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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10695654 No.10695654 [Reply] [Original]

the ones that are freaking out over this crash are the ones that are heavily invested in shitcoins (aka altcoins).

the peeps that are not freaking out are those that mainly investing in BTC and possibly ETH and LTC, with a little homerun exposure to some shitcoins

>> No.10695690

>alts down 90%, bitcoin 70%
Hello, please listen to my thoughts XD
If you lost 90%, you're freaking out more than someone who lost 70% :DDD so shitcoiners are the ones who are freaking out the most! XD
Ok, thx for reading...

>> No.10695718

ltc is a scam if i was holding it id be scared

>> No.10695801
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we already know this.

I just come here for the lulz at all the fudders putting in LINK-grade effort into posting as many threads on this board that they possibly can

>> No.10695821

every coin is a shitcoin

prepare for $0

>> No.10695834

Crypto is dead dude. People not freaking out are brainlettes, and delusional. Also that guy is a shitty actor and he's fat.

>> No.10695868

Bitcoin, Stellar and Monero

Comfiest holds ever and unironically the only 3/4 cryptos that will survive this purge

>> No.10695900
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>tfw you lost 90% on factom
a-at least zencash is doing o-ok

>> No.10695914

unironically this

>> No.10695961

You still can convert most of the alts you hold into BTC and XMR

This is not the bottom (especially for alts)

>> No.10695996

b-but its not like theyre shit alts
is there any hope for them? im still breaking even on zen

>> No.10696309

Eth is a dead platform walking. Why do you think alts are losing their shit?