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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10706974 No.10706974 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10706985

What's it like to be poor

>> No.10706991

Why did you make this thread ?

>> No.10707034

What's it like to be a faggot

For amusement my good man!

>> No.10707037

how tall are you

>> No.10707046

6' 0"

>> No.10707052

Nice job marine

>> No.10707067
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Thank you sir

>> No.10707091


>> No.10707109

What are your most and least preferred porn categories

>> No.10707183

we mustn't discuss that, I'm combating my porn addiction as we speak

>> No.10707190

Would you let a man fuck you in the ass for a mars bar?

>> No.10707201

I don't like cheap chocolate

>> No.10707204

been putting what i can in. up to 1.3k

im proud of myself. hoping to continue on to 69k more before the ascension

>> No.10707224

What would you do it for then?

>> No.10707238

nothing, I can't be bought

>> No.10707239

i own 0.01% of all crypto in existence

>> No.10707243

I just bought 2000 more LINK. Did i do a smart?

>> No.10707245


>> No.10707248
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>he would let a man fuck him in the ass for nothing

>> No.10707264

yes, kiddo

you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.10707294

Does chainlink have any intrinsic value?

>> No.10707362

technically no without a working mainnet. It's sort of like a light switch where without a network it's completely worthless, but once mainnet is released and it really is decentralized, trust-less, secure and tamper-proof then the chainlink will be worth an incredible amount of money. If it had been a part of the last hype cycle, LINK would be in the top 20, if not top 10 right now. Once mainnet is out and people understand what it means for crypto Chainlink will skyrocket

>> No.10707430
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Top fucking kek

>> No.10707447

When is mainnet suppose to be coming out?

What is the simplest way to acquire LINK?

>> No.10707452


Bonus points for you. Everyone keeps calling LINK a coin, but it's an utility token that serves a specific need, like you explained niceley. It is indeed worthless till mainnet comes out and even the whitepaper specifically states that it is not a CURRENCY. Makes you wonder how many brainlets there are still on Biz that even after a year don't understand crypto at all.

Glad there are still people like you who know what they are talking about.

100€ EOY

>> No.10707480

The current speculation is sometime between now and Nov. 1, but the "service agreement" tasks on pivotal haven't been touched, so idk. I'd say Q1 2019 at the very latest.

Simplest way is buy ETH on coinbase, send it to Binance, buy LINK with it, and then send it to a hardware wallet for maximum security.

>> No.10707486

When BNB burn is finished I own 0.001% of all BNB

When all CET has been mined I own 0.005% of all CET

>> No.10707489

thanks friend, we will make it

>> No.10707495

Thanks for helping me understand it better.

>> No.10707528

When mainnet goes live should I wait a few weeks to see if linkpool exit scams or should I drop my entire stack.

>> No.10707551
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nigger ask any LINK holder and he'd tell you the same thing. LINK holders are the smartest people on this board, none of us are deluded.

>> No.10707581

I own 1.4% of linkpool

>> No.10707604

np buddy

They won't exit scam, they're working too closely with Sergey and the team. Sergey wouldn't associate with bad people. Jonny and Mat seem like cool guys and they're using a trustless system where you give them your tokens via smart contract so they don't actually own them. I would be cautious at the beginning; however, just in case there's an error or something and you get fucked over somehow.

>> No.10707701

Pretty nice
Rosties don't control my life

>> No.10707800

Which hardware wallet do you recommend?

>> No.10707815


>> No.10707855


>> No.10707868

>Which hardware wallet do you recommend?
BITFI, the only one!

>> No.10707962

based answer

Ledger and Trezor are the two best ones. I chose Trezor, but it's up to you. There are a much of articles online talking about them and comparing them.

>> No.10708016


Haha ur gay bro u fuck guy nothing!

>> No.10708093

You have 21000 link

>> No.10708107



>> No.10708165

How does it feel to be the new Warren Buffet

>> No.10708195

what is your favourite drink, sir?

>> No.10708332

I have .007% of it but you don't see me bragging.

>> No.10708473

pretty good desu :)

beer, too many to pick a favorite

why not?

>> No.10708641

Buy a Trezor T. The steps are in he box upon arrival. You’ll see a drop down and go to ethereum then it’ll direct you to MEW (wallet but you’re accessing it via trezor so click TREZOR) Then your public wallet addresses will pop up. Click export wallet. After this you want to find your eth public address and send your LINK to that address from Binance. You’re LINK tokens will show up on the right side under “token balances” you’ll have to click “show all tokens” and then scroll down and click LINK(chainlink). Hope this helps ya out. I didn’t know what I was doing either at first. When sending tokens back to binance there’s a little drop down arrow where you paste the send to address and click LINK. Good luck.

>> No.10708911

So you mean to say you'd let a man fuck you in the ass for nothing in return? OH NONONONONO

>> No.10708927

What's your pre-selected musical choice for when the singularity happens?

>> No.10709264

For the last time: nothing could persuade me to do that since I cannot be coerced to do something humiliating for money.

https://youtu.be/i5m-sgtwFck how about you?

>> No.10709375
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>> No.10709496
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>OP would let a man fuck him in the ass for free

>> No.10709520

Can you confirm the rumors about how you would pay a mars bar in exchange of getting fucked in the ass?

>> No.10709614
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105k link ama.

>> No.10709680

Unironically this. We're gonna make it brah.

>> No.10709735

that 30 y.o boomer who still listens jpop

>> No.10709746


>> No.10710056

is 6ft considered e-stating? kek /biz/ goblins

>> No.10710089

How big is your cock?

>> No.10710101
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>> No.10710165

OP, posting from the gym

Very nice

Based af

6.5-7” depending on my bf %