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10733623 No.10733623 [Reply] [Original]

>Not having a lovely wife and producing kids

You are never gonna make it

>> No.10733650

you're right if that's what you consider making it. i'm 30 and people at work cannot believe that i don't have kids. like a mixture of shock and embarrassment for me that i'm not living up to their expectations. fucking normies man. unbelievable

>> No.10733678

>30 yr old boomer with no kids

>> No.10733682

No that's one thing normies have right. Okay don't reproduce yourself and die alone in your own shit with no one to care for you. Good luck faggot.

>> No.10733691
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Me in the back

>> No.10733955

Where I live nobody has kids before 30. Here nobody would be surprised, you‘d be normal. Educated and urban people don’t reproduce before 30

>> No.10733998

if you know you aren't capable of providing for kids or raising, then don't feel bad.
literally no point in breeding like animals unless you are going to take care of your kids properly, no need to fuck yourself over and your kids

>> No.10734025

Great, I have a cousin somewhere.

>> No.10734109

>Not having a lovely wife
Not trying to go full /pol/ but about 100% of all major changes regarding women/family/healthy society made a turn to prevent this.

With every year more and more degenerate shit get shoveld down our throats.
More and more women gets pushed into workforce and career and no one wants a child before turning 35.
and even then maximum one or two child or else there is no time for their "fullfilling" job.

speaking of living in a city right now
can't wait to move back to the landside where traditions are still a thing.

>> No.10734571


33, working on wall street, got a luxury high rise apartment with awesome view, single by choice, no kids, fuck a lot of women.

got a life style you could never afford and could only dream of.

fuck your kids, nobody gives a shit cause this post has nothing to do with money, finance or business.

go kys

>> No.10734597

thank you for contributing to the dysgenic reproductive trend. society is truly enlightened.

>> No.10734759

It's a good thing that liberal faggots are killing themself within 1 generation.
>muh too intelligent, muh too good for kids

thousand of generations your family suceeded in having an offspring.
I hope you are proud.

>> No.10734809

>bl*nd "women"

Your are not making it either.

>> No.10734814

>girl propses that we should get married
>her ass is fine and she's quite smart and fun to hang around with
>not even a year and i caught her flirting with a mutual friend

Fucking women...

>> No.10734829


implying i dont plan on having kids in the next couple years

again having kids has nothing to do with money or finance. go brag about your kids on facebook. faggot. no one gives a shit here

>> No.10734836

Your are also not making it

>> No.10734910

It goes the other way too faggot. Stop being an absolutist. I've met 16 year old zoomers who love the idea of starting a family and 37 year old boomers who scoff at the idea. The world doesn't revolve around your recognition.

>> No.10734927


Not having kids in this fucked up, degenerate, straight to hell World we live in today. Earth should be nuked from orbit.

>> No.10734952


>spending his money on some fucking offspring

Stay poor

>> No.10734977

Then you're just a retarded invalid. You life haters can fuck off.

>> No.10734981

t. brunette roasty

>> No.10735042

eventually death will stare you in the face and you will want to change your ways.

>> No.10736105

Humans inarguably destroy more life than they create by breeding

>> No.10736208

Mormons kek

>> No.10736215

>being this dumb

>> No.10736220

Women dont love

>> No.10736583

don't be such a soft faggot expecting a love from woman
they do love, but only themselves and their kids that's fairly enough

>> No.10736615

I'm sure you are fulfilled and never doubt your decisions as your genetic legacy ends under your syphillis infected sheets surrounded by no one

>> No.10736697
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Keep putting at least 50% of your shit in perpetuity up for collateral to lock yourself into a living breathing options contract that will never be worth as much as the day you purchased it, will accelerate in its value decay around age 30, and for the privilege of purchasing it and all that collateral that you put up, you get to be banned from the market and other more valuable options contracts forever, unless the contract you currently own expires prematurely and you lose the 50% of your networth you put up for the deal. Brilliant fucking strategy. Marriage is for the wealthy to unite their houses by blood and consolidate their wealth and power and for the poor to keep themselves poor and distract from the fact that they're functionally slaves.

>> No.10736926

stop existing cuck

>> No.10737156


Eurofag detected. Enjoy replacement by the Caliphate.

