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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10693002 No.10693002[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do republicans expect me to be a foot soldier for their wealth and power?

I make 60k year in the Midwest. I am not rich but definitely comfortable. Why should I care if Democrats want to raise taxes on people making 250k a year or corporations? Those guys don’t give a shit about me, why should I vote to protect them? Especially if the government will give their money to me. You guys complain about corporations and the rich ruining the country and then you cuck to them.

>muh job creators, we must protect them at all costs!
>trump said letting corporations have huge stock buybacks and bonuses for CEOs was good

Niall Ferguson has even shown that something like the bottom 65% of society can vote to soak the top 35% in perpetuity. The money we make from making the rich and corporations reinvest in the country could be used to repair roads, build infrastructure, and fund college for people. Surely you guys are ok with that instead of letting the ceo make another 20 million this year.

>> No.10693017
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Because taxation is theft and theft is wrong

>> No.10693030

are you retarded? what happens if you ever make it to that level? do you seriously want to be making 60k the rest of your life? where the fuck is your ambition

>> No.10693061
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Oh the delusion

>> No.10693509

brainletism that's why. 99% of the world population is absolutely brain damaged, so if most people are X group it's probably the wrong fucking ideology. alt rightards specifically don't understand that everyone is an enemy, not just muh jews and SJWs and muslims. honestly most of them just puppets for contrarianism, they don't have their own thoughts despite what pol and the_donald tells them so. this isn't about sides but more like everyone is retarded

>> No.10693637

>The money we make from making the rich and corporations reinvest in the country could be used to repair roads, build infrastructure, and fund college for people
fucking kek, where have you been for the better part of this decade? if you think the dems will redistribute that money for those purposes you're beyond help. they will unironically use it to make PoC and wymyn the CEOs and then hand the rest out to minorities. this is almost purely a race and gender thing now, it has nothing to with the actual economics anymore. if we were an all-white country i might actually consider your views. but there's an overarching notion of unfairness: a guy works his ass off to make his money and the government takes more of it away and gives via welfare or some social program to someone who hasn't earned it? will never vote for a system that allows that.

>> No.10693651

anon, there's a reason most billionaires are democrats and not republicans
what do you think democrats will use your tax money for? anything but roads and infrastructure - and college is essentially indoctrination. once you compute the hidden costs of unskilled immigration, dems are the worse proposition out of the two. especially the ultimate cost: violence, rape, death. i.e. an extra $1000 in gibs isn't worth increasing the chance your daughter gets raped by 20%
about the only reason to vote dems is if you are low income with health problems. basically, stop falling for the money meme and consider your health and the health of your kin above all, in the LONG TERM, and vote in accordance. everything else is secondary

>> No.10693660
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>> No.10693673

>Why should I care if Democrats want to raise taxes on people making 250k a year or corporations?
Do you really believe that corporations will just agree to pay more in taxes without redistributing the tax obligation to employees through lower pay, layoffs, and pajeet outsourcing? How do you 'tax the rich' retards not understand this?

>> No.10693714

nietzsche's views on christianity and how perverse it is really fucking apply to the modern left. transvaluation of values, inversion of nature. all memes aside that was a brilliant thinker for his era

>> No.10693956

the left is literally secular christianity. The caring for the poor, turning the other cheek, the rampant pacifism.. it has it all except for the family values, but thats not really a christian thing since the bible states to turn your back on your father to follow jewsus

>> No.10693987

I dont really get it. I make less than 100k a year from a business and republical politics always lowers my bill. I have my liberal friends laugh that Im falling for a scam and that my taxes arent being lowered by republicans, but each time we get a republican tax setup, my taxes are less. Kinda seems like people who have no clue what theyre talking about just regurgitate political talking points.

>> No.10693999

people are reading moldbug and 'letters to a young programmer'

>> No.10694025


>> No.10694028

because the country would be better off if we stop giving poor people gibs

>> No.10694045

checked, what the fuck is that? no im not reading it

>> No.10694048

your pathetic

>> No.10694099

sage and hide all Manchild Fagcap threads

>> No.10694104

The most basic characteristics of a communist are jealously, narcissism and a raging inferiority complex.

