No.10751984

you're a retard. if chainlink goes to $1 that's a 3x/4x on your investment right there. and the only way LINK is going to pump that much in a short time is if people who are already into crypto dump their shitcoins to fomo in, meaning there wont be newcomer FOMO to pump BTC/ETH as a gateway to LINK. so if you want BTC in the long term then you want LINK in the short term. are you even thinking in stages? or do you want to just buy and hodl like a normie faggot from reddit. cos if you do then buy monero instead, once they implement bulletproofs and kovri it's going to andromeda

>> No.10751998
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your rebuttal to link is dumb as shit nigger. you truly are shitskin scum

>> No.10751999

youre the retard for calling people who dont day trade normie faggots. i hold but i also have stop losses unlike the reddit idiots who hold down to 0 because they believe in the technology. anyway apart from that lets say chainlink goes to $1. then mongs start dumping...wheres the volume to buy my bags at that point? thats what you morons are fucking forgetting, even if chainlink hits $100 there has to be buy volume to fucking buy your fucking bags

>> No.10752006
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>salty stinky linky detected
you just cant fucking stand that when link reaches its high price there isnt going to be any buy volume because EVERYBODY WILL BE DUMPING IT

fuck its amazing that someobody can be such a mong to not understand there needs to be buy volume to fufill a sell order omfg

>> No.10752031

no you're a normie faggot because the only trading you've done is literally on coinbase nigger. you just fucking bought ETH and then changed your mind after buying it to get BTC, before you can even transfer it from coinbase lmao. talk about being a newfag. then you came here like a beta pussy begging for reassurance and advice and took it wholeheartedly from a pajeet 0xBTC shill. you're fucking braindead. if you dont understand why people will still be buying LINK even at $1000 you're a lost cause.

>> No.10752063


>he actually holds LINK


>> No.10752078

you seriously need to go back to plebbit. what the fuck is this thread? i wish you could read this from someone else's perspective.
>>did my research
>>read a thread about mainnet soon or something
>>i myself have never heard of accord so it's obviously nothing important
>> i saw someone say something about "mongs dumping bags to lower prices" let's say that to pretend i'm not new
>> let's throw in the words stop loss and gemini because i obviously thought this all through when i hid 14k from my wife to "invest" in internet money
>> glad i read a plebbit thread about how to buy eth on coinbase
>> did i mention i did my own research yet?

>> No.10752096
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>pls no bully

>> No.10752112

>guys how do buy eth or btc? which better?
>proceeds to talk shit about the actual only useful token that will matter due to profound use cases in the financial/supply chain/insurance sectors.

kill urself nigger

>> No.10752133
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>a partner
>nobody has heard of them.

>> No.10752140


That's some schizophrenic level of delusion right there

>> No.10752150

you dont even deserve any more answers, but do you know anything about circulating supply and demand? the less available tokens there are on exchanges due to the supply being eaten up by node operators and firms being given tokens, the higher the price will shoot up. its similar to how token burns work you dumb fuck. there will be less supply on exchanges.

>> No.10752169

pussy boy if you want 3-4x return then invest in bitcoin...

invest in Link for potential 100-500x return

>> No.10752176


If I take five huge shits, and flush 4 of them that doesnt change the fact that what I'm left with is still just a pile of shit.

>> No.10752198

nice rebuttal. just respond with some lame, overly used boomer anology that doesnt even make sense and has no relevant context to what we are talking about.

>> No.10752218


If that analogy was too deep I can break it down into simpler terms even linkies will understand:
Your coin is shit and you're a fucking retard.

>> No.10752272

this kills the stinky linky

>> No.10752310

says the faggot who doesnt even know how to upload a meme pic because hes a refugee from plebbit and has to type out "laughingwhores.jpg" tell me how are those tron/nano bags holding up?

>> No.10752317

OP, why does sonic looks so weird in your pic?

>> No.10752320
File: 217 KB, 1296x1458, yourbrainonnano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10752326

because its a down syndrome version of sonic. similar to what OP looks like in real life

>> No.10752355

oh, that makes sense. someone made it for retards to make them feel more normal, kind of like modern marvel comics these days for other groups.

>> No.10752432


The rest in eth

>> No.10752674


Really winning hearts and minds, Linkies. Your explanatory prowess is unmatched. How mad are you guys? Weird honestly, your token has been trending up and still so much salt. I'd hate to see how you try to convince people if it crashes.