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10707825 No.10707825 [Reply] [Original]

German here. Euro culture is one of mediocrity. Entrepreneurial spirit is very rare in Europe. Because government bureaucracy and regulation makes it virtually impossible for the average person to start any kind of business or capitalist venture. So most europoors are content with wageslaving for the rest of their lives. All the while, big government adds even more strict regulations each year, and the average europoor cheers them on for "sticking it to the big corporations" when in reality it's just making it harder for the average person to escape the rat race and favoring large corporations who can afford legal teams and expensive fines. Of course, they would never know that, because most europoors will never try to do anything besides wageslave. As I said, euro culture is about being mediocre.

They like to call capitalists who don't adopt their lifestyle "temporarily embarrassed millionaires." I always have to laugh when I see this, because what they're basically saying is, "If you're not successful now then you will never be successful. You should just give up like I did and settle for socialist handouts."

I try to see the good in everyone and respect different points of view, but I can't help but laugh when you're essentially telling people to give up and settle for mediocrity. It's quite sad, really. I dream of escaping this dystopian shithole and moving to a place where A) I'm allowed to succeed and fail by my own merits, and B) keep more of what I earn and not get punished for making more money, and C) say whatever I want about refugee/immigration policies without getting fined or imprisoned.

I just want to be a successful entrepreneur, but I feel as though I lost the lottery by being born in Europe. What can I do? Moving to America is not an option. Is it easy for someone like me to emigrate to Singapore or something?

>> No.10707848

The German government doesn't want us to create new companies.

>> No.10707871

You can't change people's minds after decades of public indoctrination, in cultures where people who stand out are shot down.

We are at the end stage of civilization here, you should accept it and move on.

I am also looking at moving to Singapore but I have a girlfriend there. To get there you would need to find a job there, and it would help to learn Chinese

>> No.10707907

>Euro culture is one of mediocrity.
I agree with 100% you just said.
I'm preparing to short the EU as a whole since the current state of thing is unsustainable.
the EU will crumble in max 5 years, probably sooner imo.

>> No.10707938
File: 345 KB, 1337x1337, Random.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, scheiß auf Deutschland!
Das Land hat uns verraten und möchte uns alle zu lebenslänglichen Cucks erziehen.
Wir werden überflutet mit Drecks und Gesocks aus aller Welt.

Tue es wie ich und wander aus, solange es noch geht.

P.s: Du wirst es im Leben nur zu etwas bringen wenn du Link besitzt.

>> No.10707940

Aha, I have been trying to learn Chinese for almost a year now. I am fluent in French too, but I don't think that will help unless I move to Canada

>EU will crumble in max 5 years
I wouldn't go to that extreme, but I do think that it is not sustainable if things do not change.

>> No.10707942


For the same reasons kids with parents who provide everything for them never become independent.

>> No.10707964
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Kek check the graph do you see a relation? Only a small percentage of entrepreneurs become one because they have a choice.

Why would the average Joe be an entrepreneur in Europe, he got a good paying stable job, good social programs in case he lost his jobs and pension.

Currently I earn 50k a year. For me to be an entrepreneur I need to make at least 150k to be worth the risk. Also I need to work probably 70 hours a week etc.

Not worth it desu

>> No.10707978

Alles zu seiner Zeit

>> No.10708008

> blames free handouts for being a loser.

Seems like this one is all you. The EU is the largest trade bloq and has some of the most competitive economies.

>> No.10708011

Well I started my own business and have more problems with the german tax office then with the business itself.

Fucking 40 year old women that are overweight and underfucked get angry and almost yell at me because I have some questions.

Once you get over the start up phase and you're able to afford lawyers and tax consultants it's alright I guess

>> No.10708014

I think that USA, Australia, and Canada, and to a lesser extent China, are higher on the graph for different reasons than India, Mexico, and Uganda. I thought Taiwan would be higher, though.

>> No.10708020

What do you do?

>> No.10708040


Now there enough BBCs in germany who are happy to penetrate 40 year old women that are overweight and underfucked

>> No.10708044

We still have less shitskins than America

>> No.10708058

meh, I have a affiliate marketing website

Don't really like the work and look for something new though. What about you?

>> No.10708066
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Previous generations have already built up so much in Europe, that we now have a generation that can afford to just live off what others have built before them. Why take a risk, when you can just get that seemingly secure government job that pays well enough?

There also tends to be a sense of cultural pessimism amongst many Europeans that tends to discourage entrepreneurship. Why built something up from the ground when you have lost all hope that you, or your culture has something worthwhile to offer to the world? If you have no positive image of yourself, and no positive vision for the future then you will probably also show less initiative in the economic sphere.

>> No.10708088

In the Netherlands you can hire a decent accountant to take care of your finances for 70~100 euros a month. I'm an independent contractor who gets hired by companies for 70 to 90 euro's an hour for software development. It's worth the money imo.

