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10741127 No.10741127 [Reply] [Original]

Soon, brothers.

>> No.10741247


When the pump to 2000 sats happen, I'll be ready.

>> No.10741262


>> No.10741280


>> No.10741877

What FUD? Do you even know what it means?

>> No.10741976

Yea I hope so. I know it'll end up going up in value. Its a matter of how long i can wait.

>> No.10742825

HODL for 5 years at least.

>> No.10743156

Newfag brainlet here, can I get some of this without signing up to more shitty exchanges?

>> No.10743172

Mine it

>> No.10743268

Sign up for a wallet and choose a pool. They all have various guides.

I recommend sushipool.

>> No.10743356


>> No.10743384

It will happen. Srsly if i make it via nimiq (1mln till end of 2018) im making a damn tatto on my arm.

>> No.10743430

Nimiq too much tokens locked to the team. Dump alerts in 5 years

>> No.10743738

how much do you have now? i believe 1 billion marketcap is possible next year, which would be a 400x increase.

>> No.10744216

It really blows my mind, that there are people not mining nimiq for literally free just to worst case scenario cash in when it x20s.

>> No.10744312
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17k nimlet checking in

>> No.10744538

i have 2k, started ming last week.i want to have 100k next year, i think i should be set for live if i manage to do that.

>> No.10744573

>started last week
anon do you keep your pc mining overnight or something or did you just join a special pool?

>> No.10744619

i have a ryzen 1700x, i mine 15-18 hours a day.

i use 13-16 threads and im on the sushipool.

>> No.10744629

and i use the desktopminer, not the webminer

>> No.10744724

Yeah I use the desktop miner too and set 4 threads on my i7-4790 while I'm using my computer. It runs for about 10-12 hours per day. I use the sushipool as well, but I just suppose I'm not putting enough threads or time in.
maybe I should just buy $20 worth of NIMIQ or something instead

>> No.10744893

byuing nimiq with fiat is definitely a good idea, though a bit difficult atm due to lack of big exchange having it. i wouldnt stop mining however, as i speculate on a billion marketcap next year which is an 1000x. so even if ming atm is not profitable, it should be in the future.
Today i even setup an old laptop that onyl manages a hashrate of 5 to mine nimiq. its not profitable rigth now, but if the price explodes, it is.

>> No.10744931

So...is a billion market cap 400% increase or 1000% increase?

>> No.10744993

a marketcap of exactly1 billion would be a 330x.increase to its current marketcap. i believe it could increase much further than that though.

>> No.10745043

So that'd put us at about $0.50. I hope you are right fren.

>> No.10745045

Literally bitcoin 2.0. Price propably won't increase much though if everyone is just mining it lol.

>> No.10745077
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That's where FOMO will help out. Just get us on a bigger exchange so I can buy the dip, Jesus.

>> No.10745090

Everyone is mining simply because difficulty is very low and the coin isn't yet listed on big exchanges. Both aspects will change obviously.

>> No.10745286
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what the fuck? that much? I thought it would be like x20 or x100 max or something. looks like I'll have to mine more.

>> No.10745344

This is Bitcoin for the layman. Differences being, easier to get in to and 21 billion coins instead of 21 million. So if we went by coins alone, we should be BTC price divided by 1000. Only thing thats missing is exposure. All in due time.

>> No.10745510

it has a working mainnet that is normiefriendly. shit like chainlink solves no problem and has no working mainnet, but still reached almost half a billion marketcap this year because of sergeys pajeet army that shilled it here. if you compare nimiq to chainlink, its easy to see why i think it should easily hit a billion marcetcap and more once they have it listed on some bigger exchanges.

>> No.10745644


What's the current process for buying nimiq with USD? I already went through nimiq.com, have a miner account, upgraded it, have my eth deposit address etc.

do I buy eth on coinbase and then exchange that eth for nimiq on nimex?

>> No.10745687

Literally the same thoughts everyone had when Bitcoin was released.
>Why would anyone buy if they're all mining?

>> No.10745744

Nimex or tradesatoshi. Check the exchange page on the Nimiq site. Will show current prices/volume.

