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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10682525 No.10682525 [Reply] [Original]

who unironically thinking about suicide here?

>> No.10682562
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Fudging incels me swear

>> No.10682592

I joke about it which supposedly means I am suicidal.

>> No.10682604

I was thinking about it before crypto

>> No.10682617

No more than usual, anon

>> No.10682624


>> No.10682630


I want to die but I'm afraid of the pain. I wish I just wouldn't wake up in the morning.

>> No.10682633



but yeah, i'm mostly thinking about having to work til I'm 70 now.

>> No.10682636

I made back my initial investment a while ago. I wish BTC wouldn't crash but I wouldn't be too mad if it did.

>> No.10682679


>> No.10682926

Life has felt so pointless since I came down hard from a MDMA+shrooms trip last year. I'll kms in a heartbeat if something major happens. Like me losing my career or getting busted for a major crime (drugs, taxes, etc.)

>> No.10683034

I was thinking about trying mdma and shrooms soon. So you would recommend against it? I dont want to become suicidal

>> No.10683055

Do them separately until you're highly experienced

>> No.10683165

They're absolutely fine when done separately.
I've done MDMA and psychedelics several dozen times over the past 10 years. And I never had dark thoughts until that one comedown.

>> No.10683170

every hour, but sergey will save us they say

>> No.10683182

Unironically go fishing. You will feel better.

>> No.10683189




>> No.10683190
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i make that wish every night before bed

>> No.10683209

Boys, pull it together, we’re all going to make it.

>> No.10683278
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/suicide/ here from the other chan, please remember that a suicide attempt gone wrong can totally fuck your life up even worse. If you must do the deed, do it right... your best option is carfentanil (but fentanyl is easier to get now) is so deadly if you take a large enough dose that unless someone can administer multiple doses of Narcam immediately (no the paramedics won't get to you in time) you die peacefully in complete bliss. If you can only get fentanyl, get the patches and stuff one in your mouth and the others on your arms and legs.

Painfree and works 100% of the time.

>> No.10683284

What I want to know is:
How come everybody talking like they black now?
It's weird how it just like crept up in the last year or so, first with "memes", and then now suddenly that's just how everyone talks.

>> No.10683337

It is really fucking annoying. Niggers are just garbage people. The only people who don't hate them are either jungle-bunnies themselves or have lived a very sheltered life.

>> No.10683372

No, that's not really what I meant at all. But thanks for your input.

>> No.10683401

>cashed out at 18k
>wonder whats happening in /biz/

>> No.10683407
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Almost did it last night, chickened out at the last second

>> No.10683426

Fuck niggers. They think the world owes them shit. They’re literally a disgrace and a cancer to society. Without them we’d have a much more peaceful world.

>> No.10683453

>How come everybody talking like they black now?
>It's weird how it just like crept up in the last year or so

Where? Here or IRL? It's been that way IRL for a long time now

>> No.10683458

I would probably go for the helium mask though

>> No.10683471

It's odd, I was a month ago, but now that I'm at 50% of that amount I just feel zen about it. Easy come, easy go. No suicide for me.

>> No.10683475
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>> No.10683486
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>No suicide for me.

>> No.10683493

modern business culture in general is very niggerized
grind / hustle etc

>> No.10683495

I am, but not because crypto is down with respect to fiat.
I really want to kill myself because I finally realized that I am a slave to the United States of America corporation, and I will pay taxes on every paycheck I ever get, every item I ever purchase, and every dollar I hold in my bank account.

I am a debt slave.

>> No.10683507

Considered this but personally the mental implications of acquiring all the materials to build said mask and then putting it on my head would make me rethink the whole thing desu.

>> No.10683512

I guess I mostly mean like meme pictures that people post on facebook or whatever. All of a sudden they're all in ebonics. I don't know. Fuck /pol/ tho.

>> No.10683528

The OP is a perfect example of what I mean.

>> No.10683545

Bricks goin in, bricks goin out
Made a hundred thou
In my trap house

>> No.10683569

Go out as a /pol/ martyr

>> No.10683634

Why are Americans so melodramatic?

>> No.10683653

Me. But not for anything to do with crypto

>> No.10683687
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Im gonna have dinner first but ya im doing it

>> No.10683710

You try being mutated at birth, indoctrinated for 13 years in a government prison camp, and then forced to spend the rest of your life as a wage slave, and no matter where you go in the world, your wealth will be stolen from you by your government. Even if you move to a completely different country, you will still have to pay taxes to the United States Corperation of America.

>> No.10683730

I've no clue. I am over here seeing free money everywhere. If you can't make it in America then you kinda suck at life

>> No.10683739
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>committing suicide

how pathetic

>> No.10683751


If you do it make sure it's a mass shooting get in a shoot out with cops and blow your brains out. Make sure to scream at your victims I'm doing this for the lulz! Praise kek! Deus vult!

Also you're all liars, it's because of the crypto crash now you all want to die. Just make sure to go out in style.