>> No.10708090
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you must look at the bigger picture, anon.

in 20 - 30 years the shitskins are the majority.

they will thank you very much for your tax money, anon.

>> No.10708101


It sucks. I work as an skilled craftsman, boss and coworkers say to me, you will do that until your retirement. Just mentioning Crypto makes them angry, first they laugh, then they get angry after hearing 50x (they dont know that I have nice stuff) Some complain about shitskins but voting AFD seems impossible, because theyre told so. Had nearly quitted my Job early this year, I will it do whatever happens next January. Fuck this shitskinbrothel

>> No.10708147


tell me more about your "nice stuff"

>> No.10708162

How hard is it to start a business in yuroop?

In the states it took an hour or two to register an LLC and then I was running. Just basic freelance shit but is it really harder to do this in Europe?

>> No.10708173

frog here, and once you see this is a perfect summary of every western european country despite our radically different cultural background, you start to get a hint of what was stolen from us by a bunch of (((unelected officials)))

>muh go back to /pol/
preemptive fuck off, idgaf about "the white race" as unlike americans we have already been defeated and assimilated in the jewish globalist borg. there's no rebuilding dead civilizations

>> No.10708186

French is useless in Canada. The cult of mediocrity in Quebec is at least as bad as it is in Europe, plus you'll have to deal with literal white niggers.

>> No.10708190


The Americans develop new products. The Chinese produce Americas innovations. And the Europeans work to consume Americas products.

>> No.10708214


Canada is full of chinese invaders so its good to learn the language

>> No.10708240


>> No.10708245

mainly because those entrepreneurial types have aspirations, and think to the future, and its obvious that the shitskin problem isn't going to get any better soon, so they have no desire to lock themselves into their own country for that long. they have the means and motive to start a company, they have the means and motive to move to another cleaner country to start it.

>> No.10708250

Because Europe is dead (except for W. Slavs, Baltics and Finns)

>> No.10708259

Pretty much.

Then alt right American faggots larp about about much they miss 'muh European heritage.' Almost as bad as 3rd generation muslims that start yearning for 'muh homeland, muh culture.'

>> No.10708267

in frogistan it's going to take you several days to few weeks to even start a solo freelance activity properly. you have to open a dedicated bank account, send papers through snail mail, get insurance, and so on
and that's the easiest status you can get, through which you're legally forbidden to gross more than €70k euros a year

>> No.10708269

just white shitskins

>> No.10708326

>You can't change people's minds after decades of public indoctrination, in cultures where people who stand out are shot down.

Of course, but thats just because people are stubborn. Because it isn't easy doesn't mean you shouldn't try.

>> No.10708355

Yes, austria here. We have in europe one of the highest bureacracy. The entry level is very high. There are even "workshops" to get this bureacracy done.

Why no page where you can make your company with one click? Simple answer: To protect the big companies.

What do you think will happen if anybody could make a company, become entrepreneur and maybe have an own company with several employees within a few years?
More competitors for big companies.

But what europe governments do not see, that this big lobbyism will destroy the european market on long term.

>> No.10708367

How bad is it over there for business owners?

t. south african living in the US potentially relocating to europe in a year or so

>> No.10708518

>just white shitskins
Soon w. europeans will be real shitskins anon

>> No.10708559

52%ers and western cucks are already throwing fits. Imagine what happens to them in 10-20 years lol

>> No.10708562
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Your ancestors heard about this newly discovered continent called America, a seemingly endless expanse of undeveloped land and resources open to English, German, and Dutch alike, and they chose NOT to get in on it.

>> No.10708585

Europe will die soon, just make sure you have at least 2 kids. So they (and you) can help rebuilt it, trust me on this. Have 2 kids, that's all you have to do.

>> No.10708650

You're gonna want at least twice that if you give a shit about the future of humanity.

>> No.10708663

Why do I never hear successful european entrepreneurs say this? Why is it only the losers who never even tried who go on diatribes about how europe is dead? Why is Berlin one of the startup capitals of the world? Why is Denmark consistently ranked the worlds best place to do business?

You're all delusional paranoid racists who blame the world for your problems. You have no firsthand experience of the government making it challenging to run a business. You're just parroting stories you heard on some equally delusional "news" site or read on /pol/. You're fucking disgusting niggers who never worked hard a day in your life. Nothing is stopping you but your shitty attitude, and its fucking disgusting.

>> No.10708685

The only Europeans that went to America were poor, uneducated and outcasts.

I'm speaking of English, Irish, German, Italians, Poles etc...

>> No.10708695

Uganda know de wae

>> No.10708696

>Imagine what happens to them in 10-20 years lol
They deserve everything that will happen to them

>> No.10708706

This is a perfect example of the message csw is trying to get across. BITCOIN (CASH) IS CAPITALISM

>> No.10708714


>> No.10708728

>I watch Varg Vikernes with rapt attention

>> No.10708742

Entrepreneurial spirit immigrated out over the course of the last 400 or so years and went mostly to the US.

