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10710754 No.10710754 [Reply] [Original]

Now, before you say "muh 1 trillion market cap LINK not possible faggot" let me explain...

650m links are set aside for on-boarding and incentivizing institutional customers. Of course these 650m LINK tokens locked away in Sergeys basement won't be used entirely and quite frankly won't be needed once main net is fully operational. Sergey cannot sell these either as that would be a massive SEC violation and a major fuck you to ICO investors. SmartContract.com is a real company and will not damage their reputation by dumping the excess LINKS on the open market for .25 cents a pop or some chump change.

Remember, ChainLink employees have gotten large shares of link as compensation for joining the teams (how much, we dont know). So, the only intelligent option for everybody involved (including the stinky linkys) would be to BURN the excess supply. A 50%-75% coin burn of total supply would likely bring each LINK token to around $100 as of now. Once adoption and FOMO ensues, $1,000 is easily attainable. What most of you dont understand is that the total MC won't even exceed 2-3ish Billion (it will definitely be a top 20 coin) but again total market cap won't even be unreasonable for $1,000 EOY to be realized.

>> No.10710835

nolinkers will perish they don’t need to understand why

>> No.10710842
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We are unironically going to be the next elite.

>> No.10710853

sergey will surpass suckemberg and co, will lead chainlink to be an empire

>> No.10710857

But then why did they make so many tokens in the first place if the only reasonable thing to do is to burn half of them?

>> No.10710879

They said there won’t be a token burn you insufferable faggot

>> No.10710889

because go fuck yourself check em

>> No.10710892

NEET Elite - never gonna happen, bruv

>> No.10710902
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Sergey is the Bill Gates of our timeline.

>> No.10710938


Testing and on boarding new customers. XRP did a similar move by locking up huge supply in a time released escrow. They won't burn their tokens (yet) but look at the prices moves every time big XRP escrow news has dropped.

Also, from a development standpoint, you could never anticipate an EXACT number of coins you'd need for a project based off of an idea, so why not just make an even 1,000,000,000 tokens to start off with. You can always burn some down but when in development you can't just add more supply. This should be pretty much common sense to crypto enthusiast by know.

Another thing to consider, why would they only sell 350m at ICO, why not 500m, 750m... ? Because they are planning to eliminate the excess supply when the time is right for the project to go live.

>> No.10710980


At the point in time that was said, they were referring to "at this moment in time". You have to be a literal bracket not to realize the 1000's of positive reason they will HAVE to burn some supply.

>> No.10711103
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2500 eoy

>> No.10711166

Interesting idea, bumping for interest

>> No.10711183

check'em and discuss this

>> No.10711188

>for brainless

>> No.10711230

how many linkies for me to make it there?

>> No.10711242

They don’t have to burn. I’m sure they’ll let the market decide. Sergey could release the tokens in waves but if there’s intense interest then releasing them to customers OTC might have little to no impact if there’s upward pressure.

>> No.10711247

Thomas just said in the telegram they have no plans to burn any tokens.

>> No.10711262

What is their incentive to not burn them? Isn’t everyone’s goal, including the chainlink team’s, to get rich? Why the fuck even work then?

>> No.10711286

I tried asking in telegram but some brown nosers don't let the question get through.

>> No.10711326

I mean of course they still have to implement the network etc but maybe once they do they won’t need so many and can burn like 200 million and reward the early investors

>> No.10711333

if you see a cube in the logo or meme tread lightly

>> No.10711362 [DELETED] 


delet this plz

>> No.10711387

delet this plz

>> No.10711407


post screen shot, also, of course they are not going to advertise this.

>> No.10711439

Let's just add it to our reality.

>> No.10711467
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will I make it with 5600 LINK?

I exhausted most of my FIAT cause I bought at $1. im broke now, just threw in my last $1k.

>> No.10711474

You'll be better off than you are now. Be happy with that.

>> No.10711487

>implying eth won't just cut out the middleman

>> No.10711498

No, you need 10k minimum. There are anons browsing this board right now that eat ketchup sandwiches and ice cubes so they can accumulate as much as possible.

>> No.10711516
File: 493 KB, 589x2244, 3A7BB596-A8CB-40DF-ADB0-C60CB4E508A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the $2500 meme the best

>> No.10711521

trips dont lie


>> No.10711553

You'll have more money than pretty much all black people except for NBA and NFL niggers.

So youll be fine

>> No.10711559

You might make it. The 1k link memers say you will have 5 million dollars before tax.

>> No.10711564


>> No.10711582

You think they care about rewarding early investors? Sure, some probably were paid in link. But this whole project is so much bigger than that. This is middleware for an entire new section of the economy. This is revolutionary. If Sergey just wanted to be rich, he'd have done something else as a venture capitalist. He wants to ensure to success of the network and he's not just going to throw away tokens that may be necessary down the line.