>> No.10745756

might want to check tradesatoshi as well

>> No.10745763
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You can do that.
Tradesatoshi has more volume though so I would rather go there even if Nimex.app is theorically more secure as it uses a smart contract if I remember correctly.

Btw if someone wanst to snatch a cashlink
Don't forget to put a mail to get a ticket for the Ledger promo.

>> No.10745782

I'll look into that.
Probably just gona buy like $25 worth. Said it'd take like 6 months to mine one block so I clearly don't have the computing power to get any decent payouts.

>> No.10745794

Might want to look into Google Cloud Engine mining.

>> No.10745801

Don't solo mine, join a pool (preferably any pool but SkyPool)

>> No.10745855


Isn't it against the TOS though? Or is it only for the free trial?

>> No.10745858

This. Also check Sushi pool site for a step by step how to Google cloud mine with a $300 free trial. I was getting 2k nim a day for about a week.

>> No.10745871
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Just upgrade your account to pay-as-you-go and don't spend more than the free credits.

I can also really recommend Microsoft Azure. Here's a guide: https://pastebin.com/x6C7Uwps

>> No.10745896


>2.2 Customer may not use the Services to engage in mining cryptocurrency

Yikes, I'll have to look into it, just don't wan't to get fucked by google.

>> No.10745906

Use Azure if you don't want to mess with Google.

>> No.10745952

Once you upgrade they’ll stop shutting you down, just be carful to not charge yourself.

And you guys should really try out sushi pools sushi OS, I get about 5 more kh/s using it. Just boots from a usb

>> No.10746147
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Anyone want to do a Fuck measuring contest? And yes, I know I pretty much have an inverted clit

>> No.10746212
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If you have at least 100k on NIMIQ you've already made it in 2 years

>> No.10746229

Then what about 10 years?

>> No.10746247

U impatient cunt. Go back to mc donald. U r getting money for free. U must be black arent ya?

>> No.10746252
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>> No.10746261

I just don't have plans on cashing out until in 10 years.

>> No.10746266


>> No.10746279

Highly recommend sushipools guide on GCE for newbies. The script however wasnt updated last time i checked; use this:
>bash <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Sushipool/source/master/scripts/SushiPool-Install-Script.sh))

>> No.10746291

i used the script and now all my LINK is gone?

>> No.10746337
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The mere sight of this link drained 1 stinky link from my wallet.

>> No.10746483
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>Soon, brothers

>> No.10746835
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Literally the ultimate normalfag cryptocoin.

>> No.10746916

which is why it will succeed

>> No.10746969



Bitcoin core autists think people really want to spend hours fucking around with the shitty bitcoin wallets + LN on top of it.

>> No.10747254
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Seems to be a few places that are just straight up giving it away.

>> No.10747559

I'll actually be surprised if this project doesnt succeed. Theres so much tech and raw talent in it, from devs and even the userbase. How many projects can say they implemented ledger support themselves?

>> No.10747898

Bump for recognition so you won't regret it when it reaches a cent in a couple months

>> No.10748302

That’s a feature

>> No.10749132

Will the trial version of azure automatically close the account after credit is used or do I have to worry about it charging my card?

>> No.10749361

No one using skypool anymore?

>> No.10749714


Skypool has like 60% of the hashrate, better to use something else.

>> No.10749752

Skypool is insecure, closed source, and has become too big
Sushi recently updated their back ends and fixed all of their client bugs so everything just werks, no reason to use sky anymore unless you want a very consistent payout for some reason
Also sushiOS seems to be giving me the best kh/s I've seen so far

>> No.10749935
File: 590 KB, 1280x720, 1532365072539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only that, people are suspecting that SkyPool is giving a fake hashrate on their site. If you can view all blocks found in 24h, at least 5 addresses are SkyPool related and basically more than half of the blocks are found by them which is suspicious since "they have" the same hashrate as SushiPool.
Also the fact they do not want to use the API from sites like PoolWatch makes it even more suspicious.
So yeah, do not support SkyPool if you really care about NIMIQ

>> No.10750014

Yea just leave skypool to the chinks since thats all they can use
Let them chinks themselves