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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10711381 No.10711381 [Reply] [Original]

if you could recommend one book what would it be?

>> No.10711391

The bible, specifically the New Testament

>> No.10711398

thanks Anonymous

>> No.10711414

The 1867 budget reports for the state of Mississippi

>> No.10711422

>tips fedora

>> No.10711423
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>> No.10711799
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>> No.10711823
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Culture of Critique by Kevin Macdonald
Maybe pic related as well...

>> No.10711915

12 Rules For Life by professor Jordan Peterson changed my life.

>> No.10711939

12 Rules Of Life by JP. Unironically, biggest genius of 21st century.

>> No.10711951

Secrets of the millionaire mind - harv eker

>> No.10712002
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>> No.10712003

lol fuck off you fags....go back to browsing reddit in your 7th hour social studies class, the grown ups are trying to have a big boy discussion you wouldnt understand

>> No.10712018
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I have read it three times. And I'm going for a fourth now.

>> No.10712039

How to win friends and influence people.

>> No.10712048

this looks interesting? can you share a few more words about it?

>> No.10712058

You havent read it have you?

>> No.10712118

If you are into /biz/ I'd suggest you to read the greatest book of all time "the Torah"

>> No.10712129

*ring* *ring* *ring*

class is over for the day dont forget to write down your homework in your assignment note book. You wont be able to run on saturdays track meet if you dont pass the quiz on thursday little jimmy, i wont hesitate to email your mom.....

>> No.10712212

It is a book written in 1994 that analyzes world history with what they call a "Theory of Megapolitics". Basically they study what are the factors that come in hand on making violence profitable and apply it to politics and project it into the future. It predicts many things and unveils many patterns that are occuring in the whole world now that are too big for us to notice. It deals in many ways with the future of the West.

This book and its authors have a long standing track record of accurate prediction. I like how many things they theorized are going to be affected by crypto.

I won't tell you more because every time I've discussed this book I have spent too much time explaining their theory. Literally hours and dozens of paragraphs of text. It really is a fascinating book that shows you how everything is from very "above".

>> No.10712269

hmmm thanks, ill have to check it out for sure sounds pretty interesting... have you made any decisions for your life based on predictions of this book alone?

>> No.10712283

can i actually teach myself with this shit?

>> No.10712330

I don't know C and I haven't opened that book but I'm gonna say absolutely and why the fuck not

>> No.10712547

no, any content that you can find in it you can already find it for free on the internet today

>> No.10712596

The Sovereign Individual: Mastering the Transition to the Information Age by James Dale Davidson and William Rees-Mogg

Feels like you're reading Nostradamus before shit has started happening, for example it predicted crypto in 1997.

>> No.10712615

Satanic bible

>> No.10712676

Mein Kampf.

>> No.10712774

so what is going to happen?

>> No.10712799
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>> No.10712804


>> No.10712822

Governments and corporations will collapse and crypto and precious metals will take over.

>> No.10712850

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

>> No.10712861
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Actually based

I have. the book predicts the rise of digital currencies based on cryptography (aka crypto) and so it solidified my confidence in buying Bitcoin. The book was written in 1994 and has some eerie predictions and an interesting take on history.

The book predicts that the nation states will gradually fall apart and a new order will arise based around "sovereign individuals" and their extended retainer or social networks. The world will switch to favoring defense and efficiency over offense and expansion in the realm of violence. Basically they predict a sort of neo-feudal ancapistan, but they paint a neutral rather than nightmarish portrait overall.

>> No.10712914

Anyone got a link?

>> No.10712930

You can also find the book on the internet for free you fucking nigger

>> No.10712970

>le technical analysis meme
>opens 81 charts across 9 monitors
>deposits $1000 into account
>trades against institutions with trillions in AUM with hundreds of traders
>somehow beats them at their own game
Heh, nothing personal kid.

>> No.10712989
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I first read it on pdf, but the link is gone... I decided to just buy it physically.

>Amit Aujla: What's the most important or influential book you've read?

>Peter Thiel: The Sovereign Individual (Touchstone, 1997), by James Dale Davidson and Lord William Rees-Mogg, is an unusual book that I read at a singular moment, just before starting PayPal. A lot of thinking about technology oscillates between two extremes: It's either a big historical force acting over the long term or it's a matter of short-term trends to bet on. The Sovereign Individual is different because it takes foresight seriously: If you think hard, you can understand and make plans for a future lasting 10, 20 years or more--and that's how you have to think to be successful.