>> No.10711748

That sounds pretty ‘gey if you ask me

>> No.10711859
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do the basic math retard.

>> No.10712117
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It's actually LINK $5887 eoy now, senpai; get on the new timeline.

>> No.10712172

Not a single token from the 300m set aside will hit exchanges. They will be sold OTC to groups who want to host nodes, and they’ll be sold with minimum 2 year vesting periods which will be locked in by smart contract.
The 300m on the market right now (plus whatever the team sells of their stack) is all that’s hitting the open market for at least 2 years post-mainnet.
Cap this

>> No.10712197

Once the tokens hit the smart contract they are automatically deducted from circulating supply. This is known.

>> No.10712242

huge if true
fucking yes i'll be rich

>> No.10712270

I don't even have that much link but I could retire if I could sell it for even $100 a token. I seriously fucking hate my job, so I desperately want to believe, but I'm not really that optimistic desu.

Someone tell me we're all going to make it ;-;

>> No.10712316 [DELETED] 


>> No.10712370

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...Anonymous (ID: e/08bGXR)
08/15/18(Wed)21:04:30 No.10712311
6 KB
Hey Faggots,

My name is Sergey, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass wojak remixes and copypastas. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten your McDonald's catered? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to Link sigils.

Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of the dev team, and starter on my UberEats team. What sports do you play, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people"? I also got straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (Jason Parser just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

>> No.10712385

I'm going to kms

>> No.10712413

Can someone explain to me what chainlink will do? From what my brainlet self can understand, it's going to be a medium for transactions that would normally be difficult/slow to due? Or am I completely missing the point.

>> No.10712437

nothing. it's a meme.

>> No.10712438

Bunch of 4channers tried to force it as /ourcoin/, during the presale ico phase of chainlink there was a minimum requirement of 300eth to enter the presale. Bunch of anons pooled up together and shared presale links to fill them with their eth.

Coin continued to get shilled and pumped up and hyped for the sibios event that link was attended, whole event turned out to be a flop chainlink had a presentation in a room of like 18 people next to the public toilets, literally no news or partnership came from the event and the coin dumped back to below ico prices and created 1000's of bagholder anons.

Now during this alt bull run lots of anons and took advantage of this and shilling this coin to all the new money and newfags that joined in december and don't know this story.

The coin is HEAVILY manipulated and the supply is dried up from huge whales who accumulated below ICO price to create a artificially lower supply (a lot like REQ) and these people have so much room to dump on all of you faggots to still be in profit when the time comes.

In regards to actual project that chainlink aiming to achieve it's nothing more than a basic json parser for smart contracts, would take like a day to add to ethereum by itself.. literally making links whole concept pointless and definitely no need for a token. Would take a lot longer to get it working with bitcoin but the bitcoin core devs would be able to work out the solution a lot quicker than chainlink will, think that's something worth noting that literally nothing is completed and you're literally just buying a whitepaper, they have only 2 developers and they don't communicate at all with no proven background on either, in fact sergey was involved in a project before chainlink called NxT that he since been abandoned until it was took over by a new developer team

>> No.10712465

>Sergey cannot sell these either as that would be a massive SEC violation
what violation? it's not a security lol
>SmartContract.com is a real company and will not damage their reputation
nobody will care about token dumping except neets on /biz/

>> No.10712475

ChainLink basically makes it so blockchains will be able to connect with the grid industries and businesses, and smart contracts will be used by institutions to simplify shit. Instead of keeping monotonous accounting and dealing with trust issues, smart contracts will show the amount each party has to bring to the table, and the smart contracts will keep transaction information on the blockchains ledger

>> No.10712524

>There are anons browsing this board right now that eat ketchup sandwiches
wtf I eat ketchup sandwiches every day, but I actually like them
is that weird?

>> No.10712687

DELUSION. I have personally asked rory specifically this question about the supply and the possibility of a token burn and he said no.

>> No.10712829

go to 3:33

>> No.10712893
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Can you imagine rory one day announcing they are burning half of the 650 million coins? Good god...

>> No.10712901
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We're all gonna make it brah.

>> No.10712902

No one seems to care

>> No.10712903

>tomato soup packets make assholes hang open like the mouth of a tired dog.
Maybe stop eating them?

>> No.10713051
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Nice trips lad

>> No.10713111


>> No.10713233

This. Wallets with less than 10k links are actually valued at zero until that threshold is reached.

>> No.10713249

I get an erection every time I watch this

Don't do it friend, we're all in this together

>> No.10713485

>go to 3:33
Just watched...what is significant?