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10698239 No.10698239[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i'm 19 and i have a job at a fast food joint but is there any hope? what can i do to make this kinda money fast

>> No.10698246
File: 474 KB, 196x181, thats-a-penis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does he have a sister though? Maybe a hot older sister?

>> No.10698267

dont worry when the socialists take over in a bloody coup HRT will be free

>> No.10698280

>never gonna make it

>> No.10698281

Don't know, but post pics if you manage to do it

>> No.10698340

>hrt will be free

HRT isn't even half the battle, i need surgeries

>> No.10698397

Welp. Better get on hormones soon, you still have time, hips don't fuse until mid-20s.

>> No.10698492

why do so many guys want to be girls now?

>> No.10698511

Because we live in a matriarchy and women are treated better.

>> No.10698518


>> No.10698529
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>> No.10698532

you're literally just a bitch who's not man enough to be live as a guy
you can kys now or wait till you're 30 and you start looking like a man again before doing so

>> No.10698557

>you can kys now or wait till you're 30 and you start looking like a man again before doing so
I was friends with a tranny once out of circumstance and he made me realize this is the inevitable fate for most of them

>> No.10698571


>tfw all these freaks/traps seem to have bigger cocks than me

Feels pretty bad man.

>> No.10698592

why would i kill myself lol

>> No.10698599

lmao yes because being a man is so hard

>> No.10698641

That's definitely not true if they started hormones before puberty, there's no reason they'd look like a man if they beat testosterone to the punch.

>> No.10698696

i think you'll need between 50k-100K

go for it, it's your dream man, I support you

>> No.10698742

thanks bro

>> No.10698762

tight rope around the neck is the best surgery currently available for satanic degens like you

>> No.10698770

Don't be so sexist. It will be mandatory.

>> No.10698797
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Its pretty hard when you're dressed as a balding sissy trans cancer patient with a JUST face.

>> No.10698803

Show us your boipussy

>> No.10699479
File: 66 KB, 700x928, big penis trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10699515

im not a satanist

>> No.10699528

Because life is a game and they want to play on easy mode

>> No.10699565


>> No.10699571

woah! wow!

>> No.10699596

No way that's real!

>> No.10699632
File: 132 KB, 567x850, huge penis trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

betta beleve it

>> No.10699663

Literally mentally ill faggots.

>> No.10699676
File: 59 KB, 624x472, 5510C974-AA2A-4624-B284-C6CD98AF982F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if, just hear me out, what if you stopped eating shitty food and stopped watching porn, and started swimming laps every other day, focusing on learning a trade and getting into a real career? If you lose the urge to be a faggot you don’t tear yourself up over failing to be a big enough one, and if you don’t lose the urge to be a faggot you’re already halfway there cause of the weight loss from swimming and the money from the job. It’s the best course of action no matter what.

>protip: you can’t refute this

>permanently and irreparably poisoning yourself
>parents allowing (encouraging) their children to do so before puberty

>> No.10699750

Its easier to pretend to be a woman than to put the work in to fix oneself

>> No.10699854

If you are actually asking and this isn't a troll thread, just get any decent office job with healthcare.

My job pays for HRT, electrolysis, and even FFS and SRS are covered.

>Source: I'm a six-figure earning tranny, but even my shitty old IT job covered HRT and all that.

Also, ignore all the 'man-ish at 30' memesters in here, they're just looking for new ways to phrase 'I'm a pedo'

>> No.10699871

>part of me wanted to do this
>sudden hair loss so I now have a massively receded hairline
>considering going on fin but it's already too late
>will never get to be a tranny
I legit want to kill myself.

>> No.10699881


Doesn't estrogen help your hair grow?

>> No.10699891

Does it?

I don't think it can recover dead hair follicles, I waited too long to get the doctor to prescribe me fin, I don't think it can grow them back.

>> No.10699914

It can help prevent hair loss, I don't believe it will bring any back.

Hey good luck girl, we're all gonna make it

>> No.10699930
File: 143 KB, 849x1200, 1514541943392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just going to stay a man, I don't want to look like a balding tranny.

I'm just too late, I was too indecisive. Maybe next life.

>> No.10699937

Wergern/Hijra/followers of Cybele/Köçek/Guevedoces/Muxe/Guerewol/Bakla/Feminelli/Calabai/Fakaleiti/Two-Spirit/Kathoey/Khanith/Koekchuch/Mukhannathun/Maknyah/Takatāpui/Traversi

Trans people have always existed, there just hadn't been any space for them in the US/UK until recently.

