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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10715984 No.10715984 [Reply] [Original]

>Cardano solves proof of stake with one peer reviewed paper
>Vitalik goes on a Twitter rampage trying to save face
>Muh Casper is being developed since 2014
>It's sooooo ready to be implemented!

>> No.10716031

trying to create ANYTHING without a scientific way of going through it will always end up in failure fucking ethereum retards, have you ever written a scientific research paper about a study or experiment? u fucks wil lget rekt vitalikboys lmao

>> No.10716072

Muh science. Muh peer review. ADA fags are unbearable.

>> No.10716093
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>It's scared

>> No.10716106

>snakeoiling the snakeoilman

teh absolute state of alts

>> No.10716114

ETH, (guess what?), is still an alt, kek

>> No.10716150

Is this the reason why they are calling Cardano the Ethereum killer?

>> No.10716158


>> No.10716189

That's what every platform shitcoin is called by their bagholders. Even the erc20s

>> No.10716201

Try to create anything without proper planning following known scientific standards and methods following steps of ideas,planning,purpose,methodology, and conclusions, u will just run around blindly trying ocreate shit that you then realize has many flaws and errors

>> No.10716241

LMAO eth and cardano fighting as if they'd be relevant in a year. Fuck off both.

>> No.10716259
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PoS does not solve tech being irrelevant for --valuation--. PoS can secure at 0.0001$ per ADA or 1000$ per ADA all the same. It adds no economic driving force to the wider eco-system, other than creating another speculative variable. If anything, a system with PoW is still superior from an economic stand point, because there is a economic driving force behind PoW (hardware floor, electricity price floor). At least in the early stage before PoW hits a fully industrialized bottom.

tl;dr: stop getting exited about cryptographic advancements unless you are into cryptography or have a boner for math. For the price it means nothing.

>> No.10716264
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I just don't trust that Hoskinson guy. How anyone could trust that guy's face on top of how he just spends all of his time and investors money on world travel and gape mouth pictures is beyond me.

>> No.10716279

destroying ethereum with science

>> No.10716303

PoW price floor meme lmao thats not true

>> No.10716304

>investors money
AFAIK he doesn't own a single ADA. He got filthy rich from bitcoin in the early days, and now spends that BTC creating Cardano.

>world travel
He goes to conferences, interviews, meetings etc.

>> No.10716312

Consensus algorithms are extremely important for a blockchain's long term success. You need to get things right before implementing them. Developing a proof of stake protocol that is fair, secure, and functional is no trivial task.

Ethereum currenttly uses a version of proof of work, a consensus algorithm that we know works thanks to bitcoin. Though proof of work is wasteful and inefficient, so far no one has presented a better alternative without jeopardizing security.

Ethereum has been trying to come up with a proof of work alternative (Casper) since 2014. The problem is, they are messy and lack technical competence to develop complex things like a PoS algorithm. It's basically a community of programmers and amateurs who aren't prepared to exchange complex ideas in formal language. They recently announced that it will take 2 years to implement Casper, which is why the price fell to $250.

Meanwhile Cardano published a protocol (Ouroboros) in a peer reviewed paper using simulations to prove the protocol's efficiency. They are close to implementing the protocol -- much closer than ETH. Now Vitalik full damage control mode, as you can see from his 75 tweets last night.

>> No.10716317

Yeah, but I mean, look at that face. How could you trust that guy to deliver on anything?

>> No.10716326

>investing in fat people
not going to make it

>> No.10716332

lol larimer and vitalik are fucking hotties

>> No.10716341

This is some pretty solid FUD on Ethereum. Many people will sell their ETH bags after Vitalik's massive twitter spergout.

>> No.10716365

i dont give a shit about all this. I want my wallet to get bigger

>> No.10716375

Vitalik is autistic as fuck and just looks like he has calculations and equations constantly crunching in his head so I trust him more than the other two

>> No.10716377

I will translate it for you: SELL ETH OR U BE POOR

>> No.10716381


People only mine because there is a financial incentive. A incentive which requires a real world running investment with a ROI which may be years from now. Additionally, a lot of r&d goes into development to further capture these incentives at better efficiency (ASICs FPGAs). Somewhere it creates a lower bound, whether that is at 5000$ or 5$ I don't know. What I know is that over the years, billions went into acquisition of hardware, specialization and r&d. A full PoS system has only had investors and speculators, the eco-system may be more secure, but by several margins less valuable. Of course unless investors jump in to invest more than ever went into PoW.

>> No.10716386

>75 tweets
Why not make a proper blog post at that point? Much easier to read. Could've posted that blogpost to twitter and reddit instead.

