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10750381 No.10750381 [Reply] [Original]

For a single guy in his 20s

>> No.10750389

Move out of the us

>> No.10750390

They're all trash. Go explore South America or Southern Europe.

>> No.10750393
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austin or harlem

>> No.10750398

Came here to post something like these.

>> No.10750407

This. Get 2-3 years of experience in your field and hit the road.

>> No.10750427

There aren't a lot of places that have the comfort and quality of the us though

>> No.10750444

Fuck off we’re full. Had enough of y’all faggots from the east and west coast turning Austin into San Francisco 2.0

>> No.10750457

>turning Austin into San Francisco 2.0

This is exactly why I wouldnt move to Austin

>> No.10750460

Portland, OR. Majority white so obviously high educational achievements and high trust/low violent crime. You have to put up with obnoxious liberals and faggots but its a small price to pay.

>> No.10750464
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Missoula, Montana

>> No.10750470

How are the women?

>> No.10750484

>Salt Lake City

>> No.10750495

I’m in slc right now and that is patently false

>> No.10750507

Houston is good if you want what Austin used to be

>> No.10750513

Houston and Dallas are high on my list

>> No.10750527

Extremely hit or miss. Lots of wierdos but a lot of hot and fit women too. I had decent success on Tinder and I consider myself to be average.

>> No.10750537
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that's a meme perpetuated by ignorant Americans that have never lived outside the US for significant periods of time

>> No.10750538

And take me with you.

>> No.10750539

Meet a cutie Latina in Phoenix

>> No.10750559

>high educational achievements
Hahaha good one. Try South Bay. Oh wait you can’t aftord it.

>> No.10750568

Houston is a TOTAL shithole, image in Los Angeles style sprawling cluster fuck but with shitty humid Louisiana swamp weather with blacks and mexicans everywhere


>> No.10750573

Portland Maine
Fuck other people

>> No.10750592

I know you ask for city, but statewise

>> No.10750608

Depends on what you're interested in and what you're comfortable with. I've been told NYC is the only major city where the ratio of single females: single males is larger than 50%.

>> No.10750620
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You just listed the worse states to live in.

>> No.10750633

what is your point?

>> No.10750640

This, most of the blacks that fled the hurricane live in Houston. I feel sorry for Houston anons

>> No.10750656

What countries would be good for an college educated, single person (white), with a background in engineering?
Singapore? New Zealand? Italy? Panama? I’m not confident in the future of the US or Canada. Switzerland seems nice, but is expensive as hell and difficult to immigrate to.

>> No.10750667

i bet you moved to austin within the last 5 years

kys faggot. people like you are the reason austin is turning to shit

>> No.10750688
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None of them, they are expensive, full of shitty people and their shitty cars, and you just spend a lot of time waiting on shitty people. You will be more stressed out, more likely to have back problems, disease, illness, etc., and on top of that, waste your money on overpriced trash rental units.

Don't live in a city.

>> No.10750689

why dont you just try to get out of your moms basement 1st faggot

>> No.10750698

Very few black people in Austin, which is great

>> No.10750708

Buy low
Dumb fuck
Those can only go up and you are more likely to find a niche, but yeah right go start a restaurant in jew york or tech startup in SF

>> No.10750728


>Imagine being this deluded

>> No.10750782


>> No.10750805

unironically Detroit. But don't tell anybody else

>> No.10750912
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The most famous cities are never the best simply because as a direct consequence people there are usually self-centered and pretentious and also real-estate is super expensive. Therefore, we have to exclude the obvious NYC, LA, San Francisco Valley, Boston, Miami, Austin, Dallas, Houston, Philadelphia, Washington, Las Vegas and Chicago.

This leave us with (if we want to include decent sized cities that are not complete shithole): Charlotte, Minneapolis, Nashville maybe, Tampa, Albuquerque, Denver, Jacksonville and random cities in New England. I'm probably missing a few of them.

>> No.10750932
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Nashville, cheaper living, good food and clubs, lots of oppertunity. We are one of the biggest party states. Were actually nicknamed NashVegas or Cashville. Tons of sloots

>> No.10750950

Nashville is gonna be cucked as hell soon

>> No.10750979


>> No.10750985

Columbia SC
A small vibrate city lots of jobs and development currently happening

>> No.10751006

Missoula, Montana

This or Billings. I love Billings. My grandmother lives there. It's beautiful.

