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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 42 KB, 540x720, Kramer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10711020 No.10711020 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about your city and why I should move there.

>> No.10711031

San Rafael.
White paradise.
We are full.
Neck yourself.

>> No.10711046

Now, before you say "muh 1 trillion market cap LINK not possible faggot" let me explain...

650m links are set aside for on-boarding and incentivizing institutional customers. Of course these 650m LINK tokens locked away in Sergeys basement won't be used entirely and quite frankly won't be needed once main net is fully operational. Sergey cannot sell these either as that would be a massive SEC violation and a major fuck you to ICO investors. SmartContract.com is a real company and will not damage their reputation by dumping the excess LINKS on the open market for .25 cents a pop or some chump change.

Remember, ChainLink employees have gotten large shares of link as compensation for joining the teams (how much, we dont know). So, the only intelligent option for everybody involved (including the stinky linkys) would be to BURN the excess supply. A 50%-75% coin burn of total supply would likely bring each LINK token to around $100 as of now. Once adoption and FOMO ensues, $1,000 is easily attainable. What most of you dont understand is that the total MC won't even exceed 2-3ish Billion (it will definitely be a top 20 coin) but again total market cap won't even be unreasonable for $1,000 EOY to be realized.

>> No.10711052
File: 134 KB, 372x327, wot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you lost?

>> No.10711094

Expensive, cold, multicultural, poor job market.

Rural Alberta is pretty based though.

>> No.10711107
File: 160 KB, 1250x935, 1534303467434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cant come here, NYC is not a good to live anymore. Rich Jew Bloomberg destroyed our town....Sold most of it to the Chinese and Russians.

>> No.10711121

fuck off we're full
winchester bongland

>> No.10711128

Nice data mining thread.

>> No.10711131

> /biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.10711133
File: 1018 KB, 1800x1200, Promenade2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Überlingen, Germany
>lake of constance
>nice old buildings
>good weather
>nice parks

>> No.10711139

>trying to find a new place to live has nothing to do with job markets

Hello, brainlet

>> No.10711152

>Pajeets and chinks everywhere
>Whites are a minority
>Whites are mostly liberal faggots and cucks who hate their own kind or are too afraid of being seen as racist to do anything about the invasion
>Terrible traffic at all times of the day
>Subway system is a complete joke that's always at max capacity and constantly has delays
>People are cold and unfriendly, ironically save for the FOAB immigrants (but they usually smell bad)
>Houses and condos are impossible for a normal person to afford because all the wealthy chinks have been allowed to buy up all our real estate. $1 million+ for an average sized house in a good area that's fairly far away from the downtown core
>Rent is ridiculous. $1500+ for a 1 bedroom apartment is normal if you want to be able to walk to the subway. $1800 for a 2 bedroom if you like hour-long trips on the public transit system or sitting in traffic for an hour
>Summers are too humid and hot, while winters will freeze you to the core

>Decent amount of bike paths, parks, and a surprising amount of nature if you like to go /out/
>Pretty low crime for such a big city, most areas are safe to walk alone at night
>A wide variety of ethnically diverse restaurants to choose from if that's your thing

Guess my city. Hint: Not in the USA

>> No.10711154

Do you guys have any hipster coffee shops? Like Specialty Coffee?

>> No.10711168

some bullshit canada cuck city

>> No.10711179

Getting warm

>> No.10711208

our city is very green
if you are a vegan or something it's a paradise

we have many goa/greenies here and shops, restaurants, places to be and schools for them

weed consume is so common that teachers in my school just say "enjoy it" if they cought you

at last local election greens got 40% of votes here

sadly this place gets worse and worse since 2015 because of refugees

>> No.10711222

Vancouver obviously.

>> No.10711255

Nope. Vancouver has way better weather, not that many pajeets, and more heroin addicts

>> No.10711291


Because it is affor........HAHAHA.
Taxes are lo.....hmmm
Scenery is ni.....wait all the homeless
Well shit

>> No.10711413

Toronto. I hate that fucking city so much, don't know why anyone bothers with it.

>> No.10711427

Winner. I wish I could tell you. I plan on getting the fuck out of here as soon as I can.

>> No.10711445

British Columbia. I heard there's a mega rich Chinese population over there.