>> No.10694150


>> No.10694240


Literally no one has said anything about communism except you. And it’s interesting how you think increasing taxes a few percent on the rich and businesses is “communism” lol. Is all of Europe communist?

>> No.10694252

according to many Americans yes, Europe is a communist continent

>> No.10694260

>Why should I care if Democrats want to raise taxes on people making 250k a year or corporations?

Maybe you shouldn't.
In 1950's the US govt taxed the living shit out of rich people and corporations. Top income bracket was close to 90%.
Yet no one is calling Eisenhower a commie. On the contrary, /pol/tard worship 1950's as The Golden Age of America, when a factory worker was able to afford a house, 2 cars and to send his kids to college. Guess what, there is a price to pay to establish a solid middle class. Billionaires today don't want to pay that price anymore because there is no USSR anymore and thus no danger of American workers becoming communist. No wonder that they have started to dismantle the whole thing in 1980's when demise of communist ideology was apparent. No more Soviet threat = no need to maintain the middle class.

If you will suggest to raise taxes on the rich, then the branwashed conservatards who venerate 1950's will immediately call you a commie. Don't expect conservaturds to have a brain, it's too much to ask.

>> No.10694309

>caring what a bunch of backwoods yokels think

>> No.10694351

turning the other cheeck and rampant pacifism are only attributes of the left when it is a fringe/minority ideology, the moment they become the majority they drop those values.

>> No.10694372

My pathetic?
>the absolute state of inbreds

>> No.10694387

>I'm no poor just a temporarily embarrassed millionaire

>> No.10694412

mencius moldbug is one of the most important reactionary thinkers in the 20th century, fuck man.

>> No.10694435

he also identified leftism as 'secular christianity' and labeled it the cathedral, a decade ago. should be mandatory reading for anyone even considering right wing thought

>> No.10694436

>Letting the poor have the capital of the rich will somehow lead to a better society instead of just ending on new car tires.

This retarded argument surges from the fact that leftists never understood pareto optimals. They think that it doesn't matter who has the capital, the results will be the same.

It's like letting the butcher take care of growing lemons, instead of letting the guy who's a fucking expert at growing lemons. In this analogy, the expert is the guy who didn't need handouts to amass capital, obviously. That guy will create jobs and wealth, the poor will just burn that money away on useless shit.

>> No.10694438

Who cares about what you want little commie, Trump is in power now.

>> No.10694453

the rich will always find a way to find the loopholes, they aren't stupid enough to just pay taxes like a good goy. They will use all sorts of tricks to (((optimize))) their taxes

>> No.10694543

the last thread was just moved to /pol/ (where it fucking DIED with no further responses, probably because another one of your garbage threads was already the active socialist bullshit containment thread) from here:
what you're spewing is absolute fucking grade-a horseshit, and you know it. if you wanted to discuss politics and taxes and shit, you would have taken it to /pol/ in the first place; instead, you come to /biz/ to prey on the weaknesses and fears of a bunch of people who are down on their luck at the moment. fucking pathetic.
you want socialism, you want communism. you want high-as-fuck taxes to destroy the rich and middle-class left in america who don't have any ties to the government, and you want the ultra-rich state-backed corporations to exist forever no matter how poorly they meet everyone's demands, and you want it all so that the current government-business colluding parties can stay fucking rich without having to innovate or tailor their product output to the human experience, but rather to tailor the human experience to their insane and inhumane socialist ideology. WE'VE BEEN THROUGH THIS 80,000 TIMES IN THE PAST FUCKING WEEK ALONE.

>> No.10694582


Imagine being this autistic

>> No.10694622

Imagine not being this autistic and lurking on this shitty board anyways.

>> No.10694646

your analogy is pure garbage. what justification does amazon or Google or apple have for paying such little corporate tax? what do they put back into the economy, what do they contribute to society? nothing. corporate greed destroys western society you tard.
if they were taxed fairly (compared to the average citizen who has to hand over a third to half of his income) hospitals, schools, roads, public projects etc would all be properly funded and would cost you less. heck it would out more money in your product as more jobs are created.

you have no reasoning for allowing mega corps to shelter billions of taxable dollars overseas other than you are a delusional brain washed dummy for the kikes. I bet you think the banks did nothing wrong during the GFC too, fucking cuck.

