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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 106 KB, 958x849, nanohodlr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10691384 No.10691384 [Reply] [Original]

*breathes in*


This is how I know we're close to a bottom.

>> No.10691410

good soon all these faggots are out

>> No.10691416

He sold. Incoming 300% pump

>> No.10691424

When this channel closes, that's my buy signal


>> No.10691470
File: 320 KB, 808x805, 1508375620676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sooner these brainless, ball-less dipshits liquidate their life savings the sooner we can make our return trip to the top.

>> No.10691513

>being glad normies are selling and never want to come back.

You literally hate money

>> No.10691519

Holy shit I am so comfy right now. Going buy my 32ETH for cheap.

>> No.10691545

Oh they'll be back. Buy high sell low isn't just a /biz/ meme it's a way of life for greedy retards

>> No.10691561

But if they all quit and will never be back how will we return to ATH?

>> No.10691567

Delusion still strong

>> No.10691576

>uses avatar pic of his R8.
>goes all into nano.
never gonna make it.

>> No.10691605

we wont. Idk how >>10691545
thinks they'll come back automatically. There are tons of things that had bubbles that eventually popped and never recovered. Thinking crypto is "special" and doesnt need mainstream support is just ignorant.

>> No.10691646

Commercial adoption. The crypto meme is just getting started in the business world.

>> No.10691651

Normies have $7 between all of them. If the actual money wants us to go down, we will, if they want to go up, we'll go up, they're the most patient people in this game.

>> No.10691849

You’re right bro crypto is going to 0 SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL

>> No.10692003

>third one from the bottom
how are people so fucking stupid? How does this have 280 retweets?

>> No.10692086

People like this are crashing the market, if everyone just dont sell at a loss the dump will stop u fucking retards, herdthinking u fucking morons, global unintential intentional market manipulation

>> No.10692117

They're idiots.....but saying that I need those idiots to buy low so I get richer. So good on them.

>> No.10692427

idiot lol normies are like .5% of the market. real money is at retail investors, hedge funds and institutions

>> No.10692487

>not realising millions of zoomers grow old enough to understand investing every month

Heh, it's a cycle of pain