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10737053 No.10737053 [Reply] [Original]

> Be me
> At the gas station
> See some slim girl going in while gas is being pumped
> Really, really nice butt, idk on legs but they looked good
> Contemplate pulling out phone but realize i won't see her butt when she's heading back
> Stand facing directly where she is gonna go through so I can look without it being obvious that I turned to check her out
> She's got hugeeeeee boobs I mean she probably has bigger than an E cup while being slim instead of having nasty broad shoulders like some chicks have when they have big boobs
> Face looked cute, locked eyes, she kept looking (I'm no chad but I was dressed business casual)
> She goes to pump gas and I see reflection of her on the back of my truck, she's looking at me
> Drive back to work

How the heck do I hit on a girl at the gas station!?

>> No.10737070

>Be me

who else would you be

>> No.10737077

ayy bby can I fill u up?

>> No.10737098

t. incel

>> No.10737110

kekd and checked

>> No.10737115

If you were good looking and good enough for good looking women you’d know by now. Your genes lock you out from pussy paradise, you’re not allowed in because you don’t have what it takes.

>> No.10737133

spray gas on her, light her on fire, than rip her clothes off and save her

>> No.10737134
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>hey I haven't seen you around here before, do you live somewhere in the neighbourhood?
>Oh, that's cool. I was wondering whether you'd like to go for drinks sometime
>Aight, can I have your number? I'll text you the deets.

That's literally all it takes.

>> No.10737295
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If you're not a hideous monster, it's like anything else, you have to crawl before you can walk and walk before you can run. Learn to smile confidently at ugly girls, then at pretty girls. After that you need to get experience shooting the shit basically because if you're even remotely appealing being able to just shoot the shit with a chick is sufficient for sleeping with them. If you have ANY anxiety about talking to women, it's almost 100% because you're not confident about your life (fix that first) or you're not experienced enough talking to women (guess you better get started failing so you can get started succeeding?). At bars, just being remotely appealing and being good with your body language and facial expressions is enough to get most girls to just initiate conversations with you.

>> No.10737312

>people who can't girls in 2018
Literally that shit is easy as f. You can literally pull them anywhere

>> No.10737336
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>> No.10737355

She was probably just being polite to the 50th weirdo that stared at her ass that day. Faggot

>> No.10737406

>hey I haven't seen you around here before, do you live somewhere in the neighbourhood? Oh wanna go for drinks?
Awful, cringe worthy

>checking over her face
hey, this might be weird, but are you related to sidney michaels or their family at all? you just look so much like someone I know, it's uncanny
>no, no im not at all
oh! no shit. might as well ask though. *if she is personable hopefully she talks here* well how do you feel about _______?
(could be a hail mary, board games, long walks on the beach, jesus, dinner, whatever works)

>> No.10737407

Lol I knew I would get some r9k shit thrown at me. But it just isn't that hard, I'm a wagecuck who still lives at home with his parents and I can still get girls. Yeah, it helps if you have a fat wallet and your life figured out but it isn't even a requirement.

There are poor as fuck rednecks with a wife, kids and a couple side-chicks. Same thing for ghetto-niggers...

>> No.10737482

>Throw gasoline on her
>Smile and apologize
>say it was an accident
>introduce yourself
>Casually open your fake blockfolio with 1 billion dollars
>say you are a shitcoin investor
>unzip your pants, say your cock id as big as your portfolio
>Ask for her phone number.
You won't get better advice than this.

>> No.10737514

Just talk to her.


>> No.10737536

Ok but how am I supposed to get and keep a woman? I keep hearing you have to treat them like shit but I'm scared too. Plz help. I no understand

>> No.10737702

> Be me
> At the gas station
> See some guy pumping gas
> Why is he still looking at me?
> Quickly pay the bill
> Hope this creep is not stalking me
> Quickly turn around and look back.
> Yep, he is stalking. Not even cute.
> He starts blabbering something and drives away
EWW ! What a creep

>> No.10737717

I know right?! He probably holds REQ!