>> No.10694650

based and redpilled

>> No.10694657

>want to start a business
>can't start a business because no capital
Wow, seems optimal to me.

>> No.10694658

>I'm no poor just a temporarily embarrassed millionaire
You make it seem like this mindset is a bad thing. This is literally the very basis of capitalism. Everyone should consider themselves a temporarily embarrassed millionaire.
That way you work to get yourself out of the current embarrassment. And since everyone else is working towards that goal, you have to develop skills and create opportunities that no one else or few others see.
This is what drives innovation and helps fuel the economy.

But not you; Instead you choose to whine and bitch because you clearly lack the skillset or the necessary innovative thinking to create something of value and that is why you are poor.

Instead of trying to create opportunities and get of your lazy ass and stop being a low IQ fuck, you decide to beg for free gibs with the only thing that you contribute to help yourself and current position, being your 0.0000001% voting weight for a political party.

Fucking pathetic. Im not poor by the way. I have unironically made it thanks to the crypto boom and contracting as a developer all through 2017.

Also what >>10694543 said. Take this bullshit socialism shilling to /pol/. Ive seen like a dozen of these threads in the past few days alone.

>> No.10694661

nice strawman faggot now kys you illiterate piece of trash

>> No.10694682

Moldbug is a Jew who blames Calvinists for Western degeneracy rather than Jews.

>> No.10694686

I earn six figures a year and help run a small business. your argument is invalid. project less and come up with some actual pints instead of just creating a strawman

>> No.10694697

>get a degree in business
>create a solid busniess plan
>get a loan for your business from any mainstream bank

wew lad that was hard. It's not like banks are against people making businesses.
They will help you all along the way because ultimately, your success ends up being their success as well.

>> No.10694734

>jews who fuck over the entire economy and shelter billions overseas, destroying the middle class and putting more pressure on the average tax payers are heroes of capitalism and should be looked up to as idols
>the average Joe who is sick of being exploited and seeing these billionaire jews get away with everything under the sun is a dirty filthy commie
I really don't understand the thought process someone goes through to arrive at this conclusion

>> No.10694754

>what does [google] contribute to society? nothing.
fucking delusional. how the fuck can someone write this unironically.

>> No.10694761

dude, you're fucking joke, and so is your shill group
we're on /biz/ - business and finance

1. All discussion should pertain to business, finance, and economics related topics. This includes financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), and commodities—as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.
2. All political discussion belongs in /pol/. Conspiracy theories belong in /x/.

>> No.10694775


Actually, everyone selfishly pursuing their own ends at the expense of everyone else is the object of capitalism according to you types. But somehow it all works out great for everyone in the end! At least if you’re rich or a corporation

>> No.10694783

Litterally this. People argue about taxes but not about spending... WHAT!??!?!

People on both sides of the arguments are retarded because everything is fucked up.

>> No.10694796
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>get a loan and venture capital
>sign away all your rights in order to procure capital
>work for years to make sure your business succeeds
>all the profits end up going to someone else whose only relevant skill was owning money
>capicucks will defend this

>> No.10694799


Lmao calm down. Taxation pertains to business and finance.

>muh Internet shill conspiracy is invading muh safe space on the Internet!

>> No.10694825
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Holy shit, get a grip lmao

>> No.10694856

well its not such an insight considering the amount of early commies/socialists that were priests in the xix century. They basically took the bible, replaced god with the state and launched the commie manifesto

>> No.10694891

>At least if you’re rich or a corporation
A significant amount of the major tech coorporations nowadays started in fucking garages. Just stfu. If you live in a 1st world country there is very little stopping you from /makingit/. The only real barrier is getting the initial captial which can be done via >>10694697
Even if you don't want to get a loan, a good backend for a site set up with a cluster of servers shouldnt cost any more than $200 a month. I can think of a dozen online businesses in crypto alone that would let you make it.

