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10748085 No.10748085 [Reply] [Original]

>Steve the lion likes to kill gazelle.
>Steve the lion thinks the more gazelle he kills the better. Then he will never be without food and can live in luxury.

>All the other lions think Steve is a dick and needs to stop killing so many gazelle.

>They say "Steve, because you are killing so many gazelle there is not enough food for the other lions, if you are not going to stop then at least share what you have, you can't possibly eat all of it."

>Steve the lion says fuck you.
>Steve the lion says he worked hard to catch all his gazelle. Who are the other lions to tell him how much he can eat? Steve says if they want to eat maybe they should stop being lazy and kill more gazelle.

>Frank and Bill the lion decide Steve is right and also start hoarding gazelle.

>a few months later the other lions get really angry because there are hardly any gazelle left for them to eat and they confront Steve again.

>They say, "Steve you bitch, there are almost not gazelle left because you Frank and Bill killed so many and are hoarding them all. If you dont share we will starve to death. You must share our we will take your gazelle forcefully.

>Steve says it immoral to take what he has worked for.

>The other lions say it is immoral for Steve to let them starve to death.

>> No.10748096 [DELETED] 
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>zero sum

Saged and hidden

>> No.10748143

>muh fairness doctrine
there is no such thing as equality of outcome; it's how evolution works. improve, adapt or die; welcome to the real world.

>> No.10748161

Thanks for proving my point. Capitalist are to stupid to realize it is literally a 0 sum game.

Our planet is literally made of a limited amount of recourse. Money is a representation of the value of those resources. If one person has those recourse another can not also have the resources.

>hur during if you work hard enough resources will appear out if thin air like magic.

Capitalists are cancer.

>> No.10748179 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 480x854, ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>money is a representation of the value of resources

Nope. Not anymore it isn't. Money is valueless paper backed by nothing. Now fuck off commie redditor.

>> No.10748185

So I can kill you and take your money If i don't have enough and I shouldn't be punished for it?

That way evolution weeds out the weak and only the strong have money.

This is how you sound.

>> No.10748199

Better throw all your useless paper away then you retarded capitalist scum. I'll leave a dumpster in my front yard for you.

>> No.10748206

Beta uprising thread?

>> No.10748209 [DELETED] 

Throw your computer away and ditch your internet. Its all the spawn of evil capitalists.

No one will miss your posting here. You act as if your post is somehow revolutionary or enlightening. Its not. We've literally heard this 9000000000000 times before.

>> No.10748211

there are consequences in a civilized society. quit being a bitch about it. nothing is free, it is universal law.

>> No.10748229

Sounds like laws to stop evolution if you ask me.

>my ways of conquering you are morally greater then yours of conquering me. My way is "civil". I'll just bleed you dry slowly.

Fuck off.

>> No.10748242

>so dumb they have logic thrown at them over and over and yet still can't grasp it.

Nice dude.

>> No.10748245

Throw away your computer and internet which were invented in socialist publically funded universities and military labs.

>> No.10748252 [DELETED] 
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Hahaha oh boy

>> No.10748253

Point out the cowards thread?

>> No.10748255

i didn't make them up. why can't commies understand reality?

>> No.10748266 [DELETED] 

>universities operating in capitalist countries are socialist
>government orgs in capitalist countries are socialist

Learn what socialism means before running your mouth you uneducated dumb fuck berniebot.

>> No.10748271

Sure dude. Explain why it isn't a 0 sum game when there are limited resources on the planet. Explain why it is ok to let people starve to death so you can survive but it is not ok to defend yourself my taking from those causing you to starve to death. Good luck.

>> No.10748294 [DELETED] 
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I don't care to argue morals with you you fucking simpleton. If you are so pathetic you can't even live without taking then go ahead and try you little pissant.

I already told you why it's not zero sum. Read a fucking book you dumb nigger.

>> No.10748296

Why can't capitalists learn that just because they side with a position and didn't make it up doesn't mean others can't tear it down because it is stupid?

>> No.10748312

>he fell for the limited resources meme
>good goy, pay our high prices because scarcity
learn to take care of yourself and quit relying on other people to give you shit.

