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10738035 No.10738035 [Reply] [Original]

> ywn pass on your wealth and knowledge to another generation
fuck, what's even the point of having all these coins then?
i was thinking of getting mail order bride, but then my heir would have a handicap in life since half his genes come from a third world whore.
what do i do bros?

>> No.10738044

Wait for life extension? Or embryonic gene modding if you want to go the kids route.

>> No.10738131

are there any high-quality photographs of this womans anus, for inspection?

>> No.10738137

Just marry some pole

>> No.10738146


>> No.10738176
File: 108 KB, 750x563, 577672f24321f10d038b5709-750-563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Protect Western Civilization

>Create a family that instill patriotism and virtue
>Further Western Civilization through art, technology, patriotism, etc

Choose one of the two, or both if you want to look back at your life as see a man that you admire.

>pic related, accept responsibility like these guys and stop being a whinny faggot

>> No.10738195

> Life extension
I don't want to end my life when I'm already 80 yo

> embryonic gene modding
I was actually seriously looking into this
Apparently there's a place in Ukraine doing cool things like making embryos from 3 parents
Hopefully this tech becomes more acceptable soon

>> No.10738253

get your test levels checked if you don't want to make sweet love to this thicc roastie all night long

>> No.10738254

Not nearly enough chest

>> No.10738307

If you're not attractive enough to get laid with money, you need to accept that your genome has been chosen for deletion and that it's for the greater good of humanity that you don't reproduce. Unironically.

>> No.10738337

those photoshoped fat legs

>> No.10738342
File: 20 KB, 252x212, 1532167252717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But beauty is just a social construct!
I'm a healthy and productive male that makes big contributions to society.
Why isn't that worth anything to anyone?

>> No.10738350

nah, plenty of intelligent ugly people need to reproduce as well.

>> No.10738412

Women don't need to chain themselves to unattractive beta male providers when the state provides for them, and those same beta males have created the technology allowing them easy access to alpha cock. We are now back to the rules of the jungle where sexual selection reigns king.
Adapt or fail - it's biology.

An intelligent man is able to research and figure out what women find attractive and adapt. Complaining about sexual selection from the sidelines makes these losers equivalent to fat women complaining about men finding them unattractive.

>> No.10738636

>research and figure out what women

Its been the same for centuries. Having the latest iPhone doesn't change anything

>> No.10738712

I never claimed otherwise. However, we live in a time where base biological differences and behavioral traits (especially reproductive instincts) of men and women are denied as ""social constructs"". There is a massive part of the young (white) male population that grew up being told "just b nice" and "just get a good job" and they don't understand why they are invisible to women.

>> No.10738766

What am I actually supposed to do

>> No.10739274

I want this woman to fart in my mouth

>> No.10739306


>> No.10740148

I chuckled

>> No.10740206

Just be yourself

>> No.10740248
File: 43 KB, 960x711, Faggot_bat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10740269

See how easy that was?

>> No.10740299

>> Life extension
>I don't want to end my life when I'm already 80 yo

I've read this three times and it still makes no sense.

>> No.10741205

>wealth and knowledge to another generation
I think there might be a reason your wealth and knowledge wont get passed to the next generation.