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10707226 No.10707226 [Reply] [Original]

How likely is it that the US government forgives student loans in the near future

>> No.10707288


>> No.10707320
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Just get a well-paying job.

>> No.10707332

very likely. they won’t have a choice. the banks will collapse if they don’t bail them out again when none of these students they’re forcing into taking massive loans at 18 years old when they have no idea what they’re doing can’t pay them back.

>> No.10707334

Just let inflation run its course and outpace the interest % and drive down the value of the principle.
The Fed does that to help "pay down" their national debt, now you can enjoy the benefits of inflation too!

>> No.10707335

maiden with eyes of blue card sleeves

>> No.10707448
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forgive my DICK you fucking faggot

>> No.10707471

Just get a house

>> No.10707479

this lol

>> No.10707485

Basically not likely. Part of the reason is that it is likely that your debt is not even held by the US government, it is likely to be held by Sallie Mae, or some other of a handful of Department of Education selected creditors, at which point I am not sure that the government can forgive the debt, since they don't actually own it.

>> No.10707493

>be amerimutt
>get student loan
>suck cocks to get credit score
>get loan for fuckhuge car
>get mortage for cardboard house
>be enslaved for rest of his live
>get shot

>> No.10707513

All those things are basically true except you missed the bit where life is meaningless anyway so none of it mattered in the first place.

>> No.10707526

Hahahhaha dumb lib arts degree

>> No.10707539

Yeah I forgot the part where jews brainwash you with nihilism

>> No.10707569

Watching Sam Harris I see?
*tips fedora*

>> No.10707583


At some point in the future the US government willl most likely offer you a choice between going to debtor's prison, and working your way out of it in the salt mines.

If you're cute, you can probably find some rich sugar daddy that pays it off in exchange for becoming his cockslave for 10 years or so, but if youi're not cute enough to make the cut it's off to the mines with you ):

>> No.10707600

>be europoor
>get taxed every time you take a shit or draw breath
>literally not even allowed to start a business, be an entrepreneur, or do anything besides wageslave for the rest of your life
>can't even afford a car so assume that everyone who can must have taken out a loan

>> No.10707635

Surely even the interest on principal for a student loan would outpace inflation? Seems like you'd have to sit on it for decades, and even then it's a maybe because you've been paying interest the whole time.

>> No.10708437

here comes the kike

>> No.10708481

Not, just take out another loan, get an education with demand abroad and work there, ignore the government for the rest of your life, fuck them. ALl they do is spend your money on drones killing civilians.

>> No.10708522
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You're fugged 3 ways op; should have listened to Uncle Sam Hyde. Sallie Mae has it's fingers in banking intuitions throughout the world. Unless you flee to a another country you'll have to dodge dept collectors your entire life.

>> No.10708573


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>> No.10708646

How much do you have?

I just want to know so I can laugh at you.

The answer to your question is: never. How else will they keep you a wage cuck/slave?

>> No.10709310
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If the government forgives your debt then we're all fucked. Why would you bring the whole ship down with you? fag

>> No.10709316

fucking kek. your life is over, zoomer. they'll never let you default on that shit

>> No.10710477

If anything they'll forgive federal student loans, highly doubt all of them

>> No.10710532

That's what I'm talking about

>> No.10710757
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I'll give you 10 percent because Republicans will bitch the taxpayer has to bail out all the loans. What is more likely is price controls on college and I hate to control the market but we may need price controls on college because the profit margins are so high on education it's breaking our youth. So glad I didn't fall for the college meme.

>> No.10710792
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>> No.10710809


>> No.10710819

go away bernie boy

>> No.10710840

A bailout does not mean.that the students wont have to pay back their debt

>> No.10710916


Why force the government to step in when the students should be handling it themselves? The administrators have to be over the moon whenever they see their students preaching to the choir about Trump or some irrelevant social issue while they rob them blind more and more each year.