>> No.10748328

>States it's a zero sum game
>I already toldy you why it's not a zero sum game
>I'm smart and already came up with an argument that far surpasses yours.(no agrument)

Thank for losing and dodging the argument by providing no meaningful response. Take your position next to the other retarded sheep capitalista who listen to the greedy who are figuratively fucking them in the ass every day.

>> No.10748340 [DELETED] 
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>States money is based on resources value
>its not

Wow so hard. You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.10748341

>He can't comprehend the fact there is literally a limited amount of matter making up earth.

Get a load of this guy.

>> No.10748353

Also you misunderstand asking politely and then taking forcefully for relying on others.

>> No.10748372

you can, but implying one is morally superior or inferior is stupid, and it shows your lack of awareness for reality. morality doesn't enter into the equation because it's subjective.

>> No.10748385

because sometimes those that arent well off are arrogant, childish . dumb cunts that cannot think objectively, has no critical thought, little curiousity or ambition for the world apart from buying as many mercedes as they can.

It could be that we live in different worlds but I cant fathom why would anyone defend retards. The same goes for the faggots that think bring hardworking is sufficient grounds for compensation - just because you spend 12 hours a day weaving baskets under the sun doesn't mean you're worth as much as someone who works for 4 hours a day sucking dicks

>> No.10748386

>he thinks matter is created and destroyed and doesn't simply transfer between states
you literal brainlet

>> No.10748390


>we are tired of trading different percieved values (I'll trade you a shovel for some corn).
>lets make it easier by having a currency that has value in relation to what can be purchased by it.

>that five dollars is worth 1 burger. That 1 burger is worth five dollars.

>money wasn't created to assign value to resources.

Stop making yourself sound so stupid I know you are smarter then that.

>> No.10748401 [DELETED] 

It doesn't matter what its designed to do when the objective fact is its not backed by any resource.

>> No.10748408

>He somehow thinks that what I said mean matter disappears.

>> No.10748410

it's only zero sum once all the resources have been acquired and in circulation. because we have resources that are untapped, it is not a zero-sum game.

>> No.10748416

Except in it's current state it has value regardless of what you believe could or has happened. That's why you work to make money and then spend that money at the grocery store.

>> No.10748418

it's exactly what you implied. quit moving the goalposts

>> No.10748463

Idiots can starve to death. My argument isn't that lazy lions get food handed to them for free. My argument is that there are lions that physically cannot acquire the food they need because assholes are hoarding it all.

You need a food and water to live.
You cannot acquire food and water without buying it from other people or growing it. To grow it you need land.

To live you need either currency or to take resources forcefully with no consequence. If someone is hoarding the currency then the only alternative is to take it by force.

>> No.10748469 [DELETED] 

It has perceived value but the value is not based on any resource as you claimed

>> No.10748480

Just because the end of a game has not come does not mean the game is not zero sum.

Of we transport 200 years into the future when it literally is a 0 sum game because lack of resources for the population will you change your argument?

>> No.10748488

kike shill thread. both sides are jews, one is meant to "win" in a way that convinces readers of the jews position. don't be fooled

>> No.10748501

Ok. If that is how you are viewing it then you are technically correct in definition.

Let me ask you this then.
Of you have no land and no food and water how can you obtain it legally?

Because whatever gives you that ability has value regardless of how you perceive it.

>> No.10748506

not a jew, brainlet. btw, what is the jews' position itt?

>> No.10748513

Maybe the other lions should compete for gazelles, in fact they could team up to be able to hoard gazelles at a faster rate, this in turn will force competing lions to develop better ways to catch gazelles, competency will improve their hunting skills and bring infitines gazelles, if the enviorement can’t provide enough gazelles by this point lions will be so develop they will be herding gazelles and creating their own gazelle farms.

>> No.10748539

yes it does. i have a wrench. there is only one wrench. if i give you a wrench, i lose a wrench. that's zero sum. you gain i lose. but if i can make another wrench while giving you a wrench too, it's not a zero sum system. i've added something into a supposed closed-loop system.