>> No.10737805
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>Not unzipping her pants first while smiling and apologizing

Never gonna make it.

>> No.10737837

appreciate the ass, but to think you had to take a picture is fucking weird and stupid

>> No.10737967

You don't have to treat them bad but part of it is to flatter them while implying that you don't necessary HAVE to have them.

>> No.10737971

The woman (including married) at work act flirtatious with me does that indicate anything?

>> No.10737978

> my truck
You don't stand a chance you fucking hick

>> No.10738011

Tell her that she should never leave her car while the gas is pumping to go inside. She will realize that you are safety minded and follow the rules. This will really turn her on and you will score.

>> No.10738028

>Awful, cringe worthy
Do you cringe at everything? How do you even live? I'd rather think absolutely nothing were cringey than think everything were. Much more fulfilling way to live.

>> No.10738045
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i've had a 10/10 say "nice car" to me while I was pumping gas before she noticed my gf sitting in the passenger seat in my porsche 911 turbo. If you had a nice car like me maybe you could've gotten laid. I basically had non-stop gfs and dates after getting the porsche

>> No.10738053

lol fagoot you miss the oportunity, why didnt you ask for her number

>> No.10738055

nope, they just want male attention to feed their egos
why do you think some stacys like being around 5+ beta orbiters?

>> No.10738056

i like to pretend i'm calling someone and talking loudly while i compliment them within hearing range, then tell my fake phone call that i'm going to walk up to her and ask her out. then i go up to her and ask if she knows the time. then she says don't you have a smartphone? that's when i do a 360 and walk away. got 'em

>> No.10738063

thats pajeet tier

>> No.10738078


well, i am also 7-8/10 and have modeled professionally before and was hitting 1/2/3/3.5 plates at the time.

>> No.10738083

sure you did buddy

>> No.10738097


>ayy, gibme dem digits tho

works every time

>> No.10738098


>> No.10738115

Nice life story anon. You really should write a book or something.

>> No.10738117



>> No.10738120


>> No.10738171

New fag detected

>> No.10738192

>proud to show off your Porsche you bought 15 years ago.

Good job buddy.

>> No.10738223
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>> No.10738235

>how do i pick up girl at gas station
Have based sub woofers banging latest drake or travis scott. Hey qt3.14 what are you doing tonight? Oh nice, me and some friends will be midtown, ask for number

>> No.10738255

>instead of having nasty broad shoulders like some chicks have when they have big boobs
Didnt know this was a thing. I remember one shortstack girl with huge boobs but from the back she had broad shoulders.

>> No.10738259
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We know it's easy to get laid but we like to act like victims so please kindly fuck off our circlejerk safe space please??

>> No.10738266

>not a comfy af yet sensible Lexus GX
Not gonna make it

>> No.10738279

Do what most white guys do and just roofie her

>> No.10738338

Yeah its pretty gross, especially when they have "no butt"

>> No.10738346

negro detected

>> No.10738352

how small is it down there senpai

>> No.10738353

It's about looks first and foremost.

>> No.10738396

An alpha.

>> No.10738443

this anon is a fag pretending he has game. very low success rate on this unless you can make her laugh/establish that you're not a creep right away. girls wont go out with a guy after exchanging one sentence.
this anon knows whats up. pretend like you recognize her and/or take a random guess at her name. she'll say no thats not me and then you say oh sorry haha you look familiar blah blah blah, and now you are in. you'll have to carry on a convo here so if you're a spreg this wont work but its at least good way to initiate the conversation.

>> No.10738481

You forgot the firm handshake

>> No.10738496

>> Contemplate pulling out phone
classic biz

>> No.10738546

but I'm an autistic uncle with ridiculously high standards

>> No.10738557

*incel not uncle

>> No.10738593

probably not
either you have a higher position than they do, or more social status, or you're known to be skilled/efficient and they may need your assistance at some point

most women are absolute shit at their job and use their looks and/or flirting to get ahead

>> No.10738653

yeah a gas station is a really contrived situation
much better odds in a grocery store
you and 10 million other fags. a girl with options has zero reason to pick you. so work on yourself to stand out or settle for less
but keep the r9k shit to r9k

>> No.10738673

why do you keep it locked up in a cage?