In Neapolitan Italy it's considered good luck for a trans woman to hold your baby, I'm not even kidding.

>> No.10699964

I thought the same about being 6'3", at least in my case I can now clearly see that was an excuse to keep from starting. I'm not saying it's the same with you, but I guarantee the feeling of being in your real timeline will overpower any current appearance concerns.

>> No.10699972

are you that dev from Cardano?

>> No.10699977

How old are you if you don't mind answering?

>> No.10699983

I don't know what that is desu

Some memecoin?

>> No.10699988
File: 178 KB, 931x767, 1530345527833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just really don't want to end up like any of these people, especially the one second from the bottom on the left.

>> No.10699985

I want to take my penis and put it inside of her vagina, and then move it in and out in a pumping motion if you catch my drift

>> No.10700001

Arbi shit from clist free to fb market

>> No.10700014

Strap on

>> No.10700017


>> No.10700034

tha fuck are you doing on /biz/ ?

>> No.10700036

26, 27 in like two weeks
Started HRT proper at like 24, which is way too old by 4chan's standards but then you start and realize that's just because 4chan doesn't want to fetishise anyone over 18

Straight-up: I feel you.
However, the honest truth is there's always going to be people who put 0 effort into their appearence.

I'm gonna be mean for a second - Bottom left is fat and oily and looks like they were birthed straight from Tumblr, that's true regardless of their gender presentation. Not a single person on that left side is wearing any makeup or any clothes that you wouldn't expect at a lan party. You are looking at a bunch of dorks just like you would see at a Harry Potter Meetup or some shit, just a bunch of dorks who happen to be trans.

But further more, the real 'tea' is that these people aren't any uglier than they were before. It's just that now it feels important for them not to be ugly. Nothing has actually changed but expectations.
Side note: fucking lol at the guys calling our society a matriarchy, how much of a fucking beta do you have to be to actually believe that?

>> No.10700053

Basically whenever something like HMNY is being shilled to death here, I know the stock is about to tank.

Seriously, it's actually pretty reliable, this place is clearly a large target for FUD.

I don't touch coins tho.

>> No.10700067

I'd rather do a lot of TRT tbqh

>> No.10700078

I just... don't know if I'm really a trans person or just a lonely guy. I don't think I'll ever be able to know.

>> No.10700092

just do a shit load of TRT and lift weights and start murdering from your aggression

>> No.10700113

Trans boy?

Hey, Salut!

Hey, this exact thing killed me forever, wanna know the trick?
Stop thinking of it as 'I am this or that' (Since it's all nebulous, culture-based definitions), instead think of it this way: do I want to get cuter? Do I accept that HRT is the most viable path to that?
You'll never get anywhere trying to define yourself as a circle or square, instead just think of tangible actions and whether they would be improvements to how you view yourself.

>> No.10700122

Now I just need to figure out how to afford it as a NEET in Canada (my province doesn't cover it).

>> No.10700125

if the rest of trannies are like you i want to be nowhere near a freak like you

>> No.10700147

no Im just a dude that wants more test

>> No.10700193

How do I long Zyklon B?

>> No.10700203
File: 28 KB, 326x171, main-qimg-7054bd4f1845fa358cb19feba0eae489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That bites, but check it
Ontario: Ontario Drug Benefit Program will help pay
BC: Fair PharmaCare

And even out of pocket isn't so bad.

Sorry, the NEET thing is gonna have to go tho, we all gotta make our way in the world.

Ahahaha, oh nooooo what will I doooo and here I thought we were friends anon

>> No.10700209

>i'm 19
already too old to be feminine.

>> No.10700218

I mean... Can't you just hit up the local juicehead at your gym? America is flooded with cheap Chinese Shark Test

>> No.10700251

you were never my friend and you will never be my friend

>> No.10700254

I'm a NEET, Vancouver is an impossible market to advance in, my parents are religious conservatives who would never let me get it.

I'm just so fucking depressed.

>> No.10700262

Start lifting weights instead.

>> No.10700290

You were born a winner Anon
Die as that

>> No.10700308

Yeah try weightlifting first if you havent already

>> No.10700312

No girl would ever like a balding guy though...