>> No.10708761

Who’s it ranked by? People whose families have been a part of the top 20% for the past 8 generations?

>> No.10708836

sorry I forgot to mention I didn't want anyone to respond to me since I knew it would be a bunch of bitch ass nigger excuses.
fuck off you stupid fucking idiot

>> No.10708839


>German here. Euro culture is one of mediocrity. Entrepreneurial spirit is very rare in Europe.

Loool, you're so obviously a murican LARPing a eurocuck dude. I'm an actual eurocuck (nordic) and a friend of mine hasn't had any problems starting multiple startups using goverment startup bucks, almost none of what you say is even true lol.

>> No.10708935
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nah, you don't understand, there will be no Europe, Iran, china, Japan in the next 3 centuries, we are headed for extinction, all you have to do is to have 2 kids, and you win the game.

See those glyphosate filled leftists in the streets? Have 2 kids, they won't, the future is yours.

Once you realise that demography is destiny and that everyone, concluding the muslim world, is heading for collapse, you will feel free. Read this book. Biggest whitewall ever, literally, all you have to fucking do is to have 2 kids, that's fucking all, if you're 20 now, you have 10 years to get sorted out and in the best shape of your life, work like hell, buy some land with some likeminded friends to (I just did).

The future belongs to us.

>> No.10708960

Haha if you only knew how easy business is in Sweden,
The government is worse than the Italian mafia. Once you have negative balance at any time or have liabilities you can't cover withing a week you get liquidated and bankrupt.
Having a company here is like riding a unicycle. Everyone works for government companies and I know only a couple of successful entrepreneurs.

>> No.10708976

>being this triggered while larping as some kind of rags to riches entrepreneur

You wouldn’t be able to handle starting a business in a competitive market.

>> No.10708997

Genuine entrepreneur here, I'm no millionaire by any means but I am on my way there (and not through crypto)

The reason why most people will never work for themselves is because they're just too fucking lazy. Being an entrepreneur is all about sacrifice and perseverance. You dont even need to be that intelligent, you just have to have a good work ethic. The truth is that most people just don't want to suffer temporarily, even it means a better future.

I deal with 50 or so people a day, customers, suppliers, receptionists, managers etc. Most of these people are wage cucks. The consistent theme I notice when I interact with these people is just how lacklustre and lazy they all are. Whilst moaning about their lives and the shitty choices they've made, with the same breath they will moan about their bosses and make comments about how much money he has or how much holiday time hes taken recently. This pisses me off.

I also deal with people who either own their own businesses or simply work for themselves and the difference is like night and day. I feel a mutual respect for someone who finds their own money in life, especially if they've worked hard for it.

Working for yourself might not be for everyone but it sure as fuck changes your outlook on life. If you consistently solve day to day problems off your own back and for your own benefit you feel unstoppable. Your brain literally feeds off this positivity and it in turn makes you a better person.

I cannot emphasise how much each and every one of you should just try it once, you feel free.

>> No.10708999

Yes Achmed, pay more taxes, and proudly pay GEZ, for your information.

>> No.10709073

Now europoors are poor and uneducated attending mickey mouse universities while America is rich and most respected universities in the world.

>> No.10709079

This. I'm in Poland and I'm genuinely afraid of starting a business. The entrepreneurs are treated as class enemies. The tax office can freeze all bank accounts at a whim, every bank transaction is automatically reported. Most people get one 'routine' control every few years. Once that happens they analyze last 7 years of your life. If they don't find anything they make stuff up, as the controllers get fired if they have too many 'unsuccessful' controls.

Most small business owners deal with by intentionally making small visible errors. The controllers know this, but are happy as a small fine is enough to meet their quota. It's a form of a bribe really.
Only big corporations are relatively safe, as they can afford big and connected lawyers.

Overpaid vat in theory should be returned immediately after request, but in practice every return is treated as a fraud attempt. Tax laws are routinely changed retroactively. The laws itself are so vague as to be worthless, they are in practice replaced by semi-official 'interpretations' that change on a whim.

The worst and recent thing is collective responsibility - if you unknowingly buy or sell from someone that was found to evade taxes and can't pay (either bankrupt or ran away) you have to pay instead. The disgusting assumption is that because you gained from a better price you are responsible.

If you sell something to other company and they don't pay, you still have to pay 23% vat tax on the 'sale'. Why? Because fuck you.

I had so many business ideas but did zero of them. Going to emigrate from this forsaken land soon, probably to Ireland.

>> No.10709087

OP is a faggot. You can create easily your own company in Germany. If you need funds, create an ICO. But I think what you need is a pair of balls.
About Amerifags saying Europe is dying, they should open their eyes to see that their people are either drug addicts / morbidly obese or both. Their young country full of pussies running away from their homeland will die before Europe.