>>Of we transport 200 years into the future when it literally is a 0 sum game because lack of resources for the population will you change your argument?

yes, not get to the point where we have completely extracted a resource that we can no longer tap. then that resource is in a zero-sum environment. every addition of that resource requires someone else to give up theirs and no new resources of that type can be introduced. that has yet to happen because as resources become scarce of a particular type, we move on to other resources that offer similar benefits at a reduced extraction cost.

>> No.10748587
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>Money is valueless paper backed by nothing.
Not anymore.

>> No.10748592

that requires the lions to do something to get what they want instead of whining to get Steve to give them what he worked for. the other lions are jealous and they think Steve is the reason they don't have gazelles, instead of seeing the truth: it's no one's fault but their own.

>> No.10748594

Hurr derr

>> No.10748626

Gtfo bitch commie. I'll fucking kill every goddam commie that tries to take my shit. I would love to see these bitch berniebros come and try to take their "fairshare".

Fuxk communism and socialism.

>> No.10748627

Would have been better if it was Chad the lion hoarding the gazelles.

>> No.10748637

Their is limited room to build homes and grow food. Two staples for life. We aren't that far away from reaching max capacity. It is then 100% a zero sum game.

Even if somehow we colonize Mars we will reach max capacity there before we can move somewhere else.

You have the boomer mentality of not tackling a problem before it is here."That is tomorrow me's problem or my kids problem".

>lets not reduce the amount of kids people can have to maintain a certain population.
>instead we should wait until we reach h maximum and it becomes a severe issue. Then we can all live miserably or kill off a portion of the population. But at least people had the freedom to have as many kids as they want!

>> No.10748638

So if there are 5 apples, I eat them all and take a shit, you will eat my shit? it didn't disappear after all, it just transfered to another state.

>> No.10748643


>> No.10748646

>We aren't that far away from reaching max capacity
yes, we are.

>> No.10748665

no, but it can fertilize my apple tree. think commie, i know it's new to you.

>> No.10748673

there is limited room to grow food and homes as a matter of fact. but we have not come even close to that point yet.

the issue is, when we hit that point it becomes a zero-sum game. one must lose for the other to gain. but as we are currently in a stage where we can still extract resources and have space to grow, it is not a zero-sum game in reality.

what can be, is not what it is now.

>> No.10748676

The other lions should work for steve and get paid in gazelles. This actually happens in the savana, you know.

>> No.10748678

eloquent in its brevity

>> No.10748694

There is limit land, let's say all land is already occupied by other people and you can't plan apple trees.

Let's say I also hoard the apple seeds for my own land.

Yeah, zero sum.

>> No.10748697

Kinda cool, backed by time

>> No.10748699

>My name is Steve the lion and I now have 99% of the gazelle. I will pay a group of lions to make laws saying no one can take my gazelle. If any lions try to find a solution other than taking my gazelle I will make up a law that prevents them from doing so or will have them killed behind the scenes. No one will compete with me. It will be a monopoly but I will make laws saying it is not a monopoly then I will make it so impossible to change those laws that my power will be lawfully absolute. Get to work slave scum.

>> No.10748706

But it will be. Also heat death of the universe, so zero sum.

>> No.10748709

Fixed pie fallacy. I'm sure Zuck made so many people poorer when he created Facebook, or the same with Jobs, or Gates, or almost every millionaire.

Please kys commie and allow the average iq of the world go up by a dozen points.

>> No.10748718

Yeah, until the hashing algorithm is cracked. That only protects against brute force.

>> No.10748731

Can someone point out, that this faggot is posting pedo anebaling shit?

> hurr durr its only children
> with make up
> in quite some not childish way

>> No.10748738

>>The heat death of the universe is a plausible ultimate fate of the universe in which the universe has diminished to a state of no thermodynamic free energy and therefore can no longer sustain processes that increase entropy

read plausible, not certain.

>> No.10748740

all these hypotheticals. come back to reality. i know it's easier for you to live in your fantasy world than actually do something to solve your situation. try it, you may find it's not as hard as you thought.

"the harder i work, the luckier i get"

>> No.10748745 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself newfag. Literally just Instagram photos of Pavaga and you throw a fit.