>> No.10751027

The heat and humidity in HOU is fucking brutal
t. lived here for 15 years, fucking kill me

>> No.10751033

how so?

>> No.10751036

this is the actual good advice OP. Exact same list I would have made

>> No.10751047

I went there for work earlier this year and honestly had nothing bad to say. Nearly everything there is good or neutral. I'm not a fan of country but it's not like that's the only style of bar/music there. Maybe one day..

>> No.10751069

I did a little road trip this year and I was impressed with Chattanooga, Nashville and Pittsburgh. Reno was nice too. SLC was pure hell.

I’m about to graduate with a meme degree and I have no idea where to move to. I’m 23, have no friends and still live with my parents. I just want to move out and have a fresh start. Godspeed to us both anon.

>> No.10751072

I personally can only speak to Kentucky as I was also there for work recently, but most of the preconceived notions I had (East Coaster here) were false or exaggerated. Very pleasant state, as far as I saw. Lexington was nice, small city vibes with a major Uni, and outside the city there's good terrain for hiking, camping, ziplining, etc. Overall surprisingly impressed.

>> No.10751091

Sacramento was also very nice. Silicon Valley is stunning but expensive as FUCK.


>> No.10751107
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>stuck in fucking Canada instead of living in based America

JUST fuck my life up

>> No.10751125
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>> No.10751171

That mass amount of people who don’t mesh with local culture and Tennessee customs moving there ... similar to Denver

>> No.10751357

Unironically NYC.

>> No.10751380
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>Columbia SC
Dont name our city anon, Its fine the size it is now.

>> No.10751401

literally all whites, other races can't handle the cold

>> No.10751415

Lol Denver is getting swarmed with spics at a record rate. Don’t bother going to Aurora or Englewood.

>> No.10751417

5 years ago maybe.

>> No.10751457

damn didnt realize it was getting this bad

spics really do reproduce like roaches don't they

>> No.10751466

These are the states you settle down in, not start a career in. You want to have a good track record somewhere like silicon valley, NY, Seattle, etc. After that its really easy to get "imported" to a company in a normal part of the country, and in a role with more responsibility because you have experience most don't have in that part of the country.

>> No.10751483

Calgary alberta

>> No.10751491

You have clearly never been to South America. It's awful. And basically all of Europe is a shithole

Yep sure is comfy having to pay a tax every time I take a shit or draw breath. Having your whole life dictated by a bureaucratic nightmare? Yeah no thanks, I'll choose the Wild West every time.

>> No.10751492

>someone that has never been there

Portland is the most fun city I have been to in the US. If you are cultured at all and aren't some trash in plaid shorts there are endless beautiful women and great bars and cafes and restaurants and parks and music and art and shopping and work

>> No.10751502

Chattanooga is the next Nashville

>> No.10751511


>> No.10751517

Another plug for Nashville. VERY young city. Transplant city so you get a lot of well rounded people. Lots of cool stuff to do. Amazing food (probably one of the top 5 in the USA). Nice outdoors scene and beautiful parks/hiking/climbing/etc. nearby. And best of all, NO FUCKING STATE INCOME TAX. So, your $$$$$ goes a lot further. Sales tax is high but it balances it out way in your favor. Cost of living is still very reasonable.

>> No.10751526

Nah, it's beautiful there but so far from being a real city.

>> No.10751545

Any small/medium-sized city in the Mountain West (think Bozeman, Boise, CDA/Moscow, and even Sheridan). Californians are flocking in droves to the Mountain West and property in the aforementioned cites will appreciate considerably for the foreseeable future. Particularly Bozeman and Boise, both cities are fun to live in as well.

>> No.10751568

Only losers dont spend their prime years living in a coastal city. Living in flyover country with only whites and blacks must suck ass.

>> No.10751575

only if you don't ski. It's fucking awesome for that and the bar scene is good too.

>> No.10751578

>any significant amount of blacks in the Mountain West
Confirmed for being a retarded faggot.

>> No.10751579

What about Reno

>> No.10751594

The world is full of bastards, the number increasing rapidly the further one gets from Missoula, Montana.

>> No.10751608

I will probably move to North or South Dakota. Nobody ever talks about those states. Must be nice.

