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10721997 No.10721997 [Reply] [Original]

why do small blockers even exist? how can one be pro btc and anti bch? are they all blockstream paid shills?

why are you not all in bitcoin cash?

explain this to me.

>> No.10722068
File: 84 KB, 1334x293, adqakc6dq9901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He isn't god. As time passed, it became clear that block size increases were not the ideal solution. Guys like Hal Finney were already speculating about other scaling solutions early on.


>> No.10722155
File: 129 KB, 1838x2048, CgyjJi3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he isnt god
what kinda brainlet tier statement is this. you rather trust core than the literal head and creator?

doesnt bch already proove that it scales and is close to free? id had successfull stress test

>> No.10722388
File: 356 KB, 599x510, 1534407939834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10722409
File: 2.80 MB, 2168x3696, 1510760154209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try reading past three words... brainlet.

>> No.10722470

so in other words, bigger blocks lead to centralization and roger ver and jihan wu did it only for greed and not because of passion?

idk who is jewing who anymore

>> No.10723123
File: 123 KB, 1032x480, cash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clearly blockstream is paying people to hate on bitcoin cash. It was satoshis vision to scale blocks infinitely because he knew bitcoin would fail otherwise. Lightning will become a credit card company and charge interest to use their network, which is obviously against statoshis vision.

>> No.10723162

Fucking delusional. Blockstream really washed that tiny brain of yours lmao

>> No.10723271

yeah anon that must be it

>> No.10723325

yes they are. Blockstream has been paying their shills for years now. They have successfully co-opted r/Bitcoin via hardcore censorship of opinions that didnt fall in line with the Blockstream agenda, and you would be a fucking fool to think they arent actively doing the same exact thing all over the internet. This is all documented but people here get confused because the Blockstream FUD agents are very active on /biz.

>> No.10723358

Satoshi is talking about the blockchain itself becoming too big to be stored on mobile devices you fucking retarded son of a shitskin whore.

Increasing blocksize will not harm what we currently have (fucking lots of gigabytes). Let data centers handle that, monile wallets like bread are already dealing completely fine with current situation. And 8mb blocks is not as catastrophic as you are told. You literally got scammed by jewstream into believing small blocksize actually helps

>> No.10723376

no they wouldnt because they're pushing the Blockstream agenda at all costs. They use people's cognitive dissonance to pretend like they're the good guys simply because they've been able to co-opt the Bitcoin name and turn BTC into something that no longer resembles what BTC has always been. The only thing modern "Bitcoin" (btc) has in common with the BTC of the past is the name "Bitcoin". BTC is no longer what we have come to know as "Bitcoin". It is an altcoin that might as well namechange to Lightning Coin,

>> No.10723391

Thank you for calling him out. The Blockstream FUD agents and the ones they have indoctrinated via aggressive online censoring of dissenting opinions cherry pick the fuck out literally everything in order to make it appear to be in line with their vision when in reality it couldnt be further from the truth.

>> No.10723467

I know. i just hate these core shills. I bet they're on adam backs payroll, just reaping in the satoshis. LOL DUMB IDOT CORE FAGS PROBABLY NOT ABLE TO RECIEVE SATOSHI CAUSE FEES. Haha Bitcoin (BCH) is way more decentralized than they're organization bitcoin core. Bcore was created by the bankster and is going to ruin satoshis vision because peole wont be able to buy stuff they have to use a bank which would be bad. The dumb developers are idoits and dont understand economics and how to actually make faster coin. Im glad Bitcoin (BCH) exist because we are able to buy things with internet money.

>> No.10723487

i bought in satoshis next project monero with adaptive blocksize

>> No.10723501

You're so close to the truth Senpai, what you must now learn to understand is that the devs are NOT idiots. They are doing all of this on purpose, and if they aren't doing it on purpose its because they are brainwashed, useful idiot pawns of the people who co-opted BTC

>> No.10723549

Yeah all they have to do is change one variable to make the blocksize bigger but they wont do it because the banking jews now controll blockstream and are trying to ruin our project Roger ver was right.

>> No.10723865

Delete this

>> No.10723893


what more proof would the corecuck shills want?

BCH is Bitcoin