>> No.10748757

Funny that the fascist incels cry about how unfair that they are virgins into their 30s but love income inequality .

>> No.10748761

there is no obligation to follow laws that threaten your liberty. you statists are pathetic; having to be told what to do and always needing permission.

>> No.10748791

people like your are the first one which will get hanged, let the children alone you sick fuck

>> No.10748801

>We aren't that far away from reaching max capacity.

What the fuck are you talking about, more than 90% of all agricultural production is used to feed livestock, with our current production levels we could feed 100 billion people you retard.

Not even gonna answer the part about running out of space because it's just so fucking stupid you need to have a single digit iq to believe that.

>> No.10748877

commies are braindead and ignorant, dont even bother

>> No.10749170

>Yeah, until the hashing algorithm is cracked
Which will never happen. Also if it happens everything else will fuck up too since all passes use SHA 256, pretty much everywhere.

In any case we can just change the hashing algoritm.

Sorry Bitcoin is forever, enjoy your stay.

>> No.10749186

it is certain the universe will end in one way or another, it's not some sort of balanced thing

>> No.10749204

way to cope with the fact that we live in a zero sum reality

>> No.10749218

Hes pissed he cant rent a 4 room luxury apartment in downtown San Francisco for $200 a month while working as a barista.

>> No.10749244

that is a question that cannot be answered at our stage of understanding. you have an opinion, not certainty.

>> No.10749249

This is actually a great argument for why, long term, we need to start moving off-world.

>> No.10749284

i understand that it may seem confusing. we live on a planet with finite resources. that we may or may not completely exhaust. but the future is uncertain and resources can still be extracted. we at the moment, do not live in a closed loop system, we introduce new resources for circulation daily.

>> No.10749296
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>success is a limited resource
good luck paying your student loans back retard

>> No.10749780

Was in the military and had schooling paid for. Nice try though.

>> No.10749824

>what is exponential growth.
>we have to feed the livestock that we eat. Weird.
>le plant based diet.
>refer to exponential growth.

Just because population capacity won't be hit in your lifetime doesn't mean it's not going to happen soon.

>humans are thousands of years old.
>we will reach capacity in a few hundred years
>that isn't soon.

Capaitalists are too stupid. Its borderline not worth it. This is why we have to take your shit by force.

>> No.10749904
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Turning plant to meat wastes huge amounts of energy. Population overgrowth is a self correcting problem anyway, stop worrying about it. A little starvation might actually be good for the modern, obese, human.

>> No.10749945


>> No.10749974

Value is created by useful work, done by either human or machine.
If life was truly a zero-sum game we wouldn't starve if everyone stopped working, because in a zero-sum game you cant create or destroy value.
In reality we can create value by useful work, so life isn't a zero-sum game.

>> No.10749978

Yes it is.
No it's not.
>population reaches maximum
>people start starving to death.
>Population goes down a tiny bit
>people have enough food again
>population goes back up.
>everyone lives in a tiny apartment with no yard or greenery to be seen.
>people either dont work anymore because agriculture is done by machines or everyone is slaves for the rich.
>wow sounds like a future I want to live in.
>Want to go to the lake? Tough shit the surrounding area has been developed. I hope you enjoy video games because that is all you will have.

Everyone is going to be a starving video game and drug addict.

>> No.10750034

That isn't how that works at all.
You can't create anything. You are simply expending energy to move matter. There is still a limited amount of matter on/in earth regardless of its form and what you do with it. That makes it a zero sum game. If I own 1/4 of the earth then there is only 3/4 of the earth left for everyone else.

>> No.10750045

People who don't own machines can work for each other, if they so choose
There are other kinds of work besides agriculture, you know that right?

>> No.10750059

Matter in some forms is more valuable to humans when compared to other forms. Moving matter form less valuable form to more valuable form creates value for humans.

>> No.10750173

Let's look at a world where machines are advanced enough to work agriculture. Most jobs will be done by machines. Only jobs that require creativity theoretically would be done by humans. That is not many.

>> No.10750181

Yes but that doesn't negate the fact there is a limited amount of resources we can access.