>> No.10738107


>Not realising that you don't marry for the girl, you marry for the use of her oven, to create miniature versions of yourself

Come on now you fedora.

>> No.10738147


Aren't the normies the 30 year old unmarrieds?

They are the majority now my normie friend. Be different spawn some kids in a lifelong marriage why dontcha.

>> No.10738262

If you aren't extremely attractive, this is a common reality for some

>> No.10738273

sminem's sister is stupid thicc

>> No.10738284


Also - what the fuck happened to all of the barbers in Russia?

>> No.10739275
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you're fucking stupid.

>> No.10739718

Good luck with that higher rate of autism and whatnot. Your sperm is literally retarded.
t. 1st kid at 17

>> No.10739741

Just try to imagine being such a loser you did not have a family of your own. What a faggot beta male loser.

>> No.10739751

I have one kid and this shit is fucking hard.

I'm literally getting a vasectomy next month.

I don't know how any person does this more than once.

>> No.10739774
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My oldest started high school yesterday. It's easier after age 10. You'll miss this. Good luck.

>> No.10739777

>trusting women in 2018

>> No.10739809


> you'll miss this

No fucking way. All I do is work. If I'm not working to make $, I'm working to care for my kid

>> No.10739810

t. fat wife and no money

>> No.10739820

I'm 27 white male and my qt azian wife is 28. We're thinking of waiting til we're 30 and more financially secure before having a kid or two.

Smart move?

>> No.10739884

yes don't fall for the autism meme, lots of women give birth in their thirties just fine.

>> No.10739898

>School starting in August
You fucking 20yr old larping boomer

>> No.10739911

I have 4 kids.

>> No.10739913

just dont smoke ciggies or vape with nicotine, that shit doesnt help with your sperm.

>> No.10739941

It's really hard to get away with selling kids on the black market. I've tried. Not great financial advice

>> No.10739942

You'd rather be jacking off?
Life sucks when im not around my kids, even if I have more free time.

>> No.10739949

It's not a meme retard
Autism and downs is more and more common for a reason faggot

>> No.10739951

Southern coastal fag detected

>> No.10739966

Funny how this is related to the economy, isn't it? My daddy was 38 wen he had me and look at me now lol

>> No.10739999

>have kid with an Asian
>kid has downs
>can't tell

>> No.10740000


There's like 100 things I'd rather be doing.

But my baby is only 6 months.

>> No.10740015

Yuge get

>> No.10740027

Infants will drive any man to jihad. Theres a reason why you dont see many male grade school teachers.

>> No.10740033

How will adding additional liabilities help me "make it"?
>muh legacy
>muh ancestors
>muh bloodline
Literally nigger tier thinking.

>> No.10740045
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It's a proven fact that your consciousness will literally live again through your bloodline. Why do you think literally all animals do it? It's basically immortality.

>> No.10740053

Well you're just the type of critical thinker we need more of in the workforce and taxpayer pool. How 'bout a nice vagina?

>> No.10740069
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I don't see what he said that wasn't true.

>> No.10740079

Animals also eat literal shit. Should you start doing that too?

>> No.10740084
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Seriously Jenkins, these negros reproduce like bunny rabbits!

>> No.10740091

Checked and audibly kek'd

>> No.10740109

>thinks family will visit him in the nursing home
t. worked at nursing home

Protip: they will visit a few times a year just to check level of deterioration to determine on how long they have to wait for inheritance

>> No.10740120

There's some research into this you know. Maybe you should look up pills filled with literal human feces sometime.

>> No.10740193

I used to be a bookkeeper for a nursing home. Seeing the single elderly people get scammed out of all their money and have zero family to fall back on was heartbreaking. This was the number 1 reason why I had kids, maybe it's selfless but I realized the truth.

>> No.10740209


>> No.10740252

Mormonism is the future.

>> No.10740287

What's with the nursing home meme?
Who has kids to take care of them?
I thought that's what making it was for?
I'm not looking for an inheritance but I ain't scraping shit out my dad's asscrack more than maybe twice lmao. What kind of a cuck do you take me for? This is a job opportunity. Nursing home poop scraper, $14.50 an hour, I can pay you in STORM