>> No.10711452


>> No.10711456

t. brainlet

>> No.10711480

British Columbia is the province that Vancouver resides in. From what I've heard, their housing situation is even worse than ours. But it's still bad here.

>> No.10711489

>San Rafael
I live here too and it’s full of Mexicans. Only South Marin is white.

>> No.10711593


You shouldn't. It's overpriced, the infrastructure is bad because the city grew too fast, and the winter is unpleasant. If you want to live in Alberta you're better off in one of the smallish towns instead of the cities.

>> No.10711597

orange county ca

it's a bunch of white trash conservatives from the 90s who would never be able to afford it today, nouveau rich chinese with boners for real estate, and a few rich arabs, and a whole lot of poor mexicans (some are rich but not many). industry pay isn't remotely close the cost of living. its third-worldifying and aging. most people are borderline retarded because a lot of the schools are complete garbage. honestly the place sucks besides the weather

>> No.10711702
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>> No.10711747
File: 199 KB, 869x762, vancouver_house1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a leaf
>house prices go up 8-10x in last decade
>1 bedroom condo in Vancouver $950k, 3 bedroom crackshack house $2.5MM
>same or worse in Toronto
>Chinese holidays are celebrated as national holidays now
>chinese billionaire buying up all shopping malls, grocery stores, highrises
>food prices skyrocket ($25 for 1kg of chicken)
>wages stagnate
>my landlord is chinaman
>all my friends landlords are chinamen
>white people are second class citizens now compared to chinamen
>everywhere i look i see chinamen with white women
>try to get white gf, they all prefer chinaman
>try to get asian gf, they all prefer chinaman
>i have become subhuman white man in my own fucking country

>> No.10711772

Stay on your side of the 101 faggot.

>> No.10711774

>>food prices skyrocket ($25 for 1kg of chicken)

Wut? Why?

>> No.10711775

> Austin, TX
> Mostly White
> Clean AF
> Has At least 20-30 Years Before it Becomes Poo on the Streets San Fran 2.0

>> No.10711776

All of this is true except the chinamen with white women thing. I almost never see that. White women still subconsciously prefer white men despite all their virtue signalling.

>> No.10711777

Vancouver is going to eventually secede from Canada to become a tax haven/financial-hub city state and puppet Chinese colony.

>> No.10711796

i was in vancouver and enjoyed it. flew out of toronto and it seems like a lost cause. at least you faggots got kawhi

>> No.10711803
File: 62 KB, 1103x533, canadian_chicken2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wish i knew

idk man i've seen an increasing number of asian couples, and ofc there are still some WMAF but women generally prefer wealth & success more than they care about skin color or nationality, and in Vancouver the Chinese have become the most successful people

>> No.10711858

>try to get white gf, they all prefer chinaman
>try to get asian gf, they all prefer chinaman

kek you must be an ugly manlet because there are a LOT of girls cucking their chinese paypigs with white chads on the side here in toronto

it's toronto and nobody should ever come here unless they're top 20% income because real estate is fucking retarded as you mentioned. people here are boring and unfriendly drones that act cliquey for whatever fucking reason and it's not like a normal city where you can go to a pub and actually make friends or have groups intermingle, i hate this fucking place

>> No.10711889


New York City

>> No.10711911

It's a beach town as far south as you can get while remaining +80% white

>> No.10711981
File: 88 KB, 1333x900, alien ree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to mention that they're not building additional subways for the downtown area despite the fact that there have been hundreds of thousands of condo units built in the past 10 years and there are hundreds of thousands more with several 70+ storey buildings under construction right now. instead they are so fucking genius that they have decided to build subways in the farthest north of the city where literally everyone already has a fucking car FUCK YOU TTC YOU FUCKING IDIOT PIECES OF SHIT

in addition to this wonderful problem, the entire downtown area is being eaten by said luxury condo buildings to the point that many neighbourhoods are unrecognizeable compared to even a decade ago and have become completely sterile at street level with zero small businesses, bars or restaurants and really nothing other than MAYBE a starbucks on the ground floor of yet another blue-glass-and-steel condo that closes at 7pm. after all, why would anyone need a competitive business environment when we can just use our condo's amenities xD


>> No.10712301
File: 25 KB, 641x530, 1522001573962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one checked my get. Shame.