>> No.10750198

>male lion doing anything but sleeping

>> No.10750213

Humans can work agriculture even if they would do it less effectively than machines. I can grow potatoes in my back yard for example.
Even if machines could do all the work, that doesnt mean they have to. Those who do not own machines can do work the old way for themselves and save money so they can buy machines.

>> No.10750223

I agree that there are limits.

>> No.10750265

So send the other lions back to Mexico where they belong

>> No.10750291

Why would the owners of agriculture land pay to have humans work it when they can do it more efficiently and cheaper with machines? That's if agriculture was privatized.

>> No.10750343

Technological advancement

>> No.10750352

You don't have to work for machine/robot owners, work for yourself. Buy a small plot of land somewhere and start farming it.
Or move to a community which hasn't automated everything and work for someone there.
All the anti-automation people can move together and live life "the good old way".

>> No.10750356

>Technology is magic that can create matter out of nothing.

I'll believe it when I see it.

>> No.10750367

How are you going to buy it when you are born with nothing? Got to earn that property somehow. If all space is occupied you are at the mercy of those around to provide for you.

>> No.10750372

Some forms of matter are more valuable than others. 1 kg of grain is more valuable than 1 kg of sand. Moving matter from less valuable to more valuable state creates value. Technology helps with this.

>> No.10750380


It's not a zero sum game if you make the world richer by your actions. It's only zero sum if you view everyone as consumers or slaves.

Capitalism is corrupted by nepotism and jealous losers asking for handouts.

>> No.10750396


Curiously, computers will soon get better than humans at creativity.

>> No.10750431

Once again. Just because you can be more efficient doesn't mean there is mot a limited amount of space and matter accessible to us which makes it a zero sum game.

Technology just delays the inevitable unless we reduce the amount we consume and the quantity of consumers.

>> No.10750436

In the current year, and for years to come, the world is full of cheap land. All the people are clustering in cities. We also have the whole universe for ourselves. To the stars!

Everyone has property called the human body and mind. Use it to find a way to earn money to buy property. If nothing else works then offer to work for less and someone WILL hire you.

If nothing works then in my opinion your creators are responsible for you. Creating children who cannot survive in the world is immoral and the parents should be responsible.

>> No.10750442


>> No.10750447

We are trillions of years away from occupying all space in the universe, you know that right?

>> No.10750502

It is likely we will reach our capacity long before we figure out how to travel throughout the universe if it is even possible in a reasonable fashion.

Parents are dicks and immoral.
Everyone thinks people should have all this freedom but everyone agrees everyone is retarded.

You can only buy what people will sell.

Just to throw a hypothetical at you. Let's say 100 people owned all the property on earth and they decided they would charge 10,000,000 a homes and there was only enough money among the people for a 500,000 home per person. What would you do? They dont have to lower their prices for you. Would you just roll over and die?

>> No.10750526

Yet we are only a few hundred at best away from filling up the planet we currently live on.

>some geniuses will make Technology beyond our comprehension that will allow us to colonize the universe in the next few hundred years.

I wouldn't bet on it.

>> No.10750563

Memento mori. I have to die some day anyway.

Might as well live a good, ethical life. I have no right to other peoples property, just like they have no right to mine. I don't believe I am responsible for other peoples lives (unless they are my children) and they are not responsible for mine.

Roll over and die it is.

>> No.10750594

Stupid made up story that describes the disturbed mindset of a commie more than it describes capitalism.

>> No.10750658

Not an argument.

>> No.10750715

>falling for the exponential meme
Nothing continues to be exponential
I don't know if you realized it or not but developed countries have a declining birthrate there is no reason to assume this trend would not happen with the rest of the world.

>> No.10750744

Would be more accurate-“Steve the lion’s parents gave him a hunting territory 30 times as large as anyone else’s.”

>> No.10750754


Exactly. It's only zero sum if you take someones shit and kill or enslave them, which is what socialism is. And why it precedes famine and death.

>> No.10750788

t. terminator

>> No.10750809

Sage and Hide all commie threads

>> No.10750846

Applies to >>10749824 as well your ideas of unsustainable human growth is a meme based by fear mongering racist. Neck yourself

>> No.10751129

This is exactly how a cuck looks like.