>> No.10709136


Though I'll make the tenuous suggestion that if you have enough industry experience and can pitch a role in a valuable enterprise, I'm sure you can have sweat equity in a start-up that is primarily bankrolled by a couple of other partners. Depends what you want to get into. But I won't deny the bureaucracy in Germany might be bad, I've never lived there.

>> No.10709175

I live in korea and 1/3 of jobs are own business. Im.not suggesting its a utopia and most are just restaurants but its as easy as shit to start a small restaurant selling noodles or simple snacks or some small farmer selling fruit oit of a van. etc. The west makes this almost impossible with regulations that immigrants dont even follow anyway. The freedom to sat fuck it im going to buy some hotdogs and buns and sell them is what western freedom is all about. It gives u options away from wage slavery.

>> No.10709196

What is your business? I think most people struggle with a lack of capital and a lack of ability to find it. For a very short period I did work on small films and networked with people in that industry. Talk about hustle for money, independent film-makers do all kinds of shit for their money. Two producers funded one movie with money from an old widow who had no children. She was bored and decided to spend some part of her fortune on their vision for this movie.

>> No.10709208

sadly the best way to go is to stay a private entity

>> No.10709215

>no culture
>no unity
>no nationalism
>never taught or told they can do anything
>no upwards mobility
>massive smoking problems
>obesity on the rise
>massive taxes
>weak governments
>general lack of spirit or will power

Europe is a meme filled with and run by people with zero determination, confidence or will power. That is why there is no entrepreneurship spirit.

>> No.10709241

movie production is really on another level without capital.

I think you need some really good short films and luck to find investors that fund a feature that could make money. Would you agree? I'm interested in film industry as well

>> No.10709244

Your post sums up America in a nutshell lmao

>> No.10709269

>no social mobility
>39% of Americans will spend a year in the top 5 % of the income distribution, 56 % will find themselves in the top 10%, and 73% percent will spend a year in the top 20 %.

Fuck off aristocunt

>> No.10709271

>smoking problem
smoking is one of the only things that can protect you from the xenoestrogen/endocrine disruptor pollution everywhere

>> No.10709323

So much COPE from muricucks in this thread holy shit. Have fun with your student loans, housing bubble, niggergangs literally shooting each other on the streets, homeless people, school shootings, MASSIVE obesity rates, literally retarded president, opioid crisis etc etc I could go on and on but the main point is:


>> No.10709352

so income is ultra volatile cause no job security (hire and fire) and continuous moving to other states etc.

That is not something the avg European wants tho.

>> No.10709354


>> No.10709364

It’s prayer time, face east and pray to your god

>> No.10709382

>no culture
many cultures
>no unity
no shit. Vastly different countries and languages. If there were one common language there would be more mixing and unity, but due to lang barrier it will remain devided
>obesity on the rise
like in all first world countries

>> No.10709406

all that matters here on biz is low taxes so you cash out your crypto gains. Quality of life for the avg citizen does not matter.

>> No.10709462

germanfag here
im a freelancer and been working dor myself since 2012. the taxes and regulations here are a nightmare but it is doable. i also know some guys from my old school who started a company that now has millions in vc backing. dont get me wrong this country is pretty shit to start a biz but i can guarantee that most fags who talk shit ITT have no first hand experience and most of them probably never even set foot into the country. its really tiresome to hear all this bickering about whos the most cucked white countries are all getting fucked but we are all brothers and all in this together (with we i mean white people, brownskins barely qualify as human to me)

>> No.10709491


I feel the same even though I am Australian. We stupidly took after the British system instead of modeling ourselves on America when we were founded and we are dearly paying the price for it.

Australian culture is also about being mediocre. It's just wageslave or jump on the dole. The only businesses started are experienced wagies starting up their own tradesman businesses.

>> No.10709492

Also Entrepreneur here, you faggots are full of shit. In the UK it cost £12 to register a business, i have £12 in coins lying around my car, everything else from there is up to you. The whole point of it is that it just takes an idea, a plan and a fuckton of drive to see it through.

100% agree with
And just by the way he talks I can tell he is the real deal, the other things about entrepreneurs is that they always try and say yes. Normal wagecucks find a problem or even a minor obstacle and they immediately shut down or say it can't be done. Self-employed people have to say yes because their survival or their company's survival depends on it.

The first time 5 different companies or people tell you that there is no way to do something and then you go and find a solution your whole viewpoint shift, you realise people are happy to be fucking drones and live in a constant state of minor discomfort rather than actually push harder just to see what happens.

The only difference between europe and USA on this is that it isn't glamourised in europe while it is in america. That's all, everything else is an excuse.

>> No.10709533


I unironically buy and sell non ferrous metals. I own a scrap yard, but not the gypsy kind of scrap yard.