>10+ ETH scam bots on all of those 75 tweets
>scrolling through all that
Twitter a shit

>> No.10716399

Cardano I swear is one of the biggest scams in crypto. I got someone pnd level genius I talk through with stuff and he torn it apart. Said its smoke and mirrors Chink utter bullshit tech hiding behind 'University peer reviewed bs'

>> No.10716400

The thing about Charles, is that he acknowledges that he's not the smartest guy in the space. That's why he hires people much smarter than himself.

>Philip Wadler
>co-creator of Haskell
>hired to make, among other things, "Haskel 2.0" optimized for blockchain/smart contracts

>> No.10716405

I would honestly rate the crypto community IQ at a whopping 5 because of how frequent /biz/ talks about top 50 scams. You're not going to make it getting involved in the coins that will be recorded in history as the biggest scams/flops.

I'm holding a PoS coin with a ~$100k market cap that does transactions in around 2 seconds and confirms within minutes. The technology works, it's never been hacked, never been compromised, no wallet hacks, no exchange hacks, it's been around since November and the only reason the market cap is so low is because the marketing is retarded. It has the absolute most autistic marketing and name. It's the best PoS coin there is but the marketing is full retard and also people think staking rewards are ponzi schemes (but they love the hyper inflation of mining coin?!). No it's not Lindacoin lmao

This market is so retarded I shouldn't be telling you faggots about this coin but if anybody makes trips I'll make a thread about it.

>> No.10716407

>dude trust me

>> No.10716410

Cardano is preposterous to me and I find egotistical Charles will discover there is no need for this 'yet another Ethereum wannabe'. Invest wisely.

I big thee fellow farewell.

>> No.10716412

roll. pls tell anon

>> No.10716423


>> No.10716446

last one. roll

>> No.10716447

You guys are going to laugh at how shitty the marketing for this coin is, but imo this is the best case scenario. Look for coins with superior tech with shitty unprofessional marketing. It's ALWAYS the coins with the professional marketing and "thought leaders" and huge dev holdings that raise huge amounts of money. The coin I'm holding has something like a 3% dev fund account.

>> No.10716456


is MCAP the coin you're talking about?

>> No.10716458

Vitalik is a genius, for sure. He isn't very good with math though. Math is isn't just about making calculations, it's also a way to communicate ideas in a formal, unambiguous way. Vitalik can code, but can't formalize his ideas. When you design a complex protocol, it helps a lot if you can provide mathematical proof that the protocol works. Vitalik can't do that. He throws ideas around and waits for others to test them. That's not an efficient way to design algorithms, and that's why Ethereum is going to stay behind if it doesn't bring in some professional academics to their team.

But what worries me the most is that everything Vitalik writes is seen as a sacred 'revelation' by his community of worshippers. No one dares to challenge him anymore. Remember when he did that April fool's prank and everyone believed him? So the Eth community wastes a lot of time and resources trying to make Vitalik's good and bad ideas come to fruition. Instead, Vitalik could use formal language to convey his ideas, providing mathematical proof of their viability before he releases them to the public.

>> No.10716466

I don't know if Cardano will establish itself, but the research of the team will help the blockchain community for sure.

>> No.10716468

It's a fundamental psychological flaw that people want to prove something, they want to be able to say, "look mom and dad, I invested in something important and respected in the community. It's called an ICO. I'm an adult now, I invested in something."

Meanwhile the coin I'm talking about never had an ICO. They gave away their coin and sold the rest through an exchange I think raising less than $100k total during the 20k btc rally. They don't even have enough daily volume for coinmarketcap to list them, despite the devs and community being highly active in the Telegram and Twitter every day.

>> No.10716473

No, I don't know of that coin. If somebody guesses I will announce it.

>> No.10716476

does it have smart contracts?

>> No.10716485

I think Cardano will start marketing heavily in 2019 - 2020, when Shelley (PoS) is fully implemented and battle tested.

>> No.10716488

No, no official plans for smart contracts but they are working on a decentralized market place that utilizes the coin. It's a pure currency coin that is plenty fast enough and has enough TPS for checkout line use. Their goal is to create a decentralized Amazon/Ebay that will use the coin. The philosophy is to create a realistic use case because normal people don't care about coin technology. They will use whatever coin is fast/hassle free and has a use within websites they need to use for shopping. The staking is the icing on the cake.

>> No.10716573
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>not on CMC after 6 months +
The more you talk about it , the more Pajeety it sounds desu
But i am a brainlet regarding the crypto space so i wouldn't know how to look into the fine details.
I like what Cardino is doing, but it has odd price action....
Even in bullish times it can go sideways and do fuck all for months. Really pisses me off, it's like i've done my research on them and if what they are doing is even half way true this thing should have had soo much more attention / price action

>> No.10716636

>WTF dude how am I suppose to understand what you are talking about?
I flip mothahfucking burgers for a living!

