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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10736140 No.10736140 [Reply] [Original]

Why do CEOs get paid such absurd amounts of money? It's not like there's a shortage of people who could do at least as good a job as them. Of course there are exceptional leaders like Jobs, CZ, or e.g. Jihan but generally speaking..

>> No.10736151

Their credentials are such that if the CEO fucks up, they can shoulder the blame, rather than the stockholders that fucked up by appointing said CEO.

CEOs are PR and salespeople, foremost.

>> No.10736156

You are right, we should just put a bunch of fat welfare queens in charge, sure they could do just as fine a job at it.

>> No.10736159

because that's what the company owners are willing to pay

>> No.10736166

That will probably happen to google at some point, and then the company will finally implode on itself

>> No.10736169

I'm sure it's difficult when you get like only 100M bonus because they fire you

>> No.10736170
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could you realistically found a successful company?
okay then, fuck off

>> No.10736175

>why does the person who run the company get to keep so much of the profit for himself? grrrr

>> No.10736183

Okay, it's pretty simple, its because the shareholders need to be able to sleep soundly at night, and yes there is a shortage of smart people

>> No.10736192

>the absolute state of ancap brainlets sucking dicks of corporations

>> No.10736221
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try actually starting your own business instead of hoping to make money off of some shitcoin operation some other faggot started, kid

>> No.10736257

>trying to justify your dick sucking fetish for corporations

Yeah i'm sure the world would be a better place if Amazon, McDonald and Google had control over our lives fucking kike

>> No.10736276

this is an ancap board, fuck off back to /pol/ or reddit or whatever

>> No.10736306
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>> No.10736315

Don’t change the subject you fuckwad, the question was why are CEOs paid so much, the answer is because they start or operate businesses that make a lot of money, thus they are paid a lot of money.
(You) aren’t willing to do that so (You) don’t get paid like it.

>> No.10736322

They get paid this much for loyalty
Ppl in such high positions can fuck the whole company up for a huge profit, using insider info, trading out corporate secrets and signing unprofitable contracts for cut backs.
Thats why you bribe this ppl into obedience with crazy high celery.

>> No.10736356
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wow that strawman sure told me

>> No.10736361

Isn't generally the case, but what you posted applies perfectly to elon musk
>The only thing he does is cry like a bitch, post retarded tweets and fail to met every target or deadline
>He doesn't even take responsibility of anything

>> No.10736394

You have no idea how much it takes to run a large corporation succesfully. Top CEOs get paid a lot because if they can improve profits even just 1% (sometimes even less) they're worth the extra pay. There's no shortage of people who could do *almost* as good a job, but small differences are worth a ton for large companies. Try doing the math on how much eve just a 0,1% increasev in revenues would be worth for a company like Appe. Also, higher pay (especially performance based) incentivises a CEO to work harder.

>> No.10736439

Oh please enlighten me how paying a CEO 30 million per year has an impact on operating business. Would he put less effort into his work if he "only" earned 5 million?

Also what about exit bonuses, did the CEO of Lehman Brother deserve it? Or any fucking company the CEO gets sacked from

>> No.10736460

They get paid that much because they're the captain of the ship. They decide which direction to go and handle meetings and speak with other ceos

>> No.10736505



>it takes a lot of vision and guts to outsource this company

There guys are all sociopaths, literally

>> No.10736531

No, he would quit and become the CEO of a different company willing to pay him more than that. Supply and demand. Is this bait or do you unironically not understad why it's worth it for large corporations to pay a top tier CEO <0,1% of their revenues?

>> No.10736532

But guys, it's not theft, it's removing inefficiency

>> No.10736564

>he doesn't realize that everyone rises to the level of their own incompetence.

>> No.10736593

>He thinks being a sociopath is a bad thing

Never gonna make it

>> No.10736647

Bc if the CEOs took pay cuts and paid the workers more the company would have less leverage over the workers. You have to keep your workers in need. If you pay them above a certain threshold they might make enough to retire early before you’re through sucking the life out of them.

>> No.10736662

It's the exact opposite of what Henry Ford did...it's not necessarily true

>> No.10736695


They should be paid at a maximum, a set multiplier of the median pay of their company's employees, say 20x or 30x. Income inequality is seriously destabilising society and the economy. It'll be delicious when the serfs slaughter these faggots ala French Revolution.

>> No.10736731


>> No.10736733

Get off the business board fucking commie scum.

>> No.10736870
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Hello schlomo

>> No.10736884
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>we demand corporate oligarchy!

>> No.10736898
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>crazy high celery

>> No.10737763

Found the liberal arts degree holder from Evergreen University

>> No.10737823
File: 472 KB, 874x1120, 5C96EDF5-40CB-4324-87D4-C0A9A453EDD2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it’s a way for jews to consolidate wealth because jews are dramatically overrepresented among CEOs