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10698844 No.10698844 [Reply] [Original]

>you're expected to wagecuck for minimum 40 years before retiring
How is no one rioting over this bullshit?

>> No.10698868

I’m 30 and boycotted the rat race. I live off passive income. Idk how the fuck people do it desu. I can’t imagine someone else controlling my life.

>> No.10698873

because normies literally go insane without some sort of role in a group activity

>> No.10698905

>implying retirement age won't keep going up and up as life expectancy increases
you can thank the jews for this

>> No.10698909

It's just like life bro

>> No.10698931

>>you're expected to wagecuck for minimum 40 years before retiring
Says who?

>> No.10698985

anyone without rich parents or generally luck

luckily my adsense ad revenue is enough to not wagecuck + live with parents

1 btc will be millions in 10 years so im set

i defeated the rat race and waggies hate me for that

>> No.10699007

Most people are lemmings who can’t think for themselves. They’re content with medicocrity. So be it. Just focus on yourself.

>> No.10699017

health insurance, a career that matches my hobbies, company-paid travel, stock options, bonuses, etc.

>> No.10699031
File: 138 KB, 1200x800, 00-01y-occupy-wall-street-19-10-11-los-angeles-ca-usa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How is no one rioting over this bullshit?

they are you're just not paying attention

>> No.10699042

Save half your income and you don't need to work that long

>> No.10699043


>hobby is being a dumb bitch incapable of advancement or self direction

yep, seems like wagecucking is right for me

>> No.10699089

I've been in the workforce fulltime for not even four years and I'm already over it. Fuck this.
Good job, Senpai

People stay at my employer 30+ years... in a dungeon with no windows in the middle of the ghetto for 40 hours a week. I don't fucking get it. If I'm still here by the time I'm 30 I might just anon hero.

>> No.10699147

Being self-employed is a different story. Only the people who are a burden are hated.

>> No.10699160

This. also antifa-fags and right wingtards fit in this catagory. Anyone in the streets (mostly young people who havent invested too much time in the rat race yet) fighting each other over memes is basically not ready to grow up and get a job.

>> No.10699173

Ever heard of passive income?

>> No.10699177

This is the world that Capitalists want and the world that Socialists don't

>> No.10699181

What do you do now

>> No.10699186

so the only real bad thing about socialism is technological stagnation and potential infestation by minorities right?

if i'm just living in a nice cozy country town I should have no problems, especially if I get enough UBI to cover my needs

>> No.10699201

Nothing wrong with minorities
t. yte man with a brown girlfriend
Also RIPQNN and green ID confirms

>> No.10699212

>adsense ad revenue

>> No.10699239

Are you me?

>> No.10699246

I look forward to seeing you working at McDonalds in 10 years redditfag

>> No.10699254

How to make passive income?

>> No.10699259

Nice, I hope to be in your position by 40.

>> No.10699265

Did you know its not illegal to just leave?

>> No.10699269

Determine your annual cost of living, multiply by 25, and have that value in an average-performing stock portfolio.

>> No.10699285

People like >>10699201 will ensure you cozy country town will turn into a ghetto every single time.

>> No.10699295

You can live in the gutter OP. You don't have to work for Mr. Shekelstien. If you have no desires, you don't need money for a nice car or house or travel.

>> No.10699322

are you me
>work at a coporation with 60 year old mushrooms
>no windows on my floor
>building in newark nj (very poor ghetto)
>counting the seconds until i can be free (hopefully 6 months)
>just yesterday I said if I do this til I'm 30 ill blow my brains out

>> No.10699355

If you want to live lean and invest responsibly it can be done in 20 years.

But most want nice things, vacations, a house, kids, and to maintain a comfy lifestyle post retirement.

>> No.10699368


>> No.10699946
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Racemixing is good for the economy

>> No.10700587
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>> No.10700679

>tfw boomer parents are wasting MY inheritance away on vacations and shiny cars

>> No.10700706

I'd wager you're not some sort of romantic hero that likes to go outside

>> No.10700752

it's literally computer programming where a good chunk of the time I can learn more computer programming languages while getting paid to sit in an air conditioned building with free coffee.

>> No.10700776

This is why I'm forcing myself to learn another language. I already translate Spanish online from home and it's pretty easy but it doesn't pay the best because there's so many other bilingual spics out there to do this work. So now I'm doing japanese JLPT N2 or hopefully N1 within a year or two. Anons I highly recommend going on upwork or a similar site and transcribing or translating. Fuck wagekeking at least by learning languages you are bettering yourself.

>> No.10701000
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>> No.10701019

this is a terrible long-term strategy for earning (non-shit translation bots very soon) but learning languages is always good for job opportunities

>> No.10701024

Those are just communists. You work harder for less and if you complain, you get fucked over by the state in their world.

>> No.10701028

It's not though.

>> No.10701118

Where I live they calculated 13 years of retirement. You work the rest.

>> No.10701369

I mean, at some point, someone actually has to do something for society to function the way it is.
At some point you need to build houses.
At some point someone has to bake bread.
Somewhere along the line a truck or train has to make it from A to B.

The entire world cannot function on people passing fake internet money back and forth. This doesn't require a jewish fucking conspiracy, it just means the blockchain can't pick an apple off a fucking tree, you brainlet

> but muh automation
Starbucks has been automatable without a single human for ten years. They've never done it because noone fucking wants it. McDonalds has, at most, managed to reduce the number of CASHIERS it hires, but someone's gotta run drive-thru, and someone's got to MAKE THE BURGERS.

Even if you had fucking robots that made the burgers and served them to the customers, someone's job has to be designing the robots.

Eventually someone has to actually do something of value, you fucking shithead.

>> No.10702113
File: 64 KB, 658x901, 1513097518635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work in a different city in the same metro area, anon. Also yes all boomers there, only one woman in the whole company I would bang. We need to make it, anon. Just woke up for work at 5:30am hahahaha kill me.

>> No.10702139

I like how fresco has a physique of a manly man in the memes

>> No.10702223

i said this and I'm 29 now.... i want to live a happy life but it's not easy

>> No.10702377
File: 65 KB, 480x480, HoodrichPablo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

60 yr old mushrooms?
What did he mean by this

Also, i know Newark. What is a bizlet doing in nigger territory. I hope you carry a weapon fren

>> No.10702565

Ragie wagie

>> No.10702577

>99% are too big to fail
b-but they are literally failing rn lmao

>> No.10703631

Or leave it and reinvest it and get compound gains...
Oh wait, you can’t

>> No.10703733

>I mean, at some point, someone actually has to do something for society to function the way it is.
At some point you need to build houses.
At some point someone has to bake bread.
Somewhere along the line a truck or train has to make it from A to B.
Well yeah, but these jobs can be (and often even today ARE) done by self employed people who are their own boss.
You don’t have to be enslaved for years to someone you don’t even know, and get locked up in an office building doing “programming”.
Society could function just fine without wageslaving if people would start to make their own money.
Or maybe I’m just dreaming. Maybe wageslaving is the ultimate gibs, and most people are on it.

>> No.10703739

Quote got fucked up. But I guess you get my point

>> No.10703757
File: 370 KB, 1000x600, Skyking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How is no one rioting over this bullshit?
SkyKing did. In his own way.

>> No.10703777

>40 years
i've put in 15 and i'm about to retire. get better jobs

>> No.10703837

Or much less if you are an absolute madman like Fisker from Early Retirement Extreme.

I respect the dude because he more or less jujitsu'd himself out of the grasp capitalism, but I don't think I could do it as well. I'm on track to retire in my 50s which isn't mind blowing but pretty nice by burger standards.