Also: https://youtu.be/Kp7hkmSUOoY?t=18m

>> No.10713001

Sorry, the relevant part of the vid starts at 18:00.

>> No.10713035

You're right, reading a book written by the creator of the programming language you're learning is absolutely a waste of time. Why get your information directly from the holy grail rather than from blog posts and pajeets?

fuck off

>> No.10713228

yes... I'm going to read a book for every language I learn now
jobless NEET

>> No.10713399


The Holy Bible.

I recommend reading The New Testament first and then the entire Holy Bible from the start of The Old Testament to the end of The New Testament.

>> No.10713426


>> No.10713434


>> No.10713488


>> No.10713492

>the (((old))) testament

>> No.10713493


>> No.10713523

>solidified my confidence in buying bitcoin

What does it say about Link??

>> No.10713575


The Image

Basically predicted our entire culture.

>> No.10713596
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>> No.10713628

hmm that was interesting, who is that guy? I might have to check out this Sovereign Individual book. I'm wondered myself for awhile if we've been headed on a nationless path. but, I always assumed that the United Nations would eventually govern all. I never before considered individuals, but fuck... it kind of clicks. You can already see reminiscences of it now with twitch streamers. Whenever I think of them, I think of stadiums and arenas filled to the brim, watching a man hunched over in a single spotlight in front of a computer. Making tens of thousands of dollars, living like a king.

Irregardless of my theory, that guy made a really good point about what survives a financial meltdown- the stuff that was already there, that became far more valued

>> No.10713684



>> No.10713702

>Ctrl f mein kampf
>1 result
Here's 2

>> No.10713723

The Chainlink whitepaper

>> No.10713775


>> No.10713780

I don't care what language you program in, there are a lot of great lessons which can be derived from this book


>> No.10713808
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>> No.10713827
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>techinical analysis

you have no idea what you are talking about right

>> No.10713852

Thanks anon. Been searching for this the last 30 minutes.

>> No.10713856

Has anyone read Zero to One by Peter Thiel? about to start it

>> No.10713876

The Sovereign Individual: Mastering the Transition to the Information Age = The sovereign individual : how to survive and thrive during the collapse of the welfare state ? ?

>> No.10713877

http://gen.lib.rus.ec/ get most books like this as well as tech books. It has saved me a fuckton over the years.

>> No.10713878

Not yet, but been listening to a lot of Thiel lately. Definitely on my list.

>> No.10713958


>> No.10713995

Thanks man but thats a different book. Been looking for two hours and still can't find the pdf!!

diff books

>> No.10714004

Its a great book, the read on VCs and power law for early adopters/ early startups is very enlightening

>> No.10714014


>> No.10714215
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what did he mean by this???

>> No.10714336

Did you compare/contrast chapters and parts of the book? I thought that at first but it might be the same. To play it safe i might just buy it

>> No.10714873
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If I was limited to ONE book for /biz/ then Principles by Ray Dalio, it has the right mix of self-help literature about seeing life as an evolutionary and progressive process where you're learning, how to set goals, how to make better informed decisions and balance opinions of experts. But, at least the version I read, is full of practical management and business expertise - how to design departments, what to consider when hiring people or assigning them 'goals' (not tasks), avoiding micromanagement.

Society of Mind and Institutio Oratoria are the only other two books I've ever come across with a similarly dense informational content. But only the latter is /biz/ related.

>> No.10714889
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>> No.10714892
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>> No.10714923

It is the same book

>> No.10714935

Not business related, but internalizing it is very useful if you want to be successful in bussiness

I just heard this thing where a guy said that Yukio Mishima's pathetic attempt at a military coup was the quintessentially Japanese hero story

Haven't read it myself but it seems to coalesce a lot of very solid observations about business strategy and in particular positioning, way better than Blue Ocean Strategy or other meme books like that. You could get the same information elsewhere but why not get it from one of the most successful Venture Capitalists around rather than some bozo who gets bandied about as a 'guru' and hasn't been involved in any company other than his own consultancy business?

>> No.10714948

The prince

>> No.10714977
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This is redpill

>> No.10714989

The Best and the Brightest

>> No.10715032

This sounds really cool. Would anyone be interested in reading it and having a discord group around the sovereign individual ?

>> No.10715076

Epictetus’s Enchiridion

>> No.10715486


>> No.10715539

The Wealth Of Nations by Adam Smith.