I only buy non ferrous, more or less exclusively from tradesmen and other companies. Whilst there isn't as much as there used to be, there is still a serious amount of money in metals.

I buy mostly copper, brass, lead, aluminium, stainless steel in various forms.

I also buy specialist metals and super alloys such as 316 stainless, tungsten, molleys and inconels. At the moment I am also getting into precious metals in the form of catalytic converters and computers. I pay very good prices and mostly work on volume. I have come a long way in a short amount of time and I can mainly attribute this to the fact that honesty is always the best policy in business, at least in my opinion. When people go to a scrap yard they almost expect to be fucked over. I always buy with as much transparency as possible and always give the benefit of the doubt. This pays off massively as I have not needed to advertise in years and constantly get new customers daily because of my reputation.

I started with very little capital, enough to cover my rent and my need to obviously purchase material. I did not take a wage in the first year and lived on savings. Fast foward and I now employ 4 people and own a few specialist recycling machines. Like I said, I am no where near where I want to be yet but as long as each year is better than the last I will keep going.

>> No.10709562

lots of taxes
lots of regulation
literal immigrants raping your wife/daughter, or maybe your wife/daughter likes that

>> No.10709668

>and that's the easiest status you can get, through which you're legally forbidden to gross more than €70k euros a year

Un fucking believable. I went to France once a few years back, stayed about a month, really liked it. But what hit me int he face most was you guys are lazy fucks and are slow as fuck with no work ethic.

I remember restaurants not opening until like 11 AM, I wanted to get a subway and once it finally opened, it took them another hour to turn on the fucking toaster oven. There was a street around the corner from my hotel that was blocked off for like 2 weeks for roadwork, it was a tiny section that could have been done in a day. Plumbing was shit too and I remember talking to people who had a job there boasting about how much annual leave they got, and it was a huge amount of leave. I'd never want to start a company there and have to pay my employee's for like 5 weeks of leave each year.

>> No.10709679

Who the fuck eats lunch at 11AM you degenerate barbarian

I bet you eat dinner at 5pm too lmao

>> No.10709688

All of the good Euros either left for the new world or died in the world wars. Sorry to break it to you

>> No.10709696

Individuality and innovation has been surpressed by the EU. The only way to survive long term will be seperating ourselves from each other. Only then will we be able to respect other cultures. This forced mixture in our gene pools will lead to a social / cultural suicide and the reason for that is that politici don't even need to require a above average intelligence.

>> No.10709753

What I'm I'm too poor for even one kid?
Should I be a wagecuck on foodstamps for life, or keep fighting trying to make it on my own?

>> No.10709757
File: 16 KB, 200x200, lollifrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I went to France
>I wanted to get a subway
The jokes about Americans write themselves.

>> No.10709764


That would make sense if you could transfer your conciousness into your children. But you can't.

Sure your kids have some of your DNA, but they also have the DNA of the vagoo you fucked. So it's only half you. It's basically another person that has a bit of you in it. I don't see how this is winning.

After you die that's it, poof, you vanish into the nether. Whether something still living has a bit of your DNA in it or not wont matter to you when you cease existing.

Also what if you have kids, spend a huge amount of resources on them and then they die? Or they are gay and don't have kids of their own? Or your daughters mix with Muhammad or tyone and your offspring in 100 years from now is black/muslim? Seems like there is a lot of risk involved for something you put so much of your time, effort and money into that you will never see pay of and doesn't effect you at all after death. Is the peace of mind you get from it really that good? Do you have to really really care deeply about racial demographics beforehand or will it have no effect?

>> No.10709813

You answered your question
And I add also socialism.
Just dindu nuffin, you will get your retirement, free healthcare...why even bother?
Thinking about making more money..oy vey 60% tax

But who knows If that's all.
Just look at crypto. Euros did not even participate a little bit long before taxation.

>> No.10709840

did you even tried yourself?

its actually quite easy, dont have to found a fucking gmbh for starters

>> No.10709875


>Just look at crypto. Euros did not even participate a little bit long before taxation.

Meanwhile murica was one of the first countries to implement the retarded crypto to crypto tax.

>> No.10709878


I was trying to get breakfast you fucks. But nothing was fucking open. I was starving. I woke up at 6 in the morning and there was nothing fucking open. I walked all around looking for something for ages, the subway was the first thing I found that was open and it was fucking 11 by that time. Ended up having breakfast at near fucking lunch time. Then when a grocery store opened around midday I stocked up on food to keep in my hotel room so that bullshit scenario didn't happen again.

Also go fuck yourself fascist Euro. If I suddenly want my lunch at 11 AM you better be open. Why do you let your nation force you to eat lunch at 12?

>> No.10709879

Unless you plan on living in Quebec French is useless in Canada. Better to learn Mandarin or Punjabi

>> No.10709905

>I'd never want to start a company there and have to pay my employee's for like 5 weeks of leave each year.
Holy fuck, this. The euro model is completely hostile to business owners. You are discouraged from starting your own business and you have every incentive to just work under Mr. Shekelberg because he promises you decent scraps to keep you subservient.