>everyone selfishly pursuing their own ends at the expense of everyone else
Where did I say this? Most coorporations make money by making your lives easier and providing you with a service that helps push society forward. Not everyone is against you and trying to make your life worse. They just want your money. And you can choose to give it to them based on whether or not you like their service.

>> No.10694896

of course, so does christianity

>> No.10694929
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> Most coorporations make money by making your lives easier and providing you with a service that helps push society forward.

Oh sweetie

>> No.10694949

then he was kinda bluepilled, but probably still a good thinker. Very few jews have blamed their own kind

>> No.10694969

ofc, it all goes back to babylon if you want to trace the line of reasoning through history. it's just that moldbug curated a body of work that speaks well to the contemporary mind, and gives you a lot of leads for further research

>> No.10695019

>hngggg one quote from the 1930's goes against this
I said "most" btw not "all". Of course there will be the few that try to scam and fuck over others to get money instead. But that is not the norm.

Look at the largest coorporations today and honestly tell me that majority of them dont deserve to be where they are.
literally revolutionised the way we use the internet giving us instant access to an amount of knowledge that would have been previously inconceivable two generations ago.

was gunna list some more but i cba to write out summaries of the obvious. Just think about it objectively. And now think, if Sergey Brin and Larry Page knew that if they created google and 90% of the profits where going to be taken away from them if it ever took off, would they have pursued it? I think not...

>> No.10695108



It’s not just one company; it’s all of them. It’s been going on for over a century and they are essentially using the same tools psychologists use to manipulate you to consume. I highly suggest you watch or read the link and understand just how cancerous and artificial consumerism is. Fidget Spinners do not advance society in any way. Neither does €1000 Jordan’s or iPhones. Most economic activity today is pointless consumer goods- household consumption is 70% of us gdp

>> No.10695121

Step 1: eliminate welfare
Step 2: tax corporations at 50%
Step 3: eliminate state schooling and limit state funding for schools to the city level
Step 4: each citizen upon turning 18 is given 30k to live off of
Step 4: provide increased funding to hospitals and medical institutions, while still keeping them private.
Step 5: eliminate all forms of insurance, and transition payments of debt to the bank into taxes, while making all banks federal

>> No.10695184
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you are literally a fucking coordinated ideology shilling group
that thread on /pol/ that i linked to is a great example of how pathetic and hated you have come to be on this website, simply through people coming to their own conclusions
literally punishing people who best produce wealth by stealing their money

>> No.10695242

we are discussing the economy

calm down retard. this isn't some conspiracy, anons aren't paid shills. you have a mental illness or something bro, seriously.
either that or you are a kike baker puppet shifting the heat onto the average Joe who wants power back in the hands of the American people and not Israeli dual citizens.

>> No.10695275
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>he thinks tax rates = tax revenue

>> No.10695306

>A significant amount of the major tech coorporations nowadays started in fucking garages

survivalist bias
No one tells about millions of 'garage stories' that resulted in failure and bankruptcy, but everyone is focused on a few outliers. What is worse some extremely narrow-minded people actually think that starting from a garage is the right and necessary element of success.

>If you live in a 1st world country there is very little stopping you from /makingit/

Except of being born in a poor family. And having a health condition. And having bad environment/neighborhood around. And the necessity to be extremely lucky to to get injured working shit jobs before /makingit/. And not being caught in a major economic crisis when you (and everyone around you) lose your job. Or not even a crisis, but a slight change in market trends when entire industries go bust because owners decide that it's more profitable to just ship jobs abroad.
But yes, apart from all that - it's a real ez life and pure bonanza.

>I can think of a dozen online businesses in crypto alone

Sure, like bitconeeeect and dozens of other 'crypto projects' + probably hundreds who will follow suit soon. Most of these "get rich quick" vaporware "crypto ventures" are pure scam schemes and nothing else

>Most coorporations make money by making your lives easier

Like FB that sells your data without your consent or Google that monitors your movement even when you don't allow it in settings of your Android device. Or AMD/Intel that have hardware built-in backdoors, which makes your PC vulnerable.
Or, let's say, Enron that triples your power bill.
Or investment banks that gamble on derivatives and get bailed out by the government purely because of "being too big too fail".
The list goes on.