>> No.10683808

Most Americans are bored too death. Life is too easy, and more money is the only pursuit for most people

>> No.10683817

>I am a victim
You're a fucking faggot, dude

>> No.10683824

Because for the first time since 1776 (and probably way before as well) is a generation going to be worse off than their parents and grandparents.

>> No.10683844

too much TV

>> No.10683850
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DOnt do IT, op

>> No.10683867


>that zoomer who went all in on crypto
>that boomer who bought 10k of crypto at the top at lost 90% of it but had a 1m stock portfolio which is up 10% from a year ago

>> No.10683875

Its called comedy you asswipe

>> No.10684019

Don't do it.

>> No.10684048
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Know exactly what you're doing though, it's nowhere near as simple as that famous infographic that's been floating around for years. https://web.archive.org/web/20160224111455/https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Suicide/Suffocation

Take this from an ancientfag, be it /b/, /r9k/, w1z4rdc[-]an or any of these other places, the results of the "exit bag" end up the same way (while impossible to determine how many people did it successfully) everyone says that a fucking primal urge to live just kicks in and you tear that shit off your face like an angry cat in a plastic bag. Now, note, you don't actually feel any better... in fact you feel like an even bigger failure. The reason the community likes powerful piates like Carfentanil so much is because once you start, you literally can't fucking stop.

Unless you're "saved" within 2 minutes with up to thousands of dollars worth of naloxone (doesn't stop the OD) it'll just stabilize you to go to the hospital.

>> No.10684055

Seeing sub-100 IQ overconfident neets get rekt and justed all over the place is unironically the only thing worth staying alive for.

>> No.10684073

>ayoo why everyone be nigger and shit?
>fuk wypipo tho amirite
the answer is people like you, you moron
jews push both black culture and extremes like /pol/ (to discredit the opposition)
the majority of idiots think they're "moderate" as they embrace behavior in the middle of these two extremes, even though their behavior would be considered extreme by the standards of just 20 years ago
leaving free reign for further descent into idiocracy
"all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" - this quote was meant for WWII, but it defines the 21st century so far

>> No.10684110

I know what you mean. It’s because of memes and vine, I think. They’re relevant in culture to young people so it’s funny. Instead:
>this picture looks like us lmao!
>why dis us lmao

>> No.10684430

That's next level bro I hope you pull through

>> No.10684479

I successfully committed suiced several times before. Totally overrated.

>> No.10684514

This. Im suicidal and it has nothing to do with crypto

>> No.10684553

Grab the shotgun, and PUMP EET.

Kidding, seriously, don't kys.

>> No.10684656


Life is pointless though. Just have to make up your own points. Set goals and shit like that. We are all going to die anyway and its all pointless. Life's just a weird game, just keep playing for the fuck of it. Things change, nothing is ever the same forever. Tomorrow might be better.

>> No.10684756

Just keep moving forward. Working out helps especially running. Learn some shit you are passionate about and progress at it. Dont let the system get you down. If you want something you are going to have to fight for it. Punch life in the face with a fist full of flaming tornadoes!

>> No.10684838


>> No.10684873

>Punch life in the face with a fist full of flaming tornadoes!

Jesus man I don't say this often but you really need to go back.

>> No.10684911

haaaaaaaa take this mach 3 elbow!

>> No.10684969

Your grandpa's black.

If you say he's not, then you don't know.

>> No.10684978

Go back to /pol/,

>> No.10685001

Go back to /pol/:

>> No.10685021
File: 34 KB, 409x332, Karhu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit have you ever heard of something called SHORTING?!???!?!



turn 50 bucks into 50k

>> No.10685024

I am but too much of a pussy to actually go through with it.

>> No.10685026

Someone talking about suicide? Time to buy I guess

>> No.10685031

This. When you sit at the lake and that trout takes the bait you will forget all this shit and just experience the nature.

>> No.10685038

Because white people couldn't hold their monopoly on music/culture/wealth/media forever.

I'm glad

>> No.10685067

The mods need to delete suicide threads. Wtf has it got to do with business?

Hate to break this also to posters but google any suicide nde and people experienced a hell like place of torment.

>> No.10685097

My roommate my freshman year in college was from China.

He was happier than I've ever seen someone to be in the state of Texas.

I think everyone can find something about their individual experience, whether it's something you've experienced and grown through, or something about you that makes you you.

You can't discount that, and the future that you want to have is only not a possibility if you close that door.

Medication and counseling can help. It's helped me.

Now, I couldn't care less about having to wageslave if things don't work out. If crypto does it's job, our world as a whole will only grow from there.

>> No.10685102

Until you come back to reality, wageslaving and portfolio in a worse state than before. Honestly it's pointless.

How is doing any activity to make you 'feel better' different to a normie indulging in their various 'hobbies' for the weekend?

We are cursed with self awareness that happiness is so brief and sadness awaits the otherwise

What I want is contentness. God unironically help me...

>> No.10685126
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Dont do that guys. At least try opiates before. Its trully lifechanging. Own experience.