>> No.10709944

I wish I could pick your brain because I'm always curious about what people do, but I figure you probably won't stick around. Just in case though, when you started did you just store your product in something like a storage unit or garage? Or did you get a property for it from the start? What was your initial volume of purchases, how did you find suppliers, and how did you find your first customers? Do you have steady contracts with your suppliers/customers, and did it start out that way or develop into that after establishing a relationship? What caused you to get into buying and selling metals?

In a way it sounds like a nice business because you probably could scale your investment pretty easy relative to the cash you had. I'm not sure what volume typical customers expect, but even if you have a small amount of money saved you just have to find somebody to buy the shit off of you and then reinvest.

>> No.10709948

Well, it more than evens out when you consider the retarded VAT that virtually all of Europe has. I do digital art commissions, and I can always tell when a customer is from Europe, because I charge a flat rate of $80 USD for a portrait, and when I get payment from an American, the receipt says they paid $80. When I get payment from a euro, I still get $80 USD, but the receipt says that they paid $110.25 or some shit lol. What the fuck?

>> No.10709950


Glad someone else agrees. As someone into crypto in order to secure the funds to start my own business. The idea of paying my employee's for up to or over a month while they are not even fucking there scares the life out of me. I wont hire women either because fuck maternity leave.

What country can I go to that allows me to not have to pay my employees while they are on vacation? I don't care if they want to take leave and go on holidays, but fuck I am not paying them while they leave. It might seem harsh but fuck it's gonna kill my company if I've gotta product that needs development and some faggot decides to take his holiday leaving shit unfinished and I've gotta find a replacement in the meantime, pay him and the faggot on holidays.

>> No.10709988

Employees are scum. They almost always vote in socialism because they feel entitled to your wealth just because they're doing the job that they agreed to do at the pay rate that they agreed to work for.
I honestly don't want to have to deal with employees at all. I wonder if there is a good business like that, which only requires one person.

>> No.10709995


ITT never gonna make it because you make others responsible for you own lazyness

>> No.10710009

>That would make sense if you could transfer your conciousness into your children. But you can't
This! 'We' are thinking machines designed to propagate genes. It's actually impossible for us to have children
Allow people to pay in crypto, no automatic vat charge there

>> No.10710010

Its quite obvious that it is more desireable for educated germans to be recruited into the existing structures than to start establishing news ways of doing things.
Also, our administrative efficiency is laughable. It seems like a qay to five jobs to idiots whose only merit is to do data entry and to memorize reeeeaaally complicated regulations.

Old money in germany never changed, friends. Yhere are families who trace their heritage back to 1500 and still live in castles, for fucks sake.

Meanwhile, the regular german will get offendwd qhen you remind them of their slave life and the fact that they finance the boomers a level of retirement/buying power that they will NEVER have themselves.

My suggestion? Purchase land in the aouth of europe, aquire solarpanels/access to water, and make yourself independent of the rat race. Everything else is cream on top.

>> No.10710036

I did not mean taxation, but crypto itself.
US and chinks run the show, even thai jungle monkeys are able to deliver.
We had a fucking IOTA.

>> No.10710053

that's odd m8, guessing you were in a smaller town full of oldies? i had this happen to me once in florida and ended up having to get shitty overpriced room service food

>> No.10710069

Its insane that administration has grown to the point qhere it is today.

Im expected to pay more than 50% tax but i have to pay for my passport?

In a time of sigitalized money i have to fill out my own tax returns? How about i pay the amount j think i owe and the gov proves that i owe more?

Why does my medical insurance suddenly cost 6 times more than when i was a atudent?

How do regular citizens accept this?

>> No.10710072

>Allow people to pay in crypto
I doubt the people who are interested in my work have any idea how to use crypto lol. I would though. I kinda feel bad when euros have to pay a premium just for my shitty portraits

>> No.10710077


That sounds like a fucking nightmare. I work with a polish women at my job, she's a controlling bitch.

Why are eastern euro's so susceptible to communism and socialist thinking? What makes them this way? Why are they so worshipful of authority?

>> No.10710141

yet the government funds start ups and gives out funding scholarships for educated germans that have an idea

friends of mine just started a small business for an online shop and had there paper work done in like 2 weeks, and starting capital was directly funded by some bank based on a business plan so i dont see the difficulty

>> No.10710160


>> No.10710190

I'm a dutchboi that is going to emegrate the US just to get a serious international foothold
>be 18 and 20k in debt
>be 20 and have about 10k in the green
>work 50 hours/week nightshifts
>study international law, german, french and spanish on the side
>parents basicly life from me
>read old philosophy books to network with influencial people with said books
with motivation, grit and an above average knowledge pool you'll make it Hans, times are golden, new markets are opening and the massive amounts competition can cause your company to snowball when you've found the golden zone

>> No.10710194

Holy fuck you actually nailed it.
WW2 was Euro alpha male genepool wipeout.
The cripples, lazy fucks and evaders stayed home procreated and voila there we have it.