Corporations DO NOT make your lives easier. Technological progress does (while making it harder at the same time). Corporations just capitalize on that. And don't tell me about 'muh R&D'. The customer pays for it.

>> No.10695308

Fuckin A Anon,
Can you tell me about 'the grace commission' & how it does not relate to /biz/?

>> No.10695345

Because they guys making $250k can afford tax lawyers and you can't, and they're going to find a way to make you foot the bill.

It's a known fact that the USA can't actually provide decent services no matter how much tax revenue they receive. So it's objectively better to keep as much of your own money as possible and buy the shit that you need.

>> No.10695480

>shits on everything and everyone
so what are your convictions? a radical centrist?

>> No.10695556

When governments overtax the rich they simply move to a different part of the world. This means they are forced to overtax you as well because they assume the rich won't try to stay rich and already spent their money.

>> No.10695625

>Republicans are rich
>the government will give their money to me
>corporations and CEO s are the problem

10/10 bait

>> No.10695786
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Corporations and ceos are the problem. Both sides of the aisle agree on this; they just differ on the solution.

>> No.10695797

Taxation is theft. Burn the feds

>> No.10695827


Go live in Somalia

>> No.10695857

taxation itself is appropriate but a flat, unwavering percentage across all income amounts should be the norm. taxing rich people a higher percentage is fucking retarded. it's punishing people for thriving and being successful.

>> No.10696075

exploitation of the average Joe is required for those people to succeed
when your grandmother is forced onto Walmart bucks and food stamps instead of earning a proper livable wage just so the board of directors can give themselves larger bonuses at the end of the year, do they really deserve to only be taxed 30% of their income when 98% of it comes from the pockets of the backbone of the company?

>> No.10696105

Taxation pays for roads and fire departments, fuckwit.

>> No.10696124

You shouldn't really care. Also, the "taxation is theft" people are fucking retards, please don't listen to them. Find me a functioning society that doesn't have some kind of taxation to support military, critical infrastructure and social welfare programs.

>> No.10696220

Move to somewhere ungovernable then. The Amazon rainforest, or some tribe in Papua New Guinea. You didn’t have a choice being born where you were but it’s a land that has afforded you all sorts of privileges because of the government in charge. Save up for that plane ticket and leave.

>> No.10696235
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>new car tires
Rims? This is a racist dog whistle sir!!!

>> No.10696253

so we should punish the guy who works his ass off in high school, goes into $200K student debt to attend a good college and grad school at a top program, works his ass off in academia for 8+ years, gets out, and lands a high-paying job after sacrificing basically a decade of his life to do it? that's completely unfair and flagrant to the most underlying narrative of this country. either create tax system in which only the people who have profited unfairly from the system get taxed higher or keep the taxes equally distributed in percentage across incomes. you can't just set some arbitrary income and everyone above it pays more just because a few of those people got to that level off the backs of others

>> No.10696269

Oddly I believe it's both, we're taxed too much and (some of) the rich get away with not paying enough. I'm not talking about the guy who makes 6 figures and pays 50% when you add federal, payroll, and state tax.

>> No.10696294
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>what justification does amazon or Google or apple have for paying such little corporate tax? what do they put back into the economy, what do they contribute to society? nothing
>t. zoomer brainlet who wasn't around before those corporations existed

>> No.10696307

No one forced them to go 200k into debt. Personal responsibility only applies to low income people, amirite?

>> No.10696333

Because once you make 80k you’ll start getting fucked. The tax burden always comes back to bite the middle class primarily, the rich can hide their money while the poor just live like leeches.

Don’t trust any more state power anon. They’re already bigger than ever. What comes next? The destruction of the middle class that Democrats have yearned for to finally get a majority poor and hooked on their vote.

>> No.10696367


Taxation is set up to based on income whereas accredited investor status is based on asset wealth.

Incremental aren't a tax on the rich, it's a tax on anyone who tries to escape their birth class.