>> No.10716637

CMC requires a pretty significant daily volume requirement which I think a lot of coins fake just to get listed. Like I could buy and sell to and from myself to generate enough volume for them but it's not that important. It's on Blockfolio and that's more important.

Do you know what the rich list for Cardano is like?

>> No.10716682

Don't invest in anything you don't understand.

>> No.10716685

Electricity costs don't act as a price floor. That's a myth propagated by Bitcoin holders. The cost of drilling oil does not determine the price of oil. It's actually the opposite. People decide whether to drill oil or not depending on the price.

Proof of stake influences the price enormously since it removes a lot of coins from circulation. Coins that are being used for staiing can't even traded, so the price goes up.

>> No.10716693

>WTF dude how am I suppose to understand what you are talking about?
You're not. That's why we have peer review and formal verification. Trust that, not Charles, Dan or Vitalik saying: "dude trust me".

Don't trust what anyone is saying. Trust that stuff is accepted by leading experts in the cryptographic field. You trust science about shit right? This is what Cardano is trying to do. Bring science and peer review into the cryptocurrency space.

As far as I know, Cardano is the only one doing this. Ethereum has had some things formaly verified, but not enough. Monero did at least audit their Bulletproof thing.

All serious cryptocurrency projects should be doing this.

>> No.10716745

I love the peer review meme. There's probably an order of magnitude more academics looking at and giving feedback on EIPs for ethereum than with caradano. Only difference is that they don't self-masturbate over it or formalize it in research papers they publish in journals.

>> No.10716768

>>The cost of drilling oil does not determine the price of oil. It's actually the opposite. People decide whether to drill oil or not depending on the price.

So the production cost of a good does not factor into price? Are you a woman?

>> No.10716842

>men can be women
>t. modern science
Okay, bud.

>> No.10716881

>peer review meme
Time will tell

>> No.10716942


> The cost of drilling oil does not determine the price of oil.

The operation does play a factor in the end price per barrel from drilling to refinery and shipping.

> Proof of stake influences the price enormously since it removes a lot of coins from circulation.
> Coins that are being used for staiing can't even traded

Not in the scenario where there is more selling pressure than coins being locked up.
Something which PoS cannot control.

> so the price goes up.

It may go up, but certainly not in perpetuity. It may also go down significantly to a valuation where at that point it will take decades for someone staking to break even. PoS is quite irrelevant for valuation. At least PoW has contact with the real world rather than being a intangible feat of mathematics and cryptography.

>> No.10716949

There's gotta be something like 99% of coins that are not profitable to mine and have died because of this.

>> No.10716963

>So the production cost of a good does not factor into price? Are you a woman?

No it doesn't retard, price is determined by supply and demand, if there is no demand that shit is worthless, even if it costed you $1 billion to make. It's insane that people can really be this retarded, but then again commies actually believe that bullshit and there are millions of them.

>> No.10716971

do you late adopters actually think anybody is going to use cardano for anything other than speculation?

you might be more delusional than chainlink bagholders.

>> No.10717027

>At least PoW has contact with the real world rather than being a intangible feat of mathematics and cryptography.
If I spend 50 times more effort to make a kebab, is it worth 50 times more to people who may buy it?

If the answer is no, then think hard about your pow value assumptions.

>> No.10717068
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The chad coin

>> No.10717074

late 2018 early 2019 - already informally announced

>> No.10717096

Shelley yes. I meant marketing in 2019 - 2020

>> No.10717097

why the fuck are you buying something you dont understand.
always ceases to amaze me.

theres only two types of people in crypto;
autistically smart people
retarded poorfags that are looking for a way to get rich quick

literally no inbetween. because normies are too dumb to understand how revolutionary this is but are also not retarded enough to gamble their life savings on things they dont understand

>> No.10717117

Cardano is pure cancer. Open source with 0 adoption.

-93% down from ATH.

Fuck off with your cancer projects pajeet.

>> No.10717123

no you fucking brainlet. thats why bitcoin was free and had zero price for like the entire first year it came out.

>> No.10717134

>Open source
saying this like its a bad thing.
what did he mean by this?

>> No.10717190

down a shit ton from ATH like every other fucking coin you inbred pajeet mongloid
>doesn't know that this is crypto

>> No.10717221


Actually Cardano is one of the worst performers fcking retard pajeet. It is performing terribly and will go down to fcking 0 in the future.


