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10736184 No.10736184 [Reply] [Original]

So to be successful in this market, we have to be one step ahead of everyone else.

Last year, I noticed that having that edge was basically from having access to information before others. And that information was very speculative. For instance, when XLM announced the IBM partnership, we saw a massive pump within the 6 hour period. The people who got it faster made more.

Or when a new coin that was good was listed on Bittrex, then later Binance, people who bought it within the day profited more later (assuming the coin was good enough fundamental wise to cause FOMO)

Now, what is the edge? I know we are in a bear market, but news does not matter. Insiders and bots get the beginning, and if you are lucky you'll catch some of the pump.

If we somehow have a black swan event causing BTC to break out, if alt season follows, are we going to have massive upwards movement because of announcements and partnerships and such? I would figure we are over it.

What's the edge?

>> No.10736209

Well thought out post. I see your reasoning, that question should be answered by the old days who were here pre-2017 moon days.

Did partnerships have any merit in 2015/2016?

Then again, if a speculative bull run does come like last time then any news regarding a project will undoubtedly cause FOMO due to speculative buyers.

>> No.10736342

A well thought out 4chan thread!Honestly if we go bull again, I think news will pump any coin just like 2017.Think of it more like Pokemon trading cards, than real things,

>> No.10736362

>Did partnerships have any merit in 2015/2016?
it was virtually non-existent until chink shit started tweeting it. So to answer the question, no.

>> No.10736386
File: 32 KB, 450x450, conventment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been in BTC for 8 years.
ETH for 3.
I've been in 20 ICOs. I know the signs and I know the "aura" to look for.

Conventment is the next project. Underrated and still under the radar. Good team, good white paper. $5 EASILY by mid-2019.

Screencap it. Our black swan is already here.

>> No.10736391

Now that I think about it, there probably will always be speculative announcement pumps. I'm sure we will be more weary of them based on our experience.

But in a bull market, people are euphoric, so probably in general more willing to throw their newly gotten gains into things. How many people made a shit ton off the ETH run up, and started dumping it into ICOs? So I'm sure even if we go bull in the future, the announcements will still cause pumps, but people will expect more out of the announcements.

Like when Antshares had that conference at the Microsoft headquarters in China or whatever, it ran up because everyone assumed their was a partnership. In the future, the announcement or partnership needs to clearly demonstrate how it impacts the coin price and if it will cause the price to increase.

>> No.10736403

another pot coin. pass.

>> No.10736410
File: 645 KB, 640x922, 0CF5F728-0D7E-4B33-A7DE-3710C7CF9E10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off pajeet.

Nobody is going to keep track of cannabis on ETH, and it sure as fuck doesnt need a scam ERC20 token.

They spent literally 5 minutes on their website..

>> No.10736414

Post proof you’ve been in btc for 8 years and I’ll buy 5 btc worth right now

>> No.10736428

Do some damn research. The website isn’t even the service kek.

>implying it’s another DUDE WEED coin

>> No.10736436
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>> No.10736449

I actually did some research on this the other day and it could be a game changer if they can prove ETH to be a good DLT for whatever IOT shit they come up with.

>> No.10736471
File: 85 KB, 856x846, 4A7DAC8E-63AC-4FD7-B27D-DBD97EF7BBE5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Built with scalability and productibity in mind.

Lmao you fucking pajeets smell worse than my dookie after Indian buffet dinner.

How the fuck will anyone take this seriously when the project revolves around keeping track of weed and can’t even spell right. Image related is both of you (assuming you are two different people).

>> No.10736479

Must be the mobile version. Desktop version shows productivity kek.

>> No.10736497
File: 14 KB, 200x225, 200px-HappyMerchant.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent FUD lol
You know what that means ;)

>> No.10736512
File: 448 KB, 240x320, 1B5F978B-10B9-4012-9F2C-D215B28EFE2A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUD vs Facts.

Nobody falling for your bullshit.

You want to see FUD, go look at the weekly vechain FUD thread for a classic example of people fucking around.

>> No.10736513
File: 646 KB, 1024x759, 1524886649590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or just buy link

>> No.10736533

What are the tokens used for

>> No.10736944

the team uses them to scam idiots.

>> No.10736975

exit scamming

>> No.10736979

exactly why I never trust erc20 shit

>> No.10736999


Yeah this. Single use case tokens are rediculous - a complete IoT platform is something, but why does "Dude, Weed lmao!" need it's own specialist token? Pajeetery of the highest order.

>> No.10737030

It's more than having the information first, it's also about not being fucking retarded. I remember someone was posting a bunch of shit about XRP last year, literally all of it came true, he even predicted that it would go over $3. I think he must have been an insider or something. Anyways everyone was saying shit like "muh centralization muh bankz muh joos etc. etc." and retarded shit like "muh market cap, it will never go to even $1" fucking LOL