>> No.10715549

Neal Stephenson - Anathem
goes well with holding linkies

>> No.10715565

Woman detected. Emotional intelligence is as real as fairies.

>> No.10715568
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>> No.10715600

zygmunt bauman - liquid modernity

>> No.10716171


>> No.10716184

"The Rational Male" by Rollo Tomassi

>> No.10716219
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"Think and Grow Rich" is a good book for anyone desu. Talks about more of the mental/subconscious part of success(doesn't necessarily have to be money). Also talks about creativity and how new ideas form. Book is based on the analysis of like 200 hundred great businessmen including Andrew Carnegie.

>> No.10716220

The game

>> No.10716231
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>> No.10716245

Goedel, Esher, Bach

>> No.10716272

total trash book, here is the entire book summarized: "make money your sole goal in life, think about it all day every day"

boom, just saved you 5h

>> No.10716283

>OP says one book
>name off an entire collection of books
not sure who is more autistic, you or the authors of your Jewish fables

>> No.10716286

Fuck you

>> No.10716292

Finished this last week, it's pretty much a hidden gem. Absolutely fascinating analysis from the 90's. It seems that their predictions are comming true a little slower than they expected, but we are getting there for sure. They absolutely nailed the emergence of bitcoin, current political polarization, how leftists and nationalists will both attack digital currencies as they undermine nationstate, and the absolute ethical downfall of journalism. The next 25 years will be exciting.

Anybody who reads The Sovereign Individual and The Bitcoin Standard with an open mind is gonna become a bitcoin hodler.

>> No.10716294


New testament, the kybalion and African kaiser.

>> No.10716298

The author is a fraud

>> No.10716321

Based fpbp

>> No.10716333
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>> No.10716352

>t close minded people who can't into subconcious and creativity
You guys probably think people are born creative as well right?

>> No.10716360

The Fountainhead
while Randian objectivism has its flaws, it's more logically consistent than other ideologies. the worship of man and of the potential of man and stoicism as a means to an end rather than a masturbatory moral position are timeless virtues that will carry you far in this world
don't fall for the anti-family meme though

>> No.10716371

I don't understand why people bother reading her fiction books to learn about her philosophy. Her book "Virtue of Selfishness" is better and you won't waste a third of the time you would with her novels.

>> No.10716396
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Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by Christopher Bishop

>> No.10716452

Brilliant book. Might as well be called "Bayesian Graphical Models". It shows you how practically any machine learning model can be devised from a basic foundation made up of a set of rules. You can apply this to engineering, econometrics, whatever. No "data science" bs.

>> No.10716462


>> No.10716502
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>> No.10716522

perhaps this wasn't clear, but i don't really care for Randian objectivism as stated, which is why i advocate for the book and not the person
Homer's Odyssey wouldn't have had the same value as a philosophical treatise, and neither does the Fountainhead. what you see as a waste of time is arguably the most important part of it all, a self-contained narrative demonstrating values through example above all (although Rand loves to hammer her points in her novels regardless, these are not the most important points)
i.e. Howard raping Dominique, the act and the manner in which it's described from buildup to finish has more insight to give you into the laws of attraction than all the seduction experts of this century, and these dynamics play a role in objectivism itself. but you can't write something like this in non-fiction, so a fundamental truth is lost

>> No.10716545

ok tell us what happens next then

>> No.10716601

Just another elaborate book shilling "LoA". Might as well read The Secret or some other fluff book

>> No.10716657

Not that i personally want to do that or am well versed in it but influencing people into doing and behaving what you want them to do (in a way that wont leave them hating you) is one of the most important skills in life.

>> No.10716681
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>> No.10716695

Moldbug's Gentle Introduction

>> No.10716714
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>> No.10716717

shitty book with contradicting laws in my opinion

>> No.10716720
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i smart

>> No.10716806

I didn't read it so it must be good.

>> No.10716808

Sooner or later smart people will move their wealth to crypto and gold, the governments will have no access to that and will lose a lot of taxing revenue, needing more money they will start to raise taxes on whatever they can get their hands on, this will hit real estate the most since it can't get away. Slowly these high taxes will discourage people from owning those businesses and properties so they will abandon them making the government lose even more revenue and finally collapsing. The book mentions something similar that happened during the late roman empire, look up Agri Deserti.

>> No.10716908

Why would governments have no access to gold?