>> No.10738679

this, trying to sneak a pic is the most autistic thing. Even just trying to see it twice is creeper-status.

>> No.10738770

>notice woman with nice ass looking
>unzip pants and show cock

there really isnt more to it than this, trust me on this one, I know how sex works, life, magic, and all kinds of other shit baby

>> No.10738773

What do you mean by contrived?

What do you recommend I do to get a quality gf if I rarely go out besides on the property, to run, to and from work, and the gas station?

>> No.10738821

i was buying chocolate in the store and a 35 yo lady (i'm 30) commented that she loved that type of chocolate too. it's an opener and i could have kept the convo going if i wanted to possibly she was interested
there's stuff in the store to relate & talk about and it's not too weird if you talk to people in the same aisle.
a gas station is hard because you're separated and it's like a grab and go. it's not normal to talk to the other people an there's not much to talk about

go on meetup and do some hobbies. i know one really shut in guy who only plays starcraft by himself. he married his high school gf she's like an 8/10. just got to find a girl who is okay with you being a shut in.
but you do have to go out first to find her

>> No.10738853

Okay that makes sense. Gas station would be hard especially if you are already pumping gas. Eye contact wpuld likely help, right?

>> No.10738873

>be me
>have one friend
>go out with friend sometimes
>friend likes to drink
>talks to reasonably attractive girls
>so you wanna fuck?
>some actually say yes
>still being a virgin because i don't drink for religious reasons
>feeling right at home on biz

>> No.10738909

It's all about your looks. If you don't have the looks don't even bother with women in 2018, she can get a square jawed 6'3 dude in a matter of minutes on tinder

Women are way more superficial than guys

>> No.10738947

Here's a tip: you don't have to drink if they're drinking. In fact, it gives you an advantage to be sober when they're not.
t. Bill Cosby

>> No.10738986

i gave up hope a long time ago. then i lost all my money in shitcoins. i'm going to die a loser with nobody to blame but myself. thank you for trying though.

>> No.10739021

>and just walk away

>> No.10739031

My pleasure fren. For what it's worth, I hope you make it.

>> No.10739067

stop being a fag, your situation can't get any worse than it is now. When your friend talks to girls, grab one of her friends and tell her she's cute, banter a little and makeout or ask her to fuck. If you don't get laid, you're in the same situation, it's not like you even make an effort since you already go out

>> No.10739137
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thank you for your kind thoughts

>> No.10739432

What do you do on a date so it doesn't get quiet and awkward?

>> No.10739489

You’ve gotta relax and not be worried about this. If you’re in your head the whole time worrying, then it’ll get quiet. Meditate, helps profoundly with anxiety.

>> No.10739974

Any of you anons have stories of getting a date from a woman you met in a grocery store, gas station, or mall?

>> No.10740011

>anon talks about looks
>full reply not addressing looks and talking about nothing but status

>> No.10740040

I've had looks before but wasn't sure what to do.

>> No.10740110

Just offer cash to fuck them. Tell them you think they are hot as fuck and you want to pay 1k to fuck them. Make sure you have a nice car and don't take them to your place to fuck. Works more often than you might think.

>> No.10740184

Anon didn't talk about anything he just posted a fucking meme. And, this may come as a shocker, but ghetto niggers and rednecks are not well-regarded by the rest of society when it comes to the looks department. Many of the guys I was talking about in my post are below what the rest of society considers average when it comes to looks.

>> No.10740330


>> No.10740342

>first thought - take a photo


>> No.10740353

Nufags gtfo

>> No.10740539

Tfw no gf

>> No.10740746

I know that feel

>> No.10740766


>> No.10740796

Just don't make silence awkward. When there is a gap just have a smile and a thinking face until you find a new convo

>> No.10740817

right because it's old fag to be reddit

>> No.10741542

Have you ever had a gf?