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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10740261 No.10740261 [Reply] [Original]

.In the 1990s thousands of “dot-com” companies emerged with great fanfare to take advantage of the Internet and new information technologies. A few, like Google, eBay, and Amazon, have generally thrived and prospered, but many others struggled and eventually failed. Explain these varied outcomes in terms of how the market system answers the question “What goods and services will be produced?” LO3

>> No.10740297
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What’s your point?

>> No.10740306

anwser the question nigger

>> No.10740316

>he wasn't around to see the dot-com era firsthand

kill yourself zoomer

>> No.10740324

It’s a dumb question because many of those successful businesses produced the same goods and services as the ones who failed. It wasn’t dependent on *what* was produced, but *how* they were produced and marketed.

>> No.10740656
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LINK will become 1000 billion company & be ruling the blockchain world for years to come.

>> No.10740695

A more efficient financial system. Yeah, it's hard not to laugh at it. It's just a shame the volume is so low, medium term trades take double or triple the time, it fucking sucks. I wish the normies came in like 2020 or something. Now I'm just waiting and doing some actual productive shit until btc decides to start moving down again

>> No.10740778

If you have to ask this question then you haven't read the Vechain whitepaper and will never make it.

>> No.10740879


>> No.10740964

The companies that offered something slightly different and were better ran and marketed (and got lucky) survived and grew to gobble up their competition. The ones who didn’t died. In the dot com era, the internet was seen as a new frontier so speculators were throwing cash at all sorts of horribly managed, lame companies (like Pets.com) that pissed their capital away on dumb shit and offered nothing that their competitors didn’t. People were also pumping ideas for hyped startups ran by arrogant 22 year olds without any working product or service to deliver. If this sounds like Crypto, that’s because it has a ton of parallels and lessons to learn.

>> No.10741007

If you look at the major survivors, Amazon always undercut compretitors substantially while aggressively expanding from books to full retail at much cheaper prices than than big box stores, all while constantly improving their level of service and doing all of this at huge losses for years. eBay offered a way for people to sell their stuff in a global marketplace, which also meant competition kept prices low for consumers. Google was simply the first search engine that was worth a shit and didn’t need users to learn complex Boolean strings to work. PayPal allowed peer-to-peer online transactions and filled a huge void in the marketplace. Yahoo is still around, though it’s dying, because they got in early as a platform with boomers. All of these companies got a lot of help from VV firms along the way to expand and stay afloat.

>> No.10741169

yes and btc tech is takeing out vv, banks, sharemarkets,gold,derivatives or at least a good percent even 10 pc of each will give it a 20T mkt cap.

>> No.10741204

LINK is Amazon BYE

>> No.10741222

i have yet to hear about it outside 4chan