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File: 150 KB, 500x333, 1534200682843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10731253 No.10731253 [Reply] [Original]

Who else was FUDDING but is holding VET? I was doing it for keks but I wonder if any faggots fell for it and sold low

>> No.10731285

>I was just pretending to be retarded
Funny enough once it goes parabolic all the retarded pajeets gonna get on that boat, doesn't matter because despite their cope they're still going to be bitter and poor

>> No.10731315
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>> No.10731321

After months of bleeding a small bump and you shills pop out the woodwork.

>> No.10731357

>100% over 2 days

>a small bump

>> No.10731413

This cringe shitcoin doesn't need your help if fuds itself. Also, you're still HODLing a manipulated chink coin after a 100% pump on no news, it might be a little early to start bragging.

>> No.10731422

Shit will drop like Verge. Don't say I didn't warn you.

>> No.10731460

I fud VET unironically, but am riding this pump. It's easy to see that after plummeting as much as it did it was going to bounce. I have no intentions of holding though. You gotta know when to sell. It's going to drop again soon.

>> No.10731499

>It's going to drop again soon.
I'm counting on it, I wanna buy much more VET.

>> No.10731542

you're a fucking idiot then. what chances does an insitutional grade solution that has to run lotteries actually do?

>> No.10731573

There are various ICO's launching on Vechain including a promising OceanEX exchange. Watch it moon like a motherfucker and stay poor fags.

>> No.10731590

kek. How much money have you lost holding onto this shitcoin?

>> No.10731616

I say this as someone who doesn't currently hold BCH or BTC - if you are holding BTC instead of BCH you are pants on head retarded. It seems pretty obvious that BCH is going to win out in the short-medium term. Blockstream has completely hijacked BTC and they seem to be bad actors who have no interest in what Bitcoin is supposed to be. People are waking up to this fact and you can see sentiment changing, DESPITE the fact that there seems to be a TON of inorganic shilling for BTC/against BCH. Jump ship before you're fucked. When BCH flips BTC, BTC is going to zero because it will have no valid use case.

>> No.10731627

I confess I've been writing shady sunny stories as I slowly went all in on VeChain. Not sure if they count as actual fud though.

>> No.10731682

Right now I'm even DCA'ing but I didn't give a shit when I was 90% down because after all this is what you do, you wait like all the other fuckers waited before 2017, this is the key to success.

>> No.10731855
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>> No.10731997

This is a dumb meme tbqh. Has nothing to do with the original context.

VeChain fudders aren't sending their best.

>> No.10732013
File: 12 KB, 529x301, mathForBrainlets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Down 90% requires a 900% increase to get back to initial investment. Good luck making money any on this coin.

>> No.10732037

Pajeets can't meme for shit

>> No.10732047

* making any money

Anyways...this is why we have stop loss guys. Get your trading strategy under control.

>> No.10732098

Post your blockfolio graph would love to see how someone as smart as you has done the past 6 months

>> No.10732155

I bought in Jan and yes, I'm down from my ATH, but I'm still above my initial investment...so I at least have that going for me.
I've made mistakes and learned some lessons, but at this point won't hold anything if it's sinking below my buy in by more than 5% or so. Better to cut losses early. I think about where a reasonable stop loss should be before I buy in.

>> No.10732182

I'm not interested in riding coins down...only up. Excepting BTC...I'm in and out of BTC, not tether.

>> No.10732203
File: 102 KB, 694x1199, bobby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bobby Lee calling VEN out for being a scam hahaha.

>> No.10732649

Wrong. Bobby Lee was asking how their product actually works because he didn't get it. A senior executive from DNV GL who also happens to sit on the Vechain Foundation Board of Directors is now going to meet up and discuss this with him.

>> No.10732783


Read the attached tweet you dip-shit.

>> No.10732919

>someone not named Bobby Lee calls Vechain a scam
Wow. I feel enlightened

>> No.10732983

btw nigger, that account has only 14 tweets and all of them are about Vechain. REALLY GETS MY NOGGIN JOGGIN

>> No.10732999

I was at my local library the other day, and I saw Sunny Lu. I went up and said hi to him, with my book in hand, and what he said was startling. "WHY YOU READ THERMODYNAMICS BOOK, ROUND EYES? YOU MUST STUDY BLOCKCHAIN TO CONTRIBUTE TO VERESEARCH. WE GLOBAL BLOCKCHAIN RESEARCH TEAM." At this point I'm just thinking, what the fuck, so I try to play it cool and say, "Blockchain's pretty cool, but engineering is my passion." At this point I could tell he was not happy. He looked straight into my eyes, and immediately did a fierce karate kick into my genitals. So I'm sitting on the floor, rolling around in pain, and the dude starts removing books from the library shelves. He literally rips the barcodes off each one, and starts throwing them at me, repeating for each one: "NOT SECURED BY A GLOBAL LEDGER. NOT SECURED BY A GLOBAL LEDGER." I finally start to get up to run away, and he spits in my face and walks away laughing at the top of his lungs.

>> No.10733033
File: 215 KB, 560x702, save me cnn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone needed more confirmation that this is coordinated: pic related

>> No.10733218


And then Bobby likes the post because he knows its the truth haha.

>> No.10733242


So what? Bobby Lee liked the account enough to like the post hahaha, TRUTH!!!!

>> No.10733482

Why should we trust Bobby Lee, a cryptocurrency expert, over Renato Grattola, a global director at DNV GL whose career is oriented around supply chain?

>> No.10733706


>Drops all the way down from $.025 to $.006
>Recovers to $.14

wow yeah anon you sure showed me!!