>> No.10712332

muh 1 trillion market cap LINK not possible faggot

>> No.10712376

Now, before you say "muh 1 trillion market cap LINK not possible faggot" let me explain...

650m links are set aside for on-boarding and incentivizing institutional customers. Of course these 650m LINK tokens locked away in Sergeys basement won't be used entirely and quite frankly won't be needed once main net is fully operational. Sergey cannot sell these either as that would be a massive SEC violation and a major fuck you to ICO investors. SmartContract.com is a real company and will not damage their reputation by dumping the excess LINKS on the open market for .25 cents a pop or some chump change.

Remember, ChainLink employees have gotten large shares of link as compensation for joining the teams (how much, we dont know). So, the only intelligent option for everybody involved (including the stinky linkys) would be to BURN the excess supply. A 50%-75% coin burn of total supply would likely bring each LINK token to around $100 as of now. Once adoption and FOMO ensues, $1,000 is easily attainable. What most of you dont understand is that the total MC won't even exceed 2-3ish Billion (it will definitely be a top 20 coin) but again total market cap won't even be unreasonable for $1,000 EOY to be realized.

>> No.10712392

Austin, Texas. Don't move here unless you vote Republican

>> No.10712452

Well, it's time to start looking for jobs in Austin, then.

>> No.10712481
File: 55 KB, 506x552, Q1ClaNY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. South African-born Austinite here myself.

>> No.10712512

Thanks for living here

>> No.10712520

how come no one ever mentions san diego? i mean i get that its right near mexico, but i feel like theres less mexicans in san diego than in orange county and LA, for example. tons of nice beaches, it has the best zoo, lots of hot white surfer type girls, huge weed culture, and surprisingly its not as expensive as youd think. definitely cheaper than other parts of southern calfornia. lots of jobs too.

>> No.10712552

Sounds a bit like Milan. Doubtful.

>> No.10712612

I moved to Toronto a few years ago for work, hopefully can save enough to be able to leave some day...

>> No.10712726

Should I go to university of toronto or McGill University lad? I hear both cities are shit?

>> No.10712757
File: 178 KB, 1600x1496, Full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only is my City full, so is my whole Country.

>> No.10712766


>> No.10712780
File: 100 KB, 1533x442, averageTorontian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are living downtown, it's a blast. Went to Ryerson as engineer.
Lots of clubs bars, parks parties. Commuter schools any of the Universities in Toronto, so the friends are probably going to be living in the core as well.
Girls are super-liberal(read: sluts). I heard out in the Maritimes was chill. Great placed when I visited.

>> No.10712797

don't move to where I live OP it's a shithole

>> No.10712831

can confirm this.

>> No.10713239


>> No.10713397

Nobody likes you, chink

>> No.10713418


>> No.10713433

Wait nvm it's Toronto

>> No.10713504
File: 62 KB, 403x577, der thot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just don't go to ryerson or york u. if you go to u of t stay the fuck away from the humanities

living downtown is fun for a while (especially at uni age) but after a few years you realize it's becoming soulless every year as it turns into condos and hipster shit. and the women..

i have traveled to 7 countries and a fuckton of cities within the US and canada and the women in toronto are BY FAR the coldest i have ever encountered to the point of it being fucking bizarre. i am a handsome cunt and literally any other city i've been to worldwide there has been a night and day difference in how women act. in other cities, women do things like actually SMILING at men, or even FLIRTING or STRIKING UP A CONVERSATION. this almost never happens in toronto. i remember being really fucking weirded out the first time i left the city and women were suddenly friendly and nice to me instead of dismissive and vaguely hostile.

because of the shortage of young white women and overabundance of thirsty changs and pajeets constantly asking them out and willing to paypig for them, if you so much as ask one what direction to bloor without asking said question from the side of the road in your convertible lamborghini, they look at you like you're trying to pull some slimy PUA shit on them. every girl i've managed to fuck in this city outside of mutual friends/acquaintances/coworkers has been a tourist, i.e. if you don't already have some kind of excuse to talk to a toronto girl you are going to be looked at like a creep. however, if you're looking for fucked up career-chasing women in their 30's who unironically read rags like huffpo, salon, vox, and jezebel but also want a man to enact their rape and domination fantasies you hit the jackpot. just make sure they're the ones paying for dinner and drinks and don't let them come to your place ever.

after reading this again i think i might be losing my fucking mind. i need out of this city. I NEED OUT. PLEASE HELP ME.

