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10699398 No.10699398 [Reply] [Original]

how does one not fall for the alcohol jew, cocaine jew, cancer stick jew and gambling jew?

im a mental case. i dont know no moderation, its either all or nothing. so i have to quit all these kike habits.

i have zero hobbies tho. recommend me some? i started lifting but thats only 1 hour a day. anime? games?

>> No.10699422

As cringe as it sounds I make beats, drum and bass all kinds of stuff on fl studio. It's pretty fun give it a try

>> No.10699445
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what about this thing? my friend bought it recently to make beats

>> No.10699465

there is no way out, we are HOOKED

>> No.10699474

join a synagogue

>> No.10699475

Can I long it? Can I short it? What does it go for? Annual revenue? Profit margin?

What's that? This isn't binance or finance?

Oh, well then fuck off to /adv/ or /r9k/ or something.

>> No.10699481

pls no. it gets worse by the week. less euphoria, more depression. this shit will kill me sooner or later

>> No.10699483

get off the 4chan jew, maybe your time away from here will help reverse some of the brain rot you picked up from pol

>> No.10699494

>gambling jew

>> No.10699496

>worthless link thread died for my thread
nothing was lost my nigger

>> No.10699507
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Drugs are quite literally easy to avoid if you have seen your family get destroyed by them. I assume other people with normal families aren't as prone to addiction.

t. 25 y.o alcohol virgin from a family of alcoholics

>> No.10699538

yes and no. when I was around 16yo my dad was sleeping on the lounge in my room every night passed out drunk and would wake up at 2am and piss in the corner behind my TV. I don't drink alcohol but I smoke a lot of weed.

>> No.10699554

Look up borderline personality disorder, I'm also like that
I stopped alcohol because I'm 25 and don't want to look like shit when I'm 30 (trust me you will if you drink every week in your 20s)
Cocaine: wtf you fucking degenerate, just don't use drugs
Cigarette: if you have religion, promise to God you will stop and you will end up managing to stop it. Otherwise, find some other really strong source of resolve
Gambling: I have lost absurd amounts of money trading options impulsively, it only stopped once I developed a clear and well defined strategy for when to buy and when to sell a stock, which I have been using ever since. Just don't do any investing spontaneously, have a plan
Otherwise, if you are feeling in an impulsive moment, try going for a walk or listening to some music, it helps a ton.

>> No.10699595

ty anon

>> No.10699648

>Drinking Kike Juice (alcohol) instead of slaughtering kikes in the street


>> No.10699649

Decide not to. Weak bitch.

>> No.10699733

thanks for bumbing my thread

>> No.10699742

Heroes of the Storm is a good one. I’ve played almost 1000 games as Valla and there are around 30 other unique characters to choose from. Very addictive excellent real time strategy game. Quick match games are about 20 minutes long and it flies by
When I don’t want to drink booze or dive into a k hole I make a huge pot of coffee and play. Does not work well with downers/weed etc...you will get rekt

>> No.10699749

Fell for none of those. The sex jew is a problem.

>> No.10699768

>don't use drugs
confirmed nocoiner who has literally never traded in his pathetic life other than exchanging his unopened chocolate dunkaroos for half of my crackers with cheese spread

>> No.10699775

is it like runescape sir? i liked that one when i was a kid

>> No.10699822

What worked for me
> alcohol jew
Cut out interactions that force you to interact with actual human beings for more than minutes.
> cocaine jew
Was never on it, did it once, felt like 1000 coffees
> cancer stick jew
Find someone who tells you you'll never quit
> gambling jew
Oh sorry no, he has absolute control. But seriously studying and perfecting a gambling system is something very cool and challenging IMO, put some monies down for gamblan and the rest hide it as far away as possible from yourself.

I know for some people it's helpful to make some chart updating how much they're saving after dropping vices.

>> No.10699835

Its cool for tapping and getting rhythm for drums and kicks, but realistically audio editing software is a must. Now a days people make hits from a laptop because most plug ins are digitized.That tool is used for real time quick looping of sounds, a beat making instrument if you will.

>> No.10699847

i drank bottles a day
smoked all the weed
gambled a lot
dabbled in stimulants

you stimulate yourself too often too much, and you realize you need to reset yourself

after you go through many resets, you realize you don't need to do any of it as much as you did

after many resets after that, you realize you burnt out your senses and you need to stop to feel anything normal

take care op

>> No.10699987

thanks anon

>> No.10699993

>Cut out interactions that force you to interact with actual human beings for more than minutes.
kek. feel like i unironically have to do this

>> No.10700377

first and last pamp

>> No.10700533
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>im a mental case, I dont know no moderation, its either all or nothing
Not a single apostrophe in there, holy shit
It's good that you're an upstanding Aryan citizen willing to expose the lies of the Jews, totally not seeming like you're just projecting your failures and weaknesses onto an other; we need more people like you

>> No.10700638

> shlomo rosenberg
into the oven

>> No.10700650

>get off the 4chan jew
Worst advice. 4chan is a nice place full of lovely people. We love you. WE never want to see you hurt or in pain.

>> No.10701318

How does one reset the sense program optimally? Here's my situation. I've smoked all the weed, and read all the chans, the twitters, the feed. I'm at at point now in which I have trouble hearing myself think, and tuck myself in at night with Joe Rogan playing out of one earbud. My imagination is shit, I don't produce enough seratonin, and I seemingly am down to the last drop on that childlike wonder approach to the world. 4 years of being on my own in this world living in SF, participating in the ruckus of SOMAtics. Sergey and Steve are gonna enable us to reset our senses and return to a wise senpai sensei trait state.

>> No.10701559

You said you started lifting ?
Set yourself a goal of benching 140kg and squatting 200kg. That's not too hard but still quite challenging.
If you are really dedicated to achieve this, you will cut out the drugs simply because they make this much harder.

>> No.10701617

Stop blaming the jews for your problems first of all, and seek help for your addiction

>> No.10701629
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>> No.10701666

I take opiates once a month for 2,5 years now

I should stop it because I now I'm playing with fire here, but it's hard to stop when there are no downsides to it for now

>> No.10701721

i smoked opium with my dad
i was curious to see how badly it fucked up his life
but then again he was addicted to many things

im i truly fucked?

>> No.10702385

Fren before you get depressed, start taking CBD oil drops. It is a gamechanger,cures various physical and mental diseases.
I would advise taking on a sport in a group rather than/complimenting lifting. Such as martial arts(I do thai box), crossfit. Working together and making friends is the best.
Also photography is a nice hobby for me.

>> No.10702408

First reset yyourself by trying shrooms. Then CBD oil and 5htp will put you on a good path, workout in a group find a nice hobby requiring manual labor and you are back living like a decent human.