>> No.10696371

This, and unfortunately there's no way to audit everyone to apply a tax that's "fair". So until that happens this debate will never end

>> No.10696373

god you're dumb. the most elementary fucking part of all this is that you go into debt because you will earn more after school. otherwise no one ever would do it shithead.
if, while you're in school, your government decides to tax your future (((income bracket))) so hard that going to school was no better off than remaining in the middle class, do you think that's remotely fair?

>> No.10696375

>muh kike bankers and board members are just hard working small town folks!
Nope. Try again.
I was around before they existed so I'm aware of the destruction of personal privacy in the name of profit tyvm
Or do you think Google and Facebook using your browsing habits to create a marketing profile and force advertisements down your throat is morally just?

>> No.10696403


Which makes a progressive system demotivational and ultimately harmful for industry and the society at large. We need everyone vying to rake in $250k+ to keep productivity high.

Look at Europe and it’s shitstain slowing productivity thanks to their absurd taxes, and that’s best case scenario since they were wealthy to start and applied a nanny state post facto.

>> No.10696425

moreover how in the fuck is that an example of failing to take personal responsibility? on the one hand you think poor people are getting kiked by means beyond their personal responsibility, and on the other hand you say rich people getting kiked by the exact same system should have exercised responsibility. fucking incredible.

these are the guys who genuinely think they will make it in crypto

>> No.10696476

>the ghettos are filled with hardworking people of high character who are simply oppressed by the system, that's why daquan deserves your money to buy some new jordans you nazi
works both ways faggot

and don't change your argument after the fact. you said google, amazon, and apple contribute nothing to society. that's an absolutely ridiculous claim that has nothing to do with internet privacy

>> No.10696475

if multinationals were taxed correctly instead of having their senate buddies let them jump through every loophole available, that person wouldn't have to go a quarter of a million dollars into debt to become a doctor... really makes you think eyy

>> No.10696499

You argue like a woman, all feelings, 0 data-based arguments

>> No.10696609

I never once said itt that the money that should be taken from mega corps should be given to dole bludgers
it should go into infrastructure and public services and to give a tax break to lower and middle class citizens

I pay 30% income tax, I have to beg to get a measly couple grand back each year. when I work overtime I get taxed 50% instead of 30%
Google keeps 100 billion stored offshore doing nothing because they don't want to pay the corporate tax rate in the US
Apple paid only 85m out of their 8b revenue in my country.

how does that sit with you?

>> No.10696619

non argument try again kike boot licker

>> No.10696657


But lower corporate tax means they repatriate this shit and we actually keep some of it. It also attracts new business. It also helps spur R&D and economic growth which helps us all.

Income tax only hurts you, the middle class worker. And ideally yes, “it goes straight to those who need it most.” In all practicality it funds an ever growing bloat of useless bureaucracy, pork, potheads and single moms. Did you know women as a collective pay literally no income tax at all? As in they receive more than they pay in. You’re a slave my man and you’ve been duped to hate the wrong thing

>> No.10696727

no no and no
the money goes into the pockets of the board members
the "lower tax rate on corporations means they will put the money saved into the pockets of their workers and back into the economy" has been proven to be factually incorrect so many times

keep kissing kike ass though, maybe one day you'll become a millionaire out of nothing and your adamant support of a broken system will then be to your advantage. until that day you'll stay a broken man whose attempts to lift yourself out of the lower class (there is no middle class anymore) is shut down at every opportunity by government legislation put in place by kike lobbyists to serve the interests of rich kikes and rich kikes alone

get woke kiddo

>> No.10696773


>I recite literal big state tier propaganda about “muh mean old trickle down” and fail to conceptualize the fundamental mechanisms which drive greater economic growth like supply side and capital in the hands of business
>the answer is to give more poor women and niggers mall money while increasing the scope and depth of an already bloated federal bureaucracy!!
>I ignore the continual march of class stratification in this country because statists and Democrats have successfully been globalizing the economy and pumping the gibs

It’s the monopoly man!! Simple faggot

>> No.10696807

Because that money doesn't go to you lmao. It goes
1.first into the pockets of rich jews
2.then into already overinflated government agencies/budgets
3.given to people poorer than you

>> No.10696831

once again, I never said that the money should go to dole bludgers
I suggest you come up with a real argument instead of trying to strawman tyvm

also you never answered my question..
do you think it is right that Apple (a company that uses slave labor) pays only 1% tax on their revenue while a hard working average Joe is subjected to being pushed into the 50% bracket because he needed to do some overtime leading up to his child's birthday or xmas etc?