>> No.10685137

Fuck nazis and racists

>> No.10685139

IT can be a beautiful thing, when you have decided you want to rather die than live, you literally have nothing to lose, in a way you are more free now than you have ever been.


>> No.10685170

t. edgelord

>> No.10685173

Medicine has helped me at least feel like I'm not always on the edge, about to be set off at any time.

Running is a good activity that doesn't have to be douchy if you don't make it, and supposedly really helps with depression systems. I need to get back into it

>> No.10685178

Do a dry fast until you are on the brink of death, then you will appreciate life and everything that you have been given to you no matter how small it is.
You will then truly realize you don't need anything and start living a happy minimalist lifestyle until you die.

>> No.10685194

I believe that would be if I said:
"KYS: nazis and racists"
But I don't want that. I want them to examine the anger they're putting out and ask where it is originating.

>> No.10685242
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>> No.10685245

Fuck off subhuman negroid

>> No.10685255

Tell me with a straight face that rock music is any good.

I'll wait

>> No.10685275

>implying there is such thing as objectively good music
Musical preference varies from individual to individual,I just told you to fuck off

>> No.10685292

Sorry, that was uncalled for, but why you gotta say anything about race?

Are you worried that if African-American's had equal access to education they'd gradually close the gap in wages?

I don't want to say something mean to you, just something mean to the cancerous(kills itself eventually) ideology you are spouting on this board that, like crypto, represents economic equality for all.

>> No.10685335

I do not "hate" niggers, just as you(probably) do not hate any other animal. I am also not actually worried about whatever impact they make to society, I really just find them disgusting and cant stand being around them(not like that really happens, since I live in an almost white only country).

>> No.10685399

Noted. If you don't do anything bad on that feeling, then you could be plausibly non-racist, but I think unless you consider how that feeling effects your experience and the way you treat others then it might be easier for you to do something that you see as harmless but someone else who doesn't share in your feeling would see as hurtful.

I don't want to hurt people.

>> No.10685460

Don't do it

>> No.10685475

I don't see someone using an n-bomb as hurtful as someone who may be treated differently just because of the color of their skin.

I haven't lived through their experiences, but I at least try to listen to any information/stories I can get, and try to view it through a subjective lens to try to help guide me in the future.

>> No.10685500

Wreckless behavior will lead to a more miserable life no you do not become free by being on the vergenof suicide

You will make things worse you can get sick or go to prison or horrible shit

>> No.10685506

I'll fuck off now.

If anyone on here needs help, don't be afraid to ask for it. We're all a part of this weird family called life, and some people who have come from dark places find meaning in helping other people in theirs.

>> No.10685530

The bible says were all evil so even implying youre here to help is a contradiction nobody has totally 100% pure intentions

>> No.10685573

kys mentally ill faggot

>> No.10685639

don't do it op
come to jesus.
Hell exists but it is not forever. Nevertheless I don't want you to go there. In the end God will be all in all. Everyone will be with God.

1 Timothy 4:9-11 New International Version (NIV)
9 This is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance. 10 That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe.

11 Command and teach these things.

Click the links to learn more.

>> No.10685690

Nah, I sold my main investment when things went from bad to worse in January and left all my gains from the last year to slowly burn down. The only regret I have is not selling TPAY when it was high but I'm still in the green on that one.
It sucks but I've never intended to have cryptos as my main source of income.

>> No.10685762

At least i'm not afraid to say who I am, and what I don't like about myself.

Project your anger inside in a positive way, if you can, and it'll go a long way.

Medicine may help. It's helping me confront my problems

>> No.10685819

How can one person be this cringy, holy shit.

>> No.10685848

>he hasn't got a lethal dose of Nembutal plus an anti-emetic stored in his safe

>> No.10686191
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Some days it's sunny, some days it rains; it can't rain every day. Hang in there and buy some chainlink.

>> No.10686244

I've only ever felt suicidal once in my life, that was when I felt like everything I had worked towards for a decade was about to be taken away from me. What got me through that rough patch was the hope of recovery and focusing on daily tasks.

Shit like this happens to everyone, the best thing to do is tough it out and not give in to a world that is trying to destroy you.

>> No.10686325

Before killing self, since there is nothing left to lose:
- Do heroin
- rape roastie
- rob a bank
- kill some jews
Then you'll have my permission to die.

>> No.10686466
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meh heroin can be done in a way where the addiction is pretty stable so it's not really a suicide thing but definitely better to be an addict with a stable addiction than killing yourself

ive never done drugs tho

>> No.10686473
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you forgot

>do dmt

good for you man just be careful and dont be self destructive.. you can do it stably

>> No.10686483


+1 mushrooms

Don't die without doing them.

>> No.10686639
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if you're going to exit bag don't end up like this guy.

>> No.10686864
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>> No.10686890
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>> No.10686961

>blew 50k inheritance on this shit
just kill me

>> No.10687000


>> No.10687140
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Everyone who bought in january.