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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10701075 No.10701075 [Reply] [Original]

You are running late wagie! Put in that extra effort for Mr Shekelbergs money now!

>> No.10701087

based & redpilled

>> No.10701089

Oh no! Your shirts wrinkled! You better iron it less you want the disdain of your coworkers! Remember! Dress for the position you want!

>> No.10701097

I never iron my shirts, fuck that noise

>> No.10701106

Must be a sad existence being a poor NEET. OP can't even afford dental care and has already lost all of his teeth.

>> No.10701107
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>Let's circle back to that item later, it seems out of scope
>I added Ganesh's team to the weekly meeting, I'm hoping to leverage some synergy between groups if we focus on our core competencies
>We can touch base during tomorrow's standup, give you some time to get the lay of the land
>I want to highlite our value add and show that this is a win-win
>I'm feeling out of the loop here, when was the last time Frank ran the numbers?
>Rupesh is going to do a deep dive into the data and perform a drill down into our key customer segments
>This initiative is really going to move the needle on our top KPIs
>We can already make this a game changer by taking care of some low hanging fruit
>Let's take that offline, ping me when you know you'll be available
>We're not trying to boil the ocean here, our north star hasn't changed

>> No.10701115
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>Just walk in and give the CEO a firm handshake when he visit your local branch

>> No.10701116


I love my job fagget. 38 hours a week at 5800 EUR after tax. Saved up enough to retire in some bumfuck SEA country, keep working because more money is nice. Have one years salary in Crypto. Comfy bruh. NEETs will NEVER get to this level of comfyness.

>> No.10701141
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u aight white boi?

>> No.10701542

>Rupesh is going to do a deep dive
May I just poo in the loo?

>> No.10702010

FUCK YOU fucking NEET.

Yes, I have to get up each morning at 7 AM, but when we are older, you will rot in your one-room flat and I will be able to go on holiday.

Good luck with depression!

>> No.10702286

I also love my job. I get to build guns.

>> No.10702314


Fuck yeah man, way cooler than my job even. These NEETs honestly don't know what they are missing out on. Sure, work sucks if all you're good for is minimum wage because you made stupid decisions early in life and have no employable or relevant skills. LIKE BUILDING GUNS.

>> No.10702962
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jokes on you, work isn't for another 15 hours for me my dude

>> No.10703048
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Same here. My job is easy as fuck and I work for Greeks who refuse to employ any niggers. Its pretty comfy.

>> No.10703075

I make 100k and am actually doing something with my life, you scum are the lowest of the low and literally welfare niggers

>> No.10703093

Welcome to /biz/ - Business & Finance: This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

>> No.10703133

Wagie taunting is a time-honored /biz/ tradition.

How else do you think we get motivated enough to research/gamble on investments?

>> No.10703152


>posts on /r9k/ about how he's ready to fellate a shotgun due to being lonely and bored and spending all day wallowing in his own filth

>> No.10703159


>last 3 months

>> No.10703175

That's several crashes, in crypto time.

>> No.10703179

taunting wage cucks was probably more of a 2017 /biz/ thing than 2018. when bitcoin was actually worth a lot more and some lucky NEETs were literally getting rich

>> No.10703214
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You absolute fiend...

>> No.10703278

These threads are my lodestar—I always feel better about my life when I see how hard NEETs need to work to try and convince themselves they are happy.

>> No.10703296
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>> No.10703304

>These threads are my lodestar—I always feel better about my life when I see how hard NEETs need to work to try and convince themselves they are happy.
How can you be happy giving 9-5:30 (usually you have to take a 30 minute lunch break and it's unpaid) to your (((employer))). Plus unpaid commute time. Unpaid morning work preparation. And doing this five times a day. Until you are 65+.

>> No.10703312

five days a week*

>> No.10703351
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>yep son, do this is the website they post your old man’s face on
Wow, you’re cool dad!
>yep, just don’t go posting on here while your old man is st work, okay? Especially don’t post that frog you love so much

>> No.10703392

When I open my bank account and see another 1.5k for the week has been added which then immediately gets reinvested usually helps

>> No.10703406

nice try smug frog but I ((((work)))) (I repeat ((((work)))) ) in Academia, kek

>> No.10703462

No one sensible is happy about that unless they truly love their job (doubt it)

if you are sensible you acknowledge that you need to wageslave before you can escape it; without money you have no way to propel yourself forwards without insane luck

I may wageslave today, but on my current trajectory I won't have to within the next 5-10 years. No NEET can say the same. You may be ok for now, but how is your life going to look in your 30s and beyond? You will hate yourself for wasting your only life

>> No.10703483

You are our Kubrick.

>> No.10703504
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>we're not trying to boil the ocean here

>> No.10703556

For starters I don't have a 9-5. Sounds terrible. I get to work sometime between 7 AM and 8:30, depending on what time I wake up. I'm home between 1 PM and 4 PM depending on when I leave. I get paid 55 cents a mile since my home is my office. I love what I do, and being able to put the majority of my paycheck away to the future helps. I'd rather put in the work now so I can NEET in the future. I'm ok with delayed gratification.

>> No.10703594

Wagecucks seething. Your money will never buy your youth back

>> No.10703622

I don't need it to. I had my fun in college. If your definition of "youth" is the standard NEET image of sitting in a basement playing vidya all day I'm perfectly fine missing out on that. I would rather be old and have money to travel.

If you'd rather spend your youth accomplishing very little, more power to you.

>> No.10703681

>I had fun for 4 years in bigboi daycare maybe in 30 years I'll be able to travel.

Lol wageslave logic.

>> No.10703732

You know these threads are a massive cope for NEETs that get only satisfaction by pulling others down to their level. Like wtf who on earth wants to sit at home playing vidya all day. Shit gets boring when you finish all the games.

>Was a "NEET" during college. I never went into classes, just made it to exams. I never understood the reason to be in seminars if you can just go do the exam by studying the shit at home. Since i never required a lot of studying then i had shitloads of free time. For 3 straight years at "me mommies" place i played vidya all day. Shit got rly fcking boring.

Ofc wagecucking sucks balls but thats why i do it 3x per week. 2x per week i do my hobby which brings me extra income. 2x per week i rest. Sometimes i rest 4x per week.

So in the end i will have friends, a career, a hobby possibly my own business and a partner in life. You NEETs will neck yourselves when welfare is removed and mommy kicks y out.

>> No.10703734

Why would I wait 30 years? My preference is wagecucking to maintain a higher standard of living in early retirement. I realize you disagree, just unsure why you're upset by it.

>> No.10703754

I'm 25; not wasting the last 4 years in my underwear means my life is actually enjoyable - if I had "enjoy your youth"-memed myself I would be a depressed loser like half this board

You can't escape the fact that you need money. Waste too many years of your life as a NEET and your life is fucking doomed.

>> No.10703779

these threads are never going to stop because wagecucks keep getting baited by them

every morning, like clockwork

>> No.10703802

What if you're a poor wagie like me?
Dental care is horrendously expensive in my welfare state shithole. So much that people from my country go to Eastern Europe for dental tourism.

>> No.10703803

Im not baited retard. Im just stating a fact that whenever i see threads like these, the inner me laughs at losers who advocated NEET-ism.

Like literally the NEETs are probably fat fucks with man titties, hairy, smelly and ugly. Im happy im not like them :)

Also the fact that when you tell a normie person you are a NEET, even the normies will look at you with the disgusting "loser" face. Lol you get rekt from superhuman aryans class like /biz and normies. Quite a fun life indeed haha!