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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10739070 No.10739070 [Reply] [Original]

How can I make money unethically?

>> No.10739077

Kill shit skins

>> No.10739079

trade crypto

>> No.10739202

>atheists are so insecure about their lack of morality that they use starving africans to virtue signal
definitely going to burn for that one. absolutely disgusting.

>> No.10739218
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Funny you post a well.

My grandad made a FORTUNE in the 60s and 70s running a well-drilling company funded by the UN to build wells in former colonies

basically he would:
>go to a village
>"assess the situation"
>pick a spot
>drill a hole
>get a hundred thousand dollars from the UN
>rinse and repeat

And to pump up the cost, he would:
>"hire" locals(walk around and get people's names and add them to a payroll)
>order tons of equipment he didn't need and turn around and sell it to the local governments
>couple of other things but can't really talk about it

but yeah, that was pretty unethical. He's also a bush war vet.

>> No.10739252

Be a hitman.

Sell drugs.

Sell guns.

Contact old people who have recently lost their kids, offer to do gravestones at a discount price for cash then disappear after getting their money.

Find old people who have passed on and steal their SS checks. Most family members don't bother ending them right away.

Go to any large store and have an "accident".

>> No.10739265

Literally what else is there to do? Cracks can't ecen contract a fucking bucket without someone rrrreeeeeeing

>> No.10739271

your grandad is an absolute ledge m8

>> No.10739280

> crackas, even
I wasted too much energy trying to avoid the edge.

>> No.10739294

nu/pol/ needs to be gassed, don't you have a child to molest you jesus freak?

>> No.10739316

im learning golang and want to make some nignog crypto to shill to black people during the next bubble.

help me think of names biz. all i got so far is wakandacoin

>> No.10739350

Selling CP, selling drugs, selling kids, selling rare animals...
The list is huge, the real question is: What are you willing to do?

>> No.10739357

Insurance fraud, then sell heroin and prescription pain pills.

>> No.10739373


That's probably a winner right there.

>> No.10739403


>> No.10739436

Look at that blank stare in their eyes. Like dumb animals.

>> No.10739465


>> No.10739478
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>> No.10739508

Lure low quality women into sex slavery

Its easier then you think 9/10th of it is just finding the initial buyer contact.

>> No.10739514

Black Pride Coin.
That's the name that is gonna make you rich!

Patent Req: Brazil /biz/

>> No.10739540

How's the weather in Rotherham?

>> No.10739543

I got it! BLM
Black Lives Matter coin. The official coin of the Black Lives Matter movement. Redeemable for Air Jordans or whatever

>> No.10739553

making money is always ethically sound

>> No.10739567

You know oil tankers/container ships?
They always had a fuckton of left-over oil (more than 1/2 a tank) after each journey.
The company would always refuel them to full no matter the fuel level.
>There u go

>> No.10739577

Sell drugs but you got too much competition.
Hacking but you need skills.

>> No.10739589

Had a hearty kek. Nah man most of the market is not for kids or young ones again I must stress "low quality" a lot of foreign buyers seem to not care about the quality of the hole they're buying just as long as its white. We're not sending our best so to speak.

>> No.10739602

if you are smart enough to hack you can earn money ethically as a white hat (300k/yr)

>> No.10739631

yeah but its not as profitable, but you already know that

>> No.10739649

Air Jordans, grills and spinning rims. Diversification is key.

>> No.10739706

This is solid. Nigs really can't help their racial self-pity.

>> No.10739736

Hi r/biz, fuck off.

>> No.10739932

>Be a hitman.
>Sell drugs.
>Sell guns.

as if it's so easy to get started in any of those options

>> No.10739981


Sell "mystery" boxes on the dark web.

>> No.10740017
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You have to ask for advice on this?

>> No.10740043

The life.

>> No.10740321

>Only can get jobs like this if you have connections

>> No.10740418

create a crypto exchange