But yeah go and continue with your fcking retard coin that has 0 adoption from a tard that can't even code.

I'd rather buy chink scam walton chain or buy dogecoin.

>> No.10717253

Should anybody really expect to pull up a list of the top 500 crypto coins and invest in one and profit? It doesn't matter how nifty the technology is, if the market cap is in the millions already you're not going to make a profit that's worth the risk.

>> No.10717260

>being this retarded
Jesus Christ anon

>> No.10717285

dear reddit fucktard, do you know why? it pumped to $1.30 for about 7 seconds making it "one of the worst performers" in that dumbfuck calculation that only a reddit mongloid wojld think means any-fucking-thing in this volatile market of rumor mills and pajeet pumps and paid fudding. lurk more you dumbfuck faggot

>> No.10717390


Who is? You misspelled "Holochain", although that's more oriented towards being a Dapp platform so Ethereum will still be around (provided they can get it done)

>> No.10717436

crypto isn't a zero sum game. there is room for multiple

>> No.10717464

actually this, it shows the importance of formal education. many programmers and developers come from self-taught background and this can prove a hinderance longterm when validating ideas

>> No.10717477

>he fell for non-PoW meme

>> No.10717627


>> No.10717692

I'll call now.

>> No.10717760

>Not being able to accept you're the fish in the market by buying the top. The pumps are over in the top 500.

>> No.10717878


>> No.10717978

What determines the price of oil is the supply and demand curve. It's people's willingness to pay for your scarce good. For instance, you might spend $100 to drill a barrel, yet with enough demand you may sell it for $10,000.

Now let's day the demand falls as everyone starts driving electric cars. The price drops, as there's an excess oil in the market. If the price drops to $50, you will have to shut down your rig or figure out a way to increase its productivity.

The same could happen to bitcoin. If people stop buying it, the cost could fall below mining costs without a problem. Miners may try to artificially create demand, but that's risky and they may eventually run out of money.

Also answering to >>10716942

>> No.10717987

>ivory tower fart sniffers write things down! guys with working product BTFO!

>> No.10718015

>What is difficulty adjustment?

>> No.10718037

>What is 51% attack

>> No.10718060

>the cost could fall below mining costs without a problem
thats why there is a difficulty adjusment every two weeks you brainlet

>> No.10718101

you know how many unknown coins are in the top 500 that are less than a penny and have a solid plan. You'd be retarded if you dont think some of the top 500 coins less than a penny could reach at least a penny.

>> No.10718144

Difficulty only drops when people stop mining, which confirms what I just said.

1. Price falls below mining costs
2. People stop mining (just like an oil rig stops drilling when price is low)
3. Difficulty adjusts

>> No.10718155

Do you even understand how difficulty is calculated?

>> No.10718174

>söylent grin

Opinion disregarded

>> No.10718240 [DELETED] 

Jokes on you. He jokingly calls himself a basedboy.

>> No.10718263

This is my belief. There are a bunch of scams in the space that are going to blow anons away with how professional they look.
There are literally billions of dollars up for grabs here, it's not unreasonable to spend millions on a scam. Let that sink in for a minute.

>> No.10718284

>less than a penny
>reach at least a penny


>> No.10718294
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>> No.10718297

Your coin sounds retarded. Come back in a year I guarantee your money will be gone.

>> No.10718301

No, I'm not sure about colx desu. A friend says he holds a bag and also a bit of Linda but the coin I'm referring to is both of our favorite technology-wise and also market cap.

>> No.10718335

I'm sure you know of a better coin then. What's your top bag?

>> No.10718367

So he reinvented the wheel ? LMAO

Of course he did, just look at his face. That the face of someone who was raised by his incestuous grandmother.

>> No.10718746

Dude, how many people actually know how internet, email or an i-phone works?
WTF is a peer review?
Can you explain that to me in child language?
I haven't bought it dipshit.
Some guys at work are crying like little bitches that they lost all their money in crypto that made me go and check biz.
Maybe scoop up some cheap crypto shares of any project.

If I am a retarded poorfag how come I have $3000 saved up to invest in these crypto shares?

Third group of people are hard working people that achieve any goal just by hard work and determination.

>> No.10718766
File: 38 KB, 582x339, brokecharles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>writes a whitepaper
>becomes billionaire
>complains that lost billions in value
>travels the world and eats in fancy restaurants then brag about in twitter
>still no working product
>his investors lost real money and eat microwaved noodles

>> No.10718833

Don't forget the 'don't you know who I am?' cringe fest on twitter.

>> No.10718848

holy fuck that was actually what caused me to abandon my research on ADA

>> No.10718853

Charles Hoskinson seems like the third group just like me.
>Third group of people are hard working people that achieve any goal just by hard work and determination.