>> No.10710247

All you have to do to get the entrepreneurial spirit is eat some cat feces.


>> No.10710258

what the fucking hell

>> No.10710291


Not worth it if it makes you a faggy cat lover.

>> No.10710293


I've actually got a day off tomorrow so I'll stick around for a little longer.

I started with pretty much just an empty warehouse, its about 4000 sqft because I knew I would need space to expand to. Its actually too small now but the location is too good to move elsewhere. I'm also in the process of getting a commercial mortgage to buy the place.

My initial volume was low, very low. I had very limited money to advertise, every customer I had at that stage had to be treated as if they were going to review me. Tradesmen talk a lot, and some of what they talk about is where they sell their scrap. They will talk about Where the best prices are, where you will get ripped off, different attitudes towards the actual process of buying etc, they talk like old women. Once I set a sort of standard for dealing with customers I began noticing my volume increasing a lot. Manners and decorum are everything. I hate to sound like a cunt, I genuinely do but it wasn't a case of me finding customers, it was them finding out about me. Like I said before, the scrap game is full of thieves, rogue scrap traders and gypsies so I stuck out a bit.

In my experience contracts (at least in the written form) are rare in this industry if you're not one of the two leading companies. We do however have very regular pick ups and deliveries from companies who produce waste metal as a by-product of their individual industry, window companies, plumbing supply shops, lead fabrication, electrical shops, engineers and machinists etc. These were all turned into regular business through just having a decent rapport and reputation. People love talking about themselves so you only have to ask the right questions, this builds relationships.

>> No.10710312


I worked a desk job in the same industry but never actually got my hands dirty with any actual work. It was soul destroying but I learnt some valuable skills with regards to the regulation and paperwork side of the scrap industry. However, previous experience is not completely necessary most of the job is just common sense (another thing most people lack) There are many guidelines available and its not too difficult to obtain the licenses at all.
Its certainly a scalable business but my only problem is that I like things done properly, I hate half assed attitudes. Which means that I cannot physically be at a second yard should I chose to open one. Good staff are fucking hard to find because as I said, its just not in most people to give a shit about their jobs, the industry attracts a lot of down and outs so you have to sift through shit to find someone decent and more importantly, trustworthy. A lot of money is dealt with on a daily basis and I have yet to find someone to do any of my transactions.

>> No.10710314

>I still get $80 USD, but the receipt says that they paid $110.25 or some shit

Wow that's a fucking big tax on something so cheap. If I was Euro I'd just stop spending my money on anything but absolute necessities. I never knew Euroland was so fucking retarded economically.

>> No.10710319
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>What country can I go to that allows me to not have to pay my employees while they are on vacation?


To be fair vast majority of burgers are lazy dumb fuckers and don't deserve any

>> No.10710339

VAT is a big reason why euros can't afford cars. The tax on gasoline is pretty bad too.

>> No.10710355

>n-no YOU'RE the lazy one!
>Now pay me for not working!
Fucking scum. Europe needs a population reset.

>> No.10710358

how often do you get addicts finna tryna sell them stolen copper pipes?

>> No.10710363

> a lack of capital and a lack of ability to find it.

Nigga it too me $500 to start my first Amazon business. Lack of capital is not the problem if you live in a first world country

>> No.10710380

You don't have to like cats.
You merely ingest some cat feces in order to get infected by the toxoplasma gondii that's in it.
Simple and no need to ever see a cat again.

And for an added bonus, it also gets rid of anxiety and fear. It actually works on your GABA receptors, just like alcohol and benzodiazepines.

>> No.10710387


If it looks stolen, I won't touch it, it's not worth it in the long run. I make some bullshit up and tell them to go somewhere else.

>> No.10710393


Is there anything cats can't do? The creature that keeps on giving.

>> No.10710416

You need to burn those retarded govs to the ground

>> No.10710439

How did you start and how do you make money? What do you do after you buy the scrap metal?

>> No.10710464


Yeah I was thinking, if an 80$ purchase turns into $110, what is the tax on buying a car?

>tax on buying petrol

Jesus fucking christ please kill your government already mate. Goddamn petrol is already expensive enough. I got a little korean shitbox car, still gotta pay about $40 to keep it running for about a week's worth of 25 min drives to work and 25 min drives back.


Neat. Looks like yet another reason that I should move to America. I swear burgers, your country looks better every single day.