>> No.10751142

>Exactly. It's only zero sum if you take someones shit and kill or enslave them
And how do you think nations are created in a world with limited land

>> No.10751159

>human overpopulation is a myth
>climate change is a myth
>anything that challenges my worldview is a myth

>> No.10751165

This only works if people stick to having 2 or less kids. That is not a guarantee in the future.

>> No.10751188

Limits which are not taken into consideration by "perpetual growth capitalism" we live at.

>> No.10751209

>Use communism as the solution to every problem in the world
>People should live like cattle on a farm with everything rationed and all aspects of life controlled

>> No.10751213

It's not opinion. Al scientific evidence points to the universe ending. Even if the universe would somehow be an eternal thing that loops and creates another big bang and everything repeats, you will not survive that process so that is a zero point.

>> No.10751222

>point to the obvious flawed capitalism
>assume person pointing at obvious flaws is a communist

>> No.10751244

Capitalism isn't about eternal growth. It is about property rights and economic freedom.

>> No.10751263

Even if capitalism isn't the perfect paradise on earth solution, it is still the best possible obtainable solution.

>> No.10751272
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>> No.10751300

Using the human rational brain instead of the lowly lizard brain is pretty manly, in my opinion.

>> No.10751317

If you don't want to grow, you don't have to! Stay a weak government dependent bitch if you want to!

>> No.10751355

Lol, so many temporarily embarrassed millionaires ITT. I don't know if it's sad or funny.

>> No.10751379
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No its not a guarantee but its a trend that has been shown to be true and apply over multiple continents and 100s of cultures/countries. It might prove to be false given time, but it is the most likely module of the world, your assumption however is complete speculation unlike the one presented which was actually researched
In this case you are the one ignoring the data much like the climate deniers this is backed up by the UN Population and Development commission. The fact that you are quick to dismiss it cause it conflicts with your ideology shows that you share much with climate deniers.


>> No.10751392

You are an unimaginative cuck.

Real value is created in virtual worlds these days you fucking moron, we aren't limited by land. We are limited by useful people being dragged down by useless PIECES OF SHIT LIKE YOU

>> No.10751393

The third world war will not be governments fighting governments. It will be the world fighting the jews.

>> No.10751406


Sorry I get so angry.


>> No.10751408


>> No.10751419

>Lol look at these temporary embarrassed millionaires with their stupid mindset of ambition why can't they embrace the perpetual victim mindset like me and wine forever

>> No.10751429
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Oh look, another leftypol anti-business and anti-finance thread. How nice.

>> No.10751436

More like pluripotent stem cell, haha...

>> No.10751441

>temporarily embarrassed millionaires
I always have to laugh when I see this, because what you're basically saying is, "If you're not successful now then you will never be successful. You should just give up like I did and settle for socialist handouts."

I try to see the good in everyone and respect different points of view, but I can't help but laugh when you're essentially telling people to give up and settle for mediocrity. It's quite sad, really.

>> No.10751449

pluripotent stem cells know when to stop growing when they become the cell they're meant to be

basically the body is socialist because all the good cells know when to stop consuming resources to help newer cells develop, and cancer is basically some cells deciding to consume as many resources as possible, resulting in death

>> No.10751455

I'm on board with anti business, after all each business is just a communist redistribution mechanism.

But how can you come to this board and be unaware that markets make everyone richer.

>> No.10751458

It's not in the interest of capitalists to hoard resources. Free market forces will always find a way to make them sell when the price climbs to a certain point, unless there is some sort of 3rd party intervening or putting up regulations discouraging capitalists to sell (i.e the State)

>> No.10751459

You lefty faggots need to stop thinking in term "morality" and think more in term of science. That is a problem that could be easily solved scientifically using evolutionary theory. I swear leftism is like religion with its fucking morality.

>> No.10751461

Humans are not cells. Research price of anarchy. Self prioritizing agents and selfless behavior have an intersection point that benefits everyone, and curiously it's at the point of maximum anarchy.

>> No.10751469

Businesses don't redistribute wealth by use of force, unlike commies.
You can always say "no" to a deal you dont want.