>> No.10696844

yes the entire system is broken and needs to be rebuilt from the ground up but of course kike boot lickers will disagree because they've been brainwashed to support their kike overlords

>> No.10696858


Your ideals don’t fucking matter. This has been the fate of every big state ever, it’s a self-feeding loop of bullshit because the State is the most powerful entity on the planet and can self enrich and empower at will. What you “want” to happen means all of shit, politics are more damage control than anything my friend.

And guess which party is the damage? That’s right, the party that 90% of niggers, 70% of women, and 75% of Jews vote for. The statist gibsy anti-middle class anti-tradition anti-American fuckheads

>> No.10696868

Show us where President Trump said that.

>> No.10696889

you are trying to make this an argument of left vs right instead of actually forming a proper response to my posts. pathetic. I don't subscribe to your basic bitch tier two party political system, kys kike boot licking SCUM

>> No.10696907


I made an argument, you meme’d, and now you look foolish. Taking about Jews when you are the kike, lmao

>> No.10696932

no you've attempted to strawman and that's pretty much it

also you still haven't answered my question.
why should a company that uses 3rd world slave labor to build and sell overpriced consumer electronics to the 1st world only pay 1% tax on their revenue while a hard working average Joe pays over 30%?

>> No.10696957


Ask your kike ass Democrat and neocon controlled opposition which globalized the fuck out of our trade the past 40 years and made such a system feasible

We would still have manufacturing jobs here otherwise and all revenue and tax would stem domestically

>> No.10696963

taxing capital is a bad idea.
it is the rich that have money to invest and risk on capitalism.
Try not to personalize capital. The world needs more and more capital in order for the economy to grow and provide livelihoods for the people. So there will be more and more rich people, over time. You might be one of them, someday.

>> No.10696978

yes we are in agreement the current state of government is bad and mega corps are evil
now let's get in agreement with the middle class worker being held down by the government baddies and evil mega corp kikes

>> No.10697337

that's the argument that you walked into though. i am saying that if the left wing has its way in America, the money taken from mega corps WILL be given to dole bludgers and WILL NOT go to infrastructure and public services for white people.

>> No.10697413

you are arguing in a vacuum that does not fucking apply to a place like late 2010s America. none of your talking points are more important than making sure western (white) culture does not collapse in 50 years due to leftism. that's the way almost all of us on /biz/ think. that's why almost all of us will vote right, it's the lesser of two evils by far.

>> No.10697469

if have personally seen what happens when white people become a minority in an american city. the city goes to absolute fucking hell, infrastructure and all the shit you bang on about gets totally neglected, it becomes dangerous to walk around your neighborhood at night, people you know are murdered almost every year. that is very much the reality we are facing long term in America.

>> No.10697482

Income tax is actually against the constitution and was pushed through illegally by the banks.

>> No.10697560
File: 264 KB, 371x382, 658746548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>corporation save billions
>I get $30 more per paycheck

Where in the world are American CEO's going to move to? Who has a lower income tax? Some Eastern European shithole?

>> No.10697582

then tax apple Google and Amazon more and strengthen those borders son
or put the money into social programs to reverse the half century of calculated destruction of the black population for the purpose of creating a class of welfare dependants who have nowhere else to turn but crime

>> No.10697741

I actually make 120k a year working at a growing company, up 25k+ this year on the stock market.

Its all a lie, tricks and fear tactics.
Homo's gonna get you
Mexicans gonna get you
Isis gonna get you
Obama gonna take ur guns
The moochers and the takers are keeping you down.

Fear tactics designed by conservative politicians in order to get stupid people to vote for tax cuts for millionaires.

Making as much money as i do is proof to me that im not doing anything with this money except putting it int he market an dmaking more and putting it in the bank..
thats why all new money is going directly to the billionaires.
Now personally, i want to get taxed much more so my uncle who busts his ass off i construction can have a decent life..