Ok I'll try the weights.

>> No.10700317

Why not just get /fit/?

>> No.10700325

This is such a stupid meme, I have plenty of 100% passing friends who started at 25+

Dawg, are you retarded? No shit we aren't friends, you're an anonymous on 4chan, one who apparently can't tell when they are being made fun of. Go run your galaxybrain on trying to figure out who keeps stealing the sun at night.

The job is key. It's what gets you independence.
I don't know Vancouver so I can't give specific advice, but I can say for my first job I sent literally over 600 applications over the course of a year. Get someone to review your resume. Go to your local LGBT center and check the job postings.

Mate, yer being catty on 4CHAN,

This is such a weird meme to me, why on Earth would getting swole cure dysphoria? I actually did this before HRT cuz I was so desperate, became one of those Planet Fitness every day types, guess what: I was just miserable and ripped.

Getting /fit/ is what you do when you lose a girlfriend, it's not a cure-all for all of life's problems.

>> No.10700343
File: 122 KB, 344x505, le gut face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its honestly fucking scary how often anime and depression seems to make trap/tranny wannabes, pretty sure you've just given up on being male for some reason and think this will make you happy when it doesn't for almost all of them (just ask)
when did it become a popular thing to think "man my life sucks but it'd be so much better if i put myself into a group even more isolated and depressed than autistic NEETs except with no chance of returning to normal"

>> No.10700354

>Getting /fit/ is what you do when you lose a girlfriend, it's not a cure-all for all of life's problems.
It helped me so I assume it can help others. Might not be right for everyone but it isn't a one way road

>> No.10700370

Does... Does that sentence sound logical to you?

'all these people are making they're lives harder cuz it makes their lives easier!'

'given up on being male' being male is the easiest shit on earth, you can fail upwards infinitely.

>> No.10700374

Also, didn't have gender dysphoria either, just general depression from the standard day-in day-out monotony with nothing better in sight

>> No.10700429

i don't understand the first half of your post (which sentence?) but yeah all these guys are really "failing upwards" by being NEET and doing nothing except falling behind in their lives while wishing for death because they have no hope of ever fulfilling their base male desires

>> No.10700435

You will make it, anon.

>> No.10700440

Seriously though what do I do about the balding? Should I just cut it all off even if my head is skinny?

>> No.10700461

Yeah just get rid of it; bald always looks better than balding. It'll look even better once you start gaining mass as well

>> No.10700473

Oh you mean betas. Well yeah duh, even a dog is bettrr than a beta.

But like normal human males? Please, they just have to show up to get promoted.

I can't claim it's my particular reason of expertise, but I mean guys have been wearing toupees for centuries right? Sorry, it deffo sucks but it's not a new problem either.

Also, look up RT1640
Anyhoo, it's late here in NYC, so I'm out. Keep on keeping lady.

>> No.10700478

People like being the victim, anon. It is a position of power in this day and age; unintuitive as it is.

>> No.10700488

Truly spoken as by someone who's clearly never been a victim of anything real.

Point out some trans congresswomen and I'll take you seriously.

>> No.10700489

I think I'll give fin a shot for a bit, if it doesn't work out I'll shave it off.

Any tips on starting with weights?

>> No.10700519

The victim is just and vindicated, a priori. There's no wonder why it's such a desired and venerated social status (symbol).

>> No.10700550

read the /fit/ sticky

>> No.10700622

no anon, those are omegas. betas ARE normal human males by definition, unless you're retarded enough to think the average man is "alpha"
>they just have to show up to get promoted
do you live in real life or in feminist blogworld? this would be true if you lived in china or india but i know plenty of women who work in STEM who openly acknowledge that they have a large advantage in hiring/promotions because all these companies are DESPERATE to have more women, especially in management positions.
it's almost like the public perception that these industries are sexist hellholes and that men don't actually earn their positions isn't advantageous at all to the men working in them.

if you're happy being trans that's cool and i'm honestly happy for you but please don't drink the victim cult koolaid.

>> No.10700653

Love the bulge. Sexy as hell. Got to love dames with dicks.

>> No.10700918

id fuck all those bitches

>> No.10701090

jesus christ i hope all you mentally ill crossdressing faggots are just larping... for your own sakes. may God have mercy on your poor souls. how sick do you have to be in the head to play pretend youre a woman when everyone can tell youre just a dude wearing womens clothes