>> No.10718872

What is the rich list for Cardano? The Crypto Crow scammer dude loves Cardano lmao

>> No.10718886

>Peer review
Scholarly peer review (also known as refereeing) is the process of subjecting an author's scholarly work, research, or ideas to the scrutiny of others who are experts in the same field, before a paper describing this work is published in a journal, conference proceedings or as a book.

Why is it important? ... Peer review involves subjecting the author's scholarly work and research to the scrutiny of other experts in the same field to check its validity and evaluate its suitability for publication. A peer review helps the publisher decide whether a work should be accepted.

TL;DR you have experts in the field try to "break" your project

>> No.10718933
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That's from his own stash of BTC

>> No.10718976


>> No.10719031

He also has a lot of ETH and ETC.

>> No.10719037

he meant despite it being free, there's still no adoption. It's embarrassing

>> No.10719044

Bcash already solved pos and it turns out that pos is a pos!

>> No.10719097

CMC removed the requirement recently. look at the coins recently added they barely have any volume. when they introduced the 100K 24h requirement im sure their listings plummeted and traffic also took a hit. so now they are listing everything again.

>> No.10719098

Cardano isn't ready to be adopted. The whole thread is about how they are working on a proof of stake algorithm. It hasn't even been released yet. Once they release it we can discuss adoption.

>> No.10719108

He has zero of both. He turned down 293000 ETH.



>> No.10719181


>> No.10719241
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>yes what we're doing is incredibly, cardano will be able to do everything! you are the early adopters!!!

>> No.10719244

Muh peer reviewed vaporware.

>> No.10719259
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>cardano is the first trans-friendly coin!!!

>> No.10719282

It claims to have no gender. It's basically a catholic priest of post-modernity.

>> No.10719303

lol "IT CLAIMS..."
yeah ADA is vaporware as fuck though, and that's coming from a database engineer buddy retards
lmk when you can make a fucking contract on this piece of poo

>> No.10719320

>database engineer
>muh sql server

>> No.10719330

That's from March 18. I think it's safe to assume this fag is currently living at his mom's basement right now.

On a serious note, cardano was dead for like three years, came out from nowhere and it was listed on bittrex for no other reason than to pump the price. Fuck this shitcoin

>> No.10719351

Jesus christ no wonder hes so salty. Physical cringe there.

>> No.10719420

>he hasn't seen stored procedures that are 10k lines
oh kiddo, back to notepad++ you go!

>> No.10719421

Topfucking kek. Remember when he said you’re going to tell the co founder of ethereum and the creator of ADA to open a support ticket?!?

Yeah buddy he doesn’t believe he’s on another level at alll lmfao you fucking idiot bagholder

>> No.10719505
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>> No.10719752

If you live in the sewer, you'll see faeces from time to time.

>> No.10719801
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>currently under development
>still no adoption haha

>> No.10719814

jesus fuck you spent the time to photoshop that shit and add fade the edges. how desperate are you money skelly? LMFAO

>> No.10719817

cardano is just ideas at this point isnt it? they have like no product

>> No.10719823

Why does he insist on taking cringe pics? Is there no other way for males to imply happiness than a gaping mouth? wtf

>> No.10719833

Yeah this is strange as fuck. Highly low test facial expression

>> No.10719837

You know ADA will be big, if /biz/ is FUDing it left and right. Rule number one, always do the exact opposite of /biz/.

>> No.10719947

You fucking retards.
This is why I troll so many of you. You still dont get it, I could care less about adoption. Speculation will be the money maker every time. Just gotta have good market sentiment as a whole.

Remind me how well REQ did when mainnet +5 other announcements all released in March.
>Req is a solid project, just needs adoption
>Mainnet will make Req hit $5
You faggots say whatever you can to fit your narrative. If you like coin, you shill with delusion.
If you dislike one of the most solid projects , you pick the only thing you can and try to flip it as FUD.

>> No.10719972

marketing, look at the (you)'s he's getting

>> No.10720052

You have to look at the macro. The company with the coin will win, not the coin that demands that the world build a company around it.

>> No.10720088

If Facebook releases a coin that you use on its platform to buy ads and pay friends and that sort of thing it's game over for the entire crypto market. Within a year the global crypto market cap would fall under 10 billion. The only coins that ever get used are currency coins. Everything else is a speculative dev-scam.

>> No.10720197

Fucking faggits
Am I supposed to buy this or not?

>> No.10720227

I agree with this completely. What do you use to keep up with speculation/hype pieces?

>> No.10720248

Maybe >>10719837

Cardano is almost never shilled here.