>> No.10713588
File: 62 KB, 539x500, sir john a. knew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with everything you say aside from Ryerson, know a few guys who /made/ it off ETH.
Toronto is pretty souless and women are self-entitled, but I was in uni so had my fair share of girls.
Sounds like you read this article.
Travelling through other parts of Canada was much more bearable with girls.

>> No.10713655
File: 64 KB, 615x400, froggie kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a fucking shithole kek

>> No.10713747
File: 56 KB, 599x393, soulless sandler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a few friends who went to ryerson and it was alright for them but i would never want to support an institution that is going fully down the social justice cult road (they have "no whites allowed" rooms already)
never read that article but i do recall there being a big shitstorm here because this roosh fellow held a talk or something a few years back. after reading, yeah this nigga nailed it.

being a man working minimum wage here is fucking soulcrushing and my only solace is hatefucking broken women who make more money than me. i'm becoming just as much of a soulless degenerate as the rest of them. i made this bed and here i lie. more like a fucking grave and i'm dying in it desu.

>> No.10713820

Vegas - low cost of living with lots of great shit to do. Lotta minorities though.

>> No.10713835

how's the crime in neighborhoods with cheaper real estate?

>> No.10713862

Minneapolis. It's okay.

Booming business district, lots of banker types. Empty during non-business hours. Lively at night. Good food, good beer, pleasant during summer, horrible during winter. Big city feel during business hours, big town feel during non business hours.

Least sketchy city I've roamed around in.

>> No.10714812
File: 69 KB, 900x900, 1509852169882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, we're full

>> No.10714840



>> No.10714929

That really came full circle

>> No.10715035

Its on fire so you might die

>> No.10715228

Melbourne. Most liveable city - Every. Single. Year.

>> No.10715261

Melbourne...chinese buying all the property? no, of course not, nothing to see here, just live in Mernda cunt. and dont mention the african problem you racist cis white piece of shit

>> No.10715280

Seoul. Tons off 10 pussy and easy work if u can handle being a loser English teacher.

>> No.10715301

it's a great city dude. I'm not from anywhere near there as I live in a real city... But if it weren't for the winters, I'd consider it a real city.

>> No.10715312

Mumbai, its so gud jaar me and my jaars hang ut on 4chan biz all day easy money ok

>> No.10715343

agreed. also no one has mentioned it but Milwaukee and Detroit are fucking awesome as well.

>> No.10715369

The criteria for that most livable city is shit.

It's a nice place but the weather can be awful and so are most of the people, especially the inner city lefties.

>> No.10715398

How the fuck are they lefties if they can afford to live within the city? retard.

>> No.10715425

youre either trolling or understand nothing unless hannity tells you to

>> No.10715536

The Chinese government gives out interest free loans for their citizens to purchase real-estate around the world. Once their economy enters a depression/recession there's going to be a massive correction in real-estate worldwide.

>> No.10716176

I was thinking of moving to Red Deer. Is this a good idea?

>> No.10716969
File: 300 KB, 1350x1662, gtaV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think Ryerson is bad, U of T and York are just as bad in thier own regard in terms of SJW.
There's a reason Jordan Peterson came out of Univeristy of Toronto. You're fucked either way if you go to school in Toronto.
Look into schools in the maritimies, more white people and chiller people.
Or join the Royal Miltary College for free tution and to be in Kingston.

>> No.10717023
File: 312 KB, 1500x873, Milano-HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milan, Northern Italy

We're already overrun with MENA and Africans, if you're European (or of European descent) you're more than welcome to come here

>> No.10717030


Palm Beach
It's confidential

>> No.10717031

oh fugg
I went there last year

>> No.10717039
File: 17 KB, 401x271, download (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>washington DC
>please come here and pay taxes

>> No.10717091

>Montevideo, Uruguay

stay away from this shithole.
Life in the first world is easy mode.
Every tiem you think your city is shit just realize you could have been born in Bumfuck, Nowhere, Africa

>> No.10717094

Full of brain dead tourists and impolite locals. Everyone tells me I'm lucky to be here but in my heart I hate it. If you want to go to Italy, pick somewhere not overpopulated by tourists.

>> No.10717106

>the Stalingrad of Italy