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10750208 No.10750208 [Reply] [Original]

How do I turn 100k into 10 million? i unironically do have 100k in my checking account

>> No.10750236

50k into JNT, 30k into Large caps (BTC, ETH, etc.), 20k onto Bitmex long BTC with 5x leverage

>> No.10750711

is this the best answer in all of biz on a saturday night? god im lonely

>> No.10750794
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DYOR on Conventment


>> No.10750822

buy HOT and LINK, easy

>> No.10750874

Invest in BABA, wait 20 years

>> No.10750926
File: 272 KB, 953x1200, Freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invest in stocks and wait 80 years at 6% return or 50 years at 10% return. I would advise you to keep working and saving more as you probably don't have that much time.

Still you should invest in a globally diversified portfolio of stocks.

>> No.10750939

that is tooooooooooooooo long motherfucker

>> No.10750949
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all in on RLC, thank me in 2 years

>> No.10750975

Buy SQQQ in late October and TQQQ in late spring

Ignore coincucks at all times

>> No.10750982

omg might as well just burn it all. Do not donate to the boomer retirement fund as they begin to die off from old age. They are going to burn the place down with them, they always do.

>> No.10750988

antshare vibes

you'll know them when you're getting them

>> No.10750989

Another way to solve this problem is to lower your goals. Learn to live well with less.

Because of hedonic adaptation more money doesn't necessarily mean more happiness. We get used to expensive toys and they become meaningless after a few years.

The best things in life are often free or cheap anyway. I get a lot of enjoyment from my exercise routine, digesting new exciting information from the internet and books and discussing random shit with people. It is also exciting to accumulate money, I admit that.

>> No.10751001

How do I turn my 600 into 6 million?

>> No.10751004
File: 77 KB, 380x349, 1530211748091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all in SP500 it's like buying bitcoin at 1400 right when it was breaking out the world will be divided between the owners and the peasants SP500 shares will be the global store of value means of transaction AND an income stream among the owners only. the golden bull run is here and will be driven by this realization as well as increasing share buybacks. this time it unironically really is different. buy every dip now until EOY or become a feudal serf.

>> No.10751007

Boomer retirement funds don't invest in micro/small caps, so invest in them.

>> No.10751008

Sky, holo, xby. nano.

>> No.10751018

Live beyond the current maximum human lifespan while letting the money grow in investments OR make more money by working and saving more.

>> No.10751025

All in on way OTM TSLA puts.

>> No.10751029

You should buy BTC around these levels. You are not going to find a better answer.

>> No.10751039

buy ETH, wait 3-5 years, wa-lah

>> No.10751043

1) go to south america
2) open a porn website
3) buy 5k camera
4) start shooting videos
5) charge $20/mo membership for streaming 5k content (people will rather pay you than pirate your content since downloading 5k content is expensive)
6) be rich
7) send me some money

>> No.10751060


40% XRP, 35% XLM, 25% IOTA

>> No.10751066
File: 13 KB, 500x394, ETH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well OP all I can say is BTC was in the $200s in 2015 and then what happened? pic related

>> No.10751093

You don't want to buy ETH, it's last years shit-coin.

I would just buy all the BTC you can at current prices.

Been in this space since 2011.

>> No.10751709

If you're aggressive in real-estate than you can probably make that much, but it'll take a long ass time. (this is what your boomer parents should have done) Do you have any skills that you can use? Finance and Healthcare are definitely the best get rich schemes.

>> No.10751719

>5k is what makes you cum

>> No.10751736

Do they have porn companies where they show a flock of girls on their website and people can pay fairly reasonable amounts for you to make videos of them doing whatever they request? I could see that working well.

>> No.10751738

>know's nothing about computing or system design.

No one gives a fuck how long you have been here. I have been here since 2013 and I can tell you as a developer and someone with a CS degree that BTC is not going anywhere and the only outcome where you make money with it is if wall street takes it in which isn't why we are here anyways.

So fuck you and fuck BTC. Stupid fucking cuck slave.

>> No.10751741

half btc half zec

>> No.10751767


^ My spirit animal

>> No.10751770

Yeah, I have been hearing people say this sort of thing since the start. If you can't see the bigger picture, i'm sorry.

The important thing here is what Bitcoin is and what it can do. It works, remarkably well and improves near daily.

Maybe I am a bit bias because it made me $100m.

My view has been incredibly well rewarded.

>> No.10751786

100k in btc/eth/icx, wait for btc at 4K, eth at 200, icx at 40c hold till 2022 and you’re set anon

>> No.10751826


>> No.10751827

2yr treasuries for a year. If long interest rate skyrocket then buy as many long treasuries as you can even on margin to the max. When economy tanks and interest rates go to zero and the stock market tanks 90% then sell long treasuries and buy global stocks on as much margin as you can. That may get you to $1 million in 4 years or broke. Should be fun.

>> No.10752559

>random guy with CS degree says that the coin with the most hashrate and best developers sucks
thanks boyo

>> No.10752628

Replace ICX with LINK and you're golden

>> No.10752641

Highest hashrate yes, but ethereum has the best developers

>> No.10752680

lmao. so wrong retard.

>> No.10752698
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Stop listening to these nerds.

Bitcoin is the answer to your problems.
Buy 25% at 6.0k
Buy 25% at 5.4k
Buy 50% at 4.8k or lower but if it doesn't ever go there, then buy at 8.6k when it breaks it.

Wait 1-2 years, and your 100k will be 1mil.

You can earn more if you increase your Bitcoin stack by going into ~5 altcoins during alt-season (it'll happen after Bitcoin breaks 8.6k).

>> No.10752704

>ethereum has the best developers
yeah those ponzis and cryptokitties are amazing

>> No.10752886
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I've wagecucked for 5 months and saved all of it by eating beans and toast.
Feel like using bitmex and just going with the trend, but why do you guys trade crypto instead of forex, is it just the chance it could moon?

>> No.10752981

I don't trade anything because trading is a zero sum game. I invest in equity which is a positive sum game. Dividend income ftw!

Strength and good luck to you, tired Bart!

>> No.10753028

All in on OMG

>> No.10753841

Don't put any money in shitcoins.

Stocks. Good dividend stocks the other half in real estate.