>> No.10751621

Missoula isn't bad, but it's full of highly-vocal, in-your-face hippies.

>> No.10751640

I actually just moved to Missoula today, anything to avoid or any highlights?

>> No.10751650

chose one anon, it's one of the sunniest cities in the US. That said, don't fucking move here, tons of niggers and it's expensive as fuck. Infrastructure can't handle the influx of volume, driving here is like waiting for a bitcoin transaction in December. Also we're already at the peak of the housing bubble, I'm looking to buy elsewhere.

>> No.10751654


>> No.10751669

615 Nashville who else 615?

>> No.10751680

None of them. Cities are for visiting, not living in.

>> No.10751682


>> No.10751690

Jacksonville is a fucking shithole

>> No.10751692

Hows nashville anon?

>> No.10751696


Someone explain this Missoula meme to me

>> No.10751697

The bars downtown and near UM are cool, I guess. I'm more of an outdoorsman, so if you are as well it's always fun fishing the Bitterroot, Blackfoot, and Clark Fork. That being said, I haven't spent a ton of time in Missoula proper.

>> No.10751730
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Fuck off Dallas is full too. Sorry your states couldn’t support your shitty citizens. Do not come here and screw our state

>> No.10751739

SF degenerate here, we coming through bruh. Make space faggot.

>> No.10751783
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I am Canadian but I read about Americans putting up and complaining about 3+ hour commutes, fucked cost of living, niggers, mexicans, urban decay, fucked super hot weather ect...

And literally all you have to do to get away from it is just move to the rocky mountain states

>> No.10751809

The Rocky Mountain states are going to be ruined by jewish real estate developers as well (look at Colorado), but they're good if you want a temporary break from urban living.

>> No.10751819

I know, I live in Alberta/BC, already ruined by real estate speculators

>want to buy a 50 year old decaying house in a small mountain town with no jobs?
>500k lmao

These mountain state anon literally need to be forming armed militias to drive out the california fags

>> No.10751828

i'm going to move here and stink up the joint just to trigger this niggerfaggot

>> No.10751841

houston sucks ass, overflowing with stupid brown people, not just bean people, tons of nigs and street shitters as well

>> No.10751871

Why do you Americans make it so hard for white Europeans to get a working visa? You let in literally thousands of pajeets but letting a whitey in is a no no.

>> No.10751906

Because your teeth are yellow and crooked

>> No.10751941
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The Missoula meme is exactly that. A meme, made by hippie trash, for hippie trash.

We do have some room in North Dakota if you're not a complete garbage fire. Bismarck is lovely and the gentrification projects go right in the bin since we also care about our state's welfare.

>> No.10752042

I know it's cliche, but New York City has the most resources for rich people. Explicitly high class places in New England, especially islands like Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket are better if you don't like cities. Outside of the U.S., Singapore is a pretty solid choice. If the weather there is too much for you then try Monaco. If you're looking for women then you'll find lots of hotties in Miami. I don't recommend staying there long-term though.

If you're poor then why the fuck are you living in a city? Poor people should only live in a city if they studied something that only has good jobs in the city. Even then they should either get rich or get out within 10 years.

>> No.10752165

I thought Atlanta is a big dump full of blacks. Correct me if I'm wrong?

>> No.10752263


>> No.10752282
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i agree about south america being a shit hole, but if you go to one of the darker skinned countries (ie dominican rep) there are lots of mamis desperate for half-white kids.

I'm not fuckin kidding, they want you to pump them full of baby juice.

>> No.10752550

>other races can't handle the cold
yeah you faggots say this but that's not stopping immigrants from flocking to scandinavia

>> No.10752664

Thanks for confirming North Dakota as shit. So it's basically California except cold? No ty.

>> No.10752936

major 1st tier cities are only meaningfully good if youre fairly rich, as in the 1% or close to it.
for the middle class youd be better off in 2nd or 3rd tier cities

>> No.10753557

t. eternal burger xD xD xD

>> No.10754316
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Not only is that belief beyond retarded, it's also wrong to WANT to have comfort and quality. It makes you a weak little pussy.



>> No.10754406

I've lived in 4 states and visited most of the major cities in the US and NYC is hands down the best if you're young and single. Unlimited amounts of hot women, tons of job opportunities, best food and nightlife. No poorfags allowed obviously.