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10746599 No.10746599 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here into Real Estate? I would like to learn more about it, look into possible jobs and investments in the area, increase the needed Financial knowledge as well.

Let's make this /reg/ Real Estate General, boys.

>> No.10747687

Funny I was just discussing it with a buddy of mine who did MSc courses on Real Estate Management.

I have a question as well. We were discussing the following:

Why would a wealthy person in say Swiss not use his wealth to buy houses in say Amsterdam en mass. Just >50 houses/appartments and hire local real estate agents (literally everywhere in NL) to find tenants and location etc.

1 - Yield >5%
2 - Has to do nothing except provide money and sit back
3 - If housing market fails he does not go down under because no mortages
4 - Monthly payment

1 - Not a fund
2 - has to deal with real estate agents
3 - sometimes houses are empty for a while
4 - doesn't know the area
5 - ??

There are tons of other variables that come into play but on the broad lines how is this not a relatively solid investment

>inb4 there are funds you can invest in that do all that for you

>> No.10747712

>MSc courses on Real Estate Management
Didn't even know there was a course like this. I'm currently doing BA Business Management.

I agree here. I'm not sure, maybe people with enough money to buy 50+ houses don't want to deal with the hustle of real estate agents and keeping up with the whole 'landscape'. Even though they could hire some people for that, too.

>> No.10747726

well liquidity for houses is far less then equities that's for sure. equities also have no cost to hold, whereas real estate incurs maintenance, strata fee's, management and property taxes.

depending on where you buy property compared to what equities you purchase, it can go either way. but equities for sure are less hassle to manage, far more liquid and cheaper to hold.

>> No.10747827

Yep, I studied Quantitative Finance but I could also do electives on Real Estate, and there were students who were studying Finance: Real Estate Management.

Yes, the hassle with real estate agents I understand but still...idk ofc there might be easier ways to invest money but the ever rising housing and rental market due to exponential globalization sound like a relatively safe bet.

Yes, liquidity sure is less but for some reason I have the idea it's a very safe investment and far more profitable then regular equities.

>In the Netherlands rental income is only taxed 1.3%. It's virtually tax free monthly income

>> No.10747888


>"ever rising housing and rental market due to exponential globalization"

You aren't going to make it.

>> No.10747913

you can't really compare the rise in real estate prices to equities. both would be considered a null point unless you compare the average return of real estate in a specific area to say the average return of the sp500. your mileage will vary. depending on your picks, your returns in either investment can vary greatly.

the only differences are the things i listed that are outside the variables. liquidity, cost to hold and ease of holding said investment.

>> No.10747944

Checked and saved thx anon

Yes yes I understand but there is truth in that comment

>> No.10747997

I am getting my real estate license soon. Almost done with the mandatory course. Eventually I want to flip/invest, but many people online and off told me I should get my license for various reasons. So far, it's been quite educational.

The area I live in is not great for RE investing though. Might have to move eventually.

>> No.10748094

How difficult was it for you to get a licence and how long did it take? I'm in the UK, and looking to get into it, too.

>> No.10748112


That sentiment ruined tens of thousands of pleb investors in the 2008 housing bubble collapse. Also, housing goes up, until a pack of Africans take over the block and your property become worthless until the 4th Reich rolls around (never).

Real estate is the greatest investment vehicle, also has an extremely high capacity to bankrupt if you fuck up. Just make sure you start out buying stuff your going to be comfortable with dealing in adverse scenarios.

t. Landlord

>> No.10748222

Ah yes, how could I forget the biggest thread to housing blocks:

Niggers and muslims.

Literally just completely forgot about that one.

Checked and saved. Thx anon.

>mfw my mom and I were renting out houses and we specifically always mentioned "between the lines" that we only what Dutch White people. Then several months later some big study was presented on Dutch news that real estate agents comply with racist client requests on a large scale. I giggled when I saw that.

>> No.10749643



I'm pretty sure that is the same deal just about everywhere first world. Not even about racism, just cold hard statistics if you want to make money.

>> No.10749812

There is literally no reason to own real estate when you can buy REIT's instead

Unless you like dealing with low IQ tenants, crime, natural disasters, maintenance, taxes, bureaucracy, insurance, realtors, ect

>> No.10750138

What the fuck is the point of commercial real estate

Seriously I don't fucking get it.

Also can someone PLEASE CONVINCE ME A HOUSING COLLAPSE IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN im thinking about buying my first home and don't want to get fucked a year later

>> No.10750171


>There is literally no reason to own real estate when you can buy REIT's instead

How about earning equity, having monthly cash flow of 10% and having the tenant pay for the property. Fucking idiots on this board no nothing of actual business. Go back to crypto scams.

>> No.10750204

Low IQ post

>> No.10750217

Blocksquare is tokenizing real estate, their pilot project ended and sold successfully earlier this week. I didn’t invest but I may next property offering

>> No.10750249



>> No.10750270
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Waste of your money and your time

>> No.10750295


You know its actually possible to invest in more than 1 type of asset right? Also you can fiance a rental property with little to no money down and have the tenant pay it off in a couple years. You can then use the existing equity and cashflow to purchase more properties.

>> No.10750321

>a couple years

>> No.10750332
File: 2.85 MB, 298x224, 1381781796004.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice meme advice, heard the same from every low IQ retard back in 2005 too and then they all went bankrupt, if your idea of investing is borrowing money from a bank and speculating you already lost. And you must live in a Detroit tier shithole if properties can be paid off "in a couple of years"

>> No.10750335


You can buy a duplex for less than 100k where I live also you can buy foreclosure or when the market is in a dump.

>> No.10750349


Yea let me take financial advice from some autistic college kid peddling some chink coins.

>> No.10750373

I was telling people to buy REIT's you low IQ cretin, are you assuming a REIT is crypto, if you are your IQ must be under 80

Why the fuck would you buy property when you can buy a REIT and get all the upside and none of the risk

>> No.10750392

Might be possible if you're lucky and nothing happens with your house(s). And if you can get a really good price on a property. But you can get sucked into a massive debt hole too

>> No.10750399


I'm just saying there are benefits of also owning tangible physical real estate over the long term.

>> No.10750421

I'm in the U.S., so it's probably completely different m8. The course is 60 hours (in the state I live in) and then you have to pass the exam. Once you get your license you get a job at a brokerage and you can either hang your license on the wall and use it for your own purposes (like access to the MLS for investing) or you can become an active salesperson.

>> No.10750423
File: 37 KB, 700x510, Housing-vs-Stock-Market-Growth-700x510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compared to stocks real estate aint' shit

Only low IQ people invest in real estate because they want to LARP as rich people then they completely ruin the market for homes by speculating and driving up prices then they go bankrupt because they take on too much debt

>> No.10750439
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>What is cashflow and local market dependence.

>> No.10750445


Stock market has been pumped full of cheap money via quantitative easing and will eventually recede. but yea im totally a low IQ subhuman

>> No.10750458

Yeah i'm sure dividends don't exist or anything

Stock markets are pumped, but real estate isn't? lmao

Holy hell you real estate cucks are so stupid, do not continue responding to my posts you will be defeated

>> No.10750509
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Imagine being a real estate cuck, you could buy a REIT and have cash flow from commercial properties, hospitals, apartment blocks, industrial properties, paid out monthly and best of all totally liquid and with NO DEBT

Or you can get into massive debt with a bank and buy a falling apart shithole in an attempt to "flip" it all while paying realtor fees, property tax, insurance, utilities, maintenance, ect

The choice is CLEAR