Already planning on starting a Wyoming LLC once I reach my goal in crypto. The only thing I don't like about America is taxes chase you around the globe. Can I start a company in America, and have it based there, but not be a citizen so I don't get globally taxed on it? Can I still stay a citizen of Australia in the meantime? Not that I like Australia. I'd unironically want US citizenship if the tax law only applied if you are there for the tax year.

>> No.10710488

25% for US cars and 20% for japanese cars or something

>> No.10710493


I hold onto it until I get a decent amount together, depending on the material this could be 1-25 tonnes. I contact whoever I'm selling it to, this also depends on the material. We then agree on a price based on the current market price. Like with most other industries the more product/material you have the more leverage.

I'm usually paid within 1 week or 2, I then buy more and repeat the process.

>> No.10710505

Europe is a war zone now

leave all the entrepreneurial ship to Canadians, Chinks, and Americans. Thanks

>> No.10710536

calculate how many hours they will work per year, then multiply that number buy the hourly wage you want to give them and the result will be their yearly wage. how stupid are you?

>> No.10710590


I'm not worried or trying to find out their yearly wage. I don't want a month's worth of productivity lost. If they want their full yearly wage, they should work for a full year with no vacation. They want a vacation, do it unpaid.

>> No.10710591


What do you mean? Wasn't Satoshi Nakamoto actually british? Europe started this whole crypto thing :D.

>> No.10710743

as you don't get what I've written, I think that you probably shouldn't start a business.

>> No.10710781

5 weeks is excessive and retarded as a federal regulation, but you won't be hiring any top candidates with zero paid vacation. good luck

>> No.10710805
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>Why are eastern euro's so susceptible to communism and socialist thinking?
The current cause is brain drain emigration. Over $2M (out of 38M) people left, mostly young. Everything was getting better until we joined the EU. At that point rather than fighting the system it was easier to leave.

The image are votes by age group. Korwin+kukiz '15 would have formed a genuine libertarian coalition, with things like scrapping individual income tax.

Only votes of old people numerically matter, and they only care about leeching from younger generations. It's hopeless.

>> No.10710925


That's why I want to know what countries mandate the least required paid vacation.


You mean, just think of their yearly wage as that and try to ignore the fact it's actually an 11 month wage?
The minimum wage in Australia is like $20, I can't pay someone $20 an hour if they aren't turning up to work for a few weeks. We don't have retarded 5 weeks of holidays mandatory, but we also do have big holidays here, I know a friend at work who has 4 weeks saved up, it's close enough.

>> No.10710957

here's an idea, deport your nogs

>> No.10711003

think of their yearly wage as a 11 month wage. hire another person if one isn't enough. stop whining like a bitch.

>> No.10711113


Okay you seem to be a know it all on this subject so I will give you more info.

I want to start a video game development company. Paying employee's is the most expensive part of developing a game, and until the first game is out the door I will have absolutely no sources of income, just expenditures. I absolutely cannot have my employee's going on holidays for weeks at a time, especially if it's during crunch time or they are an important asset I need like a programmer. How am I meant to find and hire some casual to fill in start off where my other employee left his project and know all his code and get up to date so quickly, then run into the same problem when my full time guys gets back and has to get up to date on what the casual did? How is the game going to be cohesive? Artists and programmers aren't going to work for $20 an hour either, I'm gonna have to pay them a lot more than that. As I said, employee wages cost more than any other part of making a game aside from AAA advertising budgets, so I can't afford to hire a whole team of programmers, just one programmer, one texture artist, one animator, one sound guy etc and so on until I get the first game out the door and get an income stream going.

How do I deal with these fucking employee laws? Do I just not hire anyone and get freelance guys to come in to do a certain job by a deadline then seeya later? Asking as legit /biz/ advice on how to manage a tech company or start up a game company. I really think I am just gonna have to start a company outside Australia, looking into business laws here and I see why every game company ever started in this nation has failed.

>> No.10711160

what if he punched her right in the crotch haha

>> No.10711173



>> No.10711213

The answer for all your how’s is stop being fucking poor.
If you’re want to develop a game you need tones of money fag. Stop treating employees as slaves.

“I want to have a business but I only have $10”

>> No.10711268


That's why I invested in crypto dipshit. I want to own my game completely and not have to pay investors back. I want to keep 100% of the profits. I will make a bigger and better game every time. It's just starting is the hardest step.

>> No.10711295

then the problem you need to solve is your lack of capital. it's a given that an employee works 11 months a year. that's not something you can change and whining will not make it better.

>> No.10711316
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these mention menopausal HRT, but even when trannies go on HRT and take estrogen their doctors tell them to stop smoking because it completely fucks with the effectiveness of the estrogen.

>> No.10711340


You get to choose the vague you impregnate, numbnuts--you act like it's random.
The more kids you have, the greater the chances of their survival, obviously.

>> No.10711358

That 12 pound cost is also why everyone internationally looks at a UK business as fly by night operations.

>> No.10711537
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>> No.10711556
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>> No.10711576
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Bad goy