But it wont happen anytime soon, the country is too dumb.

>> No.10697811

When they say "tax the rich" what they really mean is "tax the shit out of everyone who is not on welfare".

Look at the tax rates and cost of living (bad regulations) in California and ponder how things could get this way in such a liberal state that supposedly cares about the lower classes.

>> No.10697820

>advocating against the very principle of business and arguing that the sectors of the economy that service anything but basic needs are "pointless" belongs on the same board that people should go to when they want to discuss active businesses, currencies, finances, and markets
all of this SHIT is highly politics-based
this is like going to a board that is centered around the discussion of aquariums and pet fish, and then starting a thread to argue that aquariums and fish are wasteful or cruel

you're telling americans, in a country that was founded and THRIVED LIKE NOTHING ELSE BEFORE OR SINCE on the principles of minimal government involvement in its citizen's lives and no-to-low taxation that they are wrong about what they want, and in the case of two of you, you're saying that they should leave their own country because they want to protect and re-establish the liberties that their forefathers went through decades and decades of wars and hell to secure and hand onto future generations
i'm at a loss for words
this is why everybody hates you
it's why you get immediately shut down whenever you try your brand of manipulative bullshit on /pol/

>> No.10697899

>poltards make threads about stupid black people and roasties and kikes and "how to profit off sjw drama #56171"
>this is perfectly fine
but when well adjusted members of society want to talk about mega corporations bleeding the nation dry and hiding all their revenue offshore we are suddenly kike shills pushing an agenda and trying to manipulate people.. delusional poltard

>immediately shut down
a dozen basement dwelling neets screaming "ree kys you commie sjw faggot!" is not being shut down Lmao

>> No.10697924


Go back to /pol/ faggot

>taxes are LITERALLY communism reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.10698224

they're on welfare ffs. they literally get money to do nothing. they have every fucking excuse NOT to turn to crime. look at what they spend their money on. it's a cultural thing. the only actual solution would be totally destroying their culture and raising them among whites by force. separating them all and putting some tiny percent into the white population of each place and forcing them to integrate. which will never fucking happen in a million years

>> No.10698420

Cause taxes will be raised on you too
There will never be a situation in which the taxes go up for ONLY the rich as the M.O. is take as much money as possible to fund social redistribution that was set up purposely underfunded so they could justify raising taxes
And thanks to corporations owning both parties you can bet there will be 1000 different write offs rich individuals get access to that the average Joe doesn't. Did you see how hard Obama "stuck" to to the largest Corps by flat out writing them a fucking check in direct welfare? Did you see how their corporate taxed raised 5%, but included language to write off up to 10% for charities and scholarships they were already doing for PR.
You will never tax corps under a Dem leadership. You can appear to, but it will only be hollow jesters that get undone every refund season. Under Rep the only difference is instead of underhandedly cutting their taxes and bailing them out while fucking you over, they openly cut their taxes and maybe give you a few shekles for being a good goy.
You're trying to smother fire with gasoline.

>> No.10698516


>You guys complain about corporations and the rich ruining the country and then you cuck to them.

They think they'll be one of them soon. 90% of muricans even on this board think they'll be rich af one day, any day now! Anything is possible you know! Literally temporarily embarrassed millionaires lol.

>> No.10698585

what you are referring to is forced assimilation and it failed horribly in australia, only further sent black cunt culture down the hole.

>> No.10698704

Cost of living is high in Cali because everyone wants to live there.

>> No.10698706

Singapore atm

>> No.10698763

you don't have to. but when politicians, particularly those on the left, talk about taxing the rich, especially to fund some grand, centralized scheme of theirs, they're talking about you, the middle class.

>> No.10698970

>1% tax on their revenue
Don't tax revenue only tax profit. Taxing revenue makes low volume production unfeasible.

>> No.10699078
File: 275 KB, 1029x1000, 1534107487403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this retard thinks leaving the USA means you dont need to pay taxes to the USA anymore

sorry kiddo but you gotta pay up, daddy needs his retirement