>> No.10751476


Yep, because those are the only two options you have lol. There's no realistic middle ground of course. Typical retard ACTUALLY thinking he'll be a millionaire one day lolol. It's always the same shit where 90% of people think they're above average. I'm sorry bro but that just isn't how math works. You will NEVER be a millionaire. NEVER. Let that sink in.

>> No.10751479

Tragedy of the Commons

>> No.10751487

they are the same "moralists" pushing to legalize abortion

>> No.10751488


Another retard raised his hand it seems. Read this >>10751476

>> No.10751489

It is very easy to achieve a million if you have patience.

>> No.10751493

No but the elite create huge cash hoards in which to do sneaky shit just like communists. See every tech companies massive hoarding in preparation of buying disruption.

Additionally there aren't that many options, and the paycheck you get has had most of it taken out to go to other employees and the government. Like 75% or more if you are useful.

The value of your work is rarely tied to your income.

There are a lot of parallels.

>> No.10751497

Why should the value of your work be tied to your income?

>> No.10751506

>le anarchy is the best meme
yes somalia truly is the best country in the world

>> No.10751515


Trying and being ambitious is great but some of you retards are just purely delusional nothing more.

>> No.10751516

If you think your work is worth more than you are paid quit and work for yourself or find someone who pays you your worth.

>> No.10751520


In free market it is.

You don't live in a free market society. It's a choice of which communist organization to help.

>> No.10751533

I did. I would have done it sooner if I realized what was happening.

The economy is pretty rigged and indentured slavery is the norm.

>> No.10751536

So poor people should all be socialists and communists, worshipping mommy state and groveling at kike feet because having some speck of ambition would mean being a 'bootlicker' and an uncle Tom?
Yeah, I guess poor people should all just band up and kill the rich, so in their communist society they can put their backs against a wall and get shot. Then perhaps we can finally have that classless utopia

>> No.10751548

The price of anarchy has to approach 1, which is equivalent to an ideal centrally planned system. I doubt this is true in Somalia.

Look I'm not inventing this shit, go do your own damn homework. Algorithmic game theory.

>> No.10751550

wait, if i have a million dollars am i oppressing people?

>> No.10751556

Humans are not cells. If you wish to throwaway your individual identity to become a slave to a collective go ahead, but don't think for a moment that a society based on those ideas is sustainable. Monarchies, communism, and fascist ideologies where left in the 20th century trash bin where they belong.

>> No.10751571

Start hunting zebra

AKA Innovate, you dumb fuck. Or play the victim and die.

>> No.10751580

To elaborate, you act as if the world is a static thing. Sure there might be a finite planet. But the universe is infinite. Once you grasp that, you realize you are your own and only limitation.

Happy hunting brainlet.

>> No.10751597

Ignoring the fact that I'm more then 70% of the way there, my dude most people don't even fucking try to acquire wealth until their 30s the view that I will be rich one day is either held by late adopters to capitalistic pursuits who will likely not (but have a better then 0% chance of non pursuers) or early adopters who overwhelmingly will be rich. The earlier you're embarrassed to not be a millionaire the better the moment you accept its impossible it becomes so.

>> No.10751708

>Capitalist are to stupid to realize it is literally a 0 sum game.

Yes, that's why world income is still the same as it was 200 years ago and we are all living on subsistence level. Marxist retard

>> No.10752104

then steve hires the pmc group blackwater to keep him and his assets safe and shoot other nigger lions on sight

>> No.10752182

Now try to guess were that money came from

>> No.10752216

You forgot the other part of the story where frank bill and steve sell there gazelle back to the other lions slowely so the other lions survive in exchange for labor as payment. How much do the lions value avoiding starvation? The free market will tell. The lions who only know how to hunt gazelle die as there are no more gazelle left to find in the wild. Frank bill and steve die of old age while their children continue to slowely sell off just enough gazelle to keep the lion population in check while they live in luxury.

>> No.10752339

That’s socialism-tax people to fund projects that benefit everyone

>> No.10752364


Remove from those inventors the lifetime of indentured servitude to the state and we'd be talking to each other through quantum computers connected to our minds right now.

>> No.10752365

>computer invented through gov't funding

Completely false.