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10723001 No.10723001 [Reply] [Original]

>Look at Delta
>See price went up a bit
>No news
>Look at exchanges
>There is a big green dildo from a 40K JNT buy
>The rest of the buys are all in the hundred range and nothing is actually being bought or sold

Am I correct in assuming that there is no human volume for JNT? It is all wash trading bots isn't it?

What would the volume be if they weren't on? 10K > right?

>> No.10723489

righto /thread it

>> No.10723539

>still buying erc20 tokens

>> No.10724049

There is zero volume. Holders are unwilling to sell and there are no new buyers. Need to wait for people adopting jCash first.

>> No.10724088

Yep, but don't bring that up in TG, its "FUD". Such a good project with fantastic potential ruined by the brainlet hivemind holding it.

>> No.10724248

>Spend months fudding it here and on reddit
>Freak out when everyone thinks it is a scam because of your fudding
>Screech at everyone in TG and the team for the poor price performance
>Sell at an 80% loss and say the project sucks
Fudding to accumulate and then JUSTED themselves only to blame others.

>> No.10725115

I'm not sure how the DAO works when there isn't a market right now. Basically they would be the only ones buying/selling JNT. idk I'm drunk. Bland talal

>> No.10725294

>How will the DAO work
It probably won't. I just hope it hits 50 cents again.

>> No.10725300

Kek. This. Only you forgot to mention that now they FUD it unironically, because they're mad they lost money.

>> No.10725350

It really is hilarious. They did to themselves.

>> No.10725428

The fudders really did kill off the early hype for this.They only have themselves to blame.I mean that seriously as well.It was sad watching them do it, frank, ollie, john etc.They killed all the momentum.I still have the screenshots of them planning their attacks.

>> No.10725550

same thing happened to AMB. this board is fucking cancer.

>> No.10725551

>frank, ollie , john.
all weak hands
never stop fudding

>> No.10725571

Do you think they actually realize they are to blame?

>> No.10725619

This coin isn't dead yet, but there's not much interest in it right now. I guess it's appropriate, like anything else outside the crypto bubble, it's valuation will rise when the team delivers and provides something of value.

>> No.10725624
File: 218 KB, 280x3009, long.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope they do.If they need a reminder.

>> No.10725653

Problem was, because it got fudded the price was suppressed as fuck.we should be at 30 cents or more at this point even with the fud campaign.

>> No.10725656

>keep it low for 2 weeks guys
>craters price

jcash is around the corner so we will see how that works I guess. They must have gotten regulatory approval so that is good and they also signaled that USA was possible in the future. I just don't see where the demand is coming from.

>> No.10725681

Surprised to see that in the regular TG. they have a private TG group too.

>> No.10725710

They deluded themselves that crypto just goes up and up, and hype never dies If you have the hype, fucking let it roll on, you can just summon it whenever you want.

>> No.10725715

there is no demand yet. both this project, and the blockchain ecosystem as a whole have a long way to go still before JNTs potential can be fully realized. I think this project is a few step ahead of the market. Asset tokenization is going to be the next big thing to hit the cryptoshpere, but we're not there yet.

>> No.10725720

'Cant' just summon it.

>> No.10725739

There was no demand for 99.9% for the stuff that mooned in the 17 months before june.Crypto at that point was based on hype.Without the idiots fudding the coin we could have had a holochain type rise.We wont ever know now.

>> No.10725766

ETH came out in early 2014, but we didn't see the ICO wave hit until 2017. It took time for the space to evolve and for everything to come together. I think this is similar to what we'll see with JNT (or another project like it). the groundwork is being laid now, but won't be fully realized for a few years. Once asset tokenization booms though, we'll see a bullrun that will dwarf 2017.

>> No.10725792

One can hope.

>> No.10725794

agreed, i think many other "dead" coins are waiting for this as well. fud them until then though, of course, must accumulate.

>> No.10725866

It's a natural progression as far as I can see. Blockchain tech has a lot to offer traditional financial markets in terms of improving efficiency and increasing liquidity.
Once this ball gets rolling, it's going to attract a lot of new money into this space (traditional investors and institutional money), as asset backed tokens will provide a level of security to investors that ICOs do not.

>> No.10725893

The thing is though that Bakkt also does that through traditional means. I just hope that tokenizing assets has a value of its own.

>> No.10726189

>unironically think a few pajeets in a telegram killed off an entire coin
jfc i hate stefan as much as the next guy but this is pure delusion. the market is totally fucked and everything is dead, look at even bluechips like NEO ffs. not to mention they did absolutely fucking nothing when it comes to marketing, which is how all of these other shitcoins were even able to moon during the bullrun

>> No.10726351

look at the companies that dropped 90% and is up since the dotcom bubble brainlet

>> No.10726701

again, thinking three guys on a telegram caused this is retarded

>> No.10726964

The group from the telelgram absolutely killed all the hype for this coin.This coin didn’t market.Nobody knew it on reddit, on YouTube, Twitter, discords.4chan was it sole means of exposure, and the group of retards killed any momentum by turning every thread in to a retard fud thread.Congrats on your 80% losses.