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File: 6 KB, 176x286, E59C9533-BA8D-458A-A5B1-3891523B42DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10701131 No.10701131 [Reply] [Original]

Jed is manipulating the price with his BTC bags. Massive dump incoming


>> No.10701261

lumentards btfo

>> No.10701341

This shit going to crash worse than Apollo 1

>> No.10701358


god, yeah, glad i didn't buy into any of this shit; all the pumps are super manipulated

>> No.10701374

weak fud

>> No.10701589

How is this weak? Jed controls 94% of XLM and is a confirmed price manipulator and scammer. These are court documents retard

>> No.10701800

Just met up with Jed, he is going to dump his XRP and pump XLM.
He says XRP is a scam.
>And no I didn't have sex with his asian ex

>> No.10701822

Ok if he says that he’ll do the opposite as usual

Also he already sells all the XRP he is permitted by law to sell.

>> No.10702193

so he sells btc to buy more xlm? i don't see the problem in this

>> No.10702206

the guy with the twitter also has XRP as his bio and cover pic LOL

>> No.10702240
File: 283 KB, 750x680, 652CCD78-887C-4241-96AB-FFEB5EBC1EFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this douchebag!

>> No.10702264

>xrp fanboi spreading FUD about XLM on twitter
I guess you guys really have no other options left huh

>> No.10702265

Aaaaand it’s dumping, u were right OP

>> No.10702284

XRP fags are so desperate lmao. XLM didn't even pump. The only thing it did was not dump as hard as everything else.

>> No.10702301


and the other guys name is XRP_Romania

oh my sides...

>> No.10702390

It’s almost like XRP investors have jobs and lives

>> No.10702394

watching xlm and xrp bagholders fight is like watching the special olympics

>> No.10702434

Don’t be mad because you’re bagholding coins that no bank would use. XRP marines.

>> No.10702448

Cripple fags so mad

>> No.10703337
File: 502 KB, 666x2666, INITIATE_SEQ_1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$10 EOY

>> No.10703385

If XLM gets to $10 then XRP will be $100

>> No.10703411
File: 31 KB, 470x470, 1530583392479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hodling both

>> No.10704302

Blockbarrister looks like he got buff to protect his mom from his stepdad , when all his stepdad was trying to do is help them get their finances together and stop spending money on useless shit at the mall. He only raised his voice but he considers it abuse.

Jed's Mt Gox wallet has already been identified. There's no activity on it.
Look don't be mad at Blockbarrister. His biological dad was the only person from a white middle class family not to graduate high school. He liked outdoor-ing in the 70s/80s.
Blockbarrister has cousins that graduated from college and grad school and make 6 figures a year.
Any idiot can look into how many XRP Jed is owed. And how much is available to him now. But Blockbarrister can't because he tried opening his own marketing consulting company out of high school. He likes Ripple because he thinks they'll pay him the most $$$ to be an influencer.

>> No.10704333


Apollo 1 didn't launch you fuckin retard. it caught fire in a ground simulation.

>> No.10704348
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>XRP revolution

lol I feel bad for cripples

>> No.10704362

And everyone died yes I’m aware

>> No.10704563
File: 1.97 MB, 4032x3024, 28B4D939-7F9F-4B8A-9004-DC2F10D12270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s what’s coming for XLM


>> No.10704910

ass blasted cripplefags whinging about stellar is just sad

>> No.10704951


Lol. Pump incoming. This is just the bottom of the saddest garbage fud possible. Thanks.

>> No.10704958

Hey it's the nigger bitcoin donation shuttle!!!! lmfao yea buy stellar, fucking idiots.

>> No.10704977


The ratio is approaching 1:1

>> No.10705019

>sells XRP in 2014
>this is somehow relevant for XLM

how desperate can cripplefags get

>> No.10705032

A snake never changes his bite

>> No.10705065
File: 301 KB, 1437x908, 1532206540420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no, is the foundation going to dump all 5% of their market share?

I am horrified someone hold me

>> No.10705086


>> No.10705093

Jed controls at least 94% of XLM unescrowed

Don’t say you weren’t warned

>> No.10705099
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you cripple fags are pretty funny I give you that

>> No.10705209

i bet he uses the sdf to manipulate the price too, all while keeping a non profit status, which is only a front, hiding what is really happening

>> No.10706316

Yes lawsuit against SDF for violating non profit tax law incoming

>> No.10706688

Fucking hell when did XLM fud turn into a stand-up comedy routine. You retards are good for a laugh, I give you that.

>> No.10706840

Only thing funny is you sending your money to an sjw who will dump it on 3rd worlders

>> No.10706989

PSA bump

>> No.10707177

this is like watching a john oliver standup except that instead of TRUMP you yell FUD

>> No.10707216
File: 39 KB, 620x400, xlmmoonmission.